Debt Rattle September 5 2022
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- This topic has 89 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by
September 5, 2022 at 8:41 am #115189
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterMarc Chagall Blue lovers 1914 • ‘Better To Negotiate Now Than Later’ For Ukraine, Retired US General Says (RT) • West And Russia Will Eventuall
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 5 2022]September 5, 2022 at 8:53 am #115190Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterWell, we have our normal Comments format back. What happened yesterday happened once before, and I have no idea why. It looks like it reverts to a simpler format, but that’s just my guess. I see it more often the moment after I press Publish, but then a Refresh does the trick.
September 5, 2022 at 9:36 am #115191Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantHere’s a very good summation of how the 0.1% mind-control up to 95% of the general populace.
It takes real grit (and perhaps some conditioning by mentors, and maybe some genetic factors) to resist the group-acceptance training and authority-figure training.
‘5 Psychological Experiments That Explain The Modern World
MONDAY, SEP 05, 2022 – 02:30 PM
Authored by Kit Knightly via,
The world is a confusing place. People do things that don’t make any sense, think things that aren’t supported by facts, endure things they do not need to endure, and viciously attack those who try to bring these things to their attention…..’
September 5, 2022 at 10:15 am #115192Dr. D
Participant’m hearing Europe remains la-de-da about winter, even with £10,000 electric bills. Is this because each and every individual European has to get one of these bills before it becomes real to them, and not even then?
Suspect this may be the lifelong absence of consequences, as even now, they just say “The Government” will use “Social Measures” and…save everyone. With money? Not so far. With money plus no gas? I guess we’ll burn the money then? Wheelbarrows full. But I can’t make them take it seriously. Why should they? They’ve never had natural consequences for the actions since birth. What good is “power” if you have to take the consequences of your actions anyway? Making someone else pay is practically the definition of power.
Again, aside from Carter saying, Inflation is many mysterious things interacting in mysterious ways, inflation is “too much money chasing too few goods.” So therefore, we need to reduce the money – which nobody approves of – or to create a LOT more goods. $6 Trillion, minimum? And in this case, a very specific good, gas, which they don’t have the geological formations for, or not as we understand.
Since they are attacking production as if it were battlefield nukes dropped on every street in England, inflation is likely to do what?
Careful, however, as generally we fight the last war. An all-fiat currency is a debt currency. Defaulting on debt is destruction of currency, hyper-deflation and these halves will turn fast. But I suspect the default first.
“Germany Announces €65 Billion Inflation Relief Package Amid Energy Crisis (F24)”
What the Actual…? MONEY is not GAS. What “Relief” are you talking about? We can pay your bills or forgive the public’s debt, but we cannot put heat in your houses. You will die. Debt-free, but dead. Congratulations!
Glenn Greenwald: with all government and institutions united into one form, the existence of a second party is a threat to democracy.
“battlefield consumption rates have outpaced production to a point where excess inventories provided to Ukraine are nearly exhausted,” Kimmitt
Russia hasn’t gotten started. Hasn’t mobilized yet. Why does this level General pipe up right now? Why are they willing to run the editorial? Because Russia is done with the front lines. They are at the point where they can drive to Poland unopposed by anything. Odessa and Kiev exist, but you just siege them. There is no army, it’s over. And General SupidPants doesn’t care about that: they just killed every slav in Ukraine for nothing. Yay genocide! But the sudden loss of the whole nation will have a psychological shock on their weird lies and fake propaganda and deal a big blow to their single control mechanism throughout the West.
If as a smarter man, Kissinger, told them to negotiate last month and probably keep the lines East of Dnipr, and not break Nato and therefore break the control narrative, the markets, and the governments.
But heck, if they’re willing to sit in the dark, is there any level of fail that can break it? Einstein was right.
“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz claimed on Sunday that Russia cannot be considered a reliable energy supplier,” …while Siemens refuses to fix their own turbines.
“Several EU politicians have accused Moscow of using gas exports as a geopolitical weapon,” …while stealing $600B and refusing to pay for self-same gas. Oh and shelling the Russian army with Nato weapons, targeted by U.S. satellites.
“ ‘Greece’ Unfazed by European Energy Concerns (K.)”
Really? Who is this “Greece” person? The government? The government is not the people. The land is not the government. The businesses are not the people. The army is not the country. All these parts are different subsets of the superset “Greece.” Let me guess: by “Greece” you mean a few hundred politicos and their donor (owners?) class of billionaires. And not a single Greek citizen under €30k Euro income.
