Debt Rattle September 17 2024


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    Alfred Eisenstaedt Egyptian Fishing Boats. Suez Canal near Port Said 1935   • Beep Beep. Woosh. . . ! (James Howard Kunstler) • Ukrainian Connect
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 17 2024]


    “At least 50 U.S. lawmakers or members of their households are financially invested in companies that make military weapons and equipment—even as these firms “receive hundreds of billions of dollars annually from congressionally-crafted Pentagon appropriations legislation,” (CD)

    allow me to take a moment of your time to remind you of those years in the US when the common opinion was to re-elect corrupt congressional representatives because they were good for jobs in their state.

    “Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith.

    1. It’s their money if they want to lose it, fine by me. Let them find a place to spend what they have left.
    2. My best Mangalore impression, “If it’s war they want, it’s war they’ll get”.
    The left are doing all the shooting now. That will not always be the case.
    Celebrity hunting will take on a whole new meaning.

    registered voters in prison – “we are all just prisoners here, of our own device”

    Dr. D

    All sorts this week, History, Metatron,(Italy) was Nazi left or right wing? (Like all words the definitions keep evolving. Also there is a Euro/US contrast.) I thought he said yes. You may think he didn’t.

    Whatifalthist on the origins and anthropology of the Left and Right. Left first: He wisely posted left and right same day within hours. He also adds they are mentally ill, cruel vindictive lairs, who care nothing about hypocrisy, reason, or paradigm values in their quest for power. That appears to be the immediate effect of believing neither in soul, nor God, so nothing outside restrains them. This is also why they cannot help to always go too far, even when it’s not strategic to do so. The bloodlust and lack of restraint to express petty power is too alluring. I mean, if you can’t grind the Cons, toss their children in jail for praying and amputate them, what’s really the point anyway? Well, that’s definitely the dark side, on the lighter side they are people who respond to power and react to it, say like courtiers. Or the narcissistically abused.

    So like other things, like pedophilia, if you can abuse the young, like a zombie bite, they grow up to be zombies and bite people themselves. The abused become the abusers, thus the modern fascination with vampires (since 1990?), Interview, Lost Boys, Twilight…and Zombies, Walking Dead, etc. Go down to Philly, look like walking dead on the street, where they can literally bite you? Where if you or your kids interact with them, they might end up like them, in a drug abuse, homelessness, doin’ those 15 black abortions with joy and pride?

    Looking at world news, I am surprised Red Hat Biden says no, or even pops up out of his hole in Putxatawny to meet anyone. I thought they had a schedule here! They need to get whacked by Russia week of election. Well, that’s hampering my theory.

    Well, maybe London and the K-Pop will hijack a free missile from somewhere like Dr. No to get this started.

    Ryan Routh: boy this guy sure was on camera with every major news agency for years, running guns wasn’t he? Good thing the State Dept and FBI, Lettermen, had no idea whatsoever who we was! They seem to be able to manage very simple facts now and he’s 58yo, and I guess we know where an unemployed roofer got the money to move to Hawaii! It was all those totally free interviews he gave!

    Okay: so Mrs. T comes out, says “What assassination, nobody’s looking or cares” then a day later an assassination where the guy is alive, can answer all kinds of questions for Congress, and is neck-deep in the Derp State Ukraine? Yeah, if I were in there, I’d have my double agents activate him, then pick him up, it’s like Overton window, we can discuss this safely, include all the same people, and get America up to speed that this happens in a way they will listen.

    From his side, how did he know Trump was out there that day? We hear Trump himself didn’t know, he decided 30min before, that’s why he felt safe. But this guy knew Trump’s schedule in real time, as he hadn’t been out there with two backpacks, a long arm, a gopro on a stand, and a pack of sandwiches for 6 weeks like a real sniper. Also the gun? Wtf, yes that’ll kill you fine, but that’s no sniper weapon.

    On Hilter: “Democrats Express Relief That Hitler Is OK” –Bbee

    And of course, “Trump rhetoric called for assassination of himself.” ~~Bbee

    Just like all those nuke plants and pipelines in Russia? “We finished the pipeline, what should we do now, Herr Fuehrer Putin?” “Bomb it.” “Aye Comrade!” (Hitler and Putin and Stalin and Ben Shapiro are all the same thing now.) “Oh and comrade? Build me a SECOND $6B pipeline by Wednesday so I can bomb that one too. Thanks.” ‘Merica! ‘Merican logic.

    From details of the postings yesterday, The reason they were so hot for Zaporizhzhia was they had stockpiled all their Uranium and Plutonium there. For bombs. Now it wasn’t bomb-ready, but it wasn’t impossible nor far away either. So you can see why they wanted to send a team of 30,000 men, 3,000 men, 300 men to take it, or have the UN Inspectors there. And why Russia took it, said nothing, and removed the stuff in good Russian fashion. Maybe it was re-sited in Kursk, who knows?

    “Here’s Claire McCaskill in a recent interview on MSNBC, saying President Trump is more dangerous than Mussolini and Hitler
    Ryan Wesley Routh tried to assassinate Trump bc of this type of deranged rhetoric
    Democrats own this attempted assassination”

    Yes, but it gives them power so neither they, nor their people care. Hypocrisy, murder, are always fine and in fact laudable if done for “Our Side” Chelsey’s Mean Girlz Table. If Betty commits suicide from our antics, so much the better. This is all Feminine orientation: all slander, shame, and accusation that lowers your social standing (incel, this Jew like Shapiro is “Literally Hitler”). Because they are way more violent and cruel than men are, and the matriarchy would be far worse. And has been, since 1971 as it’s slowly been installed. Not saying “Patriarchies” are great, in fact, not sure we have one, but their attempt at Matriarchy has made everyone on earth miserable, including all women, all girls are killing themselves, all stats on abuse, children’s health have spiked, and we’re having a nuclear war. Not what I was promised “If only we get a woman PM/President” but “Killing a million children was worth it and made me happy and warm at night” Albright might have been a warning. Oh, and although all the women’s and girls’ career, pay, health, mental health, and happiness have plummeted off a cliff like Thelma and Louise, men are doing even WORSE. But wgaf about them, amitrite? Rapists and spies for the Patriarchy. …Which is merely the Jewish “Elders of Zion” Conspiracy theory ported over to gender, no joke.

    Anyway, done now. Whyyyyyyyy do you do this? And why when it fails and doesn’t make the OTHER girls miserable but you too, do you KEEP doing it? If you’re a prisoner to Chelsea and can’t get out, at least save Betty or your best friends, save Dave and Jose from her deadly clutches.

    Ms. Hageman: If only Congress knew and could do something! …Since 2000. When they had an 11 year old hacker break the voting machines in the hacker’s convention with a Commodore 64 and and 9,600 modem. If only we had caught them on camera running 1,000 ballots through the machine 3 times! Oh well, that’s how it goes.

    ““Who was he working with in the US government that was allowing him to do this?”
    • Would-Be Trump Assassin Palled Around With Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade In Ukraine (ZH)

    Don’t be silly, he’s been there since the beginning but never met anyone, nor was any agency aware of him or had a record. Even though he’s clearly unhinged and I wouldn’t ID him as dangerous, but would immediately start a file for national embarrassment as he’s going to say/do something and we’ll have “an incident.” My point being he DEFINITELY has a file. — I – probably have a file.

