Debt Rattle September 20 2024


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    One may think that she must be slowly undressing herself during the interview to entice him to tell it all, but narcissist psychopath does not need that kind of help to brag.


    The Duh’merican Revolution

    Turning in the grave…...


    75% of Duh’merican young can pass the basic pitifully low military physical

    90% of Duh’merican College students couldn’t pass, physically or mentally….

    Push them over with a feather, poof!







    John Day

    Fortunes Of War

    ​ Gaza: Doctor dies in Israeli custody after being abducted from al-Shifa Hospital, officials say
    Ziad Mohammed al-Dalou is the third physician from Gaza to die in Israeli detention within 11 months​

    ​ Nearly 1,000 Palestinian health workers killed by Israeli forces in Gaza named
    Palestinian health ministry says latest data reflects Israel’s ‘systematic and deliberate’ attack on the health system​

    ​ Israeli Ministers, MKs Urge Netanyahu To Expel Palestinian Civilians From Northern Gaza and ‘Cleanse’ the Area
    The plan would involve ordering an evacuation and imposing a complete siege on the area of Gaza north of the Netzarim Corridor​

    ​ Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Says Israel Has ‘Crossed All Red Lines’
    ​ “With this operation, the enemy crossed all laws and red lines. It didn’t care about anything at all. Not humanity, not morality, not legality,” the Hezbollah leader said. During the speech, Israeli warplanes flew over Beirut and appeared to drop flares…
    ​..Nasrallah said the Israeli operation “could be considered war crimes or a declaration of war.” He called the attack “unprecedented” and said it dealt a “blow” to Hezbollah. “We cannot be broken by this blow, no matter how big or strong it is. And I can assure you faithfully and with confidence, this hard, unprecedented blow did not bring us to our knees – and it will not,” he said
    Nasrallah said that senior Hezbollah officials did not carry the electronic devices that were blown up and added that “what happened did not impact our command, control or infrastructure.”…
    ​..Nasrallah said civilians were targeted in the attack since explosions occurred in private homes and public places, including hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies, and crowded streets. A source close to Hezbollah told Middle East Eye that the pagers were used by a “wide network of people, including administrators, medical workers, paramedics, media workers, and other civilian members.”
    ​ Nasrallah vowed Hezbollah would respond to the Israeli attack and that attacks on Israel would continue until there was a ceasefire in Gaza.​

    John Day

    Israel planned pager attacks for 15 years – ABC News​

    ​ Lebanon terror attacks ‘long in the making’ Israeli op
    ​ The dual terror attacks that rocked Lebanon this week, killing dozens and injuring thousands, were the result of a “complex and long in the making” Israeli operation, according to 12 current and former defense and intelligence officials who spoke with the New York Times (NYT).
    ​ “Even before [Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan] Nasrallah decided to expand pager usage, Israel had put into motion a plan to establish a shell company that would pose as an international pager producer,” the NYT report states, referring to Hungary-based BAC Consulting.
    ​ The shell company served as a front to manufacture thousands of pagers on behalf of Taiwanese company Gold Apollo that were acquired by the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah earlier this year. “At least two other shell companies were created to mask the real identities of the people creating the pagers: Israeli intelligence officers,” the report states.
    ​ “BAC did take on ordinary clients, for which it produced a range of ordinary pagers. But the only client that really mattered was Hezbollah, and its pagers were far from ordinary. Produced separately, they contained batteries laced with the explosive PETN,” three intelligence officers who spoke with the NYT are quoted as saying.
    ​ On Thursday, Budapest announced that the explosive-laden pagers were “never” in the country.
    “Hungarian authorities have established that the company in question is a trading-intermediary company, which has no manufacturing or other site of operation in Hungary. It has one head of operations in Hungary on its listed address and the devices referenced have never been to Hungary,” government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said via social media.
    ​ The shipments from BAC started making their way to Lebanon in the summer of 2022 “in small numbers,” but production ramped up earlier this year after Nasrallah denounced the use of smartphones among its ranks.
    ​ “Over the summer, shipments of the pagers to Lebanon increased, with thousands arriving in the country and being distributed among Hezbollah officers and their allies,” two US intelligence officials told the western news outlet.​

