Debt Rattle September 27 2022
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- This topic has 74 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by
V. Arnold.
September 27, 2022 at 5:04 pm #117019
ParticipantI hear much talk about Russian draft-dodgers, big queues at the borders, etc.
I say that the thing to be concerned about is if a bunch if Euromerican bigwigs decide to have a sudden summit on a South Pacific Island… or have one conveniently planned for October, when the first really cold weather kicks in (WES can tell us about that).
I would take that as evidence that a nuclear exchange might be direly imminent.
But a nation calling a draft/calling up reserves amid a conflict everyone sees as the flashpoint for a genuine WWIII (in big bold CAPS), and many young men seeking to evade the prospects of going to war where it actually happens?
Nothing remarkable here at all. No tea leaves to be read in that data other than to confirm what most of us already believe we know: Russia ain’t playing around.
P.S. Internet here in West SLope neighborhood of Portland Oregon has been degrading since the early days of covidf and has since last week been virtually unusable for hours at a time except, of course, for mainstream propaganda/public mind-reading sites (including youtube).
September 27, 2022 at 5:06 pm #117020Mister Roboto
ParticipantSeptember 27, 2022 at 5:16 pm #117021D Benton Smith
Cui bono, and look at the strategic locations of the blasts, and ask why in all three locations the result was a massive but sustainable leak (VERY precise demolition required, difficult to accomplish ) rather than complete destruction of the whole pipe (relatively easy, just use a BIG explosive. Overkill it.) The sabotage did NOT stop or slow current delivery. How is Germany being attacked if current demand is being fully met ? (which it is.) German orders are being filled. Germany has always and still does have the ability to buy all the gas it wants. Hell, the valves are even ON German soil. All they have to do is place the order and pay in rubles.
September 27, 2022 at 5:16 pm #117022Redneck
ParticipantSo Putin is going to nuke New York and Washington….Plleeeaase! This is a bloke who has had four shots of Astra Zeneca and believes in Jesus and heaven and does not have the balls to missile the fuck out of the coke heads in Kiev , but he has his finger on the nuclear button ready to smoke London , New York , Berlin , Paris , Washington etc.???????? He don’t have the balls or the capability to even thrash the Ukys on his doorstep for God’s sake.
Regarding my statement that Putin’s SMO has failed , I take my lead from the Russian MSM talking heads themselves , right now they are panicking because there are severe doubts about the success of the mobilisation and the inability to equip the draftees. They themselves recognise what a fuckup the SMO is and how they underestimated the entire situation and are now in deep shit .The shelves of the Russian military are bare. Threatening nuclear strikes is the latest bluff but nobody is going to be intimidated by that BS. 27, 2022 at 6:17 pm #117023Afewknowthetruth
Participant“More than 96% voted in favour of joining the Russian Federation.”
September 27, 2022 at 6:31 pm #117024zerosum
ParticipantDid anybody yesterday news
Gazprom: Goodbye Europe, hello China and Asia
Russian giant sees domestic and Asian markets as key alternatives to replace falling gas supplies to Europe
22 September 2022 11:32 GMT UPDATED 22 September 2022 12:21 GMT
By Vladimir AfanasievSeptember 27, 2022 at 6:40 pm #117025zerosum
ParticipantConveniently, Poland today inaugurated a new gas pipeline, called Baltic Pipe, from North Sea gas fields directly to its NW coast. An eye for an eye, pipe for a pipe… catch my drift?
Poland has doubled the number of gas production licenses in Norway at 50% less than the original price. The gas will flow on October 1, 2022 through the newly built Baltic Pipe.Gazprom’s contract ends in 2022 and Poland does not intend to extend it.
September 27, 2022 at 6:46 pm #117026D Benton Smith
Participant@JohnDay regarding speculation on who blew up Nordstream
I just encountered this from somewhere out on the Interwebs from a dude with the avatar handle of “Feldwebel Schultz” (cool handle, like Field Marshall, only sillier)
“Feldwebel Schultz • 39 minutes ago
I doubt it was the Russians as they control the tap.
I doubt it was the EU as they need the gas.
I doubt it was Ukraine, as they have their own problems.
I wouldn’t put it past the US to do this.”The Feldwebel’s thoughts do have the twin virtues of simplicity and coherence. Sounds plausible to me.