I guess like here nothing will make them realize it except to live through it. They are very fazed. Why don’t you go ask the people in the soup kitchen whether they’re fazed or not? 15 years later.
“Turkey Likely to Face Bankruptcy, Report Claims (K.)”
They are, but they’ve been saying this for decades. Who are the holders of Turkish Debt? Italy if I remember, but that was years ago. This is like Germany who thinks idiotically they are rich in Tier II that Europe will never pay them. Like Italy. Who is about to elect an Italeave government.
“ Full Gas Storage Not Enough for EU to Last through Winter – Reuters (RT)”
Then write in the article all things that contradict their headline and premise. Ex: is winter longer than 3 months in Spain but not in Maine? This is of course why they have destroyed all small business continent-wide and have become North Korea. To save a little gas when it won’t matter anyway as they can’t get any more. I mean if you hadn’t noticed from Britain’s cameras they have intended to become North Korea since Orwell wrote in 1949. They beta-tested the new form in China, as expected. Now they are rolling in universal totalitarianism in Europe. Stay home or be shot. Or were the bullhorns in public parks, when each quaranteam were already safely 20 yards apart not a clue?
Do you not know abused spouses and abusers? THERE IS NO LEVEL OF COMPLIANCE that can work. They can NEVER leave you alone. Ever. Abuse is their life, their essence, their reason for being.
“UK Police Preparing For Unrest This Winter – Times (RT)”
Klausinator wrote years ago “The people will be angrier”. Gee, how did he know that because they intended to take every possible action in their power to create anger? Like 1984, they expect your neighbors to rat on you, and they will. There’s a new app to have your friends arrested.
!!! “The mayor of Antwerp, Bart De Wever, says Belgium is bankrupt. “We are the new Greece,” he says on Belgian television. “This is of course not a crisis that Putin has caused, but that Europe has brought on itself” !!!
Holy (!!!) Can he live the week? This is the sort of “realizing” I was looking for, I guess. Sadly, even if the entire population followed, it is only the first step toward action. Which the engineers know, they merely need to delay your response long enough that most of you are killed.
“nuclear power plants can only be restarted within five years. Arranging the necessary permits takes a lot of time.”
Wtf? The “Permit” takes no time: here’s a letter of national security signed by the President and all Parliament. The REALITY takes time, but the permit takes none. That Europe says this shows who they are. What will take time now is: You have no oil, gas, steel, parts, equipment, or food to build the plant with. Good luck pounding the nuke plant out with your bare hands.
Denninger: This is interesting, but the standard of living and material excess don’t have much in common at this point. They say “Oh it’s GDP,” “Oh it’s standard of living” when people have never been more unhappy in all recorded time. We very clearly have the LOWEST standard of living since records were kept, possibly since the Middle Ages, because the people are the most unhappy. Unhappiness is the same whether you have a new TV or not: it’s terrible. Empty, lonely, vacuous, miserable lives, where children – and everybody else – are killing themselves. Amid $1000 new iPhones. #Winning!
Plant a Tree, people.
He’s not entirely wrong, but it closes the door for people to live in tents like summer camp, do what they like, swim in rivers, be human, and free. Materially, that may be hard, but personally, they are likely to be wildly happier. And it takes less oil – or none – at a time when we don’t have any, thanks to them shutting down every well and pipeline on purpose. Living well despite that is the best revenge.
“Whether we like to admit it or not, our progress as human beings from a standard of living perspective is entirely the result of our exploitation of carbon-based fuels.”
Okay. But we’re wasting 9/10ths of that. Do things as they were in 1910 — and people thought the standard of living was suddenly Space Age – and you’ll have twice as much energy to apply to whatever new social and tech direction you wish to go. Make a $1000 phone that lasts two years, and a $40,000 car with no parts available, and not so much. The Model A is still running. The 1939 Farmalls are on their FIRST piston replacement sleeves. You can fix one with tools that will fit in a canvas roll.
So what did your $40,000 buy you but non-stop trouble? A vehicle that won’t roll? I call that LOWER standard of living, not higher, when you go to your car and it won’t work for 6 weeks waiting on parts and your marriage breaks up and you lose the kids to the pressure. Are people just really bad at logic?
Finland? Er, bad time to talk about how smart they are when they’ve shut off their own gas and are sitting in the dark without bread. Maybe it went the other way: in school, the rich idiots have contaminated the sensible commoners instead. America is similar: the more we follow the smart people the dumber we get.
