How Little Clerks Become Mass Murderers
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August 21, 2021 at 6:04 pm #84844
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRené Magritte The false mirror 1928 Look, we get it. The people working at institutions such as the FDA and CDC were anonymous nobodies
[See the full post at: How Little Clerks Become Mass Murderers]August 21, 2021 at 7:14 pm #84859my parents said know
ParticipantWe are waiting to meet up for the second time with a vaxed family- ages 12, 16, 51, and 50. They will no doubt sign on for the “booster” shots. It breaks my heart. I held both of those kids when they were newborns. (I have no kids.) I want to scream at them- DON’T DO IT AGAIN.
I suspect I won’t be getting my cataract fixed any time soon.
I, too, despise those little clerks.
Would I ever like to see what the insurance adjusters see.August 21, 2021 at 7:59 pm #84866citizenx
ParticipantYes Little Hitlers are everywhere in America and beyond right now… they are circling and clamoring for your blood.
What other outcome could be expected when a population en mass has been subjected to Bernays style programming, brainwashing Propaganda?
I have sadly realized over the years that the majority of people around me are completely and totally ignorant about U.S. Domestic policies, Foreign Policies, Economic Policies and their own nations History- most don’t even know about the propagandized history white washed victors style, let alone Zinns Peoples History… Stone even put it on video for them.
Not only are they ignorant, but the don’t give a flying fuck… yet they virtue signal with BLM signs and “In this house we believe…” garbage. Ignorant arrogant uncaring masses virtue signalling creates Little Hitlers everywhere…
When looking back Historically to where we are now- it only points in one direction sadly-
How the f we can move away from that beyond the point of no return… I’m not seeing it, hoping and digging deep into idealism and optimism- but alas, reality awaits.August 21, 2021 at 10:46 pm #84874Doc Robinson
ParticipantMy guess is that the legal challenges to vaxx mandates had some traction because of the “unapproved” status of the EUAs, and the timing of the approval was hurried because of the start of the upcoming school year.
August 22, 2021 at 1:47 am #84884my parents said know
ParticipantA joke Anna (16) wrote on my kitchen whiteboard:
Two chemists walk into a bar. The first one says “I’ll have H2O.” The second one says “I’ll have H2O, too”.
The second one died.August 22, 2021 at 2:03 am #84885V. Arnold
Participantmy parents said know
LOL…(I had to look it up…)
August 22, 2021 at 2:13 am #84886VietnamVet
ParticipantThis is the banality of evil. The Reagan Revolt successfully created the corporate state. There was no march down Constitution Avenue. Instead, the 1% bought the politicians and got fabulously wealthy and sent the money offshore. The revolving door expanded, industry consolidated, civil servants retired, fees for service implemented, corporate regulation died, PR took over, and if paperwork was needed subservient contractors hired to write what the political appointees wanted.
The negotiated withdrawal from Afghanistan is a gigantic SNAFU. All that mattered for the last 20 years was that contractors made lots of money from helping to kill others. The Afghans, a deeply religious rugged mountain people, put a stop to it.
The US public health service has collapsed. The privatized US healthcare system is cruel and deadly. For-profit mRNA vaccines, the one and only response to the pandemic, successfully created at least nine new billionaires.
Hurricane Henri is headed towards Long Island. Wildfires, Toxic Air, Heat Domes, Polar Vortexes, Drought, Floods, Blocked Jet Streams and COVID-19 are the new normal. American deaths and chronic illness are of no consequence.
Unvaccinated deplorables are America’s Mountaineers. The top 1% and their global Overseers will never defeat them. Already workers are missing. There are supply shortages. Only the restoration of the rule of law for all, by and for the people, can prevent succession. If not, Naval Base Kitsap, likely, will be the nuclear deterrence for the new nation of Cascadia.
August 22, 2021 at 2:44 am #84889toktomi
Participanttip of the iceberg
“no need to wonder why…” [Country Joe]August 22, 2021 at 2:46 am #84890phoenixvoice
Participant@ John Day
Three days ago you asked me:
“@Phoenix Voice: When does social distancing become ostracizing?”
The kids went back to their dad’s yesterday and now I’ve more time to think. 😉“become ostracizing” encompasses two things
(1) the ostracizing action taken by one group that excludes another
(2) the feeling of ostracization by the individual(s)/group being excluded“Social distancing” encompasses keeping one’s physical distance from all who are not in one’s own household. At first, it feels awkward because although our different familial and cultural backgrounds and intuitive sense defines the details and distance that we naturally keep (or don’t keep) from others, “social distancing” is a “new” concept that is laid on top of all of the ones that we have developed, that is expected to supercede our old ways of interacting. It is, generally, more distanced than any of us were prior to its introduction. Social distancing is relatively benign with both/all parties agree to it, agree to the reasons why, etc. When social needs fail to be met, when these social agreements breakdown…that is when social distancing starts devolving into ostracization.
