Debt Rattle September 15 2022
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- This topic has 44 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by D Benton Smith.
September 15, 2022 at 8:49 am #115952Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Salvador Dali Neo-Cubist Academy (Composition with Three Figures) 1926 • Moscow Outlines ‘Diabolical’ Plan By Washington (RT) • “Prologue To Th
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 15 2022]September 15, 2022 at 9:51 am #115954AfewknowthetruthParticipantThe energy ‘transition’ graphic and text are spot on.
We are ‘transitioning’ from having adequate industrially-distributed energy to having no industrially-distributed energy, i.e. fourteenth-century-style living arrangements. Been saying that for about 20 years.
It is not what people want to hear. Hence they continue to believe the lies churned out by politicians and business ‘leaders’.
The Earth supported around 700 million people before industrial agriculture and fossil-fuel-powered transport systems facilitated a population overshoot of around 7 billion.
In 1958 Admiral Rickover suggested ‘advanced’ societies plan a transition away from finite (and rapidly depleting) fossil fuels.
It was not what people wanted to hear.
And it certainly was not what industrialists, bankers, ‘economists’ and politicians wanted to hear.
So now, 64 years later, industrialists, bankers, ‘economists’ and politicians have only total fraud and total deceit to offer the lied-to and deluded masses.
September 15, 2022 at 10:01 am #115955AfewknowthetruthParticipantIt might be a good time to remind people of this gem from 40 years ago:
‘Now, warning lights are flashing down at quality control
Somebody threw a spanner, they threw him in the hole
There’s rumors in the loading bay and anger in the town
Somebody blew the whistle, and the walls came down
There’s a meetin’ in the boardroom, they’re tryin’ to trace the smell
There’s a leakin’ in the washroom, there’s a sneak-in personnel
Somewhere in the corridors someone was heard to sneeze
Goodness me, could this be industrial disease?Caretaker was crucified for sleeping at his post
Refusing to be pacified, it’s him they blame the most
Watchdog got rabies, the foreman got the fleas
Everyone concerned about industrial disease
There’s panic on the switchboard, tongues in knots
Some come out in sympathy, some come out in spots
Some blame the management, some the employees
Everybody knows it’s the industrial diseaseYeah, now the work force is disgusted, downs tools, walks
Innocence is injured, experience just talks
Everyone seeks damages, everyone agrees that
These are classic symptoms of a monetary squeeze
On ITV and BBC they talk about the curse
Philosophy is useless, theology is worse
History boils over, there’s an economics freeze
Sociologists invent words that mean “industrial disease”Doctor Parkinson declared, “I’m not surprised to see you here
You’ve got smokers cough from smoking, brewer’s droop from drinking beer
I don’t know how you came to get the Bette Davis knees
But worst of all young man, you’ve got industrial disease”
He wrote me a prescription, he said, “You are depressed
But I’m glad you came to see me to get this off your chest
Come back and see me later, next patient, please
Send in another victim of industrial disease”Ah! Splendid
Now, I go down to Speaker’s Corner, I’m thunderstruck
They got free speech tourists, police in trucks
Two men say they’re Jesus, one of them must be wrong
There’s a protest singer, he’s singing a protest song
He says, “They wanna have a war, keep their factories
They wanna have a war to keep us on our knees
They wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese
They wanna have a war to stop industrial disease
They’re pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
They wanna sap your energy, incarcerate your mind
Give ya “Rule Britannia”, gassy beer, page three
Two weeks in España and Sunday striptease”
Meanwhile, the first Jesus says “I’ll cure it soon
Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons”
The other one’s out on hunger strike, he’s dying by degrees
How come Jesus gets industrial disease?September 15, 2022 at 10:03 am #115956AfewknowthetruthParticipantSeptember 15, 2022 at 10:27 am #115957AfewknowthetruthParticipantAnyone who has not seen the following will find it fascinating because it demonstrates that many of the fears that have come to the fore in recent times were fears of the 1950s and 1960s; industrial warfare and a surveillance state in which dissent was not tolerated.
September 15, 2022 at 11:44 am #115958Dr. DParticipantSo they called the Gang of Eight into the Skif, intel to Congress direct from the CIA.
Russia says “Prologue to Third World War”: Kremlin Reacts to Security Guarantees for Ukraine”
So I guess Pelosi and Schumer want a third world war, more or less now, and avoid the elections. Yeah, pretty much in line with what I thought, one reason or another, any reason will do.
“Armenia Warns Allies Clashes Spiraling Toward War: Azerbaijan Has ‘Taken Territory’”
NATO proxies, spreading the war. Oh and btw, since they’re down to sheep farmers, trained 4 weeks, NATO commanders are inside and running the war as well. It appears HIMAR was shelling the Zap nuke plant, which is directly and exclusively controlled by the U.S. Let me put that another way:
The United States is officially shelling a live and running nuclear power plant last week with high-tech, long-range weapons.
