The Vaccines Kill Many More People Than They Save
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- This topic has 23 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
September 20, 2021 at 4:37 pm #87625
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThomas Cole The Course of Empire – Destruction 1836 Politicians and so-called experts across the planet increasingly want to force you t
[See the full post at: The Vaccines Kill Many More People Than They Save]September 20, 2021 at 5:22 pm #87628Germ
ParticipantMust watch:
September 20, 2021 at 6:56 pm #87640citizenx
ParticipantMandating vaccination for anyone, especially school-age children, is proof of a corrupt society.
The vaccines kill at least twice as many people as they save. And if you don’t take them, you will be an outcast. We have gone outrageously mad.
Yes and thank you for organizing all this info.
I’m feeling heartbroken and torn apart by all this madness. I’ve only been back to work since Aug after 18 mos of govt mandates putting me out of work. Now less than 2 mos into being back to work they are closing in again on the choke hold of obey, comply or we will ruin you-
I can’t tell anyone at work that i have not been vaxd- I can’t tell them I had covid and have better immunity than the poison vax- i can’t tell them I eat organic, have been studying Western and Eastern medicine for decades and want nothing to do with an experimental GMO rna/dna nanoparticle poison- They cannot hear and they will not listen- they are f’n brainwashed beyond comprehension and well beyond my tolerance level for bs.
I listen to, and hear, hundreds of conversations a week from the “upper class” tier of techies, old seattle wealthy and the new money Libs- It is horrifying to hear their ideology. I feel like I’m in open hiding amongst Vaxzis who would want my head on a platter but love my service and cocktails.
Listening to the general pulse of ideology is brutal- They parrot MSM talking points while arrogantly posturing in ignorance. They hate and blame the unvaxd, they want them dead and gone… I am neither embellishing or making this shit up- It is real and it is horrifying.
Anyway I apologize for clogging up the comments- the detail of info here is incredibly powerful. Hoping I can add to the street level view of one small part of the world.
Heavy processing while trying to find levity and light.
September 20, 2021 at 6:56 pm #87641chooch
Participant#12 in the should get vaccinated list
“Defective virus design (s1 was never supposed to be free, inclusion of PEG was unnecessary and allows LNP to be widely distributed)“
Does anybody have good links to info that would shore up this statement? I’m coming up bagel in my search. Thanks
September 20, 2021 at 7:01 pm #87643Germ
ParticipantADE right here?
27 y/o. Double jabbed. Olympic gold medallist. Peak fitness.
September 20, 2021 at 7:16 pm #87644Doc Robinson
Participantchooch: “Does anybody have good links to info that would shore up this statement?”
(inclusion of PEG was unnecessary and allows LNP [Lipid NanoParticles] to be widely distributed)Some information I found in a study titled “Pseudo-anaphylaxis to Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Coated Liposomes: Roles of Anti-PEG IgM and Complement Activation in a Porcine Model of Human Infusion Reactions“: The PEG evidently causes the “lipids and [spike] proteins” to circulate more in the body.
Polyethylene glycols (PEGs), highly hydrated bulky polymers in the 0.5–40 kDa range, are widely used to improve the therapeutic efficacy of drug carrier liposomes and proteins by extending their circulation time.
September 20, 2021 at 7:41 pm #87646upstateNYer
Participant@germ posted a video link on sept 19 that was extremely disturbing (re-posted below). I was aware of some of these cases but seeing them compiled in one video was … indescribably heart wrenching.
If even a couple dozen cases like this in the US were suspected as a result of these vaccines, the whole program should have been shut down immediately. These people are living in hell, inside their own bodies, with no escape possible. Imagine that for a minute.
Keep it up, you MFers. Karma is a bitch and she be comin’ for ya.
September 20, 2021 at 7:53 pm #87647Sweet Kenny
ParticipantOff topic but I find it fascinating that Crypto fanatics consider Bitcoin etc digital gold but they are sold off when there is panic.
The Fed management owns the very same financial instruments they are buying. Are they that tone deaf or do they think they are untouchable?
What is the logical reason behind this? Why would the FBI lie? Has incompetence and lying reached into every facet of our society where the rot is so deep that nothing is honest anymore?
Remember the last US election where on election day Trump had won but over the following days mail in voting gave it to Biden. Is this coming to Canada? Wil the PC’s win on election day only to lose it to the Liberals over the next days due to mail in ballots? Trudeau is the darling of the left.