Social distancing becomes ostracization for the person shunned when that individual’s needs for human interaction, physical closeness, etc., are hampered by social distancing. The person shunned feels a loss that can’t be filled. I am reminded of the story Reiner Fuellmich told in a recent video I watched of the man who approached the scared, masked elderly woman in a bank, hugged her, she cried, and admitted no one had hugged her for a year. Or, myself, who always enjoyed the opportunity after church service to mingle and chat with people — sometimes those conversation delved into “deep topics” — but without meeting in person, that interaction never happened, and it evolved into an ache of longing.
Social distancing becomes the act of ostracization when overtures are made to end the distance, and one party refuses. With my choir group, we have essentially all been avoiding meeting since March 2020 — but when I “dropped the bomb” and suggested that we meet because we know so much more about the virus, and there is no need to continue to act out of fear…it was shot down, and my bid to return to “normal” was rejected…that feels the same as being ostracized.
August 22, 2021 at 2:49 am #84891those darned kids
ParticipantAugust 22, 2021 at 3:00 am #84892phoenixvoice
“I have sadly realized over the years that the majority of people around me are completely and totally ignorant about U.S. Domestic policies, Foreign Policies, Economic Policies and their own nations History- most don’t even know about the propagandized history white washed victors style, let alone Zinns Peoples History… Stone even put it on video for them.”What gets me is…my liberal congregation *did* discuss just those sorts of things…but have become completely snowed anyhow. Fear blinds people.
August 22, 2021 at 3:07 am #84893my parents said know
ParticipantFrom ZH-
Utopia Planitia (the commenter)Watch out or next there will just be one giant German word that says everything there could possibly be to say!
🙂I guess I’m in a laughing mood tonight. Beats my treacly song, I guess.
August 22, 2021 at 3:26 am #84895D Benton Smith
ParticipantHow come FACTS are “misinformation” in today’s Newspeak ?
Easy. It works like this: when someone wants you to do something it’s usually because the ‘something’ that they want you to do is going to help THEM in some way. In other words, there’s something in it for them. There MIGHT also be something in it for you, but that is entirely beside the point. Basically, they want what THEY want, and screw you. (and don’t get up on any moral high horse, because you’ve done the same damned thing when the tables were on the other foot.)
This self-serveing bias is not always the case, of course, but anyone who has lived on THIS planet for long has learned the hard way that it usually is. It is so true that we are automatically wary about doing anything we’re told without first checking the facts and thinking it carefully through.
Getting back to the main point, they want something so they tell you whatever it is that they think is most likely to produce the result which serves their interests. To their way of thinking, good for them is the definition of good, period. They actually believe it. EVERYTHING that they tell you is therefore legitimate INFORMATION because the PURPOSE behind it is legitimate because it causes the “good” thing to happen, which just so happens to make them rich, powerful and immune from prosecution. What a coincidence.
By that measure, then, any and all data that might prevent the desired “good” result they yearn for is MISINFORMATION. It does not matter one nano-fuck how TRUE it might be. They do not give a micro-shit about truthful factuality. That doesn’t even cross their brain barrier. Any and all data contrary to the achievement of their rapacious ambition simply IS . . . by defintion . . . misinformation.
And yeah, it’s insane, but if everyone does it then who’s crazy ? Desiring lies of any kind at any time for any purpose . . . is as crazy as a bed bug. It is literally the act of WANTING AND ACTING to obliterate one’s own ability to think and act successfully . . . and that is batshit crazy. Just because everyone’s is doing it too doesn’t make it and less so. It might, however, mean that we are inmates in a lunatic asylum.
August 22, 2021 at 6:17 am #84898Huskynut
ParticipantThe NZDSOS group today posted a link to NZ’s Ministry of Health website. The MoH policy is now that kids 12 yo and older can provide “informed consent” for themselves, without needing parental consent.
Which is still marginally better than Australia where they’re talking of compulsarily vaccinating 12+ yo,but only slightly.
In NZ it’s illegal for a child to be left alone in the safety of their own house up till the age of 14. Yet these same kids are capable of “informed consent” to an experimental medical procedure?!