September 27, 2022 at 6:48 pm #117027John Day
Participant@DBS: The Nordstream pipelines are shut down. I doubt that extensive repairs will be done by Russia or Germany without some kind of a fresh agreement, which would be a really good thing.
A friend reminded my of a drone sub with explosives found near the pipeline (being constructed) in 2015. 27, 2022 at 7:00 pm #117028zerosum
ParticipantI assume that a dragnet would be able to get a lot of fish bubbling to the surface.
🙂September 27, 2022 at 8:23 pm #117029zerosum
ParticipantCut & pasted
Radek Sikorski MEP
Thank you, USA.Thank you, USA.
— Radek Sikorski MEP (@radeksikorski) September 27, 2022
Photo of gas leakage embedded in Tweet
Radek Sikorski MEP
Chairman EU-USA delegation
@Europarl_ENVP EU-UK Friendship Group
Senior Fellow@HarvardCES
Distinguished Statesman@CSIS
biuro@radeksikorski.euPosted by: Down South | Sep 27 2022 17:42 utc | 189
September 27, 2022 at 9:00 pm #117030Mr. House
ParticipantRussian pipelines are a victim of SADS and global warming, duh
September 27, 2022 at 10:16 pm #117031D Benton Smith
Participant@JohnDay “The Nordstream pipelines are shut down.”
I concluded from the kilometer wide column of bubbles in the Baltic (which I stupidly called the North Sea in my previous comments) evidenced that Russia’s pumps were still running. I believe those pumps must keep running, despite the leak, in order to prevent pipeline collapse at the extreme depths where pipeline runs. I know that line pressure maintenance is high tech and quite complicated, and thereby WAY above my grade level, BUT, there IS a lot of gas leaking into the Baltic, and those bubbles DO belong to Russia, and that no one is paying for those bubbles except Russia, and that Russia losing money is high on the list of US/NATO/WEF/Cabal goals.
We will soon see who dunnit, and I for one am VERY interested because it really really is a very very big deal at this stage of the WW3 that the Cabal seems so intent upon.
Incidentally, now that we’re on the topic of nomenclature, do you find (as I do) that calling it WW3 shows a distinct paucity of creative imagination and branding skills?
I think we should jazz it up a little, especially since this is gonna be the last time for a LONG time that humankind will be able to muster up enough energy to do war on a global basis. Let’s show a little panache!
Lets call it Word War Last or something like that.
September 27, 2022 at 10:17 pm #117032Michael Reid
ParticipantSeptember 27, 2022 at 10:20 pm #117033boscohorowitz
ParticipantI think that the 27th is close enough to the 24th, and that deliberate sabotage of the last main energy source for many millions of people qualifies as a deployment of a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
I think that this act demonstrates that the creeps-in-charge are raving bonkers. Enter plausible chance of thermonuclear activity.
I believe that Putin has ample balls or courage or ruthless military logic to indeed push the nuclear button just as I also think it’s childishly fear-driven prattle to even suggest that it takes “balls” to make and act on such a decision. When one is existentially backed up against a wall, one either folds or finds courage. I don’t see Putin folding in that situation… or me for that matter.
“The way Vladimir Putin tells it, one of his great teachers in life was a rat.
“As a boy in Leningrad, he once chased a particularly fat one down the hallway of his apartment building. Cornered, the squealing creature turned on young Putin and tried to bite him. Terrified, the boy fled into his parents’ apartment, slamming the door in the rat’s face.
“The lesson, Putin recalls, was clear: never put someone’s back against the wall”
I don’t think that this pipeline sabotage itself will trigger such a response, but I’m certain that Russia’s readiness levels for its most advanced nuke/conventional boom-boom delivery systems are now elevated to its highest shrieking No-Vodka-on-the-Job alertness level.
I think the nail-biting moment will be when Germany begs Russia to take it under protection or some such moment.
“It was evening; the sky was filled with dragons — this time, yellow ones. The widow murmured a single sentence, “The vixen seeks the dragon’s wing,” as she stepped aboard the ship.”
“The widow understood. She threw her two swords into the river, knelt in the bottom of a boat, and ordered that she be taken to the flagship of the emperor’s fleet.