    ““..[Reid Hoffman] wished Trump to be a “real martyr”, which, in Musk’s opinion, means to be “dead.”

    Yes but only 10 times a day, every day. That’s the party of peace, love and tolerance, of course.
    My thought yesterday was, “Geez about time!” The DNC was saying he’s Hilter for years but if so 1) They don’t believe a word of what they’re saying and are all liars, or 2) Are all every man and woman an incredible coward. So which is it? If it’s Hilter, your JOB, it’s REQUIRED to shoot him as soon as you meet him, first day, every Democrat, every man, every time. Right? So what’s been the holdup? All cowardice or all liars?

    Anyway, that’s done, they’re finally ACTING as if they believe a word they say. Good, I’d rather the be a real, honest tyrant and murderer than a weaseling liar. Being open allows us all to act.

    ““ABC actually disseminated false information under the mantle of fact-checking, and that’s a real problem..”

    Yes but they don’t care. Hypocrisy is a GOOD thing so long as it’s in service of the Glorious Revolution…Of POWER. Because we dgaf about The Poors, Working men, or women, clearly. So they will LOVE ABC for lying, cheating, and stealing. You have to understand, if it means Power, it’s a GOOD thing. Infinity good, permitting any means to accomplish.

    The article, however, points out their other problem: of always going too far. Right off, first move, every time. They’re so unhinged that they expose themselves as unhinged, lying, and power-mad because they have no shame and no limits to INFORM them that “This is a boundary of decency and normal order” here. The whole POINT is to have no boundaries, no limits, no God, no rules. Just: I WANT. Otherwise what’s the point? And “normal” people, even slightly-less-unhinged, pick up on and notice that.

    “• An Anatomy of the Post-Debate Detritus (Victor Davis Hanson)

    I’ve read they took the short-term win of looking good that night, by sacrificing ANY policy reveals. I don’t know, sure, why not, but how can I tell when every poll and article is a lie? Why would I care? It’s not like we’re either voting or having an election anyway. What with only one candidate alive in November? And no one cares a bit about “Saving Democracy” in that eventuality?

    “New leaks indicate Linsey Davis and David Muir were each paid a million dollars from the Kamala campaign for “moderating the ABC debate. What are your thoughts ?”

    My thoughts? What’s a white guy doing on TV? I thought we were done with the Dark Ages here. How dare they take $1M from a deserving…I dunno, polynesian, trans/gay wheelchair midget? ABC are f’ing bigots is all I can say. Know your place. Do what you’re told. White men have no place anywhere except to give me things. The existence of white men in a panel of all other colors and genders is Anti-diversity, I’m told. It’s when there are FEWER colors that it’s Diversity.™ If only I were kidding, I’ve directly asked good liberal women this, that’s what they directly and proudly told me ANY white people, at ALL is not diversity. My thought: “What about your kids”?? They must be killed to have the diversity of REMOVING colors? …Logic, nevermind.

    “• Putin Orders Increase In Size of Russian Military (RT)

    Well that ain’t good when he’s winning. Sooooo….what happens next with all these men? They just sit around, and all the new uniforms wear out from old age? History says otherwise.

    “• Russia ‘Militarily Invincible’ – Kazakh President (RT)

    By contrast, the US and London are very, very Vincible.

    Hey, uh, I guess we’re decommissioning 17 Navy ships for lack of crew. Anybody looking into that? Maybe NOT KILLING all your Vets in the VA medical and getting them on Food Stamps on the base, so maybe they might want to join?

    “Poland will fulfill its promise to help finance a Czech initiative to buy ammunition for Ukraine from outside the EU, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski”

    Is this the same one??? Yeah, they told international Arms Dealers they would pay ANY PRICE for ammunition. And these arms dealers, they did them a solid and didn’t raise prices! NOT!!! Not only did the prices suddenly spike worldwide, (meaning 1/3 less rounds are bought) but ALSO gave them all shells that were too old, don’t work, or were already disassembled and the fuses removed. Go Poland! I’m sure your people will be happy to be treated like that! When you’re as rich as Poland is, money’s no object.

    “• Trump’s Promises To End Ukraine Conflict ‘Not Real’ – Zelensky (RT)

    Uhhh, I don’t think that mean what you think it mean. Vance calling a complete surrender seemed pretty real. Remember, we’re Americans. We DGAF about you. If your nation vanished: Or France, or Germany, or Canada, we’d neither notice or care. Sorry.

    “• 50+ US Lawmakers Hold Military Stocks (CD)

    By 50+ they mean ALL of them.

    Dog pilots:
    Who are they going to bomb? Ohio?

    Folding clothes: probably great, but who has time? This should be taught in school so that we all know and can do it later for ourselves. They’d have to skip OnlyFans class, grades 6-12.


    Rachael Maddow…. (can someone explain how all this turned into such dumb)
    She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[17] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[18] She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. She had also been awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favor of the Rhodes.[19] This made her the first openly lesbian winner of the Rhodes Scholarship.[a][21] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)[22] in politics at the University of Oxford.[23] Her thesis was titled “HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons” and was supervised by Lucia Zedner.[24]


    Folding clothes like that if for people with empty souls. Just keep it clean, put it where it goes or wear it. It’s not your girlfriend bro – unless you are married to the state… oh wait

    Hey this was interesting but gave me the heeby jeebies like Eric Weinstein is some creepy smart 5 d Zionist or something
    The start is fluffy but it gets gooood.

    those darned kids

    dog too nice to pilot human death machine

    those darned kids

    human dumb


    facts checking truth and lies


    presented her nothingness in confident fashion

    why did you and President Biden as incumbents not make these changes the last three years

    scripted posturing. She pantomimed as if she were prepped by Hollywood actors—not just on memorizing canned trivialities but also giving fake moves and poses.

    typical election rhetoric that is unlikely to materialize.

    an obvious conflict of interest

    voting for D or R will not remove the debt or prevent the over spending


    On Martin Jay re. 9/11. Prev. thread.

    9/11: The American illness which still has no cure

    9/11, now 23rd anniversary, is a time marker where it became evident to many (others understood it before) that Gvmt./ MSM media narratives, spin / enforced by top figures in Gvmt. – Corps – plus Others at decisionary nodes, information nodes (even out of MSM) dominate effectively, smoothly.

    Scary fanciful narratives can be plugged, enforced, with alramist hype, etc. Groups in cahoots (including a ‘vital’ outpost, Is-ra-el) can just ‘do it’ and the ‘narrative’ is imposed, even for such an strange, extraordinary, event, as 9/11.

    Questioning the story, like the Architects xxx for 9/11 truth do, they are allowed to ‘publish’, ‘have a platform’ (journals, etc.) but remain ‘marginal’..

    Anyone who seeks any position of even minor power has to show allegiance to the story of the Evil Bin Laden and Murderous Muslim Terrorist with box cutters bringing down Huge Buildings etc.

    Like a cult, an imposed ‘fakey’ religion.

    Almost everyone knows it is nonsense.

    What is interesting though is that right aftrer 9/11 Putin supported the US’ anti-terrorist moves (maybe Thchenia happenings played a role)…

    From Chatham house.

