Debt Rattle August 18 2024


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    AOC ‘s new book to help the working class from being suffocated


    John Day

    Odd Choices

    This is overly dramatic. I think Humphrey’s just trying to give her some good advice. The Ghost of Hubert Humphrey Is Stalking Kamala Harris
    After the Democrat in the White House decided not to run for reelection, the vice president got the party’s presidential nod — and continued to back the administration’s policies for an unpopular war. As the election neared, the candidate had to decide whether to keep supporting the war or speak out for a change.
    Hubert Humphrey faced that choice in 1968. Kamala Harris faces it now.
    Despite the differences in eras and circumstances, key dynamics are eerily similar. The history of how Vice President Humphrey navigated the political terrain of the war in Vietnam has ominous parallels with how Vice President Harris has been dealing with the war in Gaza…
    ..Like Hubert Humphrey six decades ago, Kamala Harris has remained in step with the man responsible for changing her title from senator to vice president. She has toed President Biden’s war line, while at times voicing sympathy for the victims of the Gaza war that’s made possible by policies that she supports. Her words of compassion have yet to translate into opposing the pipeline of weapons and ammunition to the Israeli military as it keeps slaughtering Palestinian civilians.
    As the Democratic standard-bearer during carnage in Gaza, Harris has been trying to square a circle of mass murder, expressing empathy for victims while staying within bounds of U.S. government policies. Last week, Harris had her national security adviser declare that “she does not support an arms embargo on Israel.”
    If maintained, that stance will continue to be a moral catastrophe — while increasing the chances that Harris will lose to Donald Trump. In effect, so far, Harris has opted to stay aligned with power brokers, big donors and conventional political wisdom instead of aligning with most voters. A CBS News / YouGov poll in June found that Americans opposed sending “weapons and supplies to Israel” by 61 to 39 percent.

    Me, too… Hamas leaders believe Israel intends to drag US into confrontation with Iran
    Basem Naim estimates that Israel intends to continue the conflict in the Gaza Strip until the upcoming US presidential election in November, expecting that the new US administration will be more inclined to support the Jewish state in the confrontation.

    The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) announced on Thursday that “40,000 US soldiers are currently in the Middle East, compared to about 34,000 under normal circumstances.” … In turn, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters: “The department continues to closely monitor the situation in the Middle East.”
    Singh noted that her country has strengthened its military power and capabilities throughout the Middle East to defend Israel and US forces.

    ​ Israel Stuns By Saying US, UK, France Will Assist In Offensive Strikes On Iran
    ​ Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday that he expects not only the US but also its allies ​(“our other bitches”) Britain and France to assist in offensive operations against Iran if it attacks. Katz conveyed the comments while meeting British Foreign Secretary David Lammy and French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, in a bit of a risky diplomatic preemptive move given neither of these countries have openly proclaimed they are ready to launch direct attacks on Iran.​


    Morality Meter Test


    John Day

    Former President Donald Trump pledged to restore the power of the Israel Lobby over Congress during a “Fighting Antisemitism” event with pro-Israel megadonor Miriam Adelson on Thursday.
    Trump said that “years ago” if you said “anything bad about Israel or Jewish people you were finished as a politician.”
    “The most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and Jewish people,” Trump noted. “Today, it’s almost like what happened? What happened? What happened to [Sen. Chuck] Schumer? What happened to all these people? Schumer is like a Palestinian!”
    “The power, Miriam, of this lobby this powerful– and it was for the good, not for bad,” Trump said.
    “Fifteen years ago it was the absolute most powerful — you couldn’t have an ‘AOC plus three’ — they wouldn’t have a chance of being elected anywhere and today you have AOC and some of these people and they’re uh, pretty violent, pretty violent and they hate Israel and they hate Jewish people.”
    Trump then told the Jewish group not to worry because he will be their man in the White House.
    “You’re going to end up winning because you’re going to have the president, okay?” Trump said. “So you’re going to end up winning.”

    ‘Disturbing fact’ emerges in Trump shooting probe, The FBI allowed the cremation of the alleged shooter’s body, a US Congress member has said

    Preliminary Investigative Report to Chairman Mike Kelly Investigative Authority: House Bi-Partisan Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump. Author of Preliminary Report: Congressman Clay Higgins (6 pages, clearly presented)

    The Secret Service is to implement a raft of new security measures for upcoming outdoor rallies featuring President Trump, including surrounding him with bulletproof glass, according to a source. The Washington Post reports that the USSS has begun storing the glass in locations around the country in order to prepare for Trump campaign events.Trump spoke about the assassination attempt again during a press conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club on Thursday afternoon…
    ..A reporter asked him “You’ve spoken about God saving your life and I’m wondering, have you put much thought into why God saved your life? As in for what purpose has he been shielding and protecting you?”
    “That was a miracle,” Trump responded, adding “It’s a miracle and God had something to do with it and maybe it’s – we want to save the world.”

