Debt Rattle September 27 2024


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  • #169843

    Pablo Picasso The bathers 1918   • Ukraine ‘Is Gone’ – Trump (RT) • Trump Agrees To Meet Zelensky (RT) • Trump Pushes Narrative That Iran Is Tryi
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 27 2024]

    Dr. D

    “Mark Cuban: “The Mainstream Media Truly Leans Right”
    “The mainstream media is not who you think it is… and Trump is a socialist”

    This is what happens when words have no definition and everything is a lie. Sooooo…Trump is against private property? Wants to nationalize everything? And the Media is “Right” in that…it works for giant corporations? I mean yes. And those corporations are open about promoting Socialism (Disney) so that they can have a full merger with the State. …Which they already effectively do (CNN). Or were made by the State, from the first dollar, and illegally protected by the State at every turn since really they are a department and wing of the Letter Agencies (Google).

    What a weird thing to say. Doesn’t he know that not sticking to The Narrative™ causes people like me to re-tell this story and look into things in order to close the cognitive dissonance? That is, also known as: to Think?

    “US Navy Modernizing To Counter China’s Military By 2027
    Project 33 sets two key goals: achieving 80% combat readiness for ships, aircraft, and submarines by 2027, and integrating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and unmanned systems.

    Oh God, now our Carriers won’t work either, and will hallucinate and shoot made-up threats. That’s what we have Congress for!

    “Melania Trump on the Mar-a-Lago raid: “It made me angry.. “

    Huge fail. Couldn’t care less. It’s a Search Warrant. Did they destroy then condemn the house like they do for us? No? Then it’s a search warrant. If there’s anything wrong, it’s not at this end. You look like a Millennial whiner.

    And she had infinity time to work this out and sound relevant and Presidential. Bring the country together “These aren’t our values” etc. Also I don’t understand ppls attraction for her: she looks like an alien. A male one.

    Adams: this is pretty big, but like, the BIDEN administration arrested him? In SDNY? Wall Street’s owned and 100% corrupt court? Biden??? For foreign bribery, like Turkey (or Ukraine). Really.

    Okay, now since all this – most of which is organic – they’re fighting NC and Trump flips NY instead? That’s not impossible, like CA, NY may have been Red last 5 elections. They’re just rigging in NYC and Trump minor upswing there, or poll-riggers getting disgusted and staying home, may overcome the rig in NYC. He’s an insider there, deep insider, he may know, and he’s not going to tell you til after.

    “Joe Biden pretending to kill a bug on a table..”

    “A Lemon, Ate, Donald Trump.”

    President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children.”

    I was down at the car shop, Zoomer mechanics now, all F’d to the nines from bad nutrition. Fat, short, thinking screwy, speech impaired. Why? Same as Blue Liberals city folks made fun of hicks and Ozarks all along: They’re so poor they have literal malnutrition, development illnesses, level just above starving to death. Like “Deliverance”. Pre-natal nutrition, health abandonment. So then we make fun of them, for the money we in NYC stole from THEM, and are using for our beach house. Classy! And we’re Socialists, “Helping the little guy”, “Workers Unite!” Uh-huh. Unless any of that, like not buying Apple iSneakers from Nike who uses world Slavery. Then it’s all, “well, you understand, but we just gotta!”

    What I’m saying: you’re making fun of Americans for being fat, sick, etc, same as you’d make fun of Palestinians for being blown up and missing limbs. Hahaha! So funny! The more you’re poisoned and die, the funnier and more of your fault it is! Stop. Take a breath. THINK about it in RFK’s context of raw, intentional poison here.

    “130,000 To 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 GENERAL ELECTION were shipped from Bethpage NY to Lancaster Pennsylvania”

    And they’re Republicans, so they will never do anything. Gosh, good thing you told us! Now if only we could get this to lawyers, or to Congress…Oh wait: that’s YOU???

    BREAKING: Someone just hacked a voting machine within seconds live on PBD’s podcast.”

    But only since the 1st voting machine on the first day, 2000. We’ve known this for 25 years. Problem is, they’re all crooked, and Republicans don’t care. The only thing they can’t do is act. That would mean raising your hand and saying “Aye”, and that’s just too much work for any (Red) man.