    For Vladimir Putin, the atrocity of 9/11 meant that the United States now needed Russia. Putin was reportedly the first foreign leader to call George W. Bush afterwards, and subsequently facilitated US access to bases in Central Asia without a formal quid pro quo.

    The ‘9/11 moment’ in bilateral relations was very short-lived with Russia disappointed that the US did not, even in time, give more in return. The episode is a reminder that, at least at one time, Putin was open to a strong partnership with the US that respected Russia’s ‘cardinal interests’ – Russian pre-eminence in ‘former Soviet space’.


    @oxy and folded underwear

    Folding clothes like that if for people with empty souls.

    It is unfortunate that you cannot see the substance that fills another person’s soul.

    My wife folds my underwear, despite my best efforts to break her of this habit. Keeping a tidy and functional household is a point of pride for her. I can reliably open the drawer in darkness, grab a pair, and know which side is the front…every dang time! I told her not to iron my t-shirts (told, told, told!) but they’re still the shape and shade of an envelope when I open that drawer, too.

    Her soul is filled with light, love, happiness, silliness, good food thoughts. It’s a bleak world where such is disparaged, or cannot be seen due to occlusion or perception.


    The Trudeau government’s debt binge has had, and will continue to have, a material impact on Canadians’ lives.
    The federal government’s debt interest charges already cost taxpayers more than $1 billion every week . The government now wastes more money servicing the debt than it sends to the provinces in health transfers. Paying debt interest takes every penny collected from the GST.

    Over the next 15 years, debt interest charges will cost taxpayers $847 billion, according to PBO projections. That’s more than $18,000 for every Canadian.

    Big deficits also make it more likely the government will raise taxes, as evidenced by this year’s capital gains tax hike. “Canada could finance these critical investments by taking on more debt, but that would place an unfair burden on younger generations,” Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said while introducing her capital gains tax hike, trying to sell Canadians on the idea that tax hikes are necessary to keep the debt from spiralling further. But what the tax hike really illustrates is how the government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
    Budget 2024

    Nine killed, 2,750 wounded across Lebanon as Hezbollah pagers explode


    Russian ‘military invincible’ – Kazakh President.

    Also interesting that Scholz meets with and listens to this guy.

    Firmly refusing to send long range missiles to Ukraine, Scholz now bellows for peace talks with Russians present, firmly supported by Orban, as expected. Also,

    ‘Members of the French government are concerned about the Ukraine conflict spiralling out of control and are now exercising “great discretion” as reported by Le Monde.

    Italy wants a ‘serious peace conference’ before the end of the year.
    They slowly line up like sail boats on the Suez canal while Europe collapses, and the killing fields continue. Major players, being given their commands – by whom?

    Consummate liar nicely stripped down on Rumble. But I think Johnson has her beat. I wonder how much he was paid by the MIC to scupper the deal? Just recalling how he quoted a million bucks (or was it pounds) to talk with Tucker.


    “Hitler is different because he privatized”

    In the sense that the govt bought the companies and then sold the stocks off…

    ….TO THE Nationalist Socialist party!

    And installed party comissars in all those companies, set prices, set who could have access to resources and all the cool stuff we talk about current-year in Sociology classes college!

    The Nationalist Socialists… adopted (nearly) all the policies current year Leftists want today? Yes, yes indeed.

    So why do leftists insist Nationalist Socialists were different? In what SENSE could they have been “private”? In the exact same way current-year marxists wish to destroy the family – because they consider family to be a kind of property ownership.

    Remember when that Saul Alinsky protege declared, published that book, what was it? ….It Takes A Village? Remember those recent statements by Democrats that children belong to EVERYONE they aren’t YOURS? Just foolin, doesn’t mean anything in particular, right? Yet so consistent. All those policies from diagnosing ritalin for ADHD to trans etc that prioritize state ownership of children over parents? FBI “investigating” PTA members who think their children are theirs?

    Current-year Internationalist Socialists differ from Nationalist Socialists at the Macro and Micro — they believe in abolishing property, and that Nationalism and Family are property ownership, thus must be smashed. And sectarian disputes within the same religion are the most vicious.

    Some sort of Zen koan: How do you Privatize, Hitler? I privatize by not privatizing at all…


    The Instrumental Version


    Kursk 2.0

    A few days ago, Russia widened their salient into the west side of the Kursk salient rather than extending it deeper.

    And then they reduced the pseudopod in front of Korenevo. (northwest corner of the Kursk salient) Whatever hopes Ukraine had for taking it are receding in the distance.

    More recently, they pushed in closer to the base of the salient, again, on the west side.

    You would THINK that Ukraine would be winding down Kursk at this point, but I saw reports of new Ukrainian attacks being launched from within the salient a couple days ago. That they can do this now continues to make it all very mysterious.


    although all the women’s and girls’ career, pay, health, mental health, and happiness have plummeted off a cliff like Thelma and Louise, men are doing even WORSE. But wgaf about them, amitrite? Rapists and spies for the Patriarchy

    If feminism is correct, its methods are useless

    John Day

    Multiple Perspectives

    How do human societies act in concert? Might there be other ways to act in concert? Who decides? How is “their” decision manifested and carried out?

    Whether we are facing a tight-spot in the availability of crude oil, which production has not risen to the level of late 2018 yet, I will put forward that exponential growth of real economy cannot continue forever in a finite universe, let alone on a finite planet, which concept has been clearly laid out in a way pertinent tour modern industrial economy since M. King Hubbert predicted a peak in US oil production around 1971-1972, which came to pass as predicted.
    In 10th grade Sociology class in 1974, I was exposed to the projections of the 1972 computer modeling of The Limits To Growth. This carried the projections of exponential growth of human physical economy into the estimations of natural resource availability, costs of extraction, and consequences of environmental pollution and degradation, all of which were big topics in those days of Arab Oil Embargo and air and water pollution destroying rivers and lungs across the world. I held that to be a likely scenario, as did most people I talked to at the time, though it fell into disfavor under the Reagan administration, as limitless-growth was espoused by that “great communicator”.
    Societies across the planet were invigorated to push economic, and especially financial growth, from that point forward. China’s “Little Helmsman” Deng Xiaopeng, reportedly too The Limits To Growth very seriously, and charted a rise to the top for Chinese industrial economy, within the projections it presented. China has followed that course successfully.
    Presume with me, if you will, that global net oil (and liquids) production did peak at the end of 2018, and that the “Repo-Crisis” of Summer-Fall 2019 was a result of the end of real-economic-growth, which put a crimp in global finance, so that the world’s largest financial institutions KNEW that they could not trust each other on overnight loans, backed by US Treasuries. BlackRock, the largest asset-management company in the world, was enlisted to come up with a plan for economic-continuity, which involved “going direct”, or just pumping money into the large financial institutions from the US and other national treasuries and central banks. This was done under cover-of-COVID-pandemic-lockdowns, which delayed inflation in the real-economy until the real economy opened up again a year and a half later, at which time money-supply had grown, and the quantity of real-goods had decreased, both driving price inflation. Asset inflation had been even greater, and is a Ponzi scheme waiting to collapse, but is not counted in “inflation”.
    So far, the mechanisms of narrative control and continuity of the economic system, which feeds, shelters and protects us, still hold. It is clear that the Ponzi-finance scheme cannot continue much longer, and will have to re-set to something much closer to concordance with real-economy.
    This economic-financial reset is traditionally managed through throwing societies into existential wars, so that one side survives and the other is vanquished, while all of the remaining people are exhausted and traumatized, and become accustomed to just-following-orders. Most of us want to work this some other way this time, and there is enough consciousness of the situation that some of us keep pressing the question. this pointing out of the actual facts is causing problems for the control-narratives of the elites. They are not grabbing and are not getting full traction. Something like 20% of people keep calling out their lies, so even the 70% of followers are a little uneasy, and the 10% of undecided people are leaning towards reality. What are the elites to do? Is there an alternate Plan-B which will get better traction, and help them maintain their ownership?
    (Let me add that I am watching BRICS+ developments and Trump/Kennedy developments, but will vote for Palestinian Human Rights via Jill Stein MD’s candidacy again.)