Poor Koko. We don’t need to fix earth. Earth is fixing us. If we helped and “fixed” it, imaging how badly we would f’ it up.
September 5, 2022 at 10:17 am #115193upstateNYer
ParticipantTurley’s note, “The United States has long drawn a line between the work of federal employees in public service and the use of such employees for political purposes.”
I was wondering about that, also, when I saw a clip the other day of a different Biden “stump speech” that had uniformed police officers behind him. I understand the police can support whomever they choose, but didn’t think they could do that when in uniform?
Am I all wet on that?
PS … I rarely go back and read the previous day’s comments. Glad I read last night’s comment, though. Lots of great advice on staying warm. 🙂 Thank you!!
September 5, 2022 at 10:33 am #115194FrankJ
ParticipantGermany Announces €65 Billion Inflation Relief Package Amid Energy Crisis (F24)
I’m suffering from morbid obesity, but from this day Im starting a 10.000KCal/day obesity relief diet.
September 5, 2022 at 11:09 am #115195Dr. D
ParticipantDeflation: bet velocity remains flaccid as well.
September 5, 2022 at 11:45 am #115198Redneck
ParticipantYYAAAAAWWNNNNN…wake up if there is any new…s.
September 5, 2022 at 11:55 am #115199Red
ParticipantFrom Denninger:
“What do you think happens when a local pub sees its power bill rise to 500% of its former level all at once? That’s more than said small pub makes and they either shut down immediately or go broke three months later. The only sane thing to do is immediately close because for every additional day you stay open you lose more money. If you think this is just the local pub that will happen to you’re wrong.”If it costs more to go to work than you would lose by not going than don’t go as it will take a bit longer to go broke.
Dr.D: “They’ve never had natural consequences for the actions since birth.”
It was baked in three or more decades ago once everyone got a medal! Everyone wins, all become losers.
September 5, 2022 at 11:59 am #115200upstateNYer
ParticipantYesterday AFKTT posted a video about constructing expensive new housing that people cannot afford. I watched it (1.5 speed, goes faster and you can still grasp everything the guy says).
Our problem here in upstate NY is a bit different, but the same concept. We have a boatload of large, expensive houses …. 5000-6000+ sq ft w/5-6 bathrooms …that sit on the market for ages and unless they have a highly desirable attribute, the price keeps dropping and they don’t sell. This has been going on for years.
On the other hand, small ranch houses that haven’t been updated at all since the 1960s/70s … literally have bidding wars. The realtor will post the listing, pics, etc., about 10 days in advance of when the house is open for showing, then within 24 hours of opening for showings will have multiple offers over the listing price.
People don’t want large, costly to heat/maintain houses (not to mention our property tax rate here is sky high) … unfortunately, that’s all that was constructed over the past several decades.
Hello market, meet consumer. 😉 Big disconnect.
September 5, 2022 at 12:08 pm #115201oxymoron
ParticipantDesmet on Info Wars… the Biden speech is getting us closer to crayballs. The masses are NOT freaked out by this direction.
On a personal note my brother and his family were up for the weekend and I now have an ominous feeling.He is my little brother and has always been kind and funny toward me and I know he loves me, but the othering and overt anger, judgement and tone toward me threw me right off balance.
It was a moment for me and I am still trying to unpack it but I really can’t shake that sense the mass is shifting under us now and I worry for times ahead.
Both he and his wife could literally see nothing wrong with Bidens speech as well. They said it sounded really reasonable and Americans who supported Trump probably deserve to be attacked.I’m digging deep on my Jesus thoughts for calm and God etc.
I feel they are gonna come in handy.
September 5, 2022 at 1:07 pm #115202Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantLooks like Liz Truss will be the new British P.M.
No better hands to sink that ‘ship of state’ (after seven decades of Royal inanity anaesthetising loss of empire). Need change the Atlas maps to the Celtic Islands, The smell of British corruption does not suit the other good folk residing there.
September 5, 2022 at 1:09 pm #115203Red
ParticipantYou have heard me say it over and over again. What we are witnessing right now reminds me so much of 2008, and we all remember what happened in the fall of 2008. That doesn’t mean that this new crisis will unfold exactly the same way that the last one did. Ultimately, every economic downturn is unique. But the fact that we are seeing so many parallels between what is transpiring now and what transpired 14 years ago should deeply alarm all of us. We appear to be on the precipice of another economic crash, and all of the “solutions” that our leaders give us just seem to make things even worse.