    When Presidents Kill​, Judge Andrew Napolitano,
    ​ Sometime before he withdrew from the presidential race, President Joe Biden secretly reaffirmed his own self-willed and self-created authority to kill persons in other countries, so long as the CIA and its military counterparts have “near certainty” that the target of the homicide is a member of a terrorist organization. That standard was concocted by the George W. Bush administration in 2002.
    ​ There is no “near certainty” standard in the law, as the phrase is oxymoronic and defies a rational definition – like “nearly pregnant.”​

    John Day

    Biden says Gaza ceasefire in sight, warns against efforts to undermine deal [Rumors “Iran” to attack White House with hypersonic missile this weekend]
    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to travel to the Middle East on Saturday to continue diplomatic push for Gaza ceasefire deal.

    Israel-Hamas war latest: Mediators strike hopeful note after two-day cease-fire talks
    Mediators to the Gaza War cease-fire talks said Friday the two-day talks wrapped up and they aim to reconvene in Cairo next week to seal a deal to stop the fighting.
    In a statement Friday, the United States, Egypt and Qatar said talks were constructive and conducted in a positive atmosphere. They presented both parties with a proposal and hope to continue working on the details of the implementation in the coming days…
    ..Both sides have agreed in principle to the plan President Joe Biden announced on May 31. But Hamas has proposed amendments and Israel has suggested clarifications, leading each side to accuse the other of trying to tank a deal.
    Hamas has rejected Israel’s demands, which include a lasting military presence along the border with Egypt and a line bisecting Gaza where it would search Palestinians returning to their homes to root out militants…
    ..On Friday mediators said it presented a bridging proposal to both parties consistent with the plan laid out by Biden. This proposal builds on areas of agreement and bridges remaining gaps, that allow for a swift implementation of the deal.
    U.S. President Biden sounded optimistic, saying, “We are closer than we’ve ever been” to an agreement.

    Gilbert Doctorow, Russian television starts reporting destruction of Ukrainian forces in Kursk
    It would appear that this change in the situation on the ground and shift to Russian confidence of victory is directly related to the successful attack on Ukrainian fuel dumps…
    ..The Ukrainian tanks and armored personnel vehicles inside Kursk need refueling and failing that they are being abandoned by the Ukrainian troops whom they have sheltered, as we were told on ‘The Great Game’ yesterday.
    This means that the NATO heavy equipment which brought the Ukrainians into Kursk is now stalled in place, becoming an easy target for Russian forces. The Ukrainian infantry is left to withdraw as best it can on foot, which is a formula for disaster.

    Simplicius presents the case that the Ukrainians had built up forces for attacks on the Kursk and Zaporozhye power plants, and have also prepared nuclear dirty-bomb missiles to attack both spent fuel storage sites, to release radioactivity in a cloud, even if they are intercepted and fail to breach the storage casks. There are steps of blackmail and coercion to prepare for a better bargaining position in peace-negotiations, which are anticipated after mid November. Russian citizens, soldiers and cities/towns can effectively be used as bargaining chips. This plan is unpopular with Russian leadership. Zelensky’s Nuclear Gambit Rears Its Head Again
    The latest push includes all kinds of provocations, such as foreign journalists—from UK and Italy—embedded with the AFU, illegally entering sovereign Russian territory to report from it…. This includes infamous American mercenary outfit ‘Forward Observation Group’ flaunting the fact they too are allegedly in Kursk…
    ..This is a timed and calculated provocation, meant to push Russia to the brink, hitting every conceivable pressure point of outrage, stoking ancestral Russian pride and patriotism. And it’s true, the invasion is a black eye on Russia, to an extent—but it must be considered within the grander overall scope of the situation: things feel terminal for Ukraine; Zelensky is accelerating as if propelled by some unprecedentedly urgent impetus. By his own actions, he’s demonstrating that Ukraine appears to be on the brink, and the West is giving its all in what may amount to be one final heroic propaganda provocation to try to stir Russia out of its comfort zone…
    ..Besides the collapsing frontline, the most important aspect driving Zelensky’s last desperate Kursk bid is that Ukraine has entered its economic doom spiral. Fitch has just cut Ukraine down to ‘restricted default’ from CCC- rating, after Ukraine effectively defaulted on its eurobond debt…
    ..Ukraine will be in dire shape come this winter, and afterwards in the spring. By then the collapse will have accelerated on every front of Ukraine’s existence, including the political—after the U.S. elections.
    Zelensky knew his window was closing and he had to go all out in a final bid despite not having any reserves left to bother with the main strategic frontline. It feels more and more likely that these next few months will truly be decisive.
    That all being said, the opening of the Kursk operation was certainly still a fairly competent showing by the AFU, and a pretty poor one for Russia.