    “• Ukraine ‘Is Gone’ – Trump (RT)

    Winter is Coming. Everything in the article. They CAN rebuild, and nicer, if they want to. It’s not possibly half a million, it’s easily and has to be over a million. Sooo….they are conscripting 16 year olds because no one has died in Ukraine? Only a couple, ten towns of 20k? ….Uh, no, the conscription itself demands that over a million have died. And: Joe Biden’s Slavic Genocide.

    ATM looks like they are NOT going to get Poland to commit suicide anymore though. A huge loss. I mean, Britain is their closest friend and ally, and if Britain can’t get them to die to the last man so Limeys can stay home and eat beans, well, what’s really the point? Obviously everyone needs to die but me, that’s “friendship” with a bow. Ask any Indian: Always trust the Anglos.

    ““All of us in Ukraine want to end this war with a just peace. And we know that without America this is impossible to achieve.”

    That’s why YOU’RE going to fight the whole war for us. For free. There is no NATO. “NATO” doesn’t have 20 soldiers. It’s all the United States. (In theory, we may have more than 20 soldiers, but maybe 2,000? Not 200k per wing sustained for 4 years we would need.)

    “Not a very high level of credibility. Who feeds him this? Warmongers?!
    • Trump Pushes Narrative That Iran Is Trying to Kill Him (Antiwar)

    Agree. WTF, you sound like a moron. I mean, more than usual. Does Iran want to shoot him for Solemani? Probably, but they have self-control and wouldn’t do it right now. He’ll probably get away with it.

    Meanwhile, of five assassination teams, one of which is Ukrainian, they instead pick up a schizophrenic from the Rez. Which is probably not a legitimate threat (or he would have just drove there already).

    “The report acknowledged there was no evidence Crooks was linked to Iran,
    “The Times report also said there was no evidence that Iran was connected in any way to Ryan Routh,”

    Oh my God, the stupid. My brain hurts. But BOTH were connected to the Secret State, FBI, etc. That totally doesn’t matter, but to Iran it does.

    What is this, because even Trump isn’t this retarded. Remember Lisa Rice, etc, Comey or someone? Like 20 highest-level people, in a very competitive career, are all CIA from Iran. We’re like “Iran? The Iran that was taken over in 1979?” Yes. And Yes, tell me more wtf, that’s crazy. …Yet true.

    So he’s talking to these guys, who are NOT Iran, but a faction inside the CIA Derp-de-Derp State, saying he now knows they are the ones who signed off on these assassinations. We got your number. Okay, fine: then who are these retards at his rallies who nod their fat heads and don’t notice? Iran: stfu.

    But I don’t know the inner factions of this Satanic Secret State, so I can only guess what goes on in there. And don’t need to: the only thing I need to know is their story is fake bulls—t. And the “Iran hacked on behalf of Harris” too. No. They did not.

    ““The mechanisms allow payments to arms manufacturers and permit weapons to be drawn directly from American military stockpiles..”

    Great, now we’re helpless. What does that mean? Well for one thing, the only viable, preeminent army in America is now the People and some deer hunters. It’s now functionally impossible for the Army to take us, as we know they had a mind to under Obama. They lost 60-40 then, and their power is devastated since then. Over 70-30 now? 80-20? Seems high. So if the Blues want to corral the cities and use the US Army to shoot up the countryside, as we know they had a mind, aching, longing, rubbing themselves with baby oil to do, to keep getting free stuff from Cleetus in the Ozarks while their kids die of malnutrition, well now too bad, they can’t. This mostly takes the John Titor future off the table. “The He/She election”, after all this hard pushing, out of the range of that parallel reality. (Which was probably the output of some of the very first AI secret military supercomputer scenarios, late 90s)

    “• US Congress ‘Happy to Be Lied to’ in Service of American Imperialism (Sp.)

    Yes but they’re paid to, which is a constant, serial, daily felony in several ways. Might start with that. I mean, we’re all discussing and the robber is still in the bank pointing guns at the teller. Stop THAT, and we can discuss later, yes?