“The vixen seeks the dragon’s wing…”
At such a moment I think it’s more likely that the emotional castrati who are in charge of USNATO will nuke their own as a false flag than it is for likely Putin to go trigger-happy. For Putin to pull that trigger would, I should think, require his opponents to perform acts that kill/maim many millions of his own people, or perhaps just millions of people, period. Either way, it plays well on the global stage, makes for good geopolitical optics along with the mushroom cloud, and a man with the “balls” to use nukes surely knows that good optics are crucial in a world where many nations have nukes. He needs to be seen as the Justified Good Guy if the world is to have a chance at nuclear peace during this transition from plenty to poverty. An honest-to-goodness goddam global policeman, even: the world is quite ready to be saved from the USA Empire.
To prevail in a way that isn’t a Pyrrhic victory, Putin needs to have all the other nuclear nations at least stand aside (unless fired at, of course; no one’s going to accept a nuclear removal of a city). Let’s metaphorically say that if USNATO is a global cancer, we don’t want the chemo that kills it to kill the global patient as well.
I think it’s gotten close to inevitable that we’ll see thermonuclear activity during this war. How much, how effectively used…???? No one’s going to let the bad guy, who is also the only nation to have used atomic bombs in war, get away with a nuclear 911 that isn’t on USA soil.
Strategically, it rather makes sense for Putin to be poised to fire a bunch of hypersonic tactical nukes at key targets immediately if such an event happens. In a fight where one is compelled to wait for the other guy to throw the first punch, one is wise to be prepared to hit him at least half a dozen times before he’s even had a chance to pull his fist back — even if his first punch was to hit himself in the face.
Not like any of us have a clue what’s happening, really. We just watch our magic screens and play 5-D chess with each other.
September 27, 2022 at 10:23 pm #117034boscohorowitz
ParticipantThe methane in the pipeline is much lighter than water and is shipped under pressure as condensed liquid. I’m quite sure that the pumps shut off as soon as they felt the pressure drop and have stayed off since. It is just that a cylinder several feet wide in diameter and many miles long, contains a lot of pressurized liquid natural gas.
September 27, 2022 at 10:27 pm #117035slimyalligator
Participant@ Mr. House, Quite a bit to unpack from your dozen word comment. Hard to find Reynolds in the hood for my hat at this time. Vaccines induced mental decline among our betters and the proules? Grim.
September 27, 2022 at 10:41 pm #117036Michael Reid
I think that the 27th is close enough to the 24th, and that deliberate sabotage of the last main energy source for many millions of people qualifies as a deployment of a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
”I agree.
Western civilization imploding? Does everyone get a turn. I liked the Italian lady.
September 27, 2022 at 11:48 pm #117037zerosum
ParticipantA mysterious campaign and an unknown leadership.. Who is behind the Syrian “convoy of light” in Turkey?
9/12/2022, 12:19:59 PMAn intense discussion has taken place on the communication platforms in Turkey over the past few days, following the emergence of a mysterious campaign via the Telegram application calling on Syrians to participate in a convoy dubbed “the convoy of light” with the aim of heading from Turkey to Europe.
September 27, 2022 at 11:58 pm #117038Oroboros
ParticipantIf Nord Stream I & II were ruptured, and you saw gas bubbles over the surface of the Baltic, it’s simply the sea water displacing the residual gas in the pipeline, there are hundreds of miles of pipeline. The Russians were not pumping any gas under pressure and the valves were shut off quite a while ago.
Once the gas in the actual pipelines has escaped and seawater has filled the entire length of both Nord Streams, there is no easy way to ever start either one up again with out fixing the breaches at depth (can’t be done with divers, too deep) and then getting the sea water out of both pipelines. A VERY challenging technical problem.
For all purposes, the Empire of Lies has just declared WAR on Eurotardistan®.
JoBomber overheard mumbling, ” Die Eurotardistan, Die!”
Trying to blame Russia for killing their own pipelines is typical psychotic projection from the blood drinking monsters who have their fist up JoBomber’s ass.
September 28, 2022 at 12:00 am #117039Michael Reid
ParticipantCBDCs, SDRs, and the Re-Monetization of Gold… Here’s What Happens Next
CBDCs, SDRs, and the Re-Monetization of Gold… Here’s What Happens Next
September 28, 2022 at 12:02 am #117040boscohorowitz
Participant“Energinet plans to commission Baltic Pipe with partial capacity from 1 October 2022, by using parts of the existing gas transmission system in Denmark as temporary replacement for the parts that have been delayed. The entire project is expected to be operational at full annual capacity of up to 10 BCM by 1 January 2023.”