    Pepe Escobar, So what really happened in Kursk?
    The sources, cautiously, seem to converge on a very serious possibility: “There seems to have been a breakdown in intel; they do not seem to have noticed the accumulation of troops at the Kursk border”.
    Another analyst though has offered a way more specific scenario, according to which a hawkish military faction, spread across the Ministry of Defense and the intel apparatus – and antagonistic to the new Minister of Defense Belousov, an economist – let the Ukrainian invasion proceed with two objectives in mind: set a trap for Kiev’s top enemy commanders and troops, who were diverted from the – collapsing – Donbass front; and put extra pressure on Putin to finally go for the head of the snake and finish off the war.
    This hawkish faction, incidentally, regards Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov as “totally incompetent”, in the words of one intel pro. There’s no smoking gun, but Gerasimov allegedly ignored several warnings about a Ukrainian buildup near the Kursk border.
    A retired intel pro is even more controversial. He complains that “traitors of Russia” actually “stripped three regions from troops to surrender them to the Ukrainians.” Now, these “traitors of Russia” will be able “to ‘exchange’ the city of Suzha for leaving the fake country of Ukraine and promote it as an inevitable solution.”…
    ..Hawks in the siloviki apparatus don’t make it a secret that Gerasimov should be fired – and replaced by fabled General Sergey “Armageddon” Surovikin. They also enthusiastically support the FSB’s Alexander Bortnikov – who de facto solved the extremely murky Prigozhin affair – as the man now really supervising The Big Picture in Kursk..
    ..President Putin’s reaction to the Kursk invasion was visible in his body language. He was furious: for the flagrant military/intel failure; for the obvious loss of face; and for the fact that this buries any possibility of rational dialogue about ending the war.
    Yet he managed to turn the upset around in no time, by designating Kursk as a counter-terrorist operation (CTO); supervised by the FSB’s Bortnikov; and with an inbuilt “take no prisoners” rationale. Every Ukrainian in Kursk not willing to surrender is a potential target – set for elimination. Now or later, no matter how long it takes.
    Bortnikov is the hands-on specialist. Then there’s the Overseer of the whole military/civilian response: Alexey Dyumin, the new secretary of the State Council, who among other previous posts was the deputy head of the special operations division of GRU (military intel). Dyumin does not respond directly to the Ministry of Defense nor the FSB: he is reporting directly to the President.
    Translation: Gerasimov now seems to be at best a figurehead in the whole Kursk drama. The men in charge are Bortnikov and Dyumin.

    John Day

    Ukrainian attack ruined ‘secret’ peace talks – WaPo
    Moscow and Kiev were negotiating a moratorium on striking energy infrastructure before the Kursk incursion, the paper has reported​

    ​Andrew Korybko, Here’s Why The US Is Playing Dumb About Ukraine’s Plans To Invade Kursk

    ​ Martin Jay, Nord Stream 2 bombing and Zelensky’s “three men and a boat” story
    ​ Joe Biden needs to clean up his backyard to help Kamala Harris get elected and in Ukraine there is quite a bit of tidying up which needs doing – not only for Ukraine itself to sustain relations with a new administration in Washington but also for America’s relations with Germany and the EU….
    ​..The whole Nord Steam2 pipeline bombing which happened in September 2022, a few months after the Russian invasion, is a clever web of lies crafted by the Americans, when all along it was U.S. special forces with the help of the Norwegians who planted the devices in June of the same year, three months before they were finally detonated.
    ​ Initially, it was very suspicious at the speed of how Russia was blamed.​ “Everything is pointing to Russia,” blared a POLITICO headline two days after the explosions. Quoted in the piece were a number of foreign commentators including a top German spymaster arguing that only Russia had the means and motives to do it.​

