Debt Rattle September 21 2024


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    Paul Gauguin Horsemen on the beach 1902   • Multiple ‘Assassination Teams’ Targeting Trump – Matt Gaetz (RT) • Leader of The Free World? (SCF) •
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 21 2024]


    billions of dollars in economic and military yearly and the intelligence triumph the US purchased was indiscriminate mayhem.

    i have struggled against this for years.Here is my unconditional surrender. The populace of The United States are morons. I looked in the mirror this morning.

    I looked in the mirror this morning and realized the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden was written yesterday. Einstein’s understanding about time is correct. Every single atrocity and depraved and barborous human act is now. There is only now for human beings.
    My copy of The Tao Te Ching came into my possession in 1972. Lao Tzu had become sick at heart at the ways of men. The fifty years seems like no time at all but the complete understanding of sick at heart at the ways of men is here now.

    Dr. D

    To make it clear: BRITAIN sets up the Federal Reserve in 1913. That allows them to be certain America has their back with unlimited funds for the war they planed next year. Without it, that war WWI might have held off until they could get like assurance. No archduke or no one would have “Mobilized” as was “Inevitable” (it never is). N.B. as WWI started (and America was not involved) the British had to outmaneuver the German firms on Wall Street, or the war might have gone another way. Money was owed to the U.S. by both Britain and Germany so someone was going to lose. Also although everyone lies, because: United States, half the U.S. is German. So genetically England is a small add, and German heritage is about the same. They just SAY it’s England and just SAY it’s all Puritans, because they opened their air-holes, so obviously a lie blew out. Florida: founded by Puritans, yup. Baton Rogue, Des Moines, Natchez, Orleans, all English, yup.

    WWII was the same, more familiar. FDR ALSO ran on no foreign wars – because: Lie. Opened his air hole so lie came out. But he was all into the war, doing LITERALLY EVERYTHING to cause one. As obviously, consensus reality now, we had the Japanese code, knew they were attacking, and locked all ships in the harbor, ‘cause: Death. Killin’ some folks. Captains disobeyed direct orders to be at sea and not sunk. Dead. He also had stolen all Japanese finance, and when that didn’t work, cut off all their oil. Honolulu Times printed there would be an attack tomorrow, that’s what kind of “Surprise” it was.

    Anyway, the wars were all run the same way, knowing that the U.S. would be MADE to go into war, and Britain had nothing to worry about. There was STRONG antiwar sentiment then, now repressed to history. (As there was also strong pro-war sentiment among the young and stupid. Millennials. Zoomers.) So Europe even when flat footed and double-crossed by Hitler attacking his British masters instead of Stalin like they told him to, like they created him for, nevertheless, at the end, they got 2/3 of what they wanted. Germany and Russia at odds, Russia put down now that Stalin was off the leash. German Empire destroyed for a generation and in fact permanently. U.S. deeply involved and at the beck and command of Europe, who paid to rebuild it, then sapped their own national fortune to keep them “Safe” while France sat in cafes and got free health care with August off. So more than 50/50 isn’t bad.

    Why not do it again? Create a situation, League of Nations, family pals, Anglos old chum and all that with NATO and Britain, Europe gets involved like I and II, then OOOPS! Once again, we can’t do it! Once again we need YOU to do it! Old pal, old chum. Once again, like a cargo cult, if we do the right dance you’ll drop coconuts and Marshall Plan again now that “That AWE-FUL war” has made us default on all our golly darn dilly debts again.

    BUT! They need the Bonds, and Powell. AND they need the U.S. to bite, with Biden. No, No, and No. THAT is what I mean by them, Starmer, doing it all over again, showing up, perfectly bright and confident, hey, we do this every year, do we not? It’s like a ritual, isn’t it? Murdering 60 Million people? Well my watch says I’m right on time! Starmer is saving UK, all the London banks, has it all worked out according to long tradition: They tell us to die by the millions, and we do it! Easy. They toss a few thousand pensioners into the grinder to show team spirit. But zero Lords, zero bankers.

    So, High Lord Chancellor Starmer: What now?