But Charles wants his shoelaces ironed, so no time for that on the front page.
Meanwhile if nuking Europe and starting two wars doesn’t work, war at home:
“Dem Rep. Says “We Gotta Kill” MAGA “Extremists”
Do we now? I thought we had judicial process and a rule of law. (P.S. top funders of MAGA candidates is the DNC. Should they attack themselves? They are funding extremists. Maybe the top funder.)
“US Considers Sanctions on China to Deter Taiwan Attack”
They definitely will if we get weak enough. Our sanctions already don’t mean anything, and when weaker would mean less. Rephrasing: so let me get this straight: we’re going to start a Civil War by shooting half the country, and China’s going to see us as super-strong and not weak and distracted at all.
Top of empire, top of mountain: you have to pick a path down. You can’t take all the paths, and you can’t take none of them. You have to choose one.
I have a bad feeling this week.
“Mysterious Increase in Deaths Seen across Europe”
By every Putin oil executive. Eight so far. What do you think he will do if NATO sends NATO planes, NATO pilots, bombs journalist daughters, and assassinate all leaders while they’re out living lives? Nothing? Just say “Oh well, I guess no one is safe in Russia now?” No, he’s going to tsunami NY harbor and deny it.
Knock it off.
“The real energy transition is a reduction in energy use. This will never happen VOLUNTARILY”
That essentially means it will happen VIOLENTLY. As in: Against their will.
“This is Washington’s diabolical plan to destroy what was previously called the common European space.”
Yes, it seems confirmed the CIA was in the room as the many meetings creating the EU took place. I have never completely understood this, but a project so large can’t be hidden and there are many factions and approaches. CIA center = a unified EU would be a better, cheaper balwark against the USSR…and much, much easier to control. Second tier: we can install a critical and fatal flaw into it by being in the room, then exploit it later or perhaps as extortion. Armstrong says they did this with united bonds, but also failing every referendum, completely anti-democratic, and unable to function on a constant unanimous treaty basis. Then we have Tier 2 transfers North to South. It’s a mess and they think adding fascism will make LESS resistance, not more. Whut?
If so, D.C. booked it right. Or more Luongo’s plan: not that #1 and #2 are wrong, but that sub factions know it’s Europe and “Davos” that is our real enemy, uniting Europe for yet another go at re-colonizing former colonies like us. …I mean more colonized than already, with the Queen tampering in our elections and choosing our Presidents. So these guys, having no power, could only tip tiny, tiny balances, make the EU go a little too far, make them a little too much, which adds up to being off balance and losing. Judo style.
So not that Moscow is wrong, and they don’t have all day to explain it, and it would be a top security risk if they revealed Moscow’s full knowledge of the matter. But this ties nicely into our White Hats and their as allies, trying to end the Empire and thus all dreams for world government. What did Trump say “The time for Globalists is over.”? Boom. Multipolar world? Boom. The future belongs to nations, nationalists? Who is Joe’s #1 enemy? Nationalists. In America. His own people. People who believe in law, limits, and government as written in our foundation. Now why is that if all the above is wrong?
“The people’s republics and Russia never had enough men to defend a 1,000 km-long frontline. NATO’s entire intel capabilities noticed – and profited from it.”
This is why “Land war in Asia” is different. There are never enough men, never can or will be. So Mongols sweep along the Steppes and push in and out huge territories. Okay, man to man, within sight and sound, 1,000km. How many men? 9,000 or so minimum, I guess. And 1,000km is only this part, area, not including back-end warehousing and supply. Yes, the idea for NATO was to pull the Russian army out of Russia and in here. There are not enough Russians as Ukraine is the size of 10 states, Michigan to Georgia, the size of France and Austria combined.
Okay, but the reverse is true: There are not enough Ukrainians to hold 1,000km either. That’s why “Land war in Asia” is different. Therefore Russia can gather forces and push them right back out again. So unlike our usual wars, what determines “winning” in wars on the open plains?
Escobar is on with Redacted, where NATO says “This is the largest offensive since the end of WWII”! Yes, they are almost certainly correct. What was that offensive? The Battle of the Bulge. Where Germany, depleted, lacking men, made a last, desperate all-in stand to punch a hole in the Allied lines and rout them. Sound familiar? Yeah, Nazis totally lost that time too.
So literally NATO is referring to losing, and losing using this exact same tactic. Because: Losing losers who lose. Zealots with no sense, and no history. Propaganda and lies.
As far as I can tell, Putin is correct. They don’t have to up to war status. Why bother? Things held and they have them surrounded with no supply lines and no operational trains.