    ​ Kiev begins preparation of attack on Kursk nuclear power plant — Russian Foreign Ministry
    Previously, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that Moscow will immediately use harsh response measures
    ​ MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. The Kiev regime has started the preparation of a provocation on Russian nuclear facilities, and the international community must realize the danger posed by this regime, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in her commentary regarding the incoming information about the provocations being prepared.
    ​ She pointed out that, “according to the incoming information, the Kiev Regime has started the preparation of an attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.”​

    ​ Ukraine making a ‘serious nuclear gamble’ – ex-Pentagon official
    ​ The alleged Ukrainian plot to attack Russian nuclear power plants demonstrates Kiev’s desperation and warrants a “full force” response from Moscow, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told RT on Saturday.
    ​ In a report on Friday, Russian military journalist Marat Khairullin claimed that Kiev was “preparing a nuclear false flag – an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb” which would target “the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant.” The attack would reportedly be launched on either the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Energodar – also not far from the frontline – or the Kursk NPP in Kurchatov, and then blamed on Russia.
    ​ “This is pretty serious, if true. To play this nuclear gamble is quite serious indeed,” Maloof told RT. “This is Kiev’s effort to gain leverage, knowing that its own back is against the wall. This is desperation, but going the nuclear route would not only create an immediate problem in that region, but throughout all of Europe, so I think that this is really draconian, if that’s indeed what the Ukrainians have in mind.”​

    John Day

    ​ The Beginning Of The End? Germany To Ban All New Ukraine Military Aid
    ​ Three days ago, in the aftermath of the WSJ report seeking to radically shift the narrative over the Nordstream sabotage, where instead of the CIA being blamed for the explosion of the critical gas pipeline from Russia to Europe, unnamed “intelligence” sources forged on with a hilarious script according to which a top Ukraine general (operating initially under the instructions of Zelensky but then going rogue wen Z got “cold feet”) was responsible for coordinating the sabotage using a handful of rank amateurs who somehow managed to sneak to the bottom of the Baltic sea and conduct an unprecedented military operation, we said that – no matter the laughable veracity of the report – relations between Germany and Ukraine are “about to turn ugly”, and we asked why this story is coming out just now?​

    New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb, Sundance
    The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs. New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.
    Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag. The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.

    ICE Agents Arrest Illegal Alien Serial Killer Wanted For 23 Murders In Peru After Biden-Harris Released Him In US
    ICE Buffalo arrested a Peruvian gang leader yesterday who is wanted for 23 murders in Peru & was caught and released at the US border in May. Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, leader of “Los Killers”, was arrested by ICE in Endicott, NY, about 145 miles northwest of NYC.
    ICE tells FOX Torres-Navarro was caught by Border Patrol on May 16th near Roma, TX in the Rio Grande Valley, but was released into the US with a Notice to Appear.
    It took almost two months before federal authorities learned he was wanted in Peru for nearly two dozen murders. After being informed, Buffalo based ICE deportation officers found and arrested him yesterday. He is now in ICE detention.

    Simplicius discusses findings of Universal Basic Income study. Universal Basic Incompetence
    In essence, the study gave $1,000 dollars per month to 1,000 low-income Americans for three years, with another 2,000 people serving as control group with $50 a month. The money was given unconditionally, meaning they could spend it on anything they want…
    ..Result 1: UBI participants ended up earning $1,500 less despite being given $12,000 more annually. For every one dollar received, total household income dropped by at least 21 cents.
    Result 2: UBI participants stayed unemployed for an extra month compared to those unemployed in the control group.
    Result 3: UBI participants worked less and there were no substantive changes in quality of employment. UBI participants did little to improve their education or training to improve their income.
    Result 4: UBI participants self-reported increased rates of disability to limit the work they can do…
    ..The principal takeaway is that the experimental group’s income fell by $1,500 per year relative to the control group, with the effects “growing over the course of the study”, implying their income would fall even further…
    ..The graph shows virtually nothing increasing other than leisure… (Ahem, maybe they were doing things they did not want to reveal.)
    ..The conversation has rightfully grown into a question of human dignity, ambitions, fulfillment, and life satisfaction. By forcing humans to subsist on the dole—especially a meager and conditional one—you take away their capacity to attain the kind of human dignity which comes with providing for oneself and one’s family. The kind tied to the civilizational tradition of people earning a place of standing and respect in society, or amongst their local community. Without that, you leave humans deracinated of cultural ties as mere wards of the state; the result is a scientifically sterile society by-committee.