    Simplicius, Measures Of Control
    What is the greatest fear for the controlling archons of our world?
    The answer is: the plebs discovering how flimsy the substrata of their control, the machinery of it all, really is. The elites have worked tirelessly to establish the illusion of a grand, impermeable monolith—that irreducibly oppressive panopticon of unspoken ‘rules’ and social limits, Overton windows, and statutory ley lines known only to them and meant to deliberately obfuscate us—a towering obelisk emblemizing the totality of their control. They do this through fear, social programming, and mass media hypnosis triggering traumas on our grasping minds wired through perpetual distress and wrapped in agonizing tension. They erect labyrinths of legal codices to browbeat us into submission with the inexhaustible weight of their esoteric jurisprudence. All meant to convey a sense of crushing weight, to endow us with a futility of purpose in the face of such colossal structures…
    ..There is no better proof of Weinstein’s opening thesis than the fact that they now tried to take Trump out again for a second time in as many months. It’s clear that Trump terrifies them for the very reason that he threatens to potentially undo decades of established secret agreements, the filaments of that diaphanous Order feigning essentiality, yet whose delicate fibers are a pluck away from being unseamed before the world’s eyes.
    Such a development would open up an unprecedented Pandora’s box. The elites rely on the omnipresence of their Great Illusion—a show that must be maintained at all times, all costs, and across the entire spectrum. To allow a single crack to form in the facade would entail a spidering outward, a runaway fracture leading to the collapse of their whole foundation. That is because if people in a single country under their control can be allowed to witness the lie for what it is, there would be no turning back—the populations of every other nation would immediately begin to question the rationale of their own systems, since they are all part and parcel to the matrix of the whole.
    Imagine if Trump really did abolish the IRS as he’s threatened to do, long shot that it is. Once Europe sees the US continuing not only to function, but perhaps even thrive like never before—without a single income tax collected—it would spark the end for the regime. Multiply this outward to every other of our modern controlling paradigms. The Central Banks, for instance: abolish one bank in The System, and the rest fall like dominos. The elites’ greatest fear is for humanity to be given glimpse of even a single working example of life outside their prison-like construct—that same Byzantine codex of esoteric multinational agreements.

    Jonathan Turley, With Fact-Checks Like These, How Does Truth Stand a Chance?
    “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”
    That famous line from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) remains a virtual mantra for politicians and pundits. Yet, judging from the presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, we have officially entered the post-truth political era.
    ABC News has been widely criticized for the bias of the two moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir. Even liberal outlets acknowledged that the two journalists seemed inclined to “fact check” only Trump. In the meantime, they allowed clearly false statements from Harris to go unchallenged.
    Three of the unchecked claims are being widely disseminated by supporters, including some in the media:
    “Crime is down under the Biden-Harris administration.“
    “Harris has not supported transgender operations for undocumented migrants.”
    Harris does not support the right to abortion in the final three months of a pregnancy.

    Kyle Becker: ABC News whistleblower swears under penalty of perjury that the Kamala Harris campaign dictated the terms of the questions during the presidential debate.
    Furthermore, the Harris campaign insisted upon live “fact checking” of Donald Trump during the debate. ABC News “fact checked” Trump at least five times and did not fact check Harris once, despite the Democratic candidate telling provable lies, such as the “fine people hoax” and the “bloodbath hoax.” The whistleblower signed the affidavit in New York and has sent a copy to Speaker Mike Johnson, the notarized document states. The unnamed individual states that he or she is in possession of secret recordings that will prove that ABC News rigged the presidential debate. ABC News committed election interference. This is a MASSIVE scandal.

    John Day

    Jim Kunstler, Beep Beep! Woosh. . . !
    “Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith
    This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted him in his colorful misadventures?…
    ..Perhaps we’ll find out — if nothing fatal happens to befall Mr. Routh while in custody — how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the links that afternoon? The candidate’s round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Mr. Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case…
    ..Things political are speeding up with the autumnal quickening. The blob is truly and deeply a’fright. So many blobsters will be liable to pay for their multitudinous crimes against the people of this country if Mr. Trump squeaks back into power that such a future is unthinkable to them. And yet, nothing has worked to deactivate this…
    ..The Butler, PA, head-shot op came awfully close to eliminating their, uh, problem, but no cigar. The Palm Beach golf course ambush had a Peter Sellers vibe, wouldn’t you agree? With the rifle muzzle poking through the shrubbery behind a fence. What next? A pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and cyanide? Maybe try to drop an anvil on Mr. Trump’s head from a passing airplane? (Beep-beep. . . woosh!)
    Somebody do something!!! The blob is shrieking to its minions from the sub-basement bunkers at Langley to the salons of Georgetown, to the US Embassy in Ukraine. Well, there’s always World War Three! And it looks like just such a romp is about to be instigated…
    ..“JB” is not available for duty anymore. The “out-to-lunch” sign hangs permanently on the doorknob of the Oval Office now. The USA does not have a functioning chief-of-state for the first time in 235 years. After 2021, some sort of unelected, informal Politburu that self-assembled in the White House, like a clot from a Covid vaccine shot, is running our affairs…
    ..Kamala Harris is strangely missing from the front page of The New York Times this morning. Is that a little ominous? The debate is behind her. There will not be another, apparently. There is nothing about her schedule on the official campaign website. Has she entered fade-away mode? …

    The Honest Sorcerer on the coming decline of oil-driven real economy, The End of the Great Stagnation

