Debt Rattle September 21 2024


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  • #169388

    Failed assassination attempts- what a clever way to take away Trump’s stuff. They can just keep finding guys pointing guns at Trump and shut down the tower, Maralago, his airplane, his rallies….


    On, vid prev. post.

    “Something stinks about the first Trump assassination attempt, and Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh can smell it.”

    This is typical shoddy obfuscating blather, repeating ‘memes, factoids’ with no serious investigation, analysis, known elements or ‘facts’, summaries.

    It is like a 1930 gossip column, we heard Gladys was on the train at the same time! as Alan, the Lord, and she lost her suitcase, Gwendolyn was on the spot and the Lovers could not.. 🙂

    The shooter’s apartment was found professionally cleaned, with no silverware.

    Crooks live with his parents and there was no disturbance in his home. (Besides the fact that he may have left on the day with his father’s gun.) Where the ‘no silverware’ comes from is a mystery, in any case it would be irrelevant.

    A phone connected to the shooter was tracked moving between the FBI office and the shooter’s location multiple times.

    This rumor comes about because of some ‘tracking’ of some ‘persons’ phone which supposedly went from and to – some place near to an FBI office in Washington — and near to the Crooks residence. Lacking solid info, this is completely fanciful nonsense.

    Crooks came to the event with a rangefinder and nobody seemed to care. You have two reasons for a rangefinder: you’re trying to shoot something. Or you’re using it for golf. If you’re not playing golf, then you’re trying to shoot something.

    No. Crooks was stopped and checked and the fact he had a range finder was noted (so goes one version of events.) He was let in (in the morning afaik), of course at the time he had no backpack with gun. (He only got the backpack a few minutes before climbing on the roof.)

    Crooks was treated as a vaguely ‘suspicious’ person right from the start, either not seriously as in the usual run of things, ‘gotta do our job’ or because he was supposed to be ‘noticed’ but not apprehended, there was no cause.

    The shooter’s body was quickly cremated. No toxicology examination was released, leaving questions about possible drugs in the shooter’s system.

    Yes and yes, though drugs are not an issue here.

    So this guy, somehow or another, figures out how to get on the roof, take these shots. And then they k*ll him. Now, if he shot and hit Trump. If Trump didn’t turn his head at that pivotal moment where they talk about it and it’s a headshot, Trump is dead, the world’s in chaos, Rogan remarked.

    Maybe, sort of.

    (IMHO) The first three shots, 1, 2, 3. were shot by an expert shooter.

    Shot 1 grazed DT’s ear – the bad miss, the disaster.

    (The vital shot(s) would never have been left to Crooks, too many things could have gone wrong. Crooks is the stand-in, the patsy.)

    Shots 4,5,6,7,8 were, most likely, but not surely, from Crooks on the roof. They go rat-tat-tat, high speed, nervous..

    Note that these shots, aimed towards the podium, could not have been aimed at Trump, as Trump ducks down right after shot 3 (almost at the same time.)

    Whoever shot 4-8 was not aiming at Trump, he was no longer visible.

    This is a point many seem to have missed.

    Imho Crooks was told to shoot ‘when you hear the first shots’ or something like that. So he shoots in the general direction and kills Corey C. (and maybe wounds the two others, Idk.)

    Shots 9 and 10 were aimed at Crooks. Shot 9 was reportedly by a Butler swat-team guy, who hits Crook’s gun, which explains why it was found far away from him on the roof. Shot 10 by the Sniper Team on the Barn Roof who reportedly killed him. Crooks though was shot in the head from behind, so hard to judge, did he turn around etc. It is very possible imho that the Sniper Barn Roof team did not shoot at all.

    Rogan et al. are playing the same games as pols, narrative spins…

    Participant parents said know… and the ‘second’ assassination attempt by the screw-loose Routh hiding in the bushes on the golf course is very convenient, as it is ‘new drama’ that shifts attention away from the first, carefully and well planned (though ultimately failed) attempt.






    History Lesson



    @ John Day

    Wisdom check


    D Benton Smith

    I’ll bet you don’t know what’s in the $1.2 TRILLION so-called “Omnibus Bill” that Kamala is so proud of passing with her tie breaking vote.

    I’m serious. I bet you don’t know.

    Let me sum it up in a nutshell. You know all of that stuff you absolutely hate because it is so perverted, destructive, terribly unjust and outright EVIL?

    Well that’s what the Omnibus Bill legalizes, pays for and in many cases literally mandates as enforceable law. I’m not talking broadly interpreted sweeping generalities here. I’m talking fully descriptive, explicitly in-your-face LINE ITEM financial and legal authorization and support for stuff that any sane person would call crime. For example a billion dollars support and mandated requirement that the U.S. Border Patrol assist in the transport and management of illegal migrant CHILDREN, in cooperation with various NGO’s (who are funded, supported and legalized elsewhere in the bill).

    The Bill reads like a wish list written by perverts, killers and thieves. Probably because that’s exactly what it is. It reads like the taunting contemptuous serial killer’s note to the police about what grisly atrocity he’s going to commit next. Probably because that’s exactly what it is..

    So why are so many people still running around compliantly carrying out that vile crazy ass shit that’s killing people by droves and destroying the very fabric of society? Simple. They’re doing their jobs for a pay check and “just following policy and obeying the law” as laid down to them as direct ORDERS by the demonic scum who created that Omnibus Bill, and other bills like it over the past many decades.