    You probably heard, already: Hackers May Have Stolen Every American’s Social Security Number From Background Check Firm

    John Day

    A Midwestern Doctor, Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm?, An explanation of the zeta potential concept
    Story at a Glance:
    ​ •Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.
    ​ •Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine.
    ​ •Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic.
    ​ •Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.​

    ​ COVID-vaccinated Steve Kirsch has partial blindness from a right retinal hemorrhage these days. Eye issues skyrocket after the COVID shots rolled out
    If something else is causing such a profound increase, what is is it?​

    ​ Steve Kirsch, We got Google AI to finally admit the truth about the COVID vaccines and the US childhood vaccine schedule
    ​We found a way to have a frank discussion with Google AI. I’m sure it will be re-programmed so it will never tell the truth again. So this is an important reference point to judge AI veracity.​

    ​ Broad, universal perspective from The Ethical Skeptic, The Dark Tetrad: Four Traits of Abusive Dominion
    We don’t reside in a remote, wild west region of the Milky Way Galaxy by any means, but our insignificant and partially unstable planet does occupy a more obscure part of the local cosmos. Our solar system sits on the Orion spur—a minor bridge between the grand Perseus and Sagittarius arms of our spiral galaxy. From this vantage point, some 55% of the way from the galactic center to its outer reaches, we navigate the intricacies of life on a planet whose rotational stability can at times be as precarious as its geopolitical structures.

    Lebanon completely loses power – energy company
    All “essential facilities” are down after a fuel shortage shut down the country’s last power plant

    Should Israel go to war with Hezbollah, it would likely target Lebanon’s power grid. During Israel’s 2006 invasion of southern Lebanon, an Israeli strike on oil storage tanks at the Jiyeh power station took the plant offline and caused up to 30,000 tons of oil to leak into the Mediterranean, polluting the sea as far away as Cyprus, Türkiye, and Greece.


    I remember the summer of 1968 vividly.

    Many bumper stickers mocking Hubert Humphrey:

    Love Me I’m a Liberal

    Had a bunch of friends who where headed to Chicago 68′ to rumble…

    Asked if I wanted to catch a ride with them but I was headed to Nova Scotia and said no thanks.

    In my eyes Johnson quit because the Gen Westmoreland had told Congress everything was roses in South Vietnam and the lie was burst when the Tet Offensive (in three phases) happened.

    The Empire of Lies lost (approx):

    4,124 killed
    19,295 wounded
    604 missing

    Even Johnson knew it was curtains for South Vietnam after a Clusterfuck that large.

    So I hated Hubert Humphrey with the White Hot Burning Intensity of a Thousand Sons.

    I hoped in vain someone would ‘Double Tap’ the Hump

    But Duh’merica only believes in war mongering man whores and would never assassinate a cheer leading Eunuch buttplug like Hubert.






    Just ran into a Canazidian

    They actually said this to me Verbatim

    And i thought the same thing


    Dr. D

    “[Out of gas] This means that the NATO heavy equipment which brought the Ukrainians into Kursk is now stalled in place, becoming an easy target for Russian forces. The Ukrainian infantry is left to withdraw as best it can on foot, which is a formula for disaster.

    Aaaaand that’s why we said “Retreat you fools!!!” Thank God they’re too moronic to listen, because we can’t be help being helpful and telling them. Now Russia should NOT blow them all up and capture 100 more intact. Much funnier and more useful for later training.

    “..This is a timed and calculated provocation, meant to push Russia to the brink, hitting every conceivable pressure point of outrage”

    Have a war, suspend the elections, as demo’d by our Captial and 51st State, Ukraine and Ze. Only this can save them. Okay, if WWIII helps them, and if I slow-walk and save Russian lives, they lose, WHY would I nuke London again? Or not until after the election?

    Guess? Gerasimov saw this going, is a hawk and said “Let them come.” In fact, attracted them to come, knowing this would be the outcome, and Putin would use it. Now Putin will USE this hammer, Gerasimov delivered to him “Illegally” “Against orders.” Uh-huh. But we’re using our Putin-telepathy and we actually believe poor wittle Putin didn’ know nuffin’. Nope! None of the other generals told him! Anyway, so sure Gerasimov has to “fall on his sword” and take early retirement for the true good of Russia and “The Narrative”, going into retirement where a minority of Russians will think he’s a hero for pulling this and getting the smash on at last. Right. “Oh noes! Sounds so, so hard!!!”

