The Consent of the Governed


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    Mark Chagall Peace window, UN 1967     In Holland Sunday, a protest demonstration against government Covid policies provoked a emergency ord
    [See the full post at: The Consent of the Governed]

    Basseterre Kitona

    Bravo ! By far, the ever-expanding tyranny is the bigger issue than any virus outbreak.

    Unfortunately, it appears that most of the incompetent foosl with position of power will simply keep doubling down on stupid until the bitter end. From their perspective, in that sense, I guess this is a life & death struggle because once they are full exposed the mobs of citizens will be out for blood.

    madamski cafone

    “…the Constitution talks about the Consent of the Governed also means that the governed were considered to be able to make proper, just decisions about their own lives, and had the right to do that, without goverment intervention. But you are not.”

    Well, it’s true. Look at the democratic nations of the world. They all steadily vote themselves into depraved bankrupt tyranny. I remind us that here in the West, our primary creation myth has a First Woman and First Man blame their childish dire folly on a snake.

    We blame the leaders who we let openly scam their way into offices that we’d never seek. Voting is an exercise in name ’em’n’blame’em, not responsible group governance.

    “Let someone else do it” seems to usually end up with snakes in charge. One can say we’d act differently if we weren’t conditioned so much by media and schools, but history isn’t so sure about that conclusion. Used to be that some mumbled Latin on Sundays, a few edicts from some king one never met, and an ongoing heritage of tribal myths and old wives’ tales were enough to similarly hypnotize us into submission.

    I know! Let’s build a ziggurat to heaven!


    There is a growing crescendo that the reason that India, a much more populous country than the US, now has much less Covid-19 cases and deaths because of the willingness of local authorities to sponsor early use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Even worse, medical authorities are beginning to ask if the design of current vaccines is responsible for the towering risks of SARS-CoV-2 variants, which will require even more different vaccines.
    I am scared for the USA.

    madamski cafone

    @ Bassterre Kitona

    “From their perspective, in that sense, I guess this is a life & death struggle because once they are full exposed the mobs of citizens will be out for blood.”

    The core personality type found in the uppermost tier is socio/psycho-pathic, and are, I think, probably motivated more by their addiction to power than fear of negative consequences from us. What violence they fear is probably that which may occur among each other.

    This is not to say that they shouldn’t fear the masses, and haven’t begun to realize they’re not invulnerable. Witness the National Guard presence in D.C. But that seems to be more sham than anhything. If it’s genuine, they know something we don’t know, cuz currently they’re in no danger from us.

    Too stupid to be scared is a major attribute of psychopathy.


    “In Greece, a video appeared last Sunday of a policeman severely beating a man.”
    blood clots
    deep vein thrombosis
    occur naturally in the population after a police beating
    a symbiosis
    A truth emerges …..
    needs repeating

    ” …. they’re drug pushers -in this case vaccines-
    They protect corporations and institutions, not the rights of their people. They’re not democrats, they’re authoritarians. We are ruled by ideologies, not principles. The only rights we have are those that they “allow” us to have. There are no basic or inalienable rights left. Our politicians represent, and serve, long established parties and systems that have ruled for at least decades, in a symbiosis with corporations.”

    @ Enginer
    Distance reduces quantity of exposure. (inverse square law should also apply to B.B. and expansion of the universe)

    madamski cafone

    Sociopaths and NPDs are the more salivating power-cravers, but upper-tier high-functioning psychopath wield it more effectively because it is their primary tool for obtaining satisfaction. We have more socios and NPDs in upper power, I think. A really high-functioning psycho with an otherwise well-adjusted personality (they do exist) would make an ideal benevolent dictator.

    The socios and NPDs would want this dictator offed, of course, because fair competent governance really cramps their style.

    Mr. House

    “But that seems to be more sham than anhything. If it’s genuine, they know something we don’t know, cuz currently they’re in no danger from us.”

    Uhhh i think they know they’ve been blatantly lying for the past year about covid.

    Mr. House

    “There is a growing crescendo that the reason that India, a much more populous country than the US, now has much less Covid-19 cases and deaths because of the willingness of local authorities to sponsor early use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. ”

    If this becomes mainstream, how do you spin why you censored people pushing for this? How do you justify your credibility to continue to rule? And WORST OF ALL how do you explain that Trump was right?

    Mr. House

    You don’t, you erect fences around yourself and hope that somehow people are really really stupid.

    Mr. House

    And it won’t be the people who never believed you who are the most angry, it will be those who invested all their belief in you. Wearing their masks outside while walking and thinking vaccines were the only thing that could save grandma.

    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. House

    “Uhhh i think they know they’ve been blatantly lying for the past year about covid.”

    That’s… could you tell us something we don’t all already know? And not present it as some kind of qualifying remark? There is currently no significant anti-official-covid-protocol movement. Keeping troops headuqarted like this is anything but good for their morale or their protection. Assuming these people are remotely logical (hardly a given in their case), one assumes there is something else, something more immediate, that frightens them or, again, it’s just a sham show.