“In 2019, the twenty-seven EU members’ total demand for natural gas peaked at 390 billion cubic meters (bcm). Because of the strong EU climate policy, it is unlikely to reach that level again. In 2019, Russian gas supplies to the twenty-seven EU members also peaked at 168 bcm, or 43 percent of total EU natural-gas consumption. In 2021, the anticipated Russian natural-gas exports to the EU amount to 135 bcm and are expected to decline gradually to 120 bcm a year by 2030.1 The decline is not likely to be precipitous because Central Europe will replace some coal with gas, and Germany some nuclear power with gas, but no increase is expected.
“Out of a maximum annual Russian gas supply of 135 bcm, 110 bcm—81 percent—could pass through the two Nord Stream pipelines. ”
10bcm is hardly enough to replace the 135 BCM Russia used to provide the EU with.
Poland would be nuts to sabotage Nord Stream on its own, especially a Russian pipeline. But then, I hear Poland is kinda nuts these days, so maybe so. But it sure smells like USA Empire is behind this.
September 28, 2022 at 12:10 am #117041boscohorowitz
ParticipantAs for 100ks of Russians fleeing, consider this:
Russia has an estimated 14 million migrant workers.
100k here or there is a piffle.
September 28, 2022 at 1:13 am #117042chettt
ParticipantI don’t think people realize just how badly the west treated the Russian citizens after the invasion and how this treatment affected the Russian people. Banning anyone with a Russian name from competing in athlete competitions. World famous Russian composers, Russian performers, Russian artist of all types and stripes were treated with scorn and ridicule just for being Russian. Hell, they even renamed a Russian painting!
When the invasion started it was a surprise and anything but popular with the Russian people. The last thing most wanted was a war and had the collective west made some distinction between the Russian government and the Russian people I suspect thing might have progressed differently but we’ll never know. The intense Russophobia coming from the western media and the incredible level of western imposed sanctions designed to cripple all of Russia, the Russian people were overwhelmed by all that hate, realized what the west really thought of them and rallied around their leader and motherland.
Well the genie’s out of the bottle and win, lose or draw we’re at a turning point and the world will never be the same.
I would not expect any kind of coup or mass uprising in Russia anytime soon.
September 28, 2022 at 1:20 am #117043John Day
ParticipantDBS mused:
“Incidentally, now that we’re on the topic of nomenclature, do you find (as I do) that calling it WW3 shows a distinct paucity of creative imagination and branding skills?
I think we should jazz it up a little, especially since this is gonna be the last time for a LONG time that humankind will be able to muster up enough energy to do war on a global basis. Let’s show a little panache!
Lets call it Word War Last or something like that.”I’ve thought about nomenclature for years. Some people consider the cold war to be WW-3, and the GWOT to be WW-4, so this would be WW-5, but nobody would get what you mean.
I think there is a good case for calling it WW-3, since WW-1 and WW-2 really were resets of global trade and financial relationships, and that’s where we are again.
I’ve got nothing better than “WW-3”. “The Global War on All-Y’all”?Thanks for the re-monetization of gold, not CBDCs article, Michael Reid. (Have to try everything else first?)
@Boscohorowitz: I read about the pirate-widow Ching. Engaging story. I would not want to be one of the slaughtered, but they did have a code-of-law, too. Tough times those were.What’s Vlad to do? People propose to know his character and motives a lot.
TAE Summary did a good job with the two narrative-groupings, pro and anti.
Let’s just consider him rational, intelligent, and with a very long historic view.
He’d be dead, otherwise. I think you concur.Putin and Lavrov have spent this new millennium keeping their deals. Putin is a lawyer.
This is a really long term investment. Russian diplomacy is the most highly regarded, I think.
Lavrov looked pretty tense at his recent UN press conference, and circuitously avoided answering some straightforward questions. That’s showing stress for him. He’s usually got more flair.It looks to me like waiting to be attacked is what Russia is mostly doing. I know you addressed this recently. Impatient people can’t do this, and can’t really think of it as an option, but it’s big in Russian history. Russia can be augmenting the military to open up options, including never having to pull that trigger, which is an excellent option. (“Speak softly and carry a big stick” , T.R.)
It looks to me like the US just attacked German people and German industry. Germans can see this, right? Everybody who is capable of useful analysis can see this. Germany was starting to turn towards Russia before winter, so the US burned Germany’s winter-grain silo and said, “who you gonna’ believe, me or your lying eyes?”