    Anyway, let’s not ASSUME Putin didn’t know nuffin, k? Oh he’s super, super mad he now owns Warhammer 10,000 to smash the West.

    “You probably heard, already: Hackers May Have Stolen Every American’s Social Security Number From Background Check Firm”

    This gets way better, apparently this is just a one-man shop. One guy, in Broward Co, Miami, just owns and downloaded all 1 BILLION records and plays around with them on his laptop, I guess? (That’s a joke: you cannot open an excel sheet with one billion cells. You need a server farm. So…explain? Yup, voting. From way back.)

    So we just…I dunno, hand out this kind of data to anyone who asks, like the vending machine company, the cleaners, ad execs, all that?




    The only thing holding up Duh’merica’s flimsy thread bare “economy” (cough, gag, cough) is constant War

    Never need to win one, just have one, have two, the more the merrier.

    Shitty Duh’merican ‘wonder weapons” bitch slapped purple by Russia

    Doesn’t matter, the Empire of Lies thinks it will force the Global Majority to buy their Military Industrial Mafia’s ass-wipe weapons by threatening them with regime change or other such nonsense.


    Wake the phuck up Sheepletards, you’re approaching The Event Horizon

    Meanwhile the Demonrats are spreading the Gospel


    Help, I’m hopeless!



    perhaps we must mock, but aren’t solutions found in the GOOD, in what we’re going to build instead?

    My nephew makes drift phonk. And other weirder, more abrasive stuff than that.

    At family gatherings, I’ve listened to the stuff he likes and the stuff he’s made with interest. The most aggressive uses the sounds of WW2 german vehicles (epic trolling the adults no doubt), demonic noises, heavy distortion, etc. Stylistically not identical, but nothing I didn’t hear in the 80’s and 90’s, so not a shred of discomfort listening to it as an Old Man Jenkins GenXer – which should be a red flag for him – that I’m not surprised, dismayed, etc by his music.

    I’ve been thinking about how I could explain this to him

    Something along the lines of, you’re an artist – no really, you are, think of it that way – and you’re in a culture, a civilization. A multi-dimensional thing measurable on various axes.

    On one axis, you’ve got demonic, hard-core, abrasive stuff, perhaps with a degeneracy element to it with virtue and sophistication and subtlety in the other direction.

    Society has crowded over to the demonic side of the spectrum. It’s like the meme with someone pinned against the wall by someone with a tuba. You don’t have room for much, smashed up against that end but what, 30’s german fascism, sex with animals? The entire spectrum of edgy-ness is taken over by your government bureaucrats, entertainment corporation CEO’s, your schoolteachers, the “Trust and safety councils” at the local church, and so on. They took it all.

    The way to give them all heart attacks and give yourself ample, near-endless space and freedom is to hop over their blob of degeneracy. They have not expanded to fill the spectrum, they just followed you to the edge. They’ve left a gigantic cultural space open. Explore the other side of the spectrum. Make something new in that space – or an equally good option – be dissident by invading degenerate forms with beauty, intricacy, subtlety, and virtue.

    You could have a top conscious layer of artistic experience that provides something to grab onto, not too challenging, but just a little bit better – a bit less repetitive, subtly superior somehow, less disposable, something in it of value but not too much… and then maybe, in different ways, 2 or 3 layers beneath that with more substance — if you’re dumb, you won’t even notice it, but with repeated listening or more attention, it’s there for the listener.

    How do you communicate virtue through lyrics without becoming horribly lame and transforming into christian rock, even when not christian? Well, lyrics are the hardest thing and that’s what hard feels like. References to other art, imagery and symbolism, use of specifics or narrative in place of value statements. Or even just telling a story in which the virtue is implicit, unavoidably integral.

    We’re all mashed up against the wall, pinned there by someone with a tuba. There has got to be a way to jump over them.


    Dr David Martin:

    The next shoe drops


    In 2021 NTI predicts a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths.

    This is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected.

    WHO is a criminal organization led by Bill Gates, Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust

    Yes, just as I thought, The Sheeple Tards will mask up and ride again!

    D Benton Smith

    Well, if Germany doesn’t send billions (in cash) to Ukraine then Ukraine will not be able to pay the vig on its hundreds of billions in bond interest payments falling due NOW. When Ukraine defaults (and it has no choice in that matter) then the ripple effect of that HUGE default will bring down the entire Eurozone like a house of cards, and the European member states will be FORCED BY NECESSITY to separate themselves financially from the other member states. In other words, the Eurozone shatters (almost overnight) into its separate competitive pieces.