    Gilbert Doctorow on what may or may not have been a painfully clear back channel ultimatum from Moscow to Washington. Information and disinformation
    Scott Ritter rightly denounced this U.S. government-inspired attack on RT as a war not on the Russian broadcaster but on the American people, whom it seeks to deprive of the right to decide for itself whom it watches, whom it listens to without U.S. government interference. The intent of the latest decision by Meta, which bends to the policy dictated to it by Capitol Hill, is to cancel our freedoms. I said and repeat here: bravo to Scott Ritter for an eloquent and pithy statement.
    So much for the ‘information’ aspect of this brief note. Now let us move to ‘disinformation’ by the very same Scott Ritter within the past 24 hours: namely what he is saying on ‘Judging Freedom’ and other authoritative internet channels about how we all narrowly escaped death this past weekend, because “back channel” communications from top Russian intelligence officials to their counterparts in Washington delivered a threatening and substantive message that scared the receiving party down its socks and led them to impose on Biden and Blinken to end all talk of allowing Kiev to send US and NATO long range missiles into the heartland of Russia…
    ..However, the issue of who made and who received the phone call this time is not the main point in my objection. Rather, what I find incredible is the very notion that Putin, through his subordinates, would, as Scott Ritter is saying, read off a list of targets for immediate destruction by Russian hypersonic missiles like the Mach-20 Avangard and that this demonstration of advanced preparation for the Doomsday scenario and readiness to execute it would shake the Americans down to their socks.
    Vladimir Putin is not given to drastic shifts in tone and intent such as Ritter is describing. And there is absolutely no reason for him to risk everything on one throw of the dice, to risk a U.S. preemptive strike at once now that the scenario against them had been so neatly laid out…
    ..Still more, knowing Putin’s behavior in the past at moments of crisis in the relationship with the United States, I believe his first instinct would be to address the American people directly about his intentions and the reasons for them, rather than to confine the discussion to ‘back channels’ with the likes of Burns or Sullivan…
    ..I have in the past several days freely admitted that my ‘end is nigh’ remarks with respect to the risks of giving unrestricted rights to Kiev on the missiles, were exaggerated. But then I was measuring the countdown to Doomsday in weeks, in the worst scenario, not in hours or minutes as Scott Ritter has done.
    We are not out of the woods yet, to be sure. And the task before all ‘warriors for peace’ is not to celebrate our surviving this past weekend but to continue to spread the word in the broadest possible public arenas that our governments are pursuing utterly ignorant and reckless policies.

    I have written to Dr. Doctorow, asking him to consider the possibility, as he already has done, that the US/UK were arranging a contingent nuclear-decapitation first strike against all of Russia, from every direction, at the moment when it remained still-possible. Consider that Mr. Putin and Russian military leaders would have no more direct choice than to point out on a deconfliction line, exactly how this would not work to decapitate Russia, and the exact coordinates and depths of some number of secret bunkers, where western “decision makers” would be expecting to find their own protection.

    John Day

    Simplicius, mostly about Ukraine, but I excerpted this: Ukraine’s Situation Worsens as Allied Weapons Drive Flunks
    One Russian source with more possible details:
    About Yemen’s missile strike on Israel; it’s almost certain that they used their domestic variant of the Iranian Kheybar Shekan-2 hypersonic ballistic missile, revealed a few months ago as ‘Hatem-2’
    Before that, Yemen announced they had started domestic production of Iran’s original Kheybar Shekan under the name ‘Palestine’ (Falasteen). The Kheybar Shekan-2 or ‘Hatem-2’ is simply an upgraded version of this missile with a hypersonic warhead and added range and maneuvers.
    Images: Hatem-2 hypersonic missile released months ago (left image) and Iran’s Kheybar Shekan-2 (right image); as can be seen, the missiles are nearly identical, except that Yemen uses lesser quality materials.
    The Houthis claimed that Israel fired over 20 interceptors which all missed. If a single missile—reportedly not even of Iran’s most advanced class—could bypass all of NATO’s defenses and strike at the heart of Israel, it really does not bode well for a major Iranian attack of hundreds if not thousands of more advanced variants. Nor does it bode well for the Empire if Putin chooses to reciprocate in kind by arming Yemen with even more advanced technology; it goes to illustrate the US’ hesitancy in escalating against Russia.

    Palestinians warn of imminent famine as Israeli siege forces bakeries in northern Gaza to close​

    ​ Lazzarini says the Israeli attempt to shut down UNRWA would have “devastating consequences for the multilateral system, the UN, and the cause of a Palestinian transition to self-determination.”
    ​ A campaign is underway to defund the UN humanitarian agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, its commissioner general stated, days after 18 people were murdered when Israeli warplanes targeted a UNRWA school in Gaza.
    ​ Philippe Lazzarini stated in an interview that the Israeli government was attempting to dismantle the organization after failing to persuade Western donors to cease supporting it due to false claims of the agency cooperating with the Palestinian Resistance, Hamas.​–dev

    ​ Does Iran have deliverable nuclear warheads or not? Russia is out. Will China be “in”? Thanks Eleni. Iran nuclear talks will be in new format, MK Bhadrakumar
    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has emphasised two missions: “The first mission is to neutralise sanctions, which the whole government should follow. Our first goal is to neutralise the sanctions and its impacts on the people.”
    ​ The foreign minister added, “Our priority is our neighbours. Our second priority is to expand the field of diplomacy to Africa and East Asia. The third priority is the countries that stood by Iran in difficult situations.”​

    Alastair Crooke, Closing hatches before rains founder the Western Vessel
    The war is lost, and the struggle to keep the ‘enforced pretending’ going is breaking through, to be seen by all as a false reality.
    Israel is entering the next phase of its war on Palestine by completing its takeover of the Gaza Strip – from the northern border to the Netzarim corridor. It is likely that they intend for this area to then gradually be made available for Jewish settlement and annexation to Israel.
    In a piece titled, “Annexation, Expulsion and Israeli Settlements: Netanyahu Gears Up for Next Phase of Gaza War”, the Editor of Haaretz, Aluf Benn, writes, were the takeover to proceed, “Palestinian residents who remain in northern Gaza will be expelled, as suggested by Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, under threat of starvation and under cover of “protecting their lives””. Netanyahu and his supporters will see this move, Benn suggests, as a lifetime achievement: Expanding Israel’s territory for the first time, after 50 years of Israeli withdrawals. This will be the Israeli Right’s ‘Zionist response’ to 7 October.
    This extraordinary shift was actuated – not just through military operations – but by the stroke of a pen: the appointment of Col. Elad Goren as head of the humanitarian-civil effort in Gaza, which effectively, makes him ‘Governor of Gaza’ for years to come.
    Less noted in the western Mainstream media is the harsh reality that, in the course of the twenty months in which the current Israeli government has been in power, Ben Gvir has armed a 10,000 strong settler vigilante movement that has been terrorising Palestinians in the West Bank. The police in the occupied territories already answer to Ben Gvir’s authority.
    What is missing from this appreciation is that whilst Ben Gvir has been assembling the ‘State Of Judea’s novel army’, Finance Minister Smotrich, who heads the Administration of the Territories, has revolutionized the situation for Jewish settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank. Authority in the West Bank has been turned-over to a closed, Right-wing messianic movement that answers only to a single man: Smotrich (the Governor of the West Bank in all but name).
    ​ In what Nahum Barnea describes as a stealth pincer-movement deployed by Smotrich, one arm of power has lain with his authority as finance minister; the second arm consists in the power delegated to him in his capacity as second minister in the Defence Ministry. Smotrich’s, and the Israeli government’s objective – laid out in Smotrich’s ‘Decisive Plan’ in 2017 – has not changed: to induce the collapse of the Palestinian Authority; to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state; and to give the seven million Palestinians who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea a choice: to die fighting; to immigrate to another country, or to live forever as vassals in a greater Israeli state.​..
    ..Netanyahu’s obfuscation about the likely future of Gaza needs little further explanation. The Palestinians in northern Gaza will face the fate of the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh: They were expelled overnight from the region a year ago, in a rapid move by Azerbaijanis. The world saw this, and simply ‘moved on’ – in the Israeli understanding of history…
    ​..Israel, by force of logic, has but two options: a Gaza ceasefire that might pacify its northern border, or a deliberate escalation in the north, with all its ramifications.​ The notion that Hizballah would be ‘coaxed’ away from Lebanon’s border was always ‘pie-in-the-sky’. The prospects for a Gaza deal, the mediators now say, are ‘next to zero’, so Israel’s attention has turned northwards…
    ​..U.S. General Kurilla, who commands U.S. forces in the region, arrived at the weekend in Israel – his second visit in a week – to complete ‘coordination with the IDF in anticipation of any possible retaliatory Iranian and Hizbullah attack’.
    ​ Washington, though committed to support Israel in any conflict with Iran or Hizbullah, nonetheless is worried. Senior American officials expressed fear in recent days that a full-scale war against Hezbollah will lead to huge damage to the Israeli home front, especially if Iran and others from the Resistance Alliance join in.​..​..Netanyahu’s ‘Great Victory’ plan to clear Greater Israel of Palestinians is unfolding, however crushing Hizbullah remains outstanding. Are all these ‘victories’ remotely feasible? No. They risk rather, the collapse of Israel (as authoritative commentators such as Major-General Brick have made clear). It is however feasible, that Netanyahu will try to execute it. The Kahanist spirit lives on, and is today mainstream in Israel.
    ​ This prospect casts the dark pall of a huge black swan circling overhead the Middle East, for the months until the U.S. election.
    So too, does the Ukraine war contain the seeds of an unexpected unpleasant surprise.​..
    ..President Putin may ‘talk the talk’ of mediation, but Moscow well understands that the power structure in Kiev was drawn from the pool of racist ant-Slavs, precisely to block any accord with Moscow. Mediation is bound to be rebuffed – that was Washington’s purpose in empowering the Stefan Banderista bloc from the outset.
    ​ An unravelling of the Kiev political structures, however, probably renders all the ‘would-be mediators’ unnecessary.
    ​ Put frankly, a new (cleansed) dispensation in Kiev likely would conclude that it has little option other than capitulation on the battlefront, to offer formal neutrality and limits to future militarisation. And Moscow is quite able to discuss ‘that’ with Ukrainians, without ‘help’ from outside.​