Russia thinks in Land war in Asia terms, and their boring, methodical meat-grinder ways held with boring, methodical lack of panic, and now the lines Ukraine has to prosecute are 1,000km longer.
Let me get this straight: Ukraine didn’t have enough men to hold the front line and were falling back each day, but they have enough men to rush into a 300km vacuum and hold it when surrounded? Yes, this can work if you have limitless men behind you to throw into the hole you made, and limitless guns, jeeps, tanks, and limitless trains to move them. That’s what the Allies did in WWII where the U.S. could fill ships faster than Germany could make torpedoes to sink them. But Ukraine does NOT have that. NATO didn’t have it, and what they did have, they openly refused to provide at all – as Ukie told them, they need “every tank in Europe” or they lose. That’s a “Land war in Asia”.
The Reich fielded some ten MILLION troops, and stole half of everything in Europe to throw at them: food, trains, factories. The Allies landed at D-Day in a vacuum. Germany LOST 5 MILLION men in battle outright, and the Russians 10 million.
“The Eastern Front was the largest and bloodiest theatre of World War II. It is generally accepted as being the deadliest conflict in human history, with over 30 million killed as a result.[3] The German armed forces suffered 80% of its military deaths in the Eastern Front.[112] It involved more land combat than all other World War II theatres combined” don’t think we understand what’s going on safe in a tiny stone house in Notting Hill, anymore than a frog can understand the ocean. If you’ve driven from Ohio to Sacramento with only war and military planning on your mind, maybe.
Never fight a land war in Asia. Europe. That message is for you.
“ Ukraine Has Put World on Brink of ‘Nuclear Catastrophe’ – Moscow (RT)”
Russia is shelling themselves again. Inside their own base. Using HIMARs. That’s the only explanation!
““The European Commission has reportedly backpedaled on the gas price cap and is currently working on a mechanism to tax the windfall profits of energy companies.”
Whiskey Tango? So they “Bail out” the companies so they can “Windfall profit” them? WTF kind of circle-jerk is this?
““ much as 70% of the funding due between 2021 and 2027 may be withheld from Hungary owing to non-compliance..”
• EU May Punish Hungary (RT)”
They’re going to “Punish Hungary”, a nation with gas, heat and food, while the EU sits in the dark without supper. Okay then! If that’s the kind of punishments you have, sign me up! Give me a dozen!
“We’re gonna take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.”
“We’re an Empire now, and we create reality”. How’s that going for you? I see “Syria” is #2. Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan all exist and Iran is stronger than ever. #Reality. #Logos. PR doesn’t win a war. Blowing air out your mouth-holes doesn’t get things done, you glue-munching morons.
The word “Overshoot” is everywhere. Now the gentleman at top has defined it: the overuse of RESOURCES. However, everyone else uses it as “The overabundance of PEOPLE.” So Overshoot is a problem? The only possible answer is: KILL PEOPLE. A lot of them. Billions. The only possible, the only logical, the only essential solution to support the right and all things good and holy in the world. KILL PEOPLE. Everyone you find. Indiscriminately. There are so many we needn’t sort them out until after the first 1-2 billion at least.
This is one of those “If I can make you accept a bad assumption” moments.
Newsflash: You might notice we’re feeding all 8B right now, today. We’re wasting half of all the food in the U.S. while doing it. We paved most of our arable land and put the rest into lawns and still have no problem feeding people. Holland is a nation the size of Ohio and exports more than the entire midwest perhaps.
What overshoot are you talking about, exactly? Oil overshoot? Russia will give us enough oil to go another 40-100 years. Iran has more. We refuse to drill both coasts and have a lease stop on the Gulf, while known oil in the arctic is off-limits. Leviathan and other nation-sized gas fields were just opened up in Lebanon. UAE is locked-in and trying, trying to sell their gas into Europe. We had a whole war about it you might remember.
So not food at all, not oil/carbon at all. What overshoot? Too many Kardashians?
Personally, I think we’re headed the wrong way and wasting most of what we have to make ourselves miserable. But that’s not overshoot, that’s being a dumb-ss.
Clearly we could feed 16B people and they would all fit into Texas. (No offense Texas, not volunteering you). But this bold and careless lie about “Overshoot” exist for one reason: to make you think it’s okay, want to kill people, and find it simply inevitable. …That our overlords will become more powerful in proportion to every common man killed.
We are “Fewer, John Wattenberg, 2005″ even before the recent genocides. So since we’re now shrinking anyway, why is everyone pro-murder again? Just your religion?
September 15, 2022 at 12:30 pm #115959zerosumParticipantOff grid Proposal for EU
• “Prologue To Third World War”: Kremlin Reacts To Security Guarantees For Ukraine (ZH)Only take one 4 point buck during the legal hunting season
Death comes from the sky
“Winning a battle is one thing; winning a war another.”