Russia doesn’t have to do a lot, except to facilitate selling gas to Germany by any means which remains possible. Russia just has to play the straight-guy.There may have been some big event that did not just happen. The US says they have been threatening Russia through back channels, should Russia use a nuke. We can presume that the Russians understand that this is a threat to do a false-flag nuke attack, blame it on Russia, and then slaughter-some-folks somehow. Russia might have also given some back-channel messages, which dissuaded the neocons from that course.
I speculate, but it’s unavoidable lately.I think of the time that Trump got 3 options for attacking Syria and chose the cruise missiles against the military airbase, which mostly got intercepted. It was a place-holder attack, not a real attack.
If the empire was going to go nuclear-false-flag, but decided to just destroy Nordstream, instead, and if the major players all knew that, then it is a great loss of face in the halls of power.I like speculating. I can go on and on.
The only way to get Germany a lot of Russian gas this winter is for Germany and Russia to decide to cooperate on major-problem-solving, and it will need to be open cooperation.
Hungary could potentially help. (Ukraine signing a deal would help. Breaking up Ukraine and giving some to Poland would sweeten that deal. All that seems like years off, though.)I really think that the US (or proxy) blowing up the pipelines shows cowardice and weakness. It shows that the US was losing German cooperation.
Watch Japan, now.September 28, 2022 at 1:30 am #117044John Day
ParticipantAbout those back-channel communications regarding nuclear war and stuff:
Russia Says It’s Had ‘Sporadic’ Contacts With the US on Nuclear Weapons
September 28, 2022 at 1:49 am #117045chettt
ParticipantI’ve always had trouble understanding the initial Russian invasion of Ukraine. Columns of tanks hard driving straight to Kiev but very little fighting? And then after a month or so they leave as quickly as they arrived. Massive artillery in the east but few troops and massive professional troops in the south with little artillery or air support.
I recently ran across this article that made good sense to me. It might have been posted here before and if so I apologize. This article originally appeared in the Marine Corps Gazette August 2022 issue. Authored by an apparently frequent anonymous contributor (“Marinus”) to the Gazette, it has since raised quite a ruckus among the United States military community in various online debates.
“A Former US Marine Corps Officer’s Analysis of the Ukraine War” 28, 2022 at 2:00 am #117046V. Arnold
Participantchettt #117042
I don’t think people realize just how badly the west treated the Russian citizens after the invasion and how this treatment affected the Russian people. Banning anyone with a Russian name from competing in athlete competitions. World famous Russian composers, Russian performers, Russian artist of all types and stripes were treated with scorn and ridicule just for being Russian. Hell, they even renamed a Russian painting!
Excellent post and spot on, IMO…
September 28, 2022 at 2:02 am #117047Redneck
ParticipantI was in Laos in 1974. The US embassy in Vientiane had a pool and burgers. My hotel had four retired Les Girls trannys from Bangkok living there , they were heroin addicts , interesting characters. The street my hotel was in had night stalls where you could get French bread , wine and fries as well as weed and smack. Each stall had a massive bong fixed to a stand that was so big you had to stand to smoke it.Buddha sticks were ten cents each , the heroin was the Eagle and Globe brand , very pure and cheap , lots of junkies from all over the world. We had quite a bit of acid as well. We went up to Luang Prabang through the triangle in the back of a pickup , our heads wrapped with scarves to hide our whiteness. There was two guards with automatic weapons and we drove like hell. The US embassy had reports of whiteys being shot and one public bus had a hand grenade thrown into it killing two hippies so we took a different transport. Luang Prabang was super cool , there was only one opium den that would allow foreigners , the pipes were made by women , I never saw women doing the pipes in any other dens.Lots of big fifty cal I guess gun dugouts everywhere and we would be held at gunpoint and asked our nationality , any country was good except for the US , they didn’t seem to worry that we were Australians and that we had fought in Nam , in fact the final withdrawal had still not happened at that point I think.The locals were very friendly and cool except for those in uniform with guns, I never did find out exactly who they were , when you are young and bulletproof it don’t matter. There was a full moon when we were there and the Lao had big party and danced all night drinking drinking copious Mekong whisky and bonging on . Up in the triangle the Mao hill tribes people were growing poppies as far as you could see. The women did the work and each one carried a bong on their back not necessarily for smoking pot , they smoked tobacco that way too. Afterwards we bought a bag of sticks and took them back to Bali where a ten cent stick sold for five dollars US. Interesting times. Our hotel had Buddha sticks for sale in the basement , there were one cubic meter bales, the restaurant had them in a container at the bar , just help yourself and pop a donation in the Jar. Hippy heaven in a war zone.