    John Day

    Ukrainian court to consider Zelensky’s legitimacy – MP
    An opposition lawmaker earlier filed a lawsuit claiming the former comedian, whose presidential term expired in May, is usurping power​

    ​ “He would say that”… Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky
    The Ukrainian leader has downplayed the US Republican candidate’s pledge to secure a peace deal as a typical campaign promise​

    ‘Pentagon Will Run Out of GPS Receivers’: US watchdog predicts problems with communications, intelligence and weapons guidance
    ​ As indicated in the report of the US Government Accountability Office, posted on the agency’s website, for 20 years the Pentagon has been trying to switch to a new signal, designated M-code. But the process is progressing extremely slowly, which will soon lead to negative consequences.
    ​ The military has for years pointed to the vulnerability of GPS signals, which have been jammed in Ukraine, allegedly in the Baltic Sea and elsewhere, thanks to Russia’s increasingly sophisticated electronic warfare capabilities.
    ​ That’s a problem the Pentagon hopes M-code will solve. The solution is based on new chips, called ASICs, that are being developed for B-2 bombers, destroyers, Stryker armored personnel carriers, and Marine Corps Light Tactical Vehicles. Smaller versions are also in development for precision-guided munitions and portable equipment. The chips are expected to undergo final testing next year.
    ​ However, after the development is completed, there will be problems with production. Firstly, the demand for equipment has increased sharply ​for military GPS-enabled devices made in the US. Secondly, GlobalFoundries [a US-headquartered TNC], the only company that can manufacture ASIC chips, is phasing out production for commercial reasons.​

    ​ What we can gauge from Intel’s $3B military chip grant
    ​Intel will work under the Defense Department’s Secure Enclave program, which DOD set up to accelerate the manufacturing of chips for defense and intelligence use within highly-secure environments.​

    John Day

    Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states​ Dr. Stein has earned my “protest” vote again.
    ​ Green Party candidate Jill Stein is gaining ground among Muslim-American voters in three critical swing states: Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin, according to a recent poll by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
    ​ Stein leads Vice President and Democrat candidate Kamala Harris in these states, with 40 per cent support in Michigan, 35 per cent in Arizona, and 44 per cent in Wisconsin. This surge in popularity appears tied to Stein’s vocal criticism of US support for Israel during the ongoing genocide in Gaza.​..
    ..Nationally, Muslim voters are split between Harris and Stein, with Harris holding 29.4 per cent and Stein close behind at 29.1 per cent. Former president Trump lags with 11.2 per cent, while 16.5 per cent of voters remain undecided. Trump’s controversial pledge to reinstate the “Muslim travel ban” may explain his lower support.​

    Trump Proved Right as DOJ Data Shows Crime Surge under Biden-Harris Admin, Contradicting ABC Debate ‘Fact-Check’​

    ​Forbidden words, I thought… Trump Blasts Biden-Harris Regime for Running ‘Largest Pedophile Ring in History’
    ​ “As attorney general, Harris defined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes.” Trump declared, adding “She put them in a new category, as nonviolent.”
    ​ “Now as vice president, she has facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history – the history of our country by far,” he added.
    ​ reports: Trump further addressed the press, “And in case you don’t want to write about it, which you should because there can be no bigger scandal than this, we have, under this administration, 325,000 migrant children are missing. 325,000!”
    ​ “In other words, take your biggest stadium in California and you can fill it up five or six times. Those are all missing children. Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves, and slaves of a different nature,” he continued.
    ​ “But her destruction of the law and order in California did not end there. In 2020, Kamala Harris endorsed ‘defund the police,’” Trump further declared, adding “Anybody that was in favour of defunding the police for one month, let alone her entire career, should never be president of the United States.”​

    ​I think he just means this recent one. Let’s all forget about investigating the one in July, ok? DeSantis: Florida will conduct its own investigation of assassination attempt

    ​ Ohio Gov. DeWine’s deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy
    ​ Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s experience with Haiti and Haitians goes far beyond his current efforts to manage issues — ranging from baseless rumors to genuine concerns — related to the recent sudden influx of Haitian immigrants to Springfield.
    ​ The Republican governor has an extensive connection to Haiti. In 1998, DeWine and his wife, Fran, began their support of the Becky DeWine School, named after the DeWines’ daughter who was killed in a 1993 car accident at 22 years old…
    ​ A previous Dayton Daily News report relayed that the school had an enrollment of roughly 5,000 students and served just under 10,000 meals a day and was pivotal in shaping his perspective on Haiti.
    ​ “Our mission is not to save Haiti, because that’s beyond us. But we can affect one child at a time. Our goal is to help that child survive and have a meaningful life. By accident of birth these kids were born in Haiti instead of Beavercreek. Some of the kids don’t make it, and some of them drop out, but we provide an opportunity for success,” DeWine said at the time.​

    John Day

    ​ Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions
    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.
    ​ Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms​”.​ “It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way. “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”
    ​ Blair was not alone in calling for new restrictions on social media. Earlier this week, the left-wing Speaker of the House Sir Lindsay Hoyle also said that the government should consider new limits against online speech.​ “Misinformation is dangerous,” Hoyle said. “Social media is good but its also bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threat, intimidation, suggesting that we should attack somebody, it’s not acceptable​”.​ “What we’ve got to do is factually correct what’s up there, if not I think the government has to think long and hard about what they are going to do about social media and what are they going to put through parliament as a bill​”.
    ​ “I believe it should be across, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, the fact is that misinformation is dangerous and no misinformation, or threats, or intimidation should be allowed to be carr​ied out on social media platforms.”​

