Robert Mueller Is A Coward And A Liar


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  • #45185

    Rembrandt van Rijn Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer 1653   That statement is going to make me real popular, right? Any criticism of Robert
    [See the full post at: Robert Mueller Is A Coward And A Liar]


    About the painting “Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer”, Joseph Heller wrote a brilliant novel about it named “Picture This’. VA, compulsory!


    Good for you.
    Here is my summary.

    because he threatens to destroy them, their freedom, their finances, their families.

    And what evidence of Julian Assange working with Russians, or with the Trump campaign?

    was not based on facts, it was based on faith (in US intelligence)

    it’s about the justice system granting someone the right to defend themselves, which is being violated by Robert Mueller on a daily basis.

    what’s to keep the next Robert Mueller from going after you, or someone you like or love? It’s in everyone’s interest to demand that these proceedings – like all legal proceedings- are conducted according to the law, but in Mueller’s hands, they are not.


    Isn’t Aristotle’s 1653 wardrobe just the thing?

    In Australia, the ruling party seems to disagree with nothing that Mueller and his ilk say.


    In Canada, the elites, have brown/orange yuk on their nose.


    “Executive time” is best with a glass of wine.

    V. Arnold

    About the painting “Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer”, Joseph Heller wrote a brilliant novel about it named “Picture This’. VA, compulsory!

    Oh that I could get a copy of it. Catch 22 was, likewise, brilliant…
    I’ll contact my sister; that should work.

    Mueller: I’d say you wrote a fair piece there Ilargi; two thumbs up…
    The citizens of the U.S. for the most part are clueless.
    The deluge of mis-information, lies, and propaganda are in a volume and velocity I’ve not seen in my lifetime; and I haven’t lived there for over 16 years; the nothing floods everything and everywhere.
    It takes all ones’ intelligence, driving critical thinking skills, to even comprehend the true scope of today’s manufactured realities…


    Isn’t Aristotle’s 1653 wardrobe just the thing?

    Well, it’s really Rembrandt contemplating Aristotle contemplating a bust of Homer, as Heller says. So Aristotle being dressed in Rembrandt’s attire would sort of make sense.

    The Trojan War that Homer writes about took place around 1200 BC, Homer lived -far as we know- in 8th century BC, Aristotle in 4th century BC, Rembrandt in 17th century AD, and Heller in 20th century AD.

    The distance in time between Rembrandt and Heller (and us) is actually the shortest in that timeline. Isn’t that something? The longest distance is between Aristotle and Rembrandt, some 2000 years.

    Dr. D

    Cue the screaming.

    We need to destroy the village to save the village. This will not be seen as irony. My side, right or wrong.

    Sir Thomas More: What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
    Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
    More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man’s laws, not God’s — and if you cut them down … d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake.

    Sage Eurasian

    Seems there is ample grounds to arrest Robert Mueller himself, in the Dept of Justice Inspector General file on crimes involving Mueller, a file also in the hands of Trump’s lawyers, and Roger Stone’s lawyers, apparently all biding their time to publicly deploy it

    The file was referenced in President Trump’s tweets, a photo meme of Mueller in jail, and the President saying, “Heroes will come of this, and it won’t be Mueller”

    File talks about Mueller indulging big crimes as FBI director, helping Mueller’s own eventual law firm to defraud millions out of a Hillary donor, with bribery of two USA federal judges, & threats to kill an ex-DOJ employee, with Mueller getting a big payday after he indulged it all as FBI chief

    ‘Report on evidence of felonies violating Civil Rights, and bribery by foreign agents, implicating United States Special Counsel Robert S Mueller III as a criminally-tainted agent of foreign & racketeering interests’

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