Collect your firewood, from the fresh rubble, before winter
a mechanism to tax the windfall profits of energy companies that are in Russia
• Top Hungarian Official Predicts Easing Of Sanctions (RT)———
allegations of corruption
(pot calling the kettle black)
• EU May Punish Hungary (RT)———
Its called Russian Roulette
• Why Health Officials Won’t Let Scientists Examine mRNA Vaccine Vials (Mercola)
• Denmark ENDS Covid Vaccinations For Almost Everyone Under 50 (Berenson)————
Why did the thousands of people/scientists who knew the truth not speak up?
14 result(s) for ‘chloroquine an inhibitor of SARS’ within Virology JournalMartin J Vincent, Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R Erickson, Pierre E Rollin, Thomas G Ksiazek, Nabil G Seidah and Stuart T Nichol
Citation:Virology Journal 2005 2:69
Conclusion: Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.
Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with
chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence
assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral
————September 15, 2022 at 2:54 pm #115960anticlimacticParticipant9/11
Not much about the 2 million people who died in the Middle East as a result of 9/11.
In the mid-nineties there was a film called ‘The long kiss goodnight’. The plot was that the CIA were planning to create a terror attack to kill thousands in what they termed a ‘fundraiser’.
9/11 seems like the same idea but was contracted out.
What makes me suspicious is that when four aircraft were hijacked at the same time there was so little reaction. No fighters were scrambled to shadow the aircraft.
When a hijacked aircraft hits a high profile target like the twin towers then it is obviously deliberate. The authorities had an hour to intercept the second aircraft using fighters, but they didn’t bother. The pentagon aircraft was even later but still was not intercepted. The fourth failed to reach its target [Whitehouse?] probably due to action by the passengers.
It is this inaction which makes me suspicious. Certainly it provided an excuse for punitive wars in the middle east and the setting up of a police state in the US.
September 15, 2022 at 4:03 pm #115961anticlimacticParticipantIt is a shame how many public bodies which had credibility have been corrupted.
The IAEA, OPCW, UN, WHO, ICC at the Hague, UK justice system [Assange], FBI, CIA, DOJ, and many others.
And of course many other organisations : Olympic Committee, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Amnesty, Mainstream Media, scientific and medical bodies, etc.
Is there any body left who you would trust?
September 15, 2022 at 4:40 pm #115962Armenio PereiraParticipantAll that is happening is the result of a cunning ploy devised by The Soothsayers’ Guild.
The Soothsayers’ Guild: “shaping the collective unconscious perception of things to come” is our motto.
The Soothsayers’ Guild: setting the record straight since time immemorial.(The most damning ailment of them all: fear of the future.
The Everlasting Dissatisfaction giveth life, The Everlasting Dissatisfaction shall take it away.
No need to question this, therefore no need to be afraid; pain & pleasure are seasoning, spices thrown into this concoction we call “life” to make it look mildly interesting – even if sometimes downright unpalatable.)September 15, 2022 at 5:04 pm #115963John DayParticipantFBI seizes Mike Lindell’s smartphone as burger gets cold and malt-shake gets warm.
He is not deterred, but people maybeafraid tocommunicate with him.
The FBI is investigating the people who have been investigating voter fraud. 15, 2022 at 5:17 pm #115964kultsommerParticipantGenius of the “Plan” is that even the Dr Fauci can claim that “it’s not him” and that he just follows the “guidelines” prescribed by the “agencies”. Just when further inquiry was ripe to continue the “time was up” and loudly announced. Beauty of “democracy”.
On the other hand:
Lovers of Desmet may want to check this debate.
September 15, 2022 at 6:04 pm #115965boscohorowitzParticipantI know it’s horribly cliche’ of me tyo say, but I’ll join the crowd saying we are more than ripe for a more-or-less October surprise.
911 went by without a notice that I could tell. I do find this gem:
“NYPD captain dies of 9/11-related illness on 21st anniversary of attacksJanelle Sanders joined the force in March 2000; she became captain in September 2021Duty Death: Janelle Sanders – [New York City, New York]End of Service: 09/11/2022Sep 12, 2022
By Elizabeth Keogh
New York Daily News“NEW YORK — A veteran NYPD captain died of a 9/11-related illness on the 21st anniversary of the terrorist strikes Sunday, according to her union.
“Capt. Janelle Sanders died of an unspecified ailment, the Captains Endowment Association said in a tweet.
“We will never forget the brave men and women who lost their lives twenty-one years ago on this sad day,” the organization said. “Today, we lost active Captain Janelle Sanders due to 9/11 illness. May she rest in peace.”
Covid got a holiday off for 911? An “unspecified… 911 related illness”?
O.mein.gott! That pilot died of Terror! (and maybe exposure to nonexistent WMDs)
Let’s replace rock paper scissors with terror covid bullshit.