    ​ Hal Turner, Israeli War Cabinet Grants Permission for War
    ​ I have spent the past few hours speaking to my former colleagues in the Intelligence Community (IC) from around the world. Several I personally worked with during my years working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, where, as regular readers know, I handled national security intelligence, terrorism, and foreign counter-intelligence.
    ​ To a man, each and every former colleague in the IC told me they believe Israel is in for a surprise when they enter Lebanon.
    ​ They went on to explain that, regardless of communications being down, every Lebanese village in the South has hundreds of local garrison units and independently functioning cells for Hezbollah.​..
    ..Moreover, the Lebanese Foreign Minister, in an unprecedented statement to the Lebanese state, said today:
    “No one can ask Hezbollah to calm down after the attack that occurred, Hezbollah’s response to the attack is necessary.”
    ​ With this statement the Lebanese government is now openly giving Hezbollah free play to respond, instead of asking it to calm tensions.​ This is unprecedented.
    ​ With the backing of the Lebanese government, Hezbollah will be emboldened to act much harder than before, when they tried to appease the government to at least some extent.​

    ​ Nine Killed, 59+ Wounded, In Israeli Attack On Beirut Which Took Out Hezbollah Elite Commander​
    ​ The death toll has continued to grow following the Friday after Israeli aerial strike on a southern suburb of Beirut. Lebanon’s Health Ministry says nine people have been killed and at least 59 injured, as emergency crews continue picking though the rubble of a leveled residential building.
    ​ Authorities say children are also among the victims in the neighborhood of Dahiyeh, which is densely populated. The Israeli Army says it has killed a top Hezbollah commander, identified as Ibrahim Akil; however, Hezbollah has yet to confirm or deny. He’s said to have served as head of the group’s elite special forces. The state-run Lebanese National News Agency has said five children are among the dead.​

    Netanyahu prevails: No Gaza Ceasefire Before Biden’s Term Ends: Admin’s Drastic Narrative Shift​

    John Day

    ​ Paul Craig Roberts notes: The British Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General Say Putin’s Red Lines Can Be Ignored Because He Never Enforces Them
    Putin declared wolf so many times no one believes him when he is finally serious.
    ​ Except perhaps the US military. The Pentagon seems to have told the White House and Secretary of State to stand down from approving use of long range missiles to attack Russia.
    ​ Otherwise we are on the verge of nuclear war.​ The irresponsible recklessness of the White House and Secretary of State Blinken should frighten every American.​

    ​ The empty appearance of an army, in many respects. Ukraine – Recent Front Line Reports Point To Systemic Failures
    Two recent piece published in Ukrainian media take a look at the situation in eastern Ukraine and describe the reasons for the crumbling of Ukraine’s defense lines.​

    ​Previously “peace plan”, and purported to completely involve NATO in war against Russia to “work” without giving up territory. US Says Zelensky’s Victory Plan ‘Can Work’

    There was no second objective to follow the invasion… Ukrainian Commanders Urged Zelensky Not To Invade Kursk
    POLITICO reports former Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny opposed the plan when Zelensky first proposed it​

    ​They were edging back to their historic neutrality: Switzerland Dumps Neutrality as Senate Rejects Ban on Joining NATO Drills

    John Day

    Kucinich is Obi wan Kenobi. I love his bright, cheerful, fearless integrity against militarism. Watch: Neocon Congressman Runs Away When Asked If He’ll Debate Opponent Dennis Kucinich

