Debt Rattle August 18 2024


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  • #166804

    Kursk –

    Then, one day, the Germans woke up and realized their tanks were in Kursk.

    They started to get a very very bad feeling about this, like somehow this had all happened before…

    Hilarious quote from ZH. As Armstrong was saying with Duran recently paraphrased – “It’s not that ‘History repeats itself’ precisely in details, but Human Nature basically repeats its own ignorance.”

    It is kind of pathetic that US people think they have power. Are they really that stupid; yes.

    All humans have some power, some even more so after Death for those still living. Be your own inspirational “power” that you want to see in the world- or you ain’t livin much of a life… takes courage and inspiration to not live like a coward.

    The battle lines are drawn, WW3 and the Civil Cultural War 2.0 is already well under way. Use your power wisely, and expertly, that’s what all the training was for. You have been training for this right ?
    The truly ignorant cowards have not been training just complaining.

    Sharpen your sword and your mind more… for the mighty pen and censorship are at war. Anyone calling for censorship deserves to have their tongue cut out.
    Hear that Liberal Democrat sub-human filthy scum ? Watch your tongues libtards…

    if they were commies, at least you’d get frikkin’ health care!¡!


    No thanks, I’ll pass on their health care from a re-education camp pit. I’ll pass on what they call health care and their experimental boosters too. I will advocate for a booster in every Liberals neck once a month though. Safe and effective they said.


    Now I’m calling on citizens from all over the world
    This is Captain America calling
    I built you up when you were down on your knees
    So will you catch me now I’m falling

    Help me now I’m calling you
    Catch me now I’m falling
    This is Captain America calling England, calling Canada, calling Germany, calling France and Italy….

    I was the one who always built you up
    Through all your depressions and your difficulties
    I never thought that you would let me down
    But the next time you’re in trouble, baby
    Do not come running to me

    Israels calling for murder help…


    Beer & Pizza for the evening

    Can’t wait, I’m giddy with anticipation…..



    Lets take a wee look back at history, how we got here, Yes? Early 1900’s, Europe dumps their parasitic and conniving jews on American shores. NYC specifically. Very soon, you have a federal reserve, a fuckin income tax and a world war, followed by a Depression and another world war. Now, everywhere you look at American government, all you see is fuckinjews. The youth are taught communism and degeneracy, then go off to die or be dismembered 5000 miles from home for jewbankers. All just odd cohencidence, yes?



    those darned kids

    the difference between capitalism and communism?!

    with communism, it’s ripped off with benefits!


    Non-binary Ex-slave now identifies as Retarded they/them scientist, says men and women don’t exist.

    Retarded Liberal TV scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson has elicited backlash after claiming that DNA doesn’t determine whether a person is male or female.

    Liberals HATE Truth. Liberalism, a cult of retarded mentally ill entitled faggots.
    Speaking of-

    Some guy was heckling him, so he muttered “shut up, you fucking faggot” under his breath.

    Red Sox player Jarren Duran’s jersey have skyrocketed in the days following the outfielder’s use of a homophobic slur during a game.

    Jarren Duran Jersey Sales Skyrocket After Suspension

    There is nothing homophobic about calling the retarded fag “community” exactly what they are- retarded mentally ill self entitled fags. “We just want to get married” they said…

    People who think they have the power to decide what others say are the scum of the fucking earth.

    Fucking faggots are exactly what they are… fags who fuck fags, and rape mutilate children.
    Whats the big deal eh retarded fags ? SciEnCe is “on your side”….

    Go eat a big bag of dicks fagtards.


    This is just AI now add to this the extra power needed for digital everything which also requires AI to monitor the digital ID world that lies spread eagle before us, just waiting to be screwed (up).

    As Covello said in the Goldman Sachs report, “AI bulls seem to just trust that use cases will proliferate as the technology evolves. But eighteen months after the introduction of generative AI to the world, not one truly transformative—let alone cost-effective—application has been found.” Note that Goldman Sachs makes more money as AI this boom goes on, there’s nobody more incentivized to hype it up, but even they’re like “uh, this is bullshit.” As the paper says in the intro:

    The bigger question seems to be whether power supply can keep up. GS US and European utilities analysts Carly Davenport and Alberto Gandolfi, respectively, expect the proliferation of AI technology, and the data centers necessary to feed it, to drive an increase in power demand the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a generation, which GS commodities strategist Hongcen Wei finds early evidence of in Virginia, a hotbed for US data center growth.


    With all the western airlines cancelling flights to Israel, it looks more and more like the Israeli government is trying to stop the Jews from leaving Israel!
    So now the Jews are trapped in their own concentration camp, just like the Palestinians!


    citizenx said

    All humans have some power, some even more so after Death for those still living. Be your own inspirational “power” that you want to see in the world- or you ain’t livin much of a life… takes courage and inspiration to not live like a coward.

    I disagree. All people have agency, the ability to make their own decisions and act on them, but having power involves being able to control the actions of others; not all humans can control the actions of others and very few sufficient power to make people do things they do not want to do. That is why money is so powerful, it is the one thing that can reliably be used to persuade people to do things they do not really want to do.

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