    The American Empire cannot but follow close behind. How the fragments rearrange themselves (and are rearranged by others and outsider’s as well) is yet to be seen, but there are many clues, and not all of them bad either.

    Taking these current events and all other things into consideration, I would say that right about now would be a very good time to be paranoid.



    The Russians have turned their Chechens loose on the Ukronazis at Kursk.

    Not a pretty sight.

    They are dealing with Nazilensky’s last hope rather ‘harshly’ off camera

    The Ukronazis are being hunted down across the landscape like Vermin

    Not that many wounded or surrendered, how strange, I wonder why ;>)

    Maybe they accidentally fell into a wood chipper…
    Two More Hooligans Were Captured in Kursk by Chechen Forces

    I don’t think “Hooligans” have a very long self life.
    From Andrei Martyanov’s Blog .

    Ukronaziland has a lots and lots of MIAs and Russian forces who are [patrolling captured territory] are finding piles and piles of almost completely decomposed bodies, bones, skulls and even golden teeth….

    Ukronaziland doesn’t even bother with removing the bodies of their KIAs.

    Those who they remove are often burned in crematoriums…

    Russia doesn’t count them, as well as all those who are annihilated in Ukronaziland armor, armored vehicles (like M-270 or Bradleys)…

    ….and it can now be stated with 100% accuracy that in terms of KIAs and MIAs Ukronaziland has lost more than 1 million troops.

    All of Donald J Trump’s pathos statements about him being able to stop SMO

    … the concentrated BS of a narcissist who, obviously, doesn’t understand what is he talking about.

    Only Russia can stop it when all objectives are achieved.


    Don’t Run with Scissors!



    From Larry Johnson on Kursk

    “The Kursk P.R. gambit is set to massively fail. Essentially, the Ukrainian forces are moving away from their lines of communication and supplies into Russian territory.

    A parallel can be made with what happened to Field Marshall von Paulus at Stalingrad when the German Army became overextended.

    The Russians are already in the process of cutting off the Ukrainians in Kursk – breaking off their lines of supply.

    What’s left of the crack soldiers launched into Kursk would have to turn back, facing Russians both at their front and back. Disaster looms.

    Irrepressible commander of the Akhmat special forces, Major General Apti Alaudinov, confirmed on Rossiya-1 TV that at least 12,000 Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) entered Kursk, including a lot of foreigners (Brits, French, Poles).

    That will turn out to be a “take no prisoners” on a massive scale.

    Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows Kursk is a NATO operation – conceived with a high degree of probability by an Anglo-American combo supervising the Ukronazi cannon fodder.


    Kursk is a terrorist operation, no need of formalities like Geneva Convention rules.

    Ukronazis and NATO maggot mercs..

    Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out


    Hey, Duh’merica

    Surprise MoFos



    No singing, just a few good Ole boys having a good time.


    @jb-hb re: ‘Your music shocks me not, young’n!’

    Shostakovich – Symphony #8

    Formerly T-Bear


    Recall one of the objectives of the SMO was denazification of Ukraine. Ukraine’s ‘top troupes’ are there, the nazi ones, appearing as terrorists that side of the border; can you say g’by Geneva Conventions? However, the discipline of Russian troupes will likely prevent wanton slaughter of those surrendering; just not to be like their opponents.

    D Benton Smith


    Woodchippers are basically meat grinders running at a higher power setting.

    D Benton Smith


    ‘top troupes’

    Good one. That could have real legs as a meme.


    End of the war
    ” … When Ukraine defaults (and it has no choice in that matter) then the ripple effect of that HUGE default will
    bring down the entire Eurozone like a house of cards,”

    Unless the defaulted banker lie about not having money to pay the savers.


    So, Ukraine/Nato Kursk attack was planned over a year ago.
    So, what was happening one year ago?

    The Ukraine switched their top general.
    The new general tried to put the Nazi battalions into collapsing front lines.
    The Nazi battalions started refusing to go to the front lines!
    They preferred being barrier troops instead.

    These Nazi battalions, once an asset, where now considered to be a threat to Ukraine’s ruling elites
    Something needed to be done about these Nazi battalions.

    Fast forward to the present.

    Nazis have no problem attacking Russia!
    So feed every Nazi battalion into Kursk.
    Nazi battalion problem solved!