    The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II​

    ​ Ritter revisits last weekend in an essay: SCOTT RITTER: 72 Minutes, To quote Nikita Khrushchev, “The survivors would envy the dead.”
    ​ Ukraine, together with many of its NATO allies, has been asking for permission from the United States, the United Kingdom, and France to be able to employ precision-guided long-range weapons systems provided by these countries against targets deep inside Russia.
    ​ On Sept. 6, at a meeting of the Ramstein Contact Group, a forum where U.S.-NATO military support to Ukraine is coordinated, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky personally appealed to the group for more weapons support from its Western allies and called on allies to allow Ukraine to use the weapons they provided to strike deeper inside Russia.​..
    ​..The stage was now set for Keir Starmer, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, to fly to Washington, D.C., last Friday, where he would meet with Biden and jointly agree to give Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadow and ATACMS against targets inside Russia.
    ​ Russia has long made it clear that it would view any nation which authorized the use of its weapons to strike Russia as a direct party to the conflict.
    ​ In comments to the media in Russia last Thursday — one day before the Biden-Starmer meeting at the White House — Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear that any lifting of the restrictions on Ukrainian use of U.S.- and U.K.-provided long-range weapons would change “the very essence of the conflict.” He said:
    ​ “This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, European countries are fighting Russia. And if this is the case, then…we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.”​ …
    ..Just to drive the point home, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, told the Security Council last Friday that NATO would “be a direct party to hostilities against a nuclear power,” if it allowed Ukraine to use longer range weapons against Russia. “You shouldn’t forget about this and think about the consequences,” he declared.
    ​ The finishing touches on driving home the seriousness of Putin’s warning was left to the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov. Speaking to the Russian media also last Friday Antonov said he was surprised that many American officials believed that​ “if there is a conflict, it will not spread to the territory of the United States of America. I am constantly trying to convey to them one thesis that the Americans will not be able to sit it out behind the waters of this ocean. This war will affect everyone, so we constantly say – do not play with this rhetoric.”​ … “Yesterday’s statements from Vladimir Putin were weighed very carefully here. Several ex-officials called me asking to explain what actually stands behind those statements. I simply replied: ‘Don’t play with fire.’”
    ​ Antonov’s sentiments were likely echoed through existing back-channel communications used by the Department of Defense and the C.I.A.
    In the end, the message got through — Biden pulled back from giving Ukraine the permissions it sought.
    ​ Most Americans are unaware about how close they came to waking up Saturday morning, only to find that it was their last.
    ​ Had Biden yielded to Starmer’s pressure (the British, together with Ukraine and several NATO nations, believed that Putin was bluffing), and signed off on the permission, Ukraine was prepared to launch strikes on Russia that night.​ (British soldiers deployed in Ukraine would be needed to operate the Storm Shadows and they are already there, according to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who has refused to send similar weapons to Ukraine.)
    ​ Russia would likely have responded with conventional attacks on Kiev using new weapons, such as the Avangard hypersonic warhead, which would each deliver a blow equivalent to 26-28 tons of explosives.
    ​ Russia would also most likely have struck NATO targets in Poland and Romania where Ukrainian fighters are based. And, lastly, Russia would have struck British military targets, possibly including those on the British Isles.
    ​ This would prompt a NATO retaliation under Article 5, using a large number of NATO long-range strike weapons targeting Russian command and control, airfields, and ammunition storage facilities.
    ​ The Russian response would most likely involve the launching of more Avangard conventional warheads against NATO targets, including Ramstein airbase and NATO headquarters, as well as airbases from which strikes against Russia were launched.
    ​ At this juncture the United States, using nuclear employment plans derived from a nuclear posture which emphasizes the pre-emptive use of low yield nuclear weapons to “escalate to deescalate”— i.e., force Russia to back down through a demonstration of capability — would authorize the use of one or more low-yield nuclear warheads against Russian targets on Russian soil.
    ​ But Russian doctrine has no capacity for engaging in a limited nuclear war. Instead, Russia would respond with a general nuclear retaliation targeting all of Europe and the United States.​ Whatever U.S. strategic forces that survived this onslaught would be fired at Russia.
    And then we all die.
    72 minutes.​

    2 ​follow up Hal Turner stories from yesterday’s post pertain to that Friday morning (“deconfliction message”?) and Monday:

    Above-Ground “Incident” (Explosion) in Washington State, “Sends Message” to US – Device passed Right Over Naval Base Bremerton 9/13/2021
    The United States Geological Survey reports an “Other Event” caused the equivalent of a Magnitude 2.7 earthquake, 0.8 km ABOVE ground at 09:12 UTC this morning. Word is this “Other Event” was . . . . an explosion – possibly of a Hypersonic missile –sent as “a message” to the Untied States…
    ..There are mountains in that area where the “other event” took place at a “Depth” of -0.8km. Yes, that’s a minus sign in front of the “Depth” meaning the “Other Event” took place above the ground by about 2,624 feet. Some of the mountains in that area ARE that high. So if a missile hit a mountain at that height, the resulting explosion could very well register as a Magnitude 2.7 earthquake “above” ground.
    For a frame of reference, when the World Trade Center in New York City collapsed in the attacks of September 11, 2001, seismographs registered the massive collapse as a Magnitude 2.1 “earthquake.” So the fact that this “Other Event” registers stronger . . . . as 2.7 . . . . gives readers an idea of how powerful this “other event” actually was.
    There is no visual evidence of any Landslide in that area. There is no major snowpack yet, and so there is no sign of any massive Avalanche.
    So what caused this “Other Event” as being reported by the US Geological Survey?
    Was it a “message” to the USA over its continued meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?
    Was it a clear warning from, perhaps, a Russian Submarine, that the US authorizing Ukraine to use West-supplied, long-range, precision missiles against Russia, could result in Russia using missiles against the USA?

    ​That was last Friday, then Turner noted this on this past Monday, 9/16/24: 2:57 PM EDT — Never Been This Many MILITARY Aircraft in-Flight Over USA
    As of 2:57 PM eastern US time on September 16, 2024 there are literally HUNDREDS of military aircraft flying over the continental United States (CONUS).
    ​The image above from Ads-B Exchange shows **ONLY** Military Aircraft! ! ! ! ! I am 62 years old and I have never seen this many military in the air in my entire life.
    ​ Those of you who think the likelihood of World War 3 is a “nothing burger” or that folks like me who point out where we are heading – right into World War 3 — somehow makes me “Chicken Little, The Sky is Falling,” would do well to wake up and see what is actually taking place.
    ​ The US, EU, NATO continue escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict to the point where Russia has the United Kingdom surrounded by nuclear submarines (Story Here), awaiting orders to attack specific sites in the UK.
    ​ At least eleven Russian submarines are off the US East coast (Story Here), as many as nine nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines and 21 diesel-electric attack submarines. off our West Coast from Alaska down to San Diego, CA (Story Here). Several more subs are near the Gulf of Mexico.
    ​ Anyone who thinks this is a joke, or just “posturing” is either in emotional “denial” or is simply a fool.​

    John Day

    ​ Must Have World War or Lose Power! Tucker Carlson: They Want a ‘War with Iran Before Election’ to Stop Trump
    Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson made an unsettling prediction about what the Washington establishment may be planning before the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
    ​ Tucker warned that if Democrats are faced with a Trump victory in November, they would likely “throw the society into chaos” as a last-ditch attempt to hold on to power.
    ​ According to Tucker, the next black swan event could be “a war with Iran.”
    The former Fox News host highlighted the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdowns that were used last time to incite such “chaos,” dubbing it “the pretext for changing the way [Americans] vote.”​…
    ​..“If they feel like they’re gonna lose, we will have some kind of crisis.”
    “I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran, which they want anyway, but who knows.”
    ​ Meanwhile, former congressman Ron Paul also warned of an impending black swan event.
    Earlier this year, Paul urged Americans to prepare for an imminent catastrophic global event heading into the election.
    ​ “I think we’re reaching this point where some sudden thing is going to happen,” Paul told Carlson.“I believe in that theory of the black swan,” he added.
    “Yes, It’s going to pop up, and it’s not going to be controllable,” Paul continued.​ He went on to explain how the next disruptive event could be worse than the 2008 financial crisis and the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York.“I think the most important thing they can do is understand what’s going on,” Paul said.
    “You can have your guns and your stored foods and all that. It’s not going to work,” he said.​ “You have to understand what’s happening. You have to know it’s coming, and it’s very, very dangerous,” Paul continued.​