Hopefully someone out there can find a way to pull a miracle out of a hat and a worst case scenario can be averted.
But I wouldn’t count on that happening. The following are 12 numbers that show that we are getting dangerously close to an economic crash as the fall of 2022 approaches…
September 5, 2022 at 1:13 pm #115204upstateNYer
ParticipantAhhh … oxy … best at this point to leave politics out of the family conversations, sad to say. It has gotten too polarized. It’s interesting that Biden’s speech is a talking point in Aus. What’s up with that?
Biden’s speech was wrong, just plain wrong, by any American standard, and that’s the rub. I don’t care what the twits are tweeting or CNN is spouting … aside from that insular group, even Dems know deep down it was wrong. Bosco pointed out it would push more people against the Biden admin and Bosco was right. I’m literally considering purchasing a MAGA hat and wearing it, here in NY.
Sorry about your brother. 🙁
September 5, 2022 at 1:18 pm #115205Red
ParticipantSome criticism of Truss here:
Simply put: If Truss fails to deliver a coherent strategy for the economy in the next few days – the UK risks an even steeper decline in sterling, an unravelling Gilts market (UK Government Bonds) and the undermining of the third leg of the Virtuous Sovereign Trinity; the political and economic strength that’s underlain the UK’s hard and soft power since the 17th Century.
The signs are not good. I suspect her goodie bag is empty.
Truss is not a communicator. Neither was Thatcher. Truss is not Thatcher.
Truss has refused to be interviewed one-on-one through the latter stages of the Tory leadership campaign. She finally had to face the music yesterday on the new Laura Kuenssberg BBC Sunday Morning Brekdrek Sunday Politics vehicle yesterday.
I have watched pine logs after a personality by-pass come out a difficult interview in better shape.
It was a train-wreck – she answered nothing. She looked tired and haggered. She was a rabbit caught in the headlights, which is not a good look ahead of the most difficult and critical week in UK politics. More:
Like everyone else I could be wrong in assuming Liz Truss will be prime minister (PM), but I will take that risk. So what are the risks in that forthcoming premiership? They are numerous. They’re all deeply troubling.
At its core the most troubling issue that we face is that Liz Truss is simply not a credible politician. She says nothing, commits to nothing, has never delivered an identifiable policy of consequence, and is clearly driven by dogma. Her indifference to redistribution proves that.
It would be easy to say that we have already got used to this. Johnson was an obvious disaster, after all. But this is not the same. Truss is as vacuous, although more dogmatic. But she also lacks two things Johnson had.
The first of these is charisma. Johnson had this in my opinion and that of most people. I think, as many will agree, that Truss lacks charisma. Second, unlike Johnson she becomes PM without the obvious support of most of her MPs. More:
September 5, 2022 at 1:34 pm #115206upstateNYer
Participantoxy, RE: Desmet on infowars. I cannot recommend highly enough Desmet’s interview on Tucker Carlson Today. It was, hands down, the best Desmet I’ve seen. I’ve watched it 3 times already. Tucker Carlson Today is on Fox Nation, a paid subscription … but … if you go to there is an offer for 30 days free access. I think that works in other countries, too? Do the 30 days free, watch Desmet. Absolutely incredible interview.
September 5, 2022 at 1:41 pm #115207Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantBut she also lacks two things Johnson had.
Those might be two living brain cells to rub together to keep warm. That’s Liz(zard) for you.
Remember Julian?September 5, 2022 at 1:57 pm #115208zerosum
Participantit is time ‘for bitter truths’.
You can’t “follow the money”1. windfall profits for energy companies
2. Relief packages
3. Euro declines below 99 US cents
4. Europe wholesale natural gas price up 30%
5. Breaking down Ukraine – let’s start with Zelensky’s $35M mansion in Sunny Isles, FL built by Kolomoisky and Pinchuk. $1.3B in the bank!!