    And the entire government, every last one of them who still works for it, is going along with it. Even the ones who claim to want to reform it are, de facto, ALLOWING it to continue in it’s current form to carry out it’s current crimes against humanity and life itself.

    Well, criminals calling something “legal” doesn’t make it right. There is higher law, called the difference between good and evil, that has both precedence and jurisdiction. I’m going with that one.

    No mas for me on that government fiasco thing, thank you very much. Count me out. The entire continent and all the people on it are simply up for grabs, and the “government” is just one of the bigger grabbers.


    The Republican President Trump went on to state that “any Jewish person that votes for [Harris] or the Democratic Party should have their head examined.”

    The Democrat President Biden went on to say that “any black person voting Republican means you ain’t black”

    They both suck. I’ve had 4years of each, and they both FAIL.

    I’ve been noticing posts about Valley Girl Kamala all over the internet and assumed she is really dumb then moved on. However what she said sounded perfectly coherent.

    Sure, sure. So you too wish to be unburdened from the past and truth huh ?
    Have you tried sucking dick ? Kamala thinks you should.

    Funniest President ever….

    yes so funny even Soleimani forgot to laugh… and Assange, and Snowden, and Epstein.
    No actually Epstein thinks don is hilarious too.

    Left wing german politician who was raped by migrants admits she lied to police about her attackers nationality as she did not want to encourage racism

    Liberals- rape me harder Daddy Govt.
    Well, someone had to fuck this stupid bitch. win win right Liberals?

    Insane America, only Death can save Lady Liberty now.

    Dr. D
    Dr. D

    Now that I’ve done something useful,





    Pullin’ the Race Card Train Uphill

    I Have a Dream!



    The Chechen oligarch supporting Netanyahu’s oligarch poodle. Is this the sort of shite that motivates the average Chechen fighter? What is the world coming to? Looks like the era of the insane monarch is back.




    Nice to see Kids these days have a real sense of History


    Speaking of Kids these days……..

    Project De-Population© is insidious in it’s far reaching 5-D chess moves

    It started simple……


    And reached maturity decades later…..

    What a Calamity



    Fun observation to sleep on Mr Wizard:



    If the media does not tell you, did it happen?
    They are not terrorists. they are Islamic Resistance fighters
    Despite Intense Bombardment, Hezbollah Missiles Fiercely Pound Key Israeli Sites
    September 21, 2024

    Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance escalated its precision strikes on Saturday, targeting key Israeli occupation command centers in a widespread effort to support Gaza’s resistance while defending Lebanese territories, particularly the steadfast southern villages.

    As these villages endured relentless Israeli aggression and airstrikes, resistance fighters retaliated with volleys of Katyusha rockets, intensifying attacks on newly established Israeli facilities using missiles. The large-scale operations continued throughout the day, causing significant destruction.

    The group’s military media released a series of statements detailing the attacks and their outcomes:

    First Operation

    The initial statement reported that at 11:10 a.m., Islamic Resistance fighters directly hit the Jal Al-Alam Israeli occupation site with artillery shells.

    Second Operation

    The second statement mentioned that in response to the Israeli attack on resilient southern villages, Hezbollah’s fighters targeted the main air defense base of the Northern Region Command at the Birya Barracks with a barrage of Katyusha rockets.

    Third Operation

    Hezbollah’s third statement reported that the group’s fighters precisely bombed the positioning center of the 631st Reconnaissance Battalion of the Golani Brigade in the Ramot Naftali barracks with a volley of Katyusha rockets.

    Fourth Operation

    According to the fourth statement, at 2:00 PM, Islamic Resistance fighters launched a direct rocket attack on the Zar’it barracks.

    Fifth Operation

    The fifth statement of the day mentioned that Hezbollah’s fighters targeted the headquarters of the Al-Sahl Battalion in the Beit Hillel barracks with a salvo of Katyusha rockets.

    Sixth Operation

    Hezbollah’s sixth statement declared that in response to the Zionist aggression on southern Lebanon, the group’s fighters targeted the air and missile defense headquarters in the Kela barracks with a barrage of Katyusha rockets.

    Seventh Operation

    According to the seventh statement, Hezbollah fighters targeted a position of forces from the 300th Brigade of the 146th Division in the Admit barracks with a barrage of Katyusha rockets.

    Eighth Operation

    The eighth statement announced that Islamic Resistance fighters retaliated against Israeli aggression on civilian homes in southern Lebanon by bombing the headquarters of the 210th Golan Division at the Nafeh base with a barrage of Katyusha rockets.

    Ninth Operation

    Hezbollah’s ninth statement noted that its valiant fighters bombed the newly established headquarters of the Galilee Division in Eilet HaShahar with volleys of Katyusha rockets.

    Scenes of fires and destruction caused by Hezbollah rockets spread widely across social media platforms as Israeli media sounded the alarm over continued attacks despite ongoing aggression.

    John Day

    @Dr. D: I’m glad to see that you are reading Alex Krainer’s stuff now. He presents a hypothesis at that link which can be tested by just watching stuff go down.

    : Re: “Wisdom check”
    That seems to be a snide way of saying there’s no karma, but I have found through extensive testing in my own life, which I still stop to thoughtfully regret fairly often, that Karma is a reliably-functioning system of spiritual cause and effect.
    (I quit testing a long time ago, but I still remember a lot of the test questions and answers.)

    John Day

    Tactical nuke?
    Israel Unleashes Hell On South Lebanon With Giant Mystery Bomb As War Escalates

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