September 15, 2022 at 6:10 pm #115966willemParticipant@afewknowthetruth: “The energy ‘transition’ graphic and text are spot on.”
I agree, especially with respect to climate change. Just for starters, a little high school math is enough to show that “renewables” like solar and wind can’t even come close to replacing today’s global energy demand—not even the existing electrical portion of that. My own guess is that maybe 5-10% of that is the absolute best that can be expected.
Not only that, but the “harvesters” of the so-called “renewables” are themselves non-renewable. (In fact, Tim Watkins refers to them as “non-renewable renewable energy harvesters”.)
So what seems most likely is that the push for “renewables” is just a way to prolong the agony of our exit from the Industrial Age by giving us access to a little bit of power from a source other than combustibles for a few extra years. And in the process of manufacturing this, shifting yet more wealth to those that already have too much.
The only good news here is that possibly there won’t be enough energy around to implement the grand plans for 4IR, digital currencies, and the all-encompassing surveillance grid that certain people dream of. That all takes a lot of energy, and will not quite be compatible with our newly medieval lifestyles.
@anticlimactic: “Is there any body left who you would trust?”
Ah, that is the point of the exercise…September 15, 2022 at 6:19 pm #115969DoraParticipantSome interesting questions.
September 15, 2022 at 6:26 pm #115970willemParticipant“US Considers Sanctions on China to Deter Taiwan Attack”
The Ukraine conflict is being used (was invented?) by the globalists as the excuse for the sanctions that put Western Europe on a permanent energy diet and will de-industrialize it. Obviously (see Art Berman graphic above) people could never be forced to choke it down unless first given a “reason”.
US sanctions against China would complete the setup, and the blowback will probably make the Russia sanctions blowback look tame by comparison.
September 15, 2022 at 6:50 pm #115971citizenxParticipantDenmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50.
Remember mandatory vaccinations?Meanwhile the Lancet report-
US National Institute of Health (NIH) has resisted disclosing details of the SARS-COV-related viruses that it had been supporting
Yep, supporting and developing in the US (Ft Detrick?), China aannnddd UKRAINE.
Celebrities and Politicians Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine: See the Photos
Travel back to Winter Solstice 2021 – In their own words
Big Bird-
Though fans didn’t get to see it happen, the 6-year-old Sesame Street favorite shared the news he received his vaccine in November 2021, after the Pfizer vaccine was authorized for use in children 5 years old and up. The announcement became surprisingly political, though was intended to comfort and encourage kids who are nervous about getting their shots.
President Joe Biden applauded the Muppet on Twitter, and Big Bird’s costar, 5-year-old Rosita, shared that she received her vaccination, too, and “barely felt it.”
“My wing is feeling a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy,” Big Bird said of his shot on Twitter.
This did not age well- misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, bold lies?
By Suneel Kamath, MD Feb. 5, 2021
The COVID-19 vaccines represent the greatest opportunity to end this terrible pandemic, but they will only work if we overcome our apprehensions about them. The reality is, vaccines do exactly what our natural immune systems do, just in a stronger and longer lasting way.
The Vaccines are not and were never Safe, Effective or Necessary.
September 15, 2022 at 7:06 pm #115972willemParticipant@Dora: Thanks for that link. I have had many of the same thoughts myself, but not in such a neatly organized fashion. I think the big question I’ve asked myself more than once is: “How many more citizens would have to be dying before I would notice it in real life?” My impressions of all this are mediated ones–I have actually not set eyes on anything obvious in the physical world that supports them.
September 15, 2022 at 7:16 pm #115973AfewknowthetruthParticipantDr D
I enjoy your witty commentaries. Except when you write really, really really, incredibly stupid, absolutely batshit crazy things like:
‘Newsflash: You might notice we’re feeding all 8B right now, today. We’re wasting half of all the food in the U.S. while doing it. We paved most of our arable land and put the rest into lawns and still have no problem feeding people. Holland is a nation the size of Ohio and exports more than the entire midwest perhaps.
But this bold and careless lie about “Overshoot” exist for one reason: to make you think it’s okay, want to kill people, and find it simply inevitable. …’
‘We’re feeding 8 B right now, today.
No! There is not ‘we’!
What industrial humans have been doing for the past 200 years has been converting prairies, forests and jungles into monoculture plantations, killing everything in the way -plants, animals, soil biomass…
And for the past 150 years industrial humans have been using fossil-fuel-powered machines to rip up soil, to spread ingredients for forcing plants to grow faster [stolen were from distant lands]. And they have been sucking great aquifers -such as the Ogalala- dry. Okay not completely dry yet. Just lowering the water table every year, so the sucking systems have to go a little deeper every year. (A bit like the ‘plan’ to keep Las Vegas from collapsing immediately by installing deeper ‘straws’ into Lake Mead.)