    I don’t know if you enjoy deliberately misreading people or just are contentious for contention’s sake. It’s tiresome to me.

    Mr. House


    Just my two cents from watching what they’ve done during the past year, not what they’ve said. I’m sorry i offended you, apologies.

    Mr. House

    What is your two cents, in summary form?


    Mr. House: I think your perceptions are good and generally accurate ones.

    madamski cafone

    I think it’s a situation where we learn not ask: are they that stupid or are they that evil but rather, how much of this is stupidity and how much is evil? Not that it is likely to prevent disaster. Obviously, they are lying, are acting on motives of greed and preservation/expansion of their existing power, and are incapable of delivering good, only evil.

    But that is far from saying they know what they’re doing as in a coherent plan. I see entitled buffoons cutting off their faces to spite their noses.

    If massive cryptic depopulation while saving themselves is their agenda, they’re doing a terrible job. LIke everything else they do.



    My late Father used to complain about how incompetent governments are.Then he realized that we should be grateful that they are so incompetent!


    Richard Urso MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee (Needless Deaths & YouTube Censorship)


    Just a thought, in our upside down world, but maybe the wire fence surrounding the capital is Obama’s way of keeping joe inside his play pen.
    You know the narrative of being under constant attack!
    It wouldn’t do if puppet joe broke free of his puppet strings, now would it!
    joe seems to be paranoid about leaving the white house, these days.
    No helicopter press conferences! Come to think about it, no fun helicopter rides either!
    Did Obama take away joe’s white house’s play ground too?
    But joe still has lots of play ground minders to sniff.

    joe has lately been buying lots of playdough lately! He charged it on your credit card!

    As the author of the patriot act, enacted after 9–11, joe is staying true to form. Big daddy might let you celebrate July 4th! But only if you obey him!

    madamski cafone

    @ WES

    “My late Father used to complain about how incompetent governments are.Then he realized that we should be grateful that they are so incompetent!”

    It’s a dilemma. We’re a hugely overpopulated social species that has culturally empowered itself way beyond its evolutionary pay grade. We have to have government because we can’t control our breeding while we extend lifespans, making our population increases doubly profound, but a species that can’t control its breeding can’t govern itself.

    The idea of large group governance seems to be something humans learned around the same time they began practicing slavery. THe correlation remains to this day.

    madamski cafone

    ‘where we learn not ask
    not TO ask

    Dr D Rich


    “A really high-functioning psycho with an otherwise well-adjusted personality (they do exist) would make an ideal benevolent dictator”


    I call bullshit. I’ll hold off on self-referential.
    These “ideal benevolent dictator(s)” require an endless supply of authoritarian followers to execute those benevolent ideals.
    Insecurity and self-hatred inverted in one glib individual are, ?is?, a damned sight to behold notwithstanding alcoholism coterminus.


    Been on the sidelines for a while but I love this article. There is just a sea of uncomfortably numb out there but it wont last.
    a species that can’t control its breeding can’t govern itself. – I love that. Thanks. It speaks for how culturally successful Australian first nations peoples were. They controlled that shit tight as can be and it got them 60 thousand years of continuous culture till this modern klusterfuck.


    You may not like it, but the fact is, a virus is fought far more effectively with vaccines than with any natural method to strengthen your immune system. Which is why many common viruses (measles, polio, smallpox, etc, etc) are no longer a problem. For centuries, actually, millennia, people knew about healthy diet and exercise, but only when vaccines were invented were those diseases successfully fought.


    @doly it depends on the virus. If it’s the common cold, a lot of the seasonal flus, there’s no point in chasing after it with a vaccine because it will be gone or evolve into something else quicker than you can jab tens of millions in the arm with a vaccine. The examples you give, measles, polio, etc. respond to vaccines because you can get ahead of them. For an assortment of reasons, some scientific-ish and some to do with human behaviour, society can suppress and with luck and fortitude even eradicate them.
    It’s not a binary. Chasing after covid-19 with a vaccine, which is free to mutate and still stay virulent within the bounds of its basic design, is a bigger challenge. Like a really bad bad flu it’s airborne and everywhere and picks its victims with seeming randomness (other than BMI.) The seasonal flus we roll the dice and the experts pick the four strains they think MIGHT be the big ones next year, because it takes the better part of a year to manufacture and distribute them. Some years we cut the flu’s effects in half, sometimes we have no effect at all. If you do the sensible things, taking care of your basic health (including vitamins fresh air excercise get enough sleep protect the vulnerable blah blah blah) you can cut your personal (and societal) risk substantially.
    I’m not against vaccines. Not one bit. I’m against selling vaccines as the only solution for what seems to be an unusually bad round of the flu. Worse than the seasonal flu by a factor of 10, better than the 1918 flu by a factor of 25. I’m about informed consent. Conducting large-scale “science” experiments on unwitting and uninformed participants is what the mRNA vaccines amount to.

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