    ​ The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine
    ​ News spread like wildfire yesterday of yet another assassination attempt against Trump as explosives were allegedly found in a car near the location Trump was scheduled to speak at his Long Island rally.
    ​ James Lelino:​ Sources in the Nassau County Police Department just told me that “the perimeter was breached and a blue barrel was removed” from the area surrounding tonight’s Trump rally site.
    ​ Source said “During K9, doing their checks, they found an explosive device in one of the vehicles and that driver ended up running into the woods. No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running. A lot of cars are now parking, they’re lining up on Hempstead Turnpike, just parking on the grass. Even over at Eisenhower Park, they’re just parking over there.”
    ​ Almost as quickly as the story spread, the media swooped in to debunk it as “misinformation.” Report after report came out suggesting that the paranoid Trump supporters just fell for another conspiracy theory—silly of them to take such reports seriously; after all, Trump had only experienced two assassination attempts before, so reports of a third couldn’t possibly be credible, could they?​

    ​ No bomb went off. “Blue-Collar-Billionaire”, “Orange Jesus”… New Yorkers Show Up by the Tens of Thousands for Donald Trump
    ​ The regular New Yorkers, the working people, showed up by the tens of thousands at the Trump rally in Nassau Coliseum on Long Island last night. The working people are moving more and more to Donald Trump because the elites are not there for them. In fact, quite the opposite. They want to rule over us.
    ​ There were a lot more people outside the venue, watching from the parking lot.​

    ​ GOP Sen. Josh Hawley Releases Whistleblower Report On First Assassination Attempt On Trump In Butler
    ​ A 21-page whistleblower report about the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Penn., arrived this week from the office of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). The main takeaway is that the U.S. Secret Service is to blame for “failing to prevent it.”​ [Hitler “failed to prevent” World War-2.]​

    Democrat Sen Blumenthal: Biden-Harris Admin Is ‘Stonewalling’ Investigation into Trump Assassination Attempts​

    John Day

    Rep. Gaetz: DHS Knows of 5 ‘Assassination Teams’ Targeting Trump​, ‘Three of these teams are foreign-inspired, from my understanding—Iranians, Ukraine, Pakistan…’​

    ​ Trump has a bulletproof glass cage that travels with him, and would reflect UV away. Was Trump Attacked With an Infrared Laser, Sending 20+ People to the ER?
    ​email from a reader:
    ​ My first take on the eye injuries at the latest Trump Rally is likelyhood of an infared (non-seeable) laser was aimed at Trump but injuring those behind him.
    These injuries were common during the Gulf War (1992) when infrared targeting lasers swept the desert battlefield day and night. One cannot tell immediately when exposed but later when the eye inflammation starts.
    ​ The laser-eye injury threat was largely why desert soldiers wore protective eyewear day and night. At night the iris is more open and allows more eye damage.

    ​ Can Harris’s Cynical, Run-out-the Clock Campaign Succeed?
    ​ Cynically running out the clock has been the overarching principle of the entire abbreviated 105-day presidential campaign of Kamala Harris—ever since Joe Biden, at the 11th-hour, dropped out in July.
    ​ Harris seems unwilling or unable to answer any impromptu question that she has not been previously prepped for. Her answers at the debate were memorized and canned. They never addressed the questions asked.​

    ​ Celia Farber: Border Patrol Agent Testifies Biden Admin Ordered Him To Conceal Arrests Of Terror-Affiliated Migrants: “The Administration Was Trying To Convince The Public There Was No Threat At The Border.”

    ​ Black Illegal Immigrant Who Stabbed Family Of Four To Death Labeled As “White” In Monroe County Jail Roster
    A black illegal immigrant, already wanted for murder in his home country of the Dominican Republic, wound up stabbing a family of four, including two toddlers in upstate New York.​ Then, in the in the Monroe County Jail roster, he was recorded as “white”.​


    Gaza murders are deescalating.
    Hezbola murders are escalating.
    The chosen Jewish mercenaries are succeeding.
    The chosen Nazi-Ukrainians mercenaries are being depopulated.