    ““Maybe it was a warning sign when big pharma and the feds pushed Ozempic as the ‘wonder shot’ to end the obesity crisis..”

    From their behavior, I’m quite sure it will kill everyone.

    Headline here is Newsweek said Trump is right. Stop the presses, hell has frozen over. What’s the Obesity Epidemic?” Duh and wtf duh, SAME AS THE RESERVATION. They beta tested killing everyone with same carbs, drugs, welfare, obviously, then rolled it out on the rest of us, same as always. You didn’t care about “Them” and now “Them” is YOU. “Gosh why R the Indians so stupid, lazy, violent, and drunk? Well, aside from the efficiency gene, exactly the same as y’all’s 10x increase in their Type II diabetes, meth use, etc from despair, no jobs, using the state and sanctioned child rape — and/in state schools — to break the families.

    ““Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it.”

    As I say as a reporter every day: WHO? Who specifically? A junkie hallucinating on the sidewalk? You’re fired. “Some Say”. There is no “Some say” in journalism. If we print “Some say your mother is a whore” WE get sued and lose, 100 year old law. That’s libel. Everything WE print is as if WE say, support and believe it. So the “Growing chorus” is and can only be YOU. Legally.

    ““..many departments have purged their ranks of Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians.”

    Nobody’s going to like it, and it’s illegal and wrong, but they have now created two classes: one soft, stupid, useless, and lazy, of Democrats. And one hard, working, smart, clever, cagey, of Men and Republicans (but statistically, I repeat myself) That is, the only useful, working people in all America are now male and conservative, Republicans. Aaaaaaaand, you expect to hold on to power under that condition how exactly? You’re just going to stay stupid, hallucinating, wrong, lazy, and rich forever? And they’re not going to take your stuff?

    This is doubled as the only group having children is the same. Sooooo….voters? 20 years +9 months from now? Yeah, Democrats killed all their children, so now they cease to exist, self-select. Congratulations, you win.

    “• Taxes and Tariffs and Trade: Trump’s Plan To Bolster The Economy (JTN)

    But Britain and “Experts” say that’s silly. Although it’s worked 100% of the time it’s been tried and even though Economists are always wrong.

    “• FBI Claims it Doesn’t Have DNC’s Jan. 6 Pipe Bomb Footage (HUSA)

    Well, that’s odd because WE have that footage. We the Public have it but you don’t? Huh. Venn Diagram, “FBI” is a subset of the “Public” superset?

    “Boeing Machinists on Strike Have a Historic Opportunity (Sawant)

    Boeing with every lying, cheating, stealing deal, in FULL MERGER WITH GOVERNMENT. Oh, reminds: Biden’s first act was to prevent all US Rail from striking, hiring, Overtime, causing deadly derailments, as he broke the Rail Worker’s strike …forever. Nothing has been fixed, and you’d have to be a moron to be hired there. Same as health care, another no-strike, government-run area.

    Storm Surge: who is this for? People who are anywhere near, anywhere affected have lived through 100 storm surges. This is fear porn for people who watch TV, far away, unaffected. Example: on that coast, there are often swamps with few houses (or owners expect to be flooded out regularly) for MILES from the coast. Yeah, it’s a storm surge, but the first road is 10 miles in from the waterline. The mangroves, etc take it all because that’s what they’re for, and that’s why we are where we are, having lived through 40 years of hurricanes over and over and over. I wouldn’t go stand on the first mangrove root, facing the water, but if you were out there, you’d already be on a boat. Respect it, but they’re all experienced in it. That’s like telling ship captains to fear the ocean. I mean, yes? And No. Thanks! For you, immature idiot, never dun anything or been through it, telling ME, a ship’s captain, how it be.

    This is just people in Brooklyn explaining how everyone in Georgia and Florida is a moron who doesn’t know better without Mommy’s help.

    …Or more likely, a PSA for Citiots from Jersey who only just moved to the panhandle and we’re just politely telling them how not to be killed. Should we, though?


    “OMG. Seriously, America…We have officially hit rock bottom with the DNC putting this woman up for President.”



    TRUMP: “I saw Eric Adams (NYC Mayor) speaking about illegal migrants hurting our city. I said ‘Watch, he’ll be indicted within a year.’ I was exactly right.”