    Well now? He ACTUALLY starts WWIII. Somehow, as he has no missiles that can go 10 miles in Russia. Then when he ACTUALLY commits suicide, his boyfriend jumps in, breaks down the door, and saves her from the overdose! She staged and then texted him, with photos, while she was doing it. So both Nutsy and Starmer – Nutsy 2.0 – have the same plan: start a worldwide nuclear war so the U.S. will just Haaaaaaaaaave to save them. With no bullets, no ships, no planes, no shells, and no men. IDGAF how you do it, just DO it, I ordered you. I want it, so go get it: shoot yourself in the face like I said.

    Yup, spoken like a mental case. An utter lunatic. Totally, dangerously insane, deranged, violent, mental ex girlfriend. So….for WHY would we save you again? Or ever? I mean, it’s totally easier for us if you’re dead. All my problems are solved if you’re gone. We, Vance, RFK, Cheeto will do this for why? You’re ugly and you don’t even have anything to steal. And as above, we already HAVE no ships, no planes, no bombs, no bullets, and no men. So no. I don’t see this happening.

    And even BIDEN said as much.

    That. Is what Starmer was after. As his due. Tribute we must pay him for his good looks and charm. A mere destruction of the United States as we know it and all life on earth. No.

    Kamala: “We love our country.” We just want to change it fundamentally, legally, economically, principally, demographically, and every other way.

    “There are 5 teams out there intent on killing a presidential candidate, and it hardly makes the news. How is that possible? That fact in itself should make headlines.”

    So we know there are five teams of violent felons, committing crimes each day (conspiracy at a minimum, with the active actions that support it) yet we are incapable of arresting even one of these. 5 teams x 5 people each? 25? 5 teams x 3 each? 15 shooters we’re actively aware of? Not one arrest. All their financial backers? No arrests.

    Well, what you really need is to get them all on WSJ, Time, erase their gun charges, and fly them around the world so they can afford a house in Hawaii. That’ll stop ‘em. Then when they’re caught, charge them with jaywalking to really rattle their cage. This is the case with Ryan. No murder, attempted, or other charges. Garland sez no, I guess! Probation + a book deal.

    “The gunman fired from a rooftop that had inexplicably been left unprotected by the Secret Service,”

    “Inexplicably” because neither the Secret Service nor FBI have provided any explanation. No release at all. A cynic might say that they are waiting for one of the other five teams to kill him so they never have to release ANY report and explanation. I wouldn’t, but a cynic might.

    “The upshot is the corroding of any democratic legitimacy of the United States and the principle of peaceful transfer of political power.”

    Yes, and they’re helping. With this narrative. The POINT is to destroy the United States as a nation, but also as a pattern and concept. It’s idea and ideal of freedom must be removed from the earth for it to be safe for slavery and feudalism again. Neoliberal and oligarchic rule, forever. Either YOU control yourself, in freedom, or you are property of the King. “You will own nothing”, not even yourself, as they have demonstrated. Not even your mind, your soul, your thoughts, even your emotions, preferences. You don’t own those. We’ll TELL you who to love, what to think about them. This is gradients on the same spectrum.

    So this reporter is helping. How? “America is a third world power” etc. How about this: “America is being held hostage by a tiny cadre of international (All European) oligarchs trying to finalize a coup and take over the country, erasing its laws forever.” Sound different in terms of our situation? Whether we’re really “3rd world” or not?

    “France is a third world country, lacking all democratic legitimacy, after being conquered by the far larger army of Germany and being occupied by the Vichy government.” Time to give up then, I guess. France is no more, lacking all elections, etc. What the F—? And no. That would be, um, the time to FIGHT? And the ONLY time? That’s when you STOP rhetoric like this.

    That goes with comments here, daily, that we should all give up. Thanks for the support, sirs, what do you think it’ll be like if we all stand down? Nicer? With less Israel for instance? We suck so bad that’s why we should stop agitating and hand over the whole nation to oligarchs, globalists, and anti-human rights death cult. Maybe no? Maybe you DON’T want us to do that?

    On White People meme yesterday: Yeah, the mayo white people, except for all the ones who if you come up their driveway they’ll shoot you in the face and dgaf, you should stop watching TV and get out more. I can line up whole STATES of this kind of American.

    As I keep saying, WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS FIGHT. So in 1850, that’s it, we should give up. Americans are p—ys, weak as a grape, never going to take up arms and right this slavery thing. There’s only a couple cranks in Kansas who have the manhood to fight for anything. Throw it in. There’s no America or American principles anymore, a mere fourscore since the founding. Jefferson was right, but we didn’t water the Tree of Liberty and it’s all over now. I’m moving to someplace on the upswing in life, like Mexico or Argentina.