6. Military inventory purchases
7. Redefine bankruptcy – Bankruptcy is a legal process under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“the “BIA”) that is intended to provide financial assistance in the form of relief for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and some types of trusts with overwhelming debt …
• Mayor Of Antwerp: ‘Belgium Is Bankrupt, We Are The New Greece’ (AD)———-
High costs of energy results in demand reduction and/or windfall profits and/or pain/bankruptcy and/or unrest/black markets
• UK Police Preparing For Unrest This Winter – Times (RT)———-
Here is what really matters …. Follow the cause/money …
clots are lacking key elements present in healthy human blood, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood.September 5, 2022 at 2:03 pm #115209Oroboros
ParticipantDedicated to Eurotardistan’s plucky nature vis-à-vis Russian gas
September 5, 2022 at 2:08 pm #115210zerosum
ParticipantShooting yourself in the (missing) brain
Main gas pipeline to EU will be closed until sanctions lifted – Kremlin
EU country warns citizens of ten ‘difficult winters’ aheadSeptember 5, 2022 at 2:28 pm #115211Red
ParticipantHere again, take the same principle and apply it to most other aspects of American public life and you’ll see the same thing endlessly repeated. Nor was any other outcome ever likely. University-trained experts, after all, are no more immune from the temptations of arrogance, corruption, and faddishness than the rest of us. Give them the opportunity to form a self-selecting, self-regulating, and self-aggrandizing coterie that runs important elements of society, without effective oversight from any outside source, and they’re going to make a world-class botch job out of it—as indeed they have done.
And now? It’s only in the imagination of the clerisy that the clerisy is indispensible. Especially here in the United States, where our era of global empire is rapidly waning and retooling our government and society to get by on much less wealth is an imperative, the privileges and salaries of the clerisy are low-hanging fruit for the first rounds of government cutbacks. It’s not hard to imagine a president in the near future, for example, noting that the Council of Economic Advisers has offered consistently bad advice to presidents since it was founded, and sending its inmates out to find honest work somewhere else, or noting with equal clarity that the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and most federal spending on science have become slush funds supporting educated failures and could be terminated without undue inconvenience to anyone but those battening on them. This list could be extended at great length without any great difficulty. It may well be so extended, to rousing cheers from everyone outside the narrowing circles of the clerisy, in the very near future.
Once again, a hundred years ago university-trained experts didn’t have the kind of wealth, status, and influence they’ve had in the recent past. It may take quite a bit less than a hundred years for them to revert to the condition they had in 1922. Fail badly enough and you forfeit your grip on power—and no, if that happens, it doesn’t matter how loudly you insist that people can’t possibly get by without you, they’re not going to listen. If the blowback from the failure of the Covid vaccines turns out to be bad enough, a loss of status may be the least that the clerisy has to worry about in the years ahead. Still, we’ll just have to wait and see.
September 5, 2022 at 2:37 pm #115212Red
ParticipantHow can the country that imprisons a higher percentage of its population than any other in the world be a democracy?
How can the country that (along with its UK vassal-nation) has been imprisoning for over a decade now in a super-max prison a global hero of democracy, Julian Assange, without his ever having been tried and convicted in any court in any nation, be a democracy?
How can the country that deceived its own people into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003 — a nation that never threatened nor posed any danger to the United States — be a democracy?
How can the country that secretly started planning in 2011 and then culminated in 2014 the coup overthrowing the neutralist Government of Ukraine and installed instead there a rabidly anti-Russian one, be a democracy?
How can the country that even its own military alliance, NATO’s, own affiliated polling has shown to have a population that widely believes its Government to be a dictatorship be a democracy?
What more can be said about this? Only that if America really IS a dictatorship, then — since NO dictatorship CALLS itself one — the ‘news’-media in that country WON’T publicize the fact that it IS such a thing, but will instead always declare that this regime is instead a democracy, and thereby continue to spread the regime’s (the dictatorial Government’s) lie about itself.
What is the significance of this lie? It is enormously significant, and here is WHY:
September 5, 2022 at 2:39 pm #115213phoenixvoice
Participant@ Redneck
Just read your retelling of the conversation with hospital staff before cataract surgery. LMAO.
That has got to be one of the best ways to break a mass formation…truth that is also humorous.The soaring energy costs in Europe has me worried. What if even a fraction of that happens here? I can’t afford skyrocketing energy costs.
September 5, 2022 at 2:42 pm #115214Susmarie108
LOVE you Koko.
LOVE to All the rest of you too.
September 5, 2022 at 2:51 pm #115215upstateNYer
ParticipantRed: America isn’t a democracy. Just sayin’ … 😉
September 5, 2022 at 3:02 pm #115216upstateNYer
ParticipantHave seen comments here and there from people thinking that maybe the Biden PR people didn’t realize how that set would come across. Uh, no. For crying out loud, people practice a wedding the day before it happens. You think the PR folks didn’t check out the lighting, etc, in advance? At least once? Twice maybe?? Seriously. Get a grip. Fully intentional.