    Dr. D

    Keeping this around. Unlike all Democrats. All Republicans. All Church People. All New Age people, Yup! We need to give up, erase the United States and all it stands for rather than re-add those two days in Civics /History class where we explain the Constitution. Just give up! Throw in the towel, it’s all over.

    Hey, uh, when P Diddy got going, suddenly all the rap becomes Gangster, no one else can get air, which destroys the Blacks. All the TV purges anything good, “Firefly” whatever, that people love and watch. “Defenders” taken off TV one episode after they show drugged kids in cages, being blood-milked and harvested. All moves to “Reality TV” all sex, Kardashin, mind-bendingly stupid, cooing over going to Diddy parties, then all trans.

    …Totally, totally organic, of course. …As TV viewership utterly collapses and people would rather spend an hour watching Ben Shapiro instead of Disney. ‘Cause, totally organic, Capitalism: giving the people what they want. Uh-huh. But I am a coincidence theorist and that is not suspicious at all.

    Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we could just RE-introduce the values that made the country work, and NOT throw up our hands, give up on it? Crazy, I know! I mean, when anything happens, who doesn’t give up immediately but goes to work? Far right white supremacist nazis, I hear. Working, being on time: Robin DiAngelo tells me those are WHITE values that Black people just don’t have, being lazy, stupid, and illiterate. That’s called ANTI Racism, and it’s well, well funded, even to Race Segregation I hear! She and Ibram X say you ust HAVE to allow crime! Because Black people are all criminals, it’s their culture! — I — don’t say this: THEY do. This is their core, religious belief.

    Anyway, what COULD we add, re-add, that we already did, and everyone loved it? Here’s one from the back-canon of “The Lone Ranger”, 1950:

    “I believe that to have a friend,
    a man must be one.

    That all men are created equal
    and that everyone has within himself
    the power to make this a better world.

    That God put the firewood there
    but that every man
    must gather and light it himself.

    In being prepared
    physically, mentally, and morally
    to fight when necessary
    for what is right.

    That a man should make the most
    of what equipment he has.

    That ‘this government,
    of the people, by the people
    and for the people’
    shall live always.

    That men should live by
    the rule of what is best
    for the greatest number.

    That sooner or later…
    we must settle with the world
    and make payment for what we have taken.

    That all things change but truth,
    and that truth alone, lives on forever.

    In my Creator, my country, my fellow man.[15]”

    You KNOW he’s racist because it’s shot in black and white. And his best friend is a Mohawk Indian. Hate, hate 4evah.

    Yeah, um, don’t go nuts, just UN-do the thing? Just STOP putting poison in Cheetos? Just ADD that class on phonics, math, and the Enlightenment you removed? It’ll take about 3 minutes of your time, thanks.

    …Or give up the country. Your choice.

    “We shall surrender in the mountains! We shall surrender in the beaches! We shall always, always surrender!!!” That’s how I remember it, don’t you? I took an oath to the Constitution and that’s what “oath” means, right?


    Not too smart, just sayin’




    Ya gotta love’m









    Comedy Break



    Make Duh’merica ,well, Dumber

    Demonrats, pushin’ that Project De-Population® by creating as many new Morons as possible.



    Meanwhile AI is Blazing Trails like Blazing Saddles!







    The younger woketurd generation are such flaming hypocrites

    Drinking an $9 cup of coffee typing on a $1300 iphone how “oppressed” they are.




    Survival decision makers.
    Smell of death.
    Garbage in, garbage out.
    Disruptors – Helene and/or war.
    Blind mice.
    Lies or illusions.
    Critical thinking.


    “I will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burden and …..

    They already have that and in addition to, as real prize, dirt cheap labor the reason that they unbolted machines and moved out in the first place.
    Interesting to see how the threat of having the tariffs imposed on their products will play out – but that’s meddling with the “free market rules” that Multinationals made for the self benefit..

    John Day

    Suge Knight Claims Diddy Holds ‘Blackmail Material’ on Barack Obama

    Figmund Sreud

    “Total F*king Chaos!” (‘Stralian girls at it once again, … satire.)