    Yes, they literally said that then, too. Okay then. Do you KNOW which year we’re in? Are we in 1750, 1850, where it’s 10 or even 20 more years before the fight? Or is it 1780, 1870, and no one picked up arms? Well since you’re all God’s anointed messengers here, I’m glad you all know and are sure and can share lavishly with us about it. But I’m not God’s messenger and he doesn’t share with me if it’s too early, too late, or right on time. I only know whether we do the Good Thing, or the Bad Thing TODAY. And I do the Good Thing, today, because that’s my job, and I recommend you do as well – even if you and we lose. Because that’s the Good Thing. Encouraging everyone to do the Bad Thing just might be a Bad Thing? Maybe?

    “Or is this the latest in a series of strategic missteps put forth by the Democrat Party that would somehow gaslight the public into believing that the economic and societal disaster caused by the Biden-Harris administration simply did not happen?”

    As the Vichy Occupation above, none of that matters. They don’t care what you think and don’t want or need to convince you. That’s why they don’t care if the Plan works or not. And put forward a policy that openly is “We’re taking everything, raising taxes, outlawing fun, giving no health care, offshoring your job, adding slavery, and amputating your kids.” Because this part only exists to give the ILLUSION that there is an election at all, or that they care about it at all. It’s not their real focus or method. They need the margin of cheat. As with Marc Elias, changing election laws to be less sound in all 50 states, by every means they can get through, is the real method. Arresting everyone, or shooting them on National TV is their real method. So wtf would they care about Policies in Campaigns? They’re not going to DO the policies, never have, never will. They’re going to round up and shoot you if elected. Like the Catholics or others already.

    “First against the wall when the Glorious Revolution comes.”

    They don’t have to convince you of anything, don’t need to and don’t want to except one thing: That you think the 2024 election wasn’t stolen. Then they pass laws that erase any opposition forever, and finish the laws that erase the United States as a concept forever, installing the many, many oligarchs in the NeoFeudalism they’ve been trying to get back in for 250 years. BTW, we’re on our 250th anniversary here. Any talk of it? Celebrations? Not on your life: everyone in power, to a man hate the United States and would rather eat broken glass than celebrate it or our principles. Proof is in the pudding: 2026 is the year, hear anything? Remember 1976? Carter? Worked up years of plans, flags, Red White and Blue? Liberty Hall, all that?

    If you report that it’s US, WE are the problem, then yeah. But WE are NOT the problem, are we? None of this is unprecedented. We’ve fought them off like 5-6 times already. The only thing you need to accurately report is that it’s THEM. The Oligarchs, the Insiders, Euros, the Governments vs the People. Worldwide. Totally different spin, totally different situation: the REAL one. But never let the Truth pass your lips.

    “• Harris Will Destroy Israel – Trump (RT)

    WTF is he talking about? They’re running the campaign in three states that Harris hates Palestine. But he’s running the idea nationally that Harris is Anti-Israel and therefore PRO Palestine?

    …What happens when everything you say is a lie. You can’t keep track of all the lies.

    We’re both on both sides. (or rather the leaders are) We’re both parties funding both sides. To keep the war going. Both sides are like +70% pro Israel while still behaving 30% hand-wringing for Gaza. This is probably the policy they are most identical on.

    “As the 2024 presidential race ramps up, Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled an economic agenda that she claims will lower costs for American families.” …costs that she doubled due to their previous policies.

    “• Oklahoma Removes Over 450,000 Ineligible Voters From Rolls (ET)

    Yeah, but what’s half a million fake voters between friends? Per state.

    ““Marie Macronette” as an “isolated political establishment with no connection to the people.”

    Yes, but like the DNC, they don’t care. They don’t care what you think or do or want. They’re not even going to CLAIM to give it to you, in election promises? Why bother? It’s a waste of time. They are going to TAKE power, then trample you, give you a whiff of Starmer grapeshot, and tell you to suck it. Get into line. Submit or die.

    “While the kind of conservative center parties and the liberal elites within Europe won’t use the extreme rhetoric that you hear from the AfD or Le Pen and France or other far-right groups, their actions really demonstrate that they are the same,” argued Kelly.”

