Debt Rattle September 23 2024


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  • #169593

    plan B plan B
    Zelenskyy: If Biden does not support the victory plan, it will be terrible
    Ukraine’s plan to win the war is designed to be supported by US leader Joe Biden. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that the idea of a potential rejection is a “terrible thought”.

    When asked whether Kyiv has a plan B in case Biden rejects the victory plan, Zelenskyy replied: “We have been living in plan B for years.”


    Soon it will be time for the US draft, get all those fat yanks out there fighting for Israel; their beloved Jews, the ones who stole their country like they stole Palestine. Go die for Israel, take your children too, you know you want to.


    In a surprise to no one, 741 ‘high-ranking national security officials’ have endorsed Kamala Harris’ bid for the White House

    How many of those are dead or no longer live in the USA? Just kidding, 741 out of over 19 million government employees, all of them having got to their positions of power after agreeing to be blackmailed.

    The best way to get to the top is for some rich guy to want to back you but is nervous because he has no real control over you, so he sends you to a Diddy party, films you fucking a little kid, then he knows you are committed to him and he also knows he can destroy you; you are his bitch, so time to give you a CEO job or a senior job in government. Spot the dirt, it works for the money.


    “We urge both sides to find common ground and keep the cargo flowing for the good of the national economy,” added the spokesperson, noting that $240 billion in goods move through the two ports each year and that such trade supports more than 600,000 local jobs.

    Does that 240 billion include the 100 billion the dock workers are being forced to give to Ukraine through their taxes? Looks like the USA has the UK disease, the people in power no longer give a fuck about the citizens of their countries, they just want to kiss Rothchild ass.




    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Sunday unveiled a 90-day band-aid to avoid yet another government shutdown which fails to include the SAVE Act, which would have required proof of citizenship at the time of voter registration – despite Donald Trump calling on Congressional Republicans not to pass a spending plan without “every ounce” of the proposal.

    Mike Johnson looks like the sort of guy who would drop his trousers and rape a young kid in order to convince his owners that he is serious about his career. I wonder which poor victim was abused by this piece of shit in order for him to get such a prestigious job.


    Russia answers to the same jewbankers, jewsa does. Nobody’s nukin nobody. They’re all makin mad money as they rob you blind, while you buy into the bullshit jew theatre.. Ukraine can drag on another 15 years, just like Afghanistan. Jews milking money as the Goyim get ground up and sold for body parts. Job no1 is to keep you fearful, upset, on edge and sick. Next up for Satanicjewbank Inc is America vs Iran. Same shit, grind up the Goyim, charge % on the loans. Sell pharmaceuticals to the sick and insane back in the homeland. Who gets away with genocide day after day, rubs your face in it and no one does fuck all? Your master, that’s who.


    anecdotal notavax data point

    Finally using a contact to try to get a job the someone-you-know way. With “pull,” as Rand would say. I feel filthy.

    The employer is on board…. but STILL want 4 references! (I didn’t experiment with using pull to waive the requirement…. maybe it would?) So I dug around through my old contacts, old emails, tracked down several past call center bosses and a coworker – and was touched! They were enthusiastic about helping me! I figured I’d get no replies at all. I really, really need to do something to thank them if I get through this process and get the job.

    Had some fun jawing about things via text with them. Discovered our employer let them go less than a year after the notavax firings!!!!

    This was one of my questions I asked HR:

    You want me to take an NON reversible experimental medical procedure. Are you offering:

    1. Any guarantees of a time frame I will continue to be employed

    2. Financial commitment to fund my medical bills if the procedure you are requiring of me turns out to have unexpected (or EXPECTED) adverse effects

    You want me to make a non reversible commitment for the rest of my life – for you, to stay employed with you. What long term commitment are you making to me in return?

    HR replied with a very careful formal no-guarantees reply.

    All those hundreds of people I knew for 5-20 years at that place took that thing for like 10 months of work!!!


    Why? Bombs are falling.
    US sends more troops to Middle East as violence rises between Israel and Hezbollah.

    The U.S. now has about 40,000 troops in the region.


    Hope you get that money.
    Makes things easier that is for sure.


    How do we know to be so insistent that Kamela cannot be the least bit Communist?

    …when her father was a radical marxist “economist” and she keeps paraphrasing Marx – she repeats the “Unburdened by what has been” quite a bit.

    Like AOC keeps saying the bit at the end of Communist Manifesto “We have a world to win!” and only mcarthyist john birtchers from the 1950’s planning to write in Barry Goldwater for the 2024 election are hiding under the covers afraid of reds under the bed could possibly say anything AND they should not say anything because it definitely, specifically, isn’t happening until it is and then it is a good thing


    as of September 22, 2024 i have mastered callous indifefference.


    You want me to make a non reversible commitment for the rest of my life – for you, to stay employed with you.

    Just as you properly made it bold, it is always about them, that you should be aware of by now.
    I sincerely wish (no BS) that you land a normal employment that would save you from your wife whacking you with the iron pan while you are writing about the communism ruining your career.
    Have no idea as what money oxy was talking about, though.


    O this day, 35 years ago, I fell into a ring fire.


    And so the Fall has begun in the northern hemisphere.

    Thanks for the added verse, tdk! Shall we pass it by Z?


    oxy- I listened to your piece twice. It’s not my kind of music, but I liked it anyways.
    The production was great. Thanks!


    Ever since the FBI came out with the made up fake story about Iran hacking Trump’s campaign to give material to Kamala, I have the feeling a new Iran, Iran, Iran hoax will now replace the old 2016 Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.

    I expect some kind of fake false flag incident will be created by the deep state, to try and legally cripple Trump again just like they did in 2016.

    I suspect the deep state wants things in the middle east to heat up into open war so by the time Trump might show up, it is too late to prevent war, so they can pre-force Trump’s hand.

    The deep state also seems to be trying to preempt Trump’s hand in the Ukraine.

    Clearly the deep state does not want either war to stop anytime soon, but keep going forever.

    We have always been at war with Oceania.

    John Day

    @jb-hb: I am sure that you will earn your keep and they will be well served by hiring you.
    I am glad that you got that perspective about your prior job. You lost 10 months pay on principle, by not taking the Russian-roulette shots, and we have all seen how that continues to play out.

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