And for the past 60 years, instead of using sailing vessels, looters and polluters have been using industrial reaping machines have been extracting humoungous quantities of life from the seas and the oceans via the use of diesel engines. To the point of collapse of most large fish species and many intermediate species. Let’s not mention the whales that industrial humans slaughtered by the megatonne until the whales learned to avoid industrial humans.
Why was that? Because industrial humans had run short of candles and wanted whale oil for their lamps.
Whales had it quite good for about 50 years, until industrial humans came after them with diesel powered slaughter ships, armed with high-powered harpoon launchers that could fire deadly weapons at them ten times further than any Moby Dick harpooner. No challnge really. Just aim, fire, haul in the meat and oil, put it through a mechanical slicer, can or bottle the useful stuff and throw the rest of that sentient being back into the ocean.
So when the imdusrrialised slaughter had gone too far and there were only a few hundred of the magnificent creatures left, ‘We’ institute a ‘Save the Whales’ campaign. Only, like everyting else, it’s all PR, and we continue to slaughter them. And make their home inhospitable to them via acidification of the oceans and collisions with fast moving ships.
Why so many ships? Because ‘we’ have to shift humungous quantities of ‘food’ from monoculture plantation producers to consumers halfway round the planet. Or feed fish and crustaceans trapped in concrete boxes with grains, so that humans can eat the fish and crustaceans. The concrete boxes are aerated using electricity, of course -much of it generated by burning fossil fuels.
And the reason there are only 15,000 orang utans left (of an inititial population of half a million) is because industrial humans have chopped down most of the jungles in SE Asia to make way for monoculture palm oil plantations. So ‘we’ can make oil to send to people halfway round the world using yet more diesel. Biofules being too expensive to burn in engines.
As Professor Albert Bartlett noted 30 years ago: ‘”Industrtial agriculture is a system for converting oil into food.”
And global extraction of oil went into terminal decline in 2019.
But there’s ‘no overshoot’.
Many years ago, when the US was engaged in its oil-stealing adventures in Iraq, I was in communication with an American who ‘concerned’.
I quipped: ‘What America needs to do is kill as many Iraqis as possible, But they need to leave the oil in the ground’.
We all knew that -leaving oil in the ground- wasn’t going to happen. But the US military did manage to kill around a million Iraqis before moving on to the next [human] target.
How many barrels of oil are the US military stealing from Syria at the moment to keep those combine harvesters running? I believe it’s around 60,000 barrels a day.
That demonstrates the level of desperation to keep the completely dysfunctional system going just a little longer.
But there’s ‘no overshoot’.
September 15, 2022 at 8:18 pm #115974AfewknowthetruthParticipantCrazy stuff. ‘Assassination attempts’. The US is desperate to start war with China…”major provocation”
September 15, 2022 at 8:24 pm #115975Bill7ParticipantCH Smith has a good column up- not new ideas, but still-underemphasized ones, I think:
What verifiable facts have good explanatory power?
September 15, 2022 at 9:23 pm #115976choochParticipantDilemmas on both sides. This one keeps popping up. Russia committed ??% of its battalion groups by April. 5k to 80k (you choose) have been eliminated.
On his Telegram channel, Kadyrov was calling for self mobilization. Such a plan could bring 85k troops to the battle.
Kadyrov is calling for leaders of Russia's regions to "self-mobilise" and train 1,000 volunteers each.
A sign of the second greatest army in the world!
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) September 15, 2022
But hey, you got to fill the gap with something.
Girkin is not happy again, this about he doesn't enjoy the Wagner practice of recruiting convicts (although generally not against it). The man must be fun at parties!
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) September 15, 2022
Here is Soloyvov lamenting on the manpower issue.
Russian state TV's Vladimir Solovyov says his country should form an international coalition for its war in Ukraine including Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Nicaragua
— Francis Scarr (@francis_scarr) September 15, 2022
In Russia, general mobilization would require businesses to pay the soldiers salaries.
September 15, 2022 at 9:35 pm #115977Veracious PoetParticipantSeptember 15, 2022 at 10:12 pm #115978V. ArnoldParticipantIs there any body left who you would trust?
Nope; not one…except my wife…
September 15, 2022 at 10:44 pm #115979AfewknowthetruthParticipantIt’s not as though we weren’t warned:
Brave New World (1931, film 1980)
Fahrenheit 451 (1953, film 1966)
1984 (1948 film 1984)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
Soylent Green (1973)‘Plot
By 2022,[3] the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and an apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. In New York City alone, there are 40 million people, and only the city’s elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water, and natural food. The homes of the elite are fortified, with private security and bodyguards for their tenants. Usually, they include concubines (who are referred to as “furniture” and serve the tenants as slaves). The poor live in squalor, haul water from communal spigots, and eat highly processed wafers: Soylent Red, Soylent Yellow, and the latest product, far more flavorful and nutritious, Soylent Green.’September 15, 2022 at 10:51 pm #115980Veracious PoetParticipantSeptember 15, 2022 at 10:59 pm #115981AfewknowthetruthParticipantBrave New World revisited, 1962:
“..enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and will always exist, to get people to love their servitude… The nightmare of total organisation has emerged from the safe, remote future, and is awaiting us, just around the corner.”