    ​ Don’t accept a “Summons to Parliament”, Elon! British government had ‘constructive’ talks with Musk’s X over disinformation, minister says
    LONDON — The U.K. government has had “constructive” talks with Elon Musk’s social media site X over the spread of misinformation and other harmful content, technology minister Peter Kyle told CNBC Friday…
    ​…“It is a privilege having access to the British economy and society. And I just expect any company that comes to work here and aspires to sell products and services into our country to respect that,” he added.
    ​ Kyle’s comments to CNBC come after misinformation spread online after a knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in northwest England sparked far-right, anti-immigration riots — with shops and mosques being attacked in towns across the country.
    ​ Multiple social media users at the time spread false information about the alleged perpetrator, who has since been charged with murder and attempted murder, claiming he was an asylum seeker.
    ​ During the riots, Musk, who owns X, made comments about the situation in the U.K., calling Prime Minister Keir Starmer “two-tier Keir” in reference to the conspiracy theory that police were treating white far-right protesters and rioters more harshly than minority groups.
    ​ He also suggested the unrest could end up resulting in a civil war, saying in an X post: “Civil war is inevitable.” Musk’s comments were condemned by the U.K. government.
    ​ Last week, the Financial Times reported that British lawmaker Dawn Butler, a frontrunner to become next chair of the parliamentary committee on science, innovation and technology, wants to summon Musk to face questions from members of parliament, if elected.​

    ​ Peaceful British protesters jailed for up to 5 years
    ​ LONDON, UK (CNN) – As right-wing rioters attacked communities with racist violence across parts of the UK last month, 22-year-old climate activist Cressie Gethin sat in a prison cell.
    ​ Her crime? Organizing a disruptive protest against new government-granted licenses to drill for oil – a planet-heating fossil fuel – in the North Sea.
    In late July, a London court found Gethin and four other members of the Just Stop Oil activist group guilty of “conspiring intentionally to cause a public nuisance,” after recruiting protesters to climb structures along the M25 – a major ring road around London – bringing traffic to a standstill in parts over four days in November 2022.
    ​ Prosecutors alleged that the protests, organized over a Zoom call, disrupted more than 700,000 drivers, caused economic damage of over £760,000 ($980,000) and racked up £1 million ($1.3m) in policing costs.
    ​ Now Gethin and three others – Louise Lancaster, Daniel Shaw and Lucia Whittaker-De-Abreu, who planned the disruption on the call – are serving four-year jail terms, while Just Stop Oil co-founder Roger Hallam was given five years. All are appealing.
    ​ The sentences are believed to be the longest in the UK’s history for non-violent protest and were delivered under two new controversial laws that supercharged policing powers to crack down on disruptive protests, even when they are peaceful.

    ​ In Defense of Free Speech​, Scott Ritter
    As Kennedy pointed out, without the debate, dialogue, and discussion that comes with critical review of policy, the American Republic cannot survive.
    The censoring of any media outlet, including RT, silences the very critical debate America needs to survive…
    ​..In the war of ideas, when faced with defeat, we came up with better ideas.​ Today we fear critical thinking.
    ​ The words and deeds of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the head of the state Department’s Global Engagement Center, James Rubin, are not those of representatives of a nation confident in its cause, but the rearguard actions of desperate men confronted with the reality of a failing empire at odds with a world that is in the process of rejecting it.
    ​ The only path available to the American people that can lead to our collective survival as a Republic is to do our duty as citizens to push back against the tyranny of censorship and the ignorance it enshrines by using the weapons of free speech and a free press to challenge the dangerous and misguided actions and policies of those who represent us—and ultimately must be held accountable to us—in higher office.
    ​ This is the battle of the ages, one which will be recorded in history as a defining moment for the American Republic.​

    ​ They Protested a Military Base Expansion. So the FBI Investigated Them as Terrorism Suspects.​ (a nice, safe assignment, I presume)
    FBI counterterror officials went in person to Michigan to spy on “Stop Camp Grayling” demonstrators, new documents reveal.​

    John Day

    ​ Meryl Nass MD really encapsulated this well (with transcript): My 3 minute talk at the Sovereignty Coalition Summit on the UN’s Pact for the Future today
    I keep trying to boil it down into smaller and more digestible pieces​.

    ​ Dr. Nass, Is the Pact for the Future a Treaty? The UN has been very cagey about using ordinary terminology to describe it.
    Examining 3 examples of the UN’s linguistic somersaults, and I speculate on the next two weeks at the​ UN General Assembly​

    ​ Dr. Nass, How is the UN framing this meeting and document? It’s a commitment. “This is how we change the world.”
    The UN asks nations to “commit” to bold new solutions. The UN wordsmiths learned from the WHO not to use the word “binding” and to make their document as ambiguous as possible​.

    ​ “Defending Italy Is Not a Crime”: Salvini Reacts to Prosecutors’ Request for Six-Year Sentence
    Matteo Salvini, Italy’s right-wing deputy prime minister, is hitting back after Italian prosecutors requested on Saturday a six-year prison sentence against him for blocking migrants from disembarking at one of the country’s ports in 2019…
    ​.. In a video message on X, the deputy prime minister described in detail the events leading up to his decision to prevent the landing in Italy:
    On July 29, 2019, a Spanish NGO ship, the Open Arms, sets said from Syracuse headed to Lampedusa. It will never reach Lampedusa. Suddenly, it deletes its destination from the logbook and heads towards the Libyan coast.
    ​ On August 1st, it manages to intercept a boat with illegal immigrants on board. From that moment, it begins to sail through the Mediterranean picking up more illegal immigrants and heading towards Italy. On August 20th, it arrives off the coast of Sicily with 164 illegal immigrants on board.
    ​ In the preceding days, it had stubbornly refused every request for help, assistance, or disembarkation at ports other than Italian ones. They said no to Tunisia, they said no to Malta, they even said no to the flag state, namely Spain. More than twenty days of sailing in the Mediterranean while holding all these illegal immigrants on board when it would have taken just 72 hours to reach Spain.
    ​ This Spanish ship refused, not once, but twice to disembark the illegal immigrants at two ports made available by Spain. and even refused the aid of a military ship sent by the Spanish government.
    ​ During the Mediterranean journey of the Open Arms, we always rescued and disembarked sick people, pregnant women, and minors on board.
    ​ Together with my government colleagues, I had signed the ban on entering Italian territorial waters. Thanks to my government’s actions, landings, deaths, and disappearances in the Mediterranean Sea decreased.​

    ​ Meryl Nass MD, Some background on the twisted origins of the climate change narrative.
    Because “climate change” is the central dogma supporting global government, this will become important as we disentangle the narrative over the next few weeks
    ​ The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992, stemming from from the Rio “Earth Summit” in 1992 seems to be the only climate change treaty the US Senate agreed to. While it signed and ratified this convention, it has not ratified the Paris or Kyoto subsequent climate agreements, though President Biden returned the US to the Paris Accord after President Trump removed the US from the Paris Accord…
    ​..Maurice Strong, an oilman friend of David Rockefeller’s, played THE central role in defining and effecting global climate change efforts from about 1970 until 2010, was the Secretary-General of both Stockholm environmental summit in 1972 and the Rio Earth Summit of 1992. I believe he helped found the IPCC and helped create its interesting program of work, assuring that the group would come up with the “right” answers.​