    Only if you’re a political fool. A child could tell they are throwing meat to the base to furious attempt to stay in power. And like that Gillette commercial – back before Bud when corporations had the sense NOT to suicide themselves – their next commercial was a Nazi-German, white, blonde, UberMench commercial. …Because being such disconnected pinheads, they thought THAT was the problem; that the base was THAT. They were mad about the color or gender of the ad. No. What are you? From Mars? No, wtf? So Germany and others are doing the same here, they’re just tossing in some random B.S. some election poll told them was the reason, uncaring of all things, of the reality, of the people, of principles, of paradigms, DGAF about ANYTHING, anything but POWER. This is the Left, as Whatifalthist covers in “Anthropology” thing I posted, and they are VERY VERY open about it. They literally SAY, as Islam does, that LYING is the highest good if it gives you POWER. Every day, every philosopher, strategist, and thinker on their side. Publishes it openly to everyone. Then Alinsky comes out and says he’s for America and suddenly you believe him. HE JUST SAID HE’S A LIAR AND A CHEAT. But next thing out of his mouth is the truth? Jesus Christ no wonder we can’t defeat you people.

    Same here in Germany, same as all Europe: No principles at all. None. Only Power. The purpose of Power is Power. The reason for Power is to get More Power. All else be damned.

    So right now, for an hour, he pretends he GAF about Germany, immigration, anything. Because he believes in POWER, and no Germany = no EU. All power lost, 50 year project in flames.

    “Thus, one of the EU member countries was able to receive a response to its requests regarding a group in Telegram that had ordered about 100 murders.”

    Yes. And that member was Ukraine. Using U.S. Mail and $100 bills. See the problem? Arrest the Postmaster!!!

    “At the core of the filing is the decision by Musk to inform authorities that he would not be appearing for a September 10 testimony just three hours prior..”

    Because: Reporters, they have no idea how the world works and are 5 years old, just opened the door of day care preschool and let them escape like Chucky. WAS MUSK SUBPOENA’d? That is, did a court ASK him to appear? Legally? Or was this just an average appointment on a personal calendar? So now they’re going to … Attack a U.S. Corporation just ‘cause they didn’t like the owner and thought he was rude? Legalities here? Here’s a thing called a “Dictionary”. Here’s a thing called a “Phone” where you can ask a lawyer, like say, Musk’s lawyer, which you’re required to call and talk to before publishing. Here’s a site called

    As far as I can tell, Musk did nothing, is under no laws, and therefore this is all investigatory, which can, and should, and arguably must, be done all through the Legal department, on paper with certified mail. If you think I’m just going to drop in there and chat with them like old friends you’ve got another think coming.

    “• US To Delay Ukraine Aid Over Shortages – CNN (RT)

    Alexander followed up the EU cold feet on this. ...It’s Called “Bankruptcy”. EVEN WITH stealing all Russia’s assets, EVEN WITH stealing all ongoing interest income, they got nuttin’. The revenue stream – illegal as h—l to begin with – isn’t enough to offset the Bonds they want to float. This is going back a year now if you remember. Countries, their PEOPLE, refused this bulls—t from the go. So then they tried to end-run all legality and call this “gift” (to corporations like BlackRock, remember Ukr gets not even 1/3) as a “Loan”. Ohhhhhh! Yeah, totally different. I give you money that ends up with corporations vs I give you money that ends up with corporations! Yes, that makes sense. Then the country is sold out, everyone is killed, for corporations. That’s totally different, got it.

    So having 100 monkeys legal experts at 100 typewriters they couldn’t come up with anything. What’s the real thing, besides EVERY. SINGLE. PART. being totally, hilariously illegal under all International Law from 10,000BC to now? NO ONE WILL BUY THE BONDS. Because they’re illegal as h—l, duh. Russia will attach all THEIR assets the minute you buy, and you’ll then Back-owe all the cash you stole 10 years from now, with interest and legal fees, no.

    Anyway, so the EU is still trying this, but to keep Ukr bonds from defaulting AGAIN, on the 30th, they are only able to get like $50B without getting thrown out of office. Maybe. Probably not.

    Okay, where am I going with this? EU TELLS UKRAINE TO HOLD ON.

    Hold on? With what?

    Ukraine doesn’t need “MONEY” you fools, they need like another 1 Million men to kill. That means: nuclear war to suck in the United States and all NATO, or nothing, don’t bother. YOUR MONEY MEANS NOTHING TO ME.