September 28, 2022 at 2:32 am #117048John Day
Participant@Chett: That USMC Ret. analysis of Russian tactics did make the rounds here last month, and is good, and I read it again.
@Redneck: I was going to high school in Yokohama, Japan in 1974. “Buddha” stick was much more expensive in Yokohama.September 28, 2022 at 2:46 am #117049zerosum
Participant@ chettt
Our leaders know and have advisers that know, but they don’t want us to knowThursday, August 18, 2022
“A Former US Marine Corps Officer’s Analysis of the Ukraine War”
Thursday, September 1, 2022
The Moment of Greatest Danger
Russia will fully achieve the three objectives of its “special military operation” as explicitly stated by Vladimir Putin in his address to the world delivered on the opening day of the war: liberating the Donbass; excising the Nazi influence from the region, and demilitarizing Ukraine.All I know is that the moment of greatest danger in all our lives is now bearing down upon us. At some point – likely sooner than later – those who wield the power and control the levers of empire will make a move to preserve its dominion.
I am personally convinced they will fail – and abysmally so – but almost certainly not without leaving oceans of blood and mountains of ashes in their wake.
Prepare yourselves accordingly …
September 28, 2022 at 3:07 am #117050boscohorowitz
ParticipantFor me, the primary speculation point is about just how insanely irrational the USA Imperial Command is at this point. COmpared to that, the rest is pretty well known.
September 28, 2022 at 3:55 am #117051boscohorowitz
ParticipantSpeculation closure: or it may be smartest for Vlad just to watch the Empire destroy itself and blame Russia. That seems the obvious no-brainer logical choice but it doesn’t sit with my gut. Rabid dogs don’t tasme of their own. They have to be put out of their misery.
September 28, 2022 at 4:39 am #117052VietnamVet
Participant“The War on Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase” post on NC has been taken down. Probably because it no longer can be denied that WWIII has started. For the reasons below, whoever wanted a world war, got it.
The global free movement of goods, people, services and capital was imposed upon the old nation-state structures which were then privatized and dismantled to reduce taxes and to aid in the exploitation of humans and resources. But the Coronavirus Pandemic and then the Russian invasion of Ukraine, forced globalism into a tailspin.
Russia would never destroy its own paid for energy infrastructure, potential cash cow, and leverage over Germany; likewise, neither would any nation connected the Nord Stream distribution pipelines. US fracking companies and petroleum giants like Exxon Mobile may profit in the short term, but even the stupidest CEO in the world must realize that once their pipelines become targets of opportunity, they are out of business.
The only state actors that may be involved are Ukraine and the United Kingdom together. This operation in three different spots blowing up the pipelines buried deep in sea mud is too complex and sensitive of an operation, right next to Denmark, undetected, for non-state actors or mercenaries. A Blob Evangelical/Diaspora faction may have teamed up with culprits, but I just can’t believe the Pentagon, itself, would have sent this scheme up the chain of command to the White House for sign-off. If the CIA did warn Germany of the possibility of sabotage, it wasn’t them. Once Russia finds out who did it and they are not on their nuclear weapons target list, they will be added.
The Hounds of War have been unleashed. One more dog has bit the dust. Unless an armistice is signed and a DMZ built, and everyone works together to survive this winter’s dark and cold, an atomic apocalypse is next. I hope I am wrong. But whoever thought of this operation and executed it is so dangerous and psychotic that they are willing kill billions to reach their goals.
September 28, 2022 at 5:07 am #117053V. Arnold
ParticipantSeptember 28, 2022 at 4:39 am #117052
VietnamVetThe Hounds of War have been unleashed. One more dog has bit the dust. Unless an armistice is signed and a DMZ built, and everyone works together to survive this winter’s dark and cold, an atomic apocalypse is next. I hope I am wrong. But whoever thought of this operation and executed it is so dangerous and psychotic that they are willing kill billions to reach their goals.
Yes indeed, unleashed to….?
Just when I think it cannot get crazier; it progresses to full blown psychosis…
The assholes in charge won’t be happy until they start the nukes flying…the U.S. will lose badly and may cease to exist altogether… -
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