    John Day

    ​ Revisiting this article you may have missed last Christmas, about some things our elite owners might expect in their own lives. What is a ‘Breakaway Civilization’?
    technologies of the future, here in the present​ , Josh Mitteldorf

    ​ The search for fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of life can lead to… Sex and the Single Paramecium, Evolution wants us to mix up our genes,
    Josh Mitteldorf, The big picture
    ​ If you’re a paramecium, you can clone yourself for awhile, but your clonal lineage is a dead end. Only the community survives long-term, and not the individual.
    For multicelled creatures, we can’t clone ourselves at all. Each of us is destined to be a one-off experiment in combinatorics, never to be repeated. It is the gene pool that has Darwinian staying power, not the particular combination that is you or me.
    ​ This principle has deep consequences for the whole process of evolution. It means that, in the long run, it is the fitness of the community that matters. Individual fitness is fated to be a transitory phenomenon. It is community fitness that can persist, can compete, can flourish in Darwin’s competition.
    ​ This is the opposite of the “selfish gene”. Richard Dawkins (and R. A. Fisher 46 years before him) had it exactly backwards. According to the selfish gene dogma, which dominated evolutionary theory from 1970 onward, Darwinian competition takes place primarily at the individual level. That was the old theory. But sex changes this. The meaning of sex is precisely to lift the level of evolutionary selection from the individual to the community.
    ​ Life is evolved for cooperation, just as much as for competition.​

    ​Even People can do this with Other People if they both do it! Dogs’ Brains Sync With Ours When We Gaze Into Their Eyes, Study Finds

    Soul-Gazer (pictured with soul-gazing-partner, Jenny)

    D Benton Smith

    If you can remotely detonate a pager then you can remotely detonate a cell phone.


    “If you can remotely detonate a pager then you can remotely detonate a cell phone.”

    And an electric car. Anything with a Lithium Ion battery and a remote connection.


    Thomasjkenny, no disrespect. I fold my clothes too and I think it’s a demonstration of love and care and also pride in what you do BUT it’s not an idol to be worshipped like that dude who btw represents an organisation involved in killing humans.
    Sorry to you and your wife if I sounded bitchy. I’m often wrong.

    Maxwell Quest

    “If you can remotely detonate a pager then you can remotely detonate a cell phone.”


    Lithium batteries do not detonate. In detonation all the energy stored up within a chemical compound is released at the same instant. If lithium batteries were capable of doing this then they would be too dangerous for consumer use.

    High explosives like PETN and Semtex will detonate. It is highly likely that these pagers were doctored by Mosad to contain a small amount of high explosive along with a stimulant (detonator) of some kind that could be triggered by a special command sent to the pager.


    Israel, Terrorist attack, nine people were killed in the simultaneous pager explosions, including a young girl, and some 2,750 wounded.

    D Benton Smith


    Well that’s a relief. I thought I was going to be answering my phone from now on with my eyes squinched shut.

    John Day

    The Israelis put PETN on the batteries then sent a waste-electricity signal to make the batteries get hot enough to detonate it.


    — RIA Novosti, citing Lebanese information security expert Khalil Sehnaoui

    About 500 Hezbollah members lost their eyes as a result of today’s pager explosions, since they looked at the pager when it exploded.


    How would the world react if hundreds of explosions went off in unison in New York City, Washington, Paris, or London? Eternal shame upon the news outlets framing this as an attack against combatants. These blasts all occurred in civilian areas. This is terrorism.

    if Hamas, Hezbollah, or any group or person exploded electronic devices in Israel and killed children, it would be described by the entire Western media class as a horrific act of wanton evil sadistic terrorism. Israel does it and it’s seen as an epic based move to be celebrated

    what is the difference between killing children and civilians by intentionally exploding devices meant to kill them, and doing it by shooting or bombing them?

    There is no difference.

    It’s the same act of mass murder, of actual terrorism.

    But because Israel does it with Western arms, funding, weapons and intel it’s epic and based and we all have to celebrate it as such

    Dr. D

    That’s an indiscriminate attack on everyone. Aka, a “War Crime.” But why waste my breath? They would never attack unless they could do it using a war crime.

    The interview above, I started from the opposite end: Feminism says, “all Men hate women and exploit them, that’s why we’re sure you’ll listen to us nagging and change n’ give us stuff.” …One Eternity…Later (since 1971).

    Aha! She says, that’s just your Run-of-the-mill, watered down Liberal Feminism. Where they think men are exploiting and hate all women, but still want to marry one. I’m talking about RADICAL Feminism, where there are no men at all!!

    “Okay, great, what’s your plan for food and water in this new man-free-land?”

    Men, who hate women, only exploit them, and are our sworn enemies are going to GIVE US a country to be free in! …That’s it. That’s our whole plan. We’ll nag them in public until they do.

    Oh WILL they now? Do sworn enemies, upon hearing they are hated and enemies of someone USUALLY give that enemy nation and people a free country? Out of their own country? WIth their own sweat? From which you could base to attack them, as they are your sworn enemy? — Crickets– “We don’t understand what you mean. — I — am the woman. I TOLD you to give me a country. Now chop-chop, now get outta here and get me some money too.”

    See? Being somewhat of a less feminine, male bent, I started from the opposite end: you want a country without men? Yes. Then you better start murdering men, then. All of them. After you murder them all, you’ll take their country. …Still having the problem that the men will instantly re-appear the minute you give birth. To sons. So murder them all too. QED, problem solved, easy-peasy.

    But it’s NOT easy-peasy because: women. They SAY they want all men dead and somewhere else, because what they REALLY mean is the #Opposite. You stay right here, make everything, fix everything, and give me stuff. Like a country. So both exist and don’t exist, and everything will be fine! Both give me everything i value, and I’ll tell you I don’t value it, it means nothing and doesn’t pay anything off, and it’ll be fine!

    Sooooo….starting from the Opposite end here again, with your own premise: IF men really had even the SLIGHTEST antagonism against you, wouldn’t they beat YOU up and take YOUR stuff? And not, like, say, GIVE you stuff instead? I THINK that’s what “Enemy” means. Right?

    So they’re an enemy that DOESN’T beat you up, DOESN’T take anything, DOESN’T do anything, and sits around patiently listening your your nagging and demands all day because…that’s what enemies — who hate you all, mind, and only attack and abuse you — do.

    I don’t know why I talk because none of this has the slightest effect and illuminates no one. I can say it over and over for weeks and it would never break through.

    “en·e·my (ĕn′ə-mē)
    1. a. One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes another; a foe.
    b. One who opposes or is hostile to an idea or cause: an enemy of democracy.
    c. Something destructive or injurious in its effects…

    I intend injury to you by giving you stuff. Yup! That scans. You are MY enemy, “have hatred”, “Intend to cause injury to me” and that’s why I should listen to your every word. Yup, totally makes sense, thanks.

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