    And you might want to look into this as “time exists” and the U.S. CAN’T be drawn into it, as they have no ships, no planes, no shells, no bullets, no tanks and no men? Like, maybe that might be an obstacle? “No! The U.S. is our b—h and they won WWII, 100 years ago.” What are you, stupid, or really, really high? The U.S Army exists only in your fevered imagination. Of Magical Thinking. If they conscripted us, we’d all shoot the Harris government rather than go.

    So the EU is NOT sending money. Money which is a year too late. Which will NOT add One MILLION men or weapons. Which a million men would NOT change the war. This is their master plan.

    So instead of a fully armed Wehrmacht, the combined Soviet Army, here’s $50 bucks an an attaboy? Will that do it for you? No. That will NOT do it for us. J—s F—k, and you wonder why we Americans swear all the time.

    • An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction Is Coming (Lacalle)

    Sure it’s coming. But since 2000? 1994? 1980? 1971? 1964? Bad timing is the same as being wrong. That’s so far over the retirement pension horizon, it’s over the retirement horizon of their great grandchildren.

    Global Warming: they miss an important thing that the Poles can “melt” but the equator doesn’t burn. There is merely less differential in the temperature. For some reason. That energy dif runs like jet stream, hurricanes, etc. In contrast to their tax-raising models, it may jungle worldwide with rain and better, calmer weather. Temp has been dropping steadily but on an incredibly long timescale, exactly as if it’s run by the sun.

    Tree: where was this post that it had no nails in it? And they have maps of tree growth so any wood can be aged back thousands of years. There are gaps and variations, but good for archaeology. They just drill and remove a narrow plug like an ice core.


    • WaPo Inadvertently Reveals Shocking Truth About Global Warming

    “Climate Change” is an integral part of Project De-Population®.





    I’ve been noticing posts about Valley Girl Kamala all over the internet and assumed she is really dumb then moved on. I wasn’t going to waste my time watching the videos. This morning I wasted my time.

    The clip with Oprah didn’t leave me wondering about Kamala’s word salad, it left me wondering what the poster was talking about. Nothing he described was true. What I heard from Harris was BS because she doesn’t believe anything she stated. However what she said sounded perfectly coherent.

    Same with the James Woods clip. I didn’t think what she said was very informative – it’s AI and I care as much about AI as I do 18th century Dutch tulips – but “dunderhead”? One would think Woods would offer actual evidence if he wanted to persuade anyone.

    So everyone who talks about Trump lies and everyone who talks about Harris lies. Holy Tower of Babel! Can’t Americans/Westerners tell the truth any longer?

    Maybe we’ve got the choice(sort of) between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum because these are the leaders who best reflect who we are? No wonder everyone has to lie.



    FAKE “Health Care”






    Inflation is a Bear in the convenience store






    Funniest President ever….



    Duh’merica had FOUR YEARS to straighten out the Voting Fraud Thing©


    A day late and a dollar short……

    Voter don’t count….

    Unless they’re miscounted…




    Saturday morning hangover regrets….

    Pretty much everyone has had a few….just sayin’




    Project De-Population

    Dating ‘banter’ in 2024

    Kinda sucking the romance out of potential hookup.

    Well, that’s the idea………





    Word on the street…..



    Stranger than Truth

    Currency Break:

    We need sound currency. End the Federal Reserve.


    10kg of gold = $6,614
    Median priced home = $4,902


    10kg of gold = $756,800
    Median priced home = $384,500





    tboc said:

    ‘The fifty years seems like no time at all, but the complete understanding of sick at heart at the ways of men is here now.’

    The Cloud of Knowing

    2:00 PM A small dark cloud
    At the edge of the sky

    At 3:00 I saw it in the east
    But moving westward

    By four it was overhead
    So I went indoors
    And thought about it no more

    At six I thought to make something to eat
    Then sat in the lounge to read
    When I noticed the shadow of that cloud
    Hanging over me


    Stranger than Truth Saturday






    Meanwhile back in Duh’merica 2024




    The big difference.

    Hezbollah is not a terrorist organisation.
    Western “terrorism lists” are ridiculous.
    The west is not “the world”.
    The world sees Israel for what it is: a criminal state.