    Ukrainian elites didn’t forget to drain the swamp!
    No water, no Nazi alligators!
    Eliminate having to share the grift payroll with the Nazis!
    One, two, for me!
    None for thee!


    @jb-hb re: ‘Your music shocks me not, young’n!’

    Shostakovich – Symphony #8

    Listening now with thanks


    I think that there might be new, (blackrock, etc.) Ukrainian elites calling the shots.

    Dr D Rich

    Perfection is your straw man.

    It’s 2017 all over again.

    For Poitras and Snowden substitute Tulsi and Ritter.
    I mean the shit from Major Ex-Con Ritter,[I meant self-ascribed Journalist like Combat Journalist Yalie JD Cpl Vance let alone CNO Journalism major and bonafide dwarf Lisa Franchetti] is breathtaking in its level of megalomania as if on cue. Does Ian Welsh lurk here too?

    One man’s “overconfidence” is another guy’s respectable megalomania, eh, Drd?

    Yet the common man is supposed shed a tear or take up the cause of Tulsi’s and Scott’s First Amendment rights. Ah Christ the stupidity and Ponerology stings.

    Btw, Da Judge says the same thing as me only 30,000 more words without once putting Nawar or Abdulrahman al-Awlaki in one FUCKING sentence. D do you think that’s too much “emotional, idk” for the steely-eyed Judge Nap to write the names of two U.S. citizens and murdered father’s children?

    Those circle jerks between Napolitano, Ritter eye al are a sight to behold. Yet, there’s Ritter exercising his First Amendment unchecked, unvanquished and unlimited

      “…with regard to your Snowden (((Ritter wishes))) and Manning (((Tulsi)) criticism is that when one goes into state security services, as they were both a part of, the first thing they tend to do, in my experience, especially in the more elite services is to blow up the person’s ego who is now in the club in addition to whatever other means of achieving group cohesion. So with regards to their incomplete analysis of world affairs and presumably their overconfidence in their own contribution to, things..”
      “…There is absolutely no question that Manning (((Gabbard))) and Snowden (((Maj Scottie))) and those who would liken Lenin (((Hitler))) to Robert Lee (((Zelensky))) are the most misleading kind of propagandist, regardless of how they see themselves. Therefore, the question of their motives for espousing this garbage is a far less pressing matter, I think, than that they and others are foisting it on impressionable nitwits in thrall to their celebrity and dissident cred.  With that in mind, I’m offering as disinfectant.”

    Credit to ohTarzie


    Larry Johnson featured Pepe’s take on Kursk from his Russia sources.

    Think for yourself but it makes for some interesting intrigue.

    So what really happened in Kursk?

    by Pepe Escobar

    “An extremely serious debate is already raging among selected circles of power/intelligence in Moscow.”

    Bottom line, there is a very real power struggle within the Russian General Staff between Putin and hard-line Generals and Intel folks and the more moderate diplomatically inclined faction.

    The Russian hard-line faction wants to stomp the Ukronazis into a greasy paste that you scrape off the bottom of a combat boot.

    Rumor has it they withheld intel about the Ukronazi build up across from Kursk to instigate an ‘incident’ that would force Putin into a much strong line of prosecuting the SMO timeline.

    Take the Fucking Gloves Off and Finish the Vermin.

    Ukronazis fried in their Bradley at Kursk





    It’s like the Good Humor Man without the ice cream!


    Project Depopulation is on Track to Set a New Record



    boy that Shostakovich was brutal and I mean that in a positive way – it’s a vocabulary thing. The brain just has to work harder.

    I think smuggling in quality and depth back into music will involve multiple overlapping time frames – like 2-4 layers with a different musical idea per layer being expressed over short to long time frames – so the brain can grab onto the simplest idea it can hold onto, then with repeated listening graduate to the next layer down and so on. Sort of like Carl Sagan’s signal in Contact.

    artfully tricking people into enjoying complexity – I could follow along with the music theory just barely, but I was gripping my head to prevent it from exploding the entire time
    The Most COMPLEX Pop Song of All Time


    Demonrats on a Roll

    Kamala Proposes $6K Aborted Baby Tax Credit

    Via The Babylon Bee


    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In response to the popularity of Senator J.D. Vance’s proposal to raise the child tax credit to $5K per child, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her own proposal to provide a $6K aborted baby tax credit.

    Harris revealed the plan after criticizing Vance’s proposal, saying people who choose to kill their unborn children should be rewarded as much, and if not more, than people who joyously welcome their babies into the world to love them.



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