    One more report on f16
    Missile Strike on Ukrainian Airbase Takes Out F-16s on the Ground – Reports
    Eastern Europe and Central Asia , Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft
    Military Watch Magazine Editorial Staff

    D Benton Smith

    Blackmail material doesn’t have to be blackmail material. It could just as easily be material evidence.

    The difference depends on whether the material is being held by a blackmailer or a jury.

    If you don’t get to see it then it’s blackmail material.


    Loverboy – Turn Me Loose – Live

    “I gotta do it my way…or no way at all!”


    re: storm surge

    Denninger has written extensively (and sharply!) about those beach houses. TLDR, folks who built them usually know the score, but suckers buy them if they’ve got a bit o’lipstick.

    Dr D Rich

    The difference depends on whether the material is being held by a blackmailer or a jury.

    You know better.
    No one is that naive.
    The referee, er ah, the judge decides “the materiality” of any evidence and the “request to enter into evidence” any material, testimony is submitted by opposing counsel. So, “evidence” is first sifted by lawyers.

    Ex. (D it is an abbreviation for example)

    Opposing counsel, unidentified entity at WA State Labor and Industries, and an identified UW Medicine Registered Nurse introduced evidence CLAIMANT “had an examination in Cincinnati Ohio by Dr. Lisa Nguyen” and the BIIA Judge cited that “material fact” in 6 page decision in CLAIMANT’S favor.

    Neither claimant definitely nor Dr. Lisa Nguyen (I bet) have ever been to Cincinnati and certainly not together ever.
    Yet and now 89 months since the assault n battery that set off this saga, all my numerous and my attorney’s requests for “the Cincinnati Ohio exam by Dr. Lisa Nguyen” have been met with the same reply by Opposing Counsel.

    Opposing counsel: “I want those records too. My client wants those records too. I demand Dr d Rich give the court those records now”.

    The case possesses an obvious element of systemic and systematic corruption, doesn’t it?
    1. Who would fabricate physical evidence in such an “trivial case” (their words)?
    2. Who would fabricate testimony in such a case?
    3. Who would use fabricated evidence as the foundation to conduct a private investigation that by virtue of the fabrication would guarantee there would be no medical treatment documented to further undermine the claim?
    4. A falsely premised investigation would guarantee evidence of absence. (Don Rumsfeld)

    Answer: is found in Law School 101
    A Hearsay Witness,
    an RN hearsay witness,
    an RN hearsay witness the Judge determined to be “materiel”,
    the RN hearsay witness UW Medicine’s attorney “attested” to,
    an RN hearsay witness the claimant still hasn’t met or seen or heard after these past 89.5 months and counting.

    Blackmail versus “Materiel”, there’s no difference except the obnoxious imprimatur of the court, referee, judge.

    Dr D Rich

    QE is coming again says ZH.

    Free money for insolvent big boy banks and other inept financiers but no debt forgiveness for you, white deplorable.



    Robert Redfield (from post up top > Zero Hedge):

    “We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country’s $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation. We’re paying too much for chronic disease, and this must change. It’s time to make America healthy again.”

    Note in the Booby Kennedy vid in a prev. thread, he quotes Cov-19 vaccination rates re Haiti (under 2%) and the USA (87%) and sort-of compares ‘Covid times’ deaths (13 p.million in Haiti to 300 in the USA) to then conclude that Americans died of Covid because they are ‘sick’ – with diabetes, obesity etc. just as the CDC said (which he quotes.)

    And he is anti-vax? Was I missing something there? Just an ‘extract’ which does not give the full story or is somehow misleading?

    Redfield mentions ‘agency capture’ – Fed agencies that ‘regulate’ being ‘captured by Corps’ – well that is a step in the right direction, it points to ‘over-Gvmt’ (too much legislative + advisory power concentrated on a small node) combined with ‘subservient Gvmt’, aka a circle of *Corruption* between Gvmt. and Corps. It hints, suggests, that some ‘re-arrangement’ is needed. Yes…

    But then what?

    How to create it, in function of what ideals, principles, guiding lines?