    Israel strikes in Lebanon kill top Hezbollah commanders — as it happened
    Ibrahim Aqil, along with ten other senior leaders of the militant group, was hit in an attack by air force fighter jets in Beirut, the IDF has confirmed
    (23 still missing)
    David Harding | Samer Al-Atrush | Edmund Bower, Beirut
    Friday September 20 2024, 9.10pm BST, The Times

    Nobody has tried to kill Biden or Harris.

    “..Western officials warned Kiev that “a full Ukrainian victory” would require immense resources that neither the US nor Europe can provide..”

    • US To Delay Ukraine Aid Over Shortages – CNN (RT)
    An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction Is Coming
    09/18/2024 Mises Wire Daniel Lacalle

    Inflation is the hidden tax, and it is very convenient for governments because they always blame shops or businesses and present themselves as the solution by printing even more currency.
    Unfunded liabilities in the United States amount to $72 trillion, almost 300% of GDP. This may seem high until you look at Spain with 500% of GDP, France with close to 400%, or Germany with close to 350% of GDP.

    John Day

    Thanks tboc and Dr. D:
    What is the economic difference between Trump and “Harris” economic policies?

    Trump says he’ll pump more oil at lower prices to goose all aspects of the economy, pulling that future-oil into the present, which should work in “the present” as tboc elucidated.
    “Harris” does not elucidate, but current elite trajectory is to place more and more tight-spots of economic control through rent collection into all parts of the economy, with every smart-phone being ideal, once only smartphones can be used to buy groceries and pay bills, and each can be micro-managed algorithmically by global financiers and intelligence agencies in “consortium”.

    I “believe” in peak-oil, and that it already happened, and I also believe there has been a lot of Arctic oil discovered under Carter and capped-off, and that Russia recently discovered a lot of Antarctic oil, but that those resources are to be exploited under a very different global economic regime, which has not yet been “agreed-upon” at the elite level.

    Trump threatens to goose the economy against “consensus”, basically in concert with the “enemy team”, from the view of neoliberal western finance, which has long extracted blood from western economies faster than they can make it. The “consensus” is to shrink all the consumer-economies and consumer/productive human-herds gradually, boiling those frogs, while telling them it’s all fine and preventing any comments to the contrary.
    We can all see the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in this plan, but it keeps the parasitic elites in place on the top of the anemic economic bags of bones, another weakness over time…
    The economy which is more robust NOW has a military advantage over a more anemic economy NOW. Russia points this out, as does China. Trump plans to goose the US economy, which can clearly be done. The parasites’ long planning for a gradual step-down of resource-burn will be thwarted.
    It’s not a bad concept, but a bad mechanism, secretly killing and starving most people, in order to keep pampering a few sociopaths. It is a dead-end-alley for our species.
    What’s a good-mechanism? There’s the catch. We have an apex-predator global economy, managed by eating grazing (farming) herds. “Don’t be the slowest zebra.” But technology can take out billions of zebras over a decade, without even blowing up farms, factories and oil-wells now, a formidable mass-apex-predation paradigm.
    Learn to listen to your conscience and follow it in your difficult daily actions and decisions…
    That’s it. That’s all I’ve got, except to grow vegetables, ride a bike and be a friend and family member.
    You can’t see the second step until you take the first step.
    It’s tricky like that.
    Browse All:
    Attack on Food and Farmers, and How To Fight Back


    The USA and Palestine are blood brothers; both have been taken over by the Jews and have been raped mercilously in the process. The Palestinians were taken over with the intent of building the Jewish population until the Palestinians were no longer needed and could be eliminated. The whites are soon to be the minority in the USA, they are certainly the weakest race as they have wallowed in their faux success and are now fat, lazy and dumb. Can the USA survive without the whites? Maybe in a few years, at which time it will be time to corral them into camps, then eventually do a Gaza on them.

    Stealing is the Jew talent, they stole Palestine, they will soon have stolen the USA, next they want to steal the world.

    New York’s MTA Proposes $65.4 Billion In Upgrades With Cash It Doesn’t Have

    Ah, yes. Pressuring Washington for those all important dollars we don’t have…
    (Washington has no money either) … one more line item to help run the nation’s debt off the sovereign collapse cliff as quickly as humanly possible. Good thinking, Governor. Democrat deep thinking in practice…





    “Climate Change”

    Duh’merican Psycho


    More Apex-Predation, more I say!