Why Biden’s speech was just plain wrong. The bee might be satire but, unfortunately, too often it hits close to the truth.
September 5, 2022 at 3:14 pm #115217Red
ParticipantupstateNYer: Only too aware, nor are any of the vassal states especially those consisting of the “Five Eyes” designation. Have been bitching about this since the eighties, too few understand this.
September 5, 2022 at 3:14 pm #115218HerrWerner
Participant@oxymoron Wishing peace and blessings on your family. There are vast swathes of topics I can no longer discuss with loved ones. I had a long and detailed exchange with my sister about the vexxes last year. Neither of us convinced the other. Siblings, identical raising, similar backgrounds, one of us is no longer any good at critical thinking, but both of us think we are. I don’t understand it but there’s a wall between us now. No matter how close we are on other things we can’t talk like we used to.
I hope you’re right about homes @UpstateNYer, sounds good to me! 1930’s-70’s homes also occupy some prime spots – proximity to town, shorter supply lines and utilities. Those old homes – not the best-insulated, but smaller and can maintain them with hand tools, build-quality’s no worse than the slapped-together mcmansions of now. We live in such a 70’s place now. I hope it sells when the time comes, haha
The Mrs. Frau Werner and I are looking at places to semi-retire to. I don’t expect us to ever retire fully like our parents could, cost of living won’t allow. We’re not in a hurry, have some savings (for now!) waiting for the right place right price. We have a wide range that appeals to us, but what we aren’t looking for is a modern 5000+ sq footer in the exurbs. A lot of owners don’t know it yet, that but those are destined to be the new slums, or abandoned, or stripped for materials and fuel. Or turned into multi-generational home/workshop/homesteader arrangements by legal/illegal immigrants that still know how to make those work.
September 5, 2022 at 3:23 pm #115219kultsommer
ParticipantWhile ago, I do recall a “public meeting” where adjacent affluent community successfully shielded, even though I truly understand why, their local public school from accepting riff-raff kids of the area that clearly belonged that school.
School that my son went to had to accept them and it was turned into zoo. We decided to pull him out and place into private Christian school, with the noticeable
felt burn of the tuition fee. Now, the “affluent” got their public school as a private playground. Generous and most likely inflated tax deductible donations in equipment and materials were pouring in, not to mention personal presence and help from do-nothing moms of the community. Things like that and especially crash of 2008 opened my eyes to what this country is all about.
Tuition-free education that is limited to those who could pass a rigorous acceptance exam is different than unlimited open-door barn for those who could pay via inflated student loans or dad’s open check-book, but viewed as un-American, so Finland-no-Finland caption above means shit to them.September 5, 2022 at 4:04 pm #115220kultsommer
ParticipantJust noticed that erased the sentence that defines my last paragraph and is aimed to “final-career-call education.
Aside from pointing to the affluent’s: “I work hard for my money, blah, blah…” that is obviously not entirely true.September 5, 2022 at 4:11 pm #115221boscohorowitz
ParticipantMandatory public education is the most powerful (and therefore corruptible) means of mass formation in existence, altho another ten years pof kids raised by handroids should blur that line into more of the same old mental mush. School IS the box outside of which we struggle to think.
September 5, 2022 at 4:23 pm #115222upstateNYer
ParticipantHerr: the small homes here that have bidding wars are SMALL – like 1100-1200 sq ft or less ranches or similar to that. As long as they’re not in urban environments, they’re prime. I don’t imagine it’s just here. Times have changed over the past 5+ years. Long gone is the boom that took place pre-2008 … people can’t afford those big homes anymore. Btw, have 2 family members who work in high-end construction. They were ridiculously busy leading up to 2008. Could literally pick/choose their work, taking Friday afternoons off and no builders would question it cause they needed the help. That’s not happening anymore. One of those family members is now working in high[er] end renovation. People are keeping their modest homes and making them work by finishing basements, upgrading bathrooms, etc. He’s booked through the end of the year and turning away work.
Red: “Only too aware … Have been bitching about this since the eighties, too few understand this.”
lol. Figured you were smarter than that based on your comments – thanks for clarifying. 😉
Kultsommer: “Tuition-free education that is limited to those who could pass a rigorous acceptance exam is different than unlimited open-door barn …”
That is well stated. Interesting point of view. Thank you.