September 15, 2022 at 11:20 pm #115982RedneckParticipantRegarding ‘Bullshit stories about Putin is in bad health”.
Putin himself claims to have had four jabs of the Russian version of Astra Zeneca so it is vey possible that he has been suffering from the effects of the spike protein. Back at the last celebration of WW2 victory he looked , to me to be very puffy in the face and not his usual self and friends who were watching it with me agreed. Also all fax haters but Putin lovers , remember Putin was all in on the vax , mandates , lockdowns and tracking aps. Russian big Pharma did a deal with Oxford and one of the big banks was in control and took profits from the distribution of the first ten million shots.
Regarding Russia winning folk claim that is is inevitable but I never hear what the end result , the “win” looks like on the ground.
Every scenario I run , excepting a complete capitulation by NATO , leaves Russia in a world of hurt. Does any one have a realistic description of how Russia wins?September 15, 2022 at 11:25 pm #115983boscohorowitzParticipantSeptember 16, 2022 at 12:19 am #115984D Benton SmithParticipant@Redneck asked, ” Does any one have a realistic description of how Russia wins?”
Uh, how about they don’t interrupt NATO’s suicide.
September 16, 2022 at 12:36 am #115985D Benton SmithParticipant@Afewknowthetruth regarding disrespect to our good Dr D
I warned you once. This is the second and last warning. If you want to go on attempting to undermine this conversation “under the radar” then you must keep your trolling ass on the other side of the line. One more offense that I bother to notice and you will receive the respect that you deserve, and being publicly humiliated is about the best you could hope for.
September 16, 2022 at 12:43 am #115986D Benton SmithParticipantNotice to our latest batch of Trolls:
Ease back and tone it down or I will engage in my second favorite hobby. I almost hope that you don’t.
September 16, 2022 at 12:57 am #115987upstateNYerParticipantRedneck: “Does any one have a realistic description of how Russia wins?”
it already did. Europe is imploding (rebooting fossil fuels and scrambling to walk back the claim that 100% green energy is the future), the EU is fracturing (with financial knuckle-rapping of Hungary & Poland on deck now), and China/India/et al are starting to buy/sell petro without the “reserve currency.” Idk … what does winning look like?
September 16, 2022 at 1:04 am #115988Autonomous UnitParticipantI enjoy the posts of Dr D, but he’s not always accurate. if you, D Benton Smith, are referring to the “overshoot” post, you are all wet. Of course the human population has gone into overshoot, for the reasons outlined above. I don’t see any trolling here, but I’m assuming you are referring to the ‘overshoot’ post. I don’t see Afewknowthetruth as a troll. It would be helpful to me if people frankly name that which they allude to.
September 16, 2022 at 1:36 am #115989D Benton SmithParticipant@AutonomousUnit
I too enjoy Dr D’s posts, very much in fact, and agree with his perspective on the matter of alleged “overshoot” (it’s a pseudo-scientific buzz word, not a legitimate . . . or even logical . . . real term). However, that wasn’t why I slapped AFKTT on the wrist. My criticism concerned his manners and the issue of maintaining acceptable levels of respect here on TAE.
I don’t care that AFKTT and Redneck are trolls. Fine with me that they say anything they want. I don’t care what they think (and I use the term loosely) about me or anyone or any thing. Their sad lies just present fresh opportunities to repeat truths. I do however care that their Crayola-Brain scribbling attempts at rational thought stay “inside the lines” well enough that earnest conversations can still take place here.
In other words, there are certain limits. AFKTT went out of bounds bad mouthing one of our best commentators, so I slapped him with a Yellow Card. I’ll leave it at that if he knocks it off.
September 16, 2022 at 1:53 am #115990my parents said knowParticipantDora- Radagast at his best. Thanks- I haven’t been there for a while. This bounces off his allegory concerning the deal to get rid of some excess humans. (I couldn’t dig it up quickly).
September 16, 2022 at 2:17 am #115991D Benton SmithParticipantSince we’re on the topic of alleged population “overshoot” (amongst other things) I would point out that if it were not for so-called population “overshoot” (called so by wannabe “experts”) then any of us lucky enough to be alive today would be cyanobacterium rather than oxygen breathing human beings.