    Trump and Kennedy may have some plans, I of course don’t know about that. But it looks very much like “Make America Healthy Again” is a kind of feeble offshoot of MAGA, which is in itself merely a rallying slogan.


    i now care as much about your life as you have cared about mine
    i worry about unlawful immigration into the US as much you were worried about unlawful US emmigration
    i collapsed early you should have planned better

    Trump and Iran, haters gotta hate. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Do you really believe that Trump, Gabbard and Kennedy believe the pasture enrichment they are spreading? Do you?

    Just exactly where is the capital to reindustrialize the US to come from? Just exactly where are the raw materials going to be mined? Just who is going to fund the education projects? With the global south now industrialized and supply chains in place who is going to create the alternative supply chain and fund the logistics infrastructure? Where did all of the BS about robots and AI go? Where are the self driving autonomous trucks and ports? Everything will have to be electric because we have no complex carbon chain crude to distill diesel. Ooopsy the grid is to flawed to support an electric econnomy.
    Just exactly who is going to import or buy any goods that are produced at some multiple of existing global pricing? The fellow in the sandwich meme posted above?

    You’re going to believe all of the bullshit again just like you have your entire adult life. As Frank sang in the 60’s “Go Cry On Somebody Else’s Shoulder”. Wilkerson says there was a Pentagon coup last week and no one interrupted the regularly scheduled programing to point it out. Then again do you think the Pentagon has the balls to take on the CIA? Just remember the CEO and CFO of every defense contractor’s Only Duty, ONLY DUTY, is to the share holder. Guess WhoTF that is. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. You know, the boys Carlin spoke off, the ones Who Own You.

    Massie and the FBI whistleblower meet plausible deniability.
    Over men and horses hoops and garters
    Lastly through a hogshead of real fire!
    In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world! – Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite

    remember the phrase “Ugly American”? Maybe the US will be able to murder a few more thousand human beings today so your gasoline price will be manageable tomorrow,
    “…..and then they came for me”

    and finally the 27 childhood immunizations and a total of 70 by age 18. Child’s play, i know people who watch television every effin day.
    Peculiar, not funny, watching, listening to and reading citizens of the US who are too pooly eductated to know they are poorly educated while all of them are doing a Kamala knock off without realizing it. Damn good thing this ain’t HMS Bellipotent and i’m not Taggert.

    just so everyone will know how stupid I am, I thought white was a color. Also thought caucasian was an obsolete racial classification originating among the blood thirsty savages of Western Europe. Just one more article of BS believed by the poplulations of those castles of horror.

    Man!! and to think that i am even dumber than those of whom i speak? you know only those of lesser social value engaged in the occupation in which i endured. Welcome to the largest and fastest growing social segment of the US, The Useless Eater.

    warming up to my new year’s resolution, wear your scarlet letter with PRIDE


    Health Sick Care in Duh’merica





    My Mother’s instruction to me before I went out as a kid was always the same:

    “Dinner is at 5:00 and try not to kill yourself or get arrested.”







    “Can-Do Spirit” creativity

    When your generator powered LCD projector doesn’t have a good screen.






    Not a very high level of credibility. Who feeds him this? Warmongers?!

    “Trump’s campaign said they were briefed on the alleged Iranian threat by officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is led by Avril Haines. ”

    Um, Who ? Why its the tiny hat jews, again.

    “we can report that at least five Jews will serve in top positions in the new administration: Ronald A. Klain as White House Chief of Staff; Antony John Blinken as Secretary of State; Janet L. Yellen Secretary of the Treasury; Alejandro N. Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security; and Avril Danica Haines as Director of National Intelligence.”

    Biden Appoints Five Jews to Top Posts, Boy, Are their Mothers Proud

    Biden- Zionist
    Trump- Zionist
    Harris- Zionist
    US Regime cabinets- Zionists
    Maza Mazel tov- Make America Zionist Always

    Still perplexed?

    Zelensky- Zionazi Jew Dictator
    Bibi- Zionazi Jew

    Highway to Hell.
    Tough question- who controls American Zionists?