    Dr D said

    So, High Lord Chancellor Starmer: What now?

    Starmer has been working for David Rothschild for the past 16 years. I wonder whether Starmer decided to abandon the Rothschilds and do his own thing? Somehow I think not. Looks like the Rothschilds want their pound of flesh out of Russia. They were beaten back by Putin – they financed the oligarch raid on the Russian people – and when Putin caught the oligarchs’ balls in a vice the Rothschilds will not have been happy. It looks like David Rothschild is not for letting bygones be bygones … who will have to die to placate this trust fund kid? Dead Jacob the Jew already turned the UK into the most rabid anti-Russia, post-logical country on earth, what else can his trust fund kid get his Starmer to do to destroy the once Great and now Pathetic Britain.


    This is all I’ve got left for advice before The Flood



    Looking at War, killing, and destruction, In Kursk, and Gaza, should be enough motivation for Peace.


    zerosum said

    Looking at War, killing, and destruction, In Kursk, and Gaza, should be enough motivation for Peace.

    Depends on whether you as a sociopath fears that your family will have to fight. The people financing todays wars are not like the kings of yore, today they are all tiny-balled cowards who hide in the shadows.


    SWAT Team sniper called out to the Burbs for a ‘domestic violence’ incident.

    This guys cat Hector decides to check it out for a better view of the kill shot.

    From the Greeks, a quote for Hector:

    “Hector, you are a very hard man to advise. / Because the gods have made you supreme in warfare, / you think that you always know best in tactics as well. / But you should not claim preeminence in all things.”





    Oroboros said

    “Climate Change”

    Indeed, so many scams and lies, like the “fat is bad” shite that western governments forced on their pathetic populations for decades; in the days when most people trusted the government and their doctors.

    The world appears to be more and more like “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, but now I am one of the few sane people, surrounded by hoardes of compliant morons who cannot be reasoned with, but must be held at bay.


    How true

    “…they are all tiny-balled cowards who hide in the shadows”

    Calls for a commemorative abbreviation : TBCs

    Homo Globilous Testiculius



    I said

    Depends on whether you as a sociopath

    Apologies if this sounds rude; I was not referring to you, I was referring to the decision makers.


    The Germans have lost all sense of self preservation.

    The Mind Virus has chewed through their brain stems:



    She told the cops that white guys raped her


    Duh’merica is working hard to catch up to the German Crazy

    You go girl!


    Only two ways it can play out Woketurd



    Tune in!


    The Markster

    Thanks to tboc for a weekend meditation. Got my copy of the Tao Te Ching from mom in 1976 on a cross country summer trip in her VW bus camper. Been wondering which book to re-read next after just re-finishing Boorstin’s The Image last night in bed. Got an answer now, so thanks again.

    And as always to oroboros for the laughs.

    Thinking of pulling the plug on the smartphone/internet for Christmas since the whole mess is turning so ugly, the information superhighway turned dark alley if you will, to resurrect an old JMG prediction. Force myself to do wifi at a coffeeshop instead of ruining the start of each day on this damn couch. This month is my 15-year anniversary of doom scrolling and perhaps now it’s finally approaching time to turn the damn thing off and follow Cicero back to the garden and library instead, and turn the lawn into buckwheat pancakes and dandelion salad with the time saved.

    Sick at the hearts of men, indeed. Blessings and all good things to Ilargi and the regulars. ☮️


    Kamala’s musings about “who we are as Americans” brings the question as what America she has in mind – the one before the end of 70’s decade (where the crumbs coming down from the oligarch’s table were plentiful) or the current Oro’s daily punching bag?
    While Trump elected would be definitely better than other option it would be a good idea to think what MAGA actually stands for. Aside from the “strong military” that will be needed to support it, he promises that he’s got hand on magic dial to bring price of energy 50% which could be translated into return to high rolling “American lifestyle (that is) is not negotiable”. At the same time more sober ideas are percolating via genuine and substantiated articles about planet’s exhaustion to support that life style that other 8 bill want too.
    Kunstler’s “Long emergency”, as one of a quite few, can be viewed as a “blueprint” of thinks to come and “supported” by many as expressed in their comments – small local economies and communities (15 minute cities of a different kind?) etc… At the same time they cheer for MAGA, so aren’t we basically juggling different objects in the air.

    Confusing times that we live in.

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