    John Day

    House Passes Bill To Deport Illegal Immigrants Convicted Of Sex Offenses​

    ​ Diddy’s Ex Reveals Underage ‘Rape Tapes’ Featuring ‘Household Names’ Used as Blackmail Material
    ​ Diddy’s ex-girlfriend Kim Porter, the mother of three of his children, revealed the existence of “rape tapes” featuring underage pop stars of both genders in recently published diaries of her relationship with the music mogul.​

    ​ Report: Diddy Sold Child Rape Tapes of Bieber to Multiple Hollywood A-Listers
    P Diddy filmed multiple videos of himself raping Justin Bieber when he was a young child and sold the tapes to multiple Hollywood A-listers, according to new allegations.​

    “The UK Has Criminalized Dissent”: The Transition of Britain and the West Into Tyranny. Former British Ambassador Craig Murray​

    Meryl Nass MD, (It has lovely wording, I see.) A very thoughtful analysis of the Pact for the Future
    A long read but worthwhile to learn more about the Pact than I provided​

    John Day

    Steve Kirsch, It’s ridiculously easy to calculate a lower bound estimate on the number of Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 500K
    All you need is one honest paramedic, the number of paramedics, and knowledge of the Poisson distribution. This isn’t rocket science. So why isn’t anyone else making these estimates?​

    ​This was disproven by March 2020, Meryl Nass MD: The usual suspects are at it again, claiming COVID came from the animal market.

    Meryl Nass MD, They won’t let up: More FRAUD to take down *hydroxychloroquine* before the next scamdemic
    Scientific misconduct needs to be made into a real crime with penalties like jail and big bucks. ​
    Addendum: “Recently, a physician in India made this fascinating observation: “In the 1985-86 edition of ‘Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine’ [a highly recommended book for students in medical school], Dr. Fauci wrote that HCQ worked as an anti-viral agent despite being an anti-malarial drug. There was no COVID-19 back then. HCQ’s anti-viral properties were known.’”

    “Something completely different” (We look for old Toyotas in good condition.) These Are The World’s Most Reliable Car Brands


    The Zionists destroyed an eight-story building in southern Beirut. So far – 12 killed, 66 wounded.

    They claim that they:
    killed the commander of Hezbollah’s special operations unit (Radwan unit) Ibrahim Aqil.
    killed 10 leaders of the Radwan unit
    killed 20 Hezbollah leaders (Radwan unit)
    killed the deputy commander of the IRGC Quds Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Fallahzadeh,

    Iran’s Tasnim News Agency reported that claims about the killing of General Fallahzadeh are “pure lies”.
    There were no Iranian advisors at the targeted site.

    Hezbollah has not announced anything yet.

    Posted by: JB | Sep 20 2024 21:03 utc | 375


    Phoenix voice. Great thing to do. CBDC’s is definitely the most important thing to drill into in my opinion. The programmable use of money and exchange from policy or distance is the biggest potential disruption to exchange of physical and ideas between humans like ever. It is the definition of the move from local one on one to global Oligarch to slave interaction.
    It is an electric fence for cattle. If you touch the boundary with a word or an extra burger or too much of whatever is decided then a little shock is administered in the form of lack of transaction.


    Oroboros, thanks for the memes, as always.


    Science Bless America.


    phoenixvoice said

    So, if anyone has any topical suggestions, please leave them in the comments today and tomorrow and I will read through them. Thanks much!

    Chinese are far less paranoid about technology than the west. They live under permanent facial recognition systems that will even send you a ticket if you walk across a pedestrian crossing when the light is red. Why do they accept this? The Chinese recognise that a lot of them have terrible behaviour and that these systems actually improve life for the rest of them. For example, remember the story of the Chinese men who opened the back door on a plane taxiing to the terminal, all so they could have a smoke without the smoke alarms going off? Of course this ended up delaying everybody on the flight. They were added to the no-fly list and immediately stopped their misbehaviour and improved the lot of ordinary fliers.