    The View- speaking of Liberal maggots. Rumors swirl that the show may soon be renamed “The Stench”

    Ewww that smell, can’t you smell that smell? Their stench is all around ewwwwe.
    Libtards- an odiferous stench of insanity-

    Blendering babies, man-dating poisonous worthless vaccines, raping children daily is the Lib motto.
    My body\ my choice right Liberal Hypocritical retards?

    Dr D Rich


    “Tough question- who controls American Zionists?”

    Ans: Not ppl affiliated with the Jewish faith.

    I gleaned that answer from yesterday’s dialogue



    tboc and all


    After your critical exposes of our societies, I don’t feel all alone as I travel the road of life.

    D Benton Smith


    “The difference depends on whether the material is being held by a blackmailer or a jury.”

    You know better.
    No one is that naive.

    The referee, er ah, the judge decides “the materiality” of any evidence and the “request to enter into evidence” any material, testimony is submitted by opposing counsel. So, “evidence” is first sifted by lawyers.

    I’m not naive, I’m sarcastic. You kinda missed the point. The point is that if the investigators (FBI, cops, etc), or the judge, or the prosecutor, or any of the other gatekeepers PREVENT YOU from seeing the “material” then the material is being held by blackmailers and is therefore BLACKMAIL material. The “material” doesn’t become “material EVIDENCE” until we get to SEE it. Which is usually never, as you pointed out.

    You and I have at least one thing in common. We’re both more than a little bit cynical. Maybe we can build a civil relationship on that common ground.

    D Benton Smith



    “Tough question- who controls American Zionists?”

    Ans: Not ppl affiliated with the Jewish faith.

    I gleaned that answer from yesterday’s dialogue


    Now we’re getting somewhere. But first we should clarify a differentiating point. The point is that there is a very important difference between being “affiliated” with any particular faith and being “of” that particular faith. Zionists affiliate with the Jewish faith (and usually even loudly proclaim themselves to belong to it) but they are not OF the Jewish faith. To be of the faith they would have to sincerely believe in the God of the Bible, and Zionists do NOT.

    They are either hard core atheists or outright Satanists. ALL of them. They display the trappings of faith as COVER, so that they can accomplish two things in one lie. The subterfuge enables them to pervert and divert the organization’s wealth and power to accomplish evil ends, and it also cloaks who and what they really are. They are either secular sociopaths, or they are Satanists, or they are both. The worst of them are both. The vast majority of them claim to be Jews. They’re lying, but they are expert liars, experienced well trained professional liars, and so most people believe them.


    “The Zionists bombed 6 residential buildings with 15-20 missiles in the Harat Hraik neighborhood in Beirut. The explosions were so strong they were heard in Mt Lebanon and no trace of the buildings remain.”

    “Israel has radically changed the rules of engagement with today’s strike. This time Hezbollah will feel entitled to strike back in the heart of Tel Aviv, as many civilians are expected to be among the dead in the massive bombing of several buildings in Herat Hreik.”

    expert liars, experienced well trained professional liars, and so most people believe them.

    John Day

    @tboc: Maybe Trump will tap the secret Alaskan oil. He can make hydrocarbons cheaper, and it will do some of what he says, and he can route them to US industry instead of exporting so much.

    D Benton Smith

    The corruption of the United States has followed the same pattern as the corruption of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc and by the same method. Criminals recognized how the success of those institutions could be used as both “cover” and “agency” to acquire wealth and power, because good things are what people flock to, contribute to, pay for and fight to protect. If you’re a criminal looking to benefit by subverting a thing it only makes sense to subvert something that’s successful. Nobody ever tried to infiltrate and steal from a rotting corpse, or claim innocence by masquerading as a deranged killer.

    Learning how to deal with, and survive, that aspect of human nature is the price of freedom. Ain’t exactly easy, is it?

    D Benton Smith

    The Satanic Cabal has just 6 more weeks to start full-on WW3 Globalized Civil War, so you can expect their provocations to become far far worse and outrageously ugly as that deadline approaches.

    Their targets (Russia, China, Iran, and the civilian populations trapped within North America and Europe) are either unable to take the bait or too smart to take the bait. But that won’t stop the Cabal from using all of the resources still at their disposal (which is shrinking fast).

    It’s going to be a wild 6 weeks.

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