If those anaerobic little bacteria had not “overshot” their population into extinction by releasing so much free oxygen into the atmosphere that they killed themselves off, then none of us oxygen breathers would ever have happened.
Life is life. It does its thing to the music of a drummer who remains elusively above our full comprehension. To say that life, ANY AND ALL LIFE could exist in too great of a quantity is exhibition of a degree of hubris that is truly breathtaking.
Maybe we are yeast in a beer barrel, and the brew will not be finished until we are. Who knows? But I can point to some folks who most definitely do NOT know. They are the ones who think we should kill because their ignorance drives them to believe that there is too much life to suit their liking.
September 16, 2022 at 2:56 am #115992AfewknowthetruthParticipantTotally incapable of presenting any evidence, and apparently totally incapable of understanding the evidence that does exist and is presented here, the weaselly arsehole with the brain of walnut persists with ad hominem attacks.
Also, apparently you are completely incapable of understanding very clearly delivered messages delivered in English, such as Fuck off, you weaselly arsehole. So, I suppose we must try other languages to drive home the point, DBS.
Ne s’ tudo.
Yes, you can run from the truth. You can hide from the truth. You can deny the truth. You can try to ignore it. But it’s going to get you in the end.
So just for good measure, in case you still haven’t got it, every time you make an ad hominem attack, you will get a barrage,
Fuck off, you slimy cunt, you bean-brain, you pathetic excuse for a human being with too much time and nowhere near enough ethics.
And as for this piece of absurdity:
‘My criticism concerned his manners and the issue of maintaining acceptable levels of respect here on TAE.
I suggest you look up the meaning of the word ‘respect’, since you clearly do not know its meaning.
September 16, 2022 at 3:37 am #115993D Benton SmithParticipant@Afewknowthetruth I must quote you because I just couldn’t subject my brain to paraphrasing such juvenile potty-mouth insults that are so lame that they actually do embarrass me on your behalf.
You said, “Also, apparently you are completely incapable of understanding very clearly delivered messages delivered in English, such as Fuck off, you weaselly arsehole. So, I suppose we must try other languages to drive home the point, DBS.”
Attaboy. I just knew that that knee would jerk if I smacked it well enough.
Once again you presume and assume things that you have no way of knowing, and so no way of proving, and therefore little point in saying. For example, you accuse me of ad hominem attacks. To that charge I have two responses:
#1) Don’t presume that I regard you as much of a hominem.
#2) Your manners have not improved very much.Have you given much thought to the effect that your litany of childish insults has on the people who read them? Do you suppose they increase or decrease the respect that others will give to your thoughts and words? If you are here to sway peoples’ thinking shouldn’t you pay better attention to the direction your speech sways them? I don’t think you picked up any new fans with that silly diatribe.
Also, have you given much thought to the fact that by engaging in verbal combat with me (and losing badly) you are thereby neglecting your Trollish duties? No one is distracted. No one is deceived into trusting your motives. And no one is moved to agree with your homicidal NWO Eugenicist malarkey about there being so many people that de-population is a sane “solution” rather than an evil crime.
September 16, 2022 at 5:58 am #115994AfewknowthetruthParticipantDBS
I took to skipping past your comments when I realised you were just a pompous fool who didn’t know shit from clay; basically full of yourself and having nothing to offer me, i.e. a waste of time.
It is only when you make premediated attacks on truth that you garner my attention.
Twenty years ago I realised that it was those who knew the least who argued the most: knowledgeable people say, “Of course.”
I also recognised twenty years ago that those who cannot present any evidence for their opinions are frequently the most persistent arguers and perpetrators of ad hominem attacks. Devoid of any logical arguments, they ‘shoot the messenger’.
This exactly what ‘the controllers’ -governments, city councils, district councils, regional councils etc.- do. Completely devoid of any evidence for their absurd claims, they refuse to answer questions and rig so-called hearings to ensure as little information as possible is presented. Basically they shoot the messenger. And they ignore whatever scientific evidence was presented and do exactly what they had planned to do before the so-called public consultation commenced.
As anyone who has engaged with them knows, governments, city, councils, district councils and regional councils spend most of their time promulgating blatant lies and stamping on truth.
The reason governments and their agents can get away with promulgating blatant lies is that the bulk of the populace is scientifically illiterate and financially illiterate. And ecologically illiterate. And the bulk of the populace do no research.
So, it left to the one-in-ten-thousand to do the fighting. And sometimes we wonder why we bother. Frequently we wonder why we bother.
As I said to the local mafia-without-guns (the district council) and the incompetent fools at the next layer of deceit and crime (regional council): “This is your final warning. I won’t be back because the [economic-financial-energetic] ‘tsunami will hit within a year.”
Being fuckwits and professional liars, they took no notice.
‘Interesting times’ (Chinese curse) just keep getting more ‘interesting’. By the hour now.
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