August 22, 2021 at 6:31 am #84899Huskynut
ParticipantWhich had me reflecting.. a few years ago i worked with a woman who was a Thalidomide baby, with all that entails.
I doubt many kids these days even know of Thalidomide, let alone have met someone fro m that era.
My colleague was a lovely woman in every way, but she also had to deal with the reality of her physical deformities every day.
That grounding in reality doesn;t (or shouldn;t) leave anyoneAugust 22, 2021 at 6:34 am #84900Huskynut
Participant@ My Parents Said Know
What did the drummer name his kids?
Anna 1, Anna 2…
August 22, 2021 at 7:58 am #84901V. Arnold
Participant@ Huskynut
LOL again; nice one… 😉
August 22, 2021 at 9:09 am #84908Red
ParticipantIt is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
August 22, 2021 at 9:10 am #84909V. Arnold
ParticipantA shaggy dog story:
It was a dark and stormy night and all of the Knights of the castle were out on their various Knightly quests of slaying dragons and saving damsels in distress; all that is except a novice.
A rider came galloping up to the gate and cried out that a maiden had been taken by giant and was in great distress…
The rider was brought inside to warm himself by the great fireplace; next to which was a huge Saint Bernard enjoying the warmth.
It was explained to the rider there were no Knights or horses left in the castle. Only the lowly novice knight remained.
In a panic the rider looked around and asked why the novice couldn’t ride out on the huge St. Bernard?
The Lord of the castle replied:
“I wouldn’t send a Knight out on a dog like this…”August 22, 2021 at 10:05 am #84913Dr. D
Participant“contractors made lots of money from helping to kill others. “
The “others” were the deplorables. Us. I ain’t no Senator’s son.
“Money simply allows us slaves to believe that we are not slaves.”
In a certain sense, yes. But this is largely in debt-based fake money. Also not everything should be monetized, a thing they regularly pass laws or destroy societies to insure are financialized and skimmed, like Facebook, or an app for babysitters. Be careful since one constant failure of the Left is to therefore go without money and accounting hippie-style, which fails more or less instantly. Nobody’s stopping you, and this experiment is run over and over again by all sorts, plans, approaches. But people need fair like-for-like value, contribution, so that fact can’t be erased whether it’s money that measures it or not. And again, right now we don’t have “money” since Powell can create $500B in fake contribution ledgers each month and draw real claim on them.
The measure of true? That can only happen with an enormous power differential that keeps the sub-human from telling the overlord he’s full of s—t, get lost. …And over time, due to Powell’s fake money contributions, above. Wanting the fake, believing the fake, I think that’s the definition of insanity and it doesn’t go well. Look at discussion of Ptomkin, or where soldiers in F-Stan, up to Colonels, told them every day. They didn’t care, but can only get away with that from being insulated from consequences, generally for a lifetime at Yale. Generations bought in that collective also have never met reality.
Now that doesn’t help them either, they generally don’t like it and know they’re hollow and are as defensive as Fredo. Many the Trust Fund kid who drops out, goes backpacking, rebels, anything to re-contact the reality they lack and become something of their own man. Problem is, even if they do it a little bit, so soon as they return to family, they re-enter the hermetically-sealed bubble of ‘no consequences’. Why would you do this? It’s not a help to them, your own children, nor the society. Yet they have.
Another reason to have a meritocracy, which requires sound and fair money. …Or collapse. Your choice.
August 22, 2021 at 11:43 am #84919₿oogaloo
ParticipantThe tide will turn. This cannot go on forever.
August 22, 2021 at 6:37 pm #84975userzeroid
ParticipantAny room for doubt would cause a person of conscience to take a step back. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
This is a sobering message and one that needs to be read the world over. The same can be said of your post “stop mass vaccinations now!”
I know it is a poor excuse to borrow Kipling with no further explaination. However; “The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”
Perhaps it is more fitting to our current circumstances to mix things up with a little Pohl/Kornbluth (‘The Space Merchants’) along with Vonnegut (‘Welcome to the Monkey House’) to form a suitable backdrop the where we’re at. Even so, it doesn’t get us close to this surreal landscape we have ended up inhabiting.
Last I looked (before this God-Forsaken viral Madness even began) reality was following the plot of Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergaron’ pretty closely.
Those were all enjoyable books/poems which is where the simularities end. This is more like a nightmare.
Anyway, that’s more than enough science fiction references for one post. I don’t mean to be flippant, it’s just that reality has somehow become so entirely depressing it seems apropos to make light of things in a bizarrely surrealistic way where possible.
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