    I am not sure how the west compares to China when it comes to technology:
    – QR codes on tables in cheap restaurants: scan the code, it will show you the menu and enable you to order your meal online (is this happening in the west yet?)
    – Electronic payment: you can pay for everything using your mobile phone, from parking fees to bus fares, to rates, to your tax. But, there are still huge numbers of Chinese who prefer using cash.
    – Electronic health management: the government runs a central health system, you access it through your phone, it reminds you of your appointments, you can book appointments, access documents, basically you do everything through this system but you need to have a mobile; no mobile then no govt healthcare.
    – Airports in China use facial recognition everywhere: the airport security systems recognise my face so they allow me through, all within seconds … and I don’t have to face some bored official stamping my passport. Easy and super quick.
    – Photo searches for online products: You want to buy a product but don’t know what it is called (recently did this for some waterproofing sealant), then take a picture of the product, put it into one of China’s many online shopping sites and it will present you with pages of shops selling that very product. Very efficient, amazingly accurate and so far seems to work for pretty much everything.

    As someone who does not carry a mobile with me – I have one but leave it at home, just use it as a house phone – some of these technologies can be a pain.

    Just a few technologies that I use regularly. The technology is neutral, the issue is how it is used by the authorities.


    What can inspire?
    The stars and fire.
    If we cannot have these
    We will freeze.


    There will be no repercussions for Israel’s terrorism, not while the USA protects them, so we can expect the deformed baby to keep on terrorising to its heart’s content. The land where everybody who is not a Jew is an enemy to be ground into dust; humanity’s worst. Of course, they only do this because the Jews are the true victims; like satan is the true victim.


    The Green Industrial Complex: The CEO of WWF is paid up to a million dollars to save “nature”

    Fascism has swallowed the “green” environment beggars, spending their huge government grants to promote government green policy, such as climate change. When private charities are promoting government then you know they are not really charities, they are the tools of fascism.


    Building on the CBDCs, ask them how they felt when their credit card was denied in the checkout line. (certainly some will have encountered this situation). And they didn’t have a second card- or if they did, it was also denied.
    That’s what CBDCs promise: shame and rejection. A world where we will seek to “police ourselves” ahead of the game to make sure we aren’t shamed and rejected.


    Hollywood use to a propaganda tool of the Deep Dipshit State that made some great movies AND made money.

    A lot of money.

    Now it’s just a crappy propaganda tool, no better than an old Soviet brainwashing newsreel that’s incapable of even telling an interesting story and it hemorrhages money with every disgusting woke ass-wipe flick it pukes out.



    mpsk said

    That’s what CBDCs promise: shame and rejection. A world where we will seek to “police ourselves” ahead of the game to make sure we aren’t shamed and rejected.

    Policing yourself is a bad thing? You expect your government parents to look after you instead of you using your own brain and physical resources? How sad.

    The Chinese are great savers, many of the older generations have been through poverty and know what it is like to have zero cash and zero credit, eating rodents and pets to survive; they do not want to go back to that so they police themselves, they ensure that they are self reliant, not begging from the government.

    You do not control your world if you use credit, there is always someone else to answer to, that is the nature of credit. If your credit is rejected at the supermarket then reject credit and live the way your ancestors lived, on cash.

    The reason CBDCs will be so easy in the west is that so many already live on credit,beyond their means, so many are already willing to be controlled by the credit card companies that a CBDC is a small step.


    Gruesome Newsom Sheriff of Californicate


    The Newsom ban on deep fakes extends to old childhood photos too

    Only haters would doubt it’s real

    He was a wiffer even back then…..


    Even has a commemorative stamp for it



    Which one is the Jackass?



    Notice: NOT deep fake


    Totally OK



    Project De-population relies on demoralization and rubbing your nose in shit to make you want to give up and top yourself.



    Harrisy WBalz







    The hook nosed Frankfurt school boys must be very proud, smiling up from the grave. Well laid plans, all coming true.

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