September 5, 2022 at 4:36 pm #115223Red
ParticipantThe following are a few excerpts from world grain, link at bottom, the cognitive dissonance though out are no longer amazing to myself. Experts!?
First one, I’d suggest it is fourth and put the WEF first.
The World Economic Forum announced that biodiversity loss is the third greatest threat facing humanity, behind weapons of mass destruction and state collapse. Since the 1900s, 75% of plant genetic diversity has been lost as farmers worldwide have swapped local varieties for genetically uniform, high-yielding varieties and today just 12 crops and five animal species provide 75% of the food we produce. This loss of agricultural diversity has contributed to climate change, ecosystem destruction and hunger.
Passing through more scribble this pops out and fails to mention that for every degree C increase the atmosphere will hold 7% more moisture. Water is by far the greatest warming gas in the atmosphere and the atmosphere isn’t even, it’s lumpy. More intense rain fall records on the way. Also to have a global mean average at 3C would mean the central continents would be 7-10C higher to offset the cooler air over seventy percent of the globe that is water, too hot for grains.
Adaptation capability vary greatly across countries. The World Resources Institute estimated in 2022 that the cost for adaptation and residual damage to major crops on a global basis would amount to $63 billion under a 1.5°C increase in temperature, $80 billion under a 2°C scenario, and to $128 billion under a 3°C scenario.
After the coming collapse in the global finance sector I have to ask what financial resilience?
Britsch points to a measure of comparison: “current policies presently in place around the world are projected to result in about 2.7°C warming,” according to Climate Action Tracker. On a country-by-country basis, developed economies will be able to adapt much more to the physical impact of climate change, given a more developed insurance sector, better infrastructure and economic and financial resilience.
Three key takeaways
1. Climate change will increasingly negatively impact agricultural production of all agricultural crops, and there is growing evidence that breadbaskets are going to fail.
2. There is a vicious circle of climate change and land use — as climate change impacts production, we will need more land to produce food.
3. Climate change and disruption is already affecting harvests, and more severe disruption will follow.The whole thing seems to be just more priming to accept the narritives presently being put forward concerning agriculture and fossil fuels in general. YOU WILL HAVE LESS AND BE GRATEFUL.
September 5, 2022 at 4:44 pm #115224Bill7
ParticipantIt was interesting to see this on a fairly mainstream site that I subscribe to: a video by Dr. Jessica Rose on the “vaccines”. I have not watched it yet
because my ISP will not cooperate right
now, but will later.
September 5, 2022 at 5:02 pm #115226Bill7
ParticipantI think the Big Picture of what’s really going on is basically going unreported, or misreported in matters of emphasis.
Wondering what’s going in Ukraine, myself.
September 5, 2022 at 5:47 pm #115227upstateNYer
ParticipantBill7, you aren’t the only one wondering what’s really going on in Ukraine. I keep wondering why people (leaders, actors, etc., etc.) are flying in and out of there like it’s a vaca to Cabo San Lucas. Then I watched the video AFKTT posted of that youngster’s podcast where he showed an online video of people dancing at a nightclub in Kiev. Wth?
September 5, 2022 at 5:58 pm #115228upstateNYer
ParticipantGood news for a change – Europe taking some initial steps to pull back on transitioning children. Very good article.
September 5, 2022 at 6:08 pm #115229Bishko
Participant“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler
Better get planting….
September 5, 2022 at 6:09 pm #115230D Benton Smith
ParticipantAlthough they are both in the business of selling items for people to wear on their tootsies, the makers of shoes and the makers of socks are not direct competitors in the foot covering market. Indeed the opposite is true, because success of the shoe biz actively contributes to the success of the socks racket, and vice versa. It also tends to be great news for all of those people who have feet because they consequently get more, better and affordable shoes and socks to choose from in a thriving market.
However, when the only maker of shoes is also be the only maker of socks then everybody with feet had better use those feet to run, because the price rise and quality drop of both items is going to get so out of control that it will snatch both items right off of their children’s feet, leaving customers and kids barefoot and poor.
There’s a significant difference between Monopoly the board game and monopoly the government of and actual world. Dismantling such a monolithic contraption is a dirty, risky, dangerous job . . . but someone’s got to do it. That would be us, I think.
September 5, 2022 at 6:14 pm #115231Dora
ParticipantKlaus’s dream?
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