To quote Dr. Strangelove – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Collapse.
September 20, 2021 at 7:59 pm #87648Sweet Kenny
Dark humor
September 20, 2021 at 8:01 pm #87649Sweet Kenny
Magnet challenge
September 20, 2021 at 8:28 pm #87652Germ
ParticipantSo sad, and yet so brainwashed that she can’t bring herself to say – “Stay the hell away from this poison!”
Woman Shares Horrifying Details of Her Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries from a Hospital Bed
September 20, 2021 at 9:16 pm #87654laffin_boy
Thanks for showcasing Steve Kirsch’s works. Your concern for your fellow man shines in all of your posts. But, unfortunately, your post also shows why your efforts, so far, have been in vain.
When you say:
“We have gone outrageously mad.”
“we kill over 6 kids to save 1 kid from a COVID death.”You are lying.
Neither you nor I nor any of your readers have done ANYTHING to kill 6 kids. Nor are we mad (ie: insane). You are just parroting your programming. Because:
This mythical collective group DOES NOT EXIST. The cruel REALITY of Western “Civilization” today is there are 2 groups of citizens: The obscenely rich, and therefore powerful, and then the rest of us – who are rapidly sinking into our newly designated roles as serfs.
Please try to understand that this is NOT a minor linguistic quibble – it is, by itself, the tool that enables the sociopaths in charge to do WHATEVER they want. Because they have brainwashed every single one of us – for generations – to believe in this imaginary “WE”. So if “WE” are (collectively) enforcing a suicidal global health policy or “WE” spent 2 trillion bucks & 20 yrs to turn the Taliban into the Taliban then “WE” are all collectively responsible – aren’t we? We have been tricked into being complicit in crimes that we didn’t commit!
We have been told that “we’re all in this together” for our entire lives. And now it’s an unconscious but automatically recited response to ANY situation where we SHOULD be asking why did THEY do that. But we can’t ask those questions because we have come to unconsciously believe that we’re (partially) responsible.
What i’m pointing out here is undeniably true but it will be vigorously denied by 95% of those who read these words. Because none of us wants to admit that we’ve been hoodwinked. Which is the evil beauty of propaganda. It’s the perfect crime. Because the victims all deny that they’ve been victimized!
But think about this for a minute: If we – the real we – could erase this specific programming then the world would change – literally overnight. Without this schizophrenic affliction we’d be free to see WHO is actually behind these crimes against humanity. And the sickos that are actually responsible would be dethroned within a week.
So I ask all of you – in fact I beg you: please write “THERE IS NO WE” on a sticky note and put on your mirror. Recite it 10 times every morning while you’re shaving. (yes, ladies, you too.) This one single thing will get us closer to being able to expose the source of the evil that threatens to deliberately destroy our lives than any other single act
September 20, 2021 at 9:32 pm #87655chooch
Participant“Treat Your Own Covid” blog probably saved a view lives
Who do I thank?
Give me Covid naturally or give death.
I mean liberty
September 20, 2021 at 9:43 pm #87657zerosum
Participant“Vaccines Kill Many More People Than They Save”
People that are suppose to be reading this and changing their position are not here.
September 20, 2021 at 11:05 pm #87661VietnamVet
ParticipantI agree that Steve Kirsch presenting his anti-vaxx message to the FDA panel indicates a science underground in opposition to the corporate/state mRNA vaccine alone approach to the coronavirus pandemic. What will be interesting to see is if the FDA bucks the White House — the corporate/state, and restricts the use of the Pfizer Booster shot to those over 65 or at risk. This will pop the bubble of the media propaganda. Proof that the anti-mRNA-vaxxers are not a bunch of kooks.
However, this goes to much more than just science. The root cause of the failure of the West to control the coronavirus pandemic is that the reigning neoliberal economic/political system is based on the belief that only money and markets determine value. Vaccines make money so the market is directed to increase their use; if deplorables die as a result that does not matter. Those people are worthless. Public health has no place in the West in the 21st century.
If the FDA approves the Pfizer Booster for injection to all Americans 12 and older and at later date to anybody no matter their age, as long as they are alive and are productive, the USA becomes a “work sets you free” encampment. A system-change to restore government by and for the people is the only way to restore western civilization. January 6th is not be a one-off.
If humans cannot control pandemics but intensify them so a few make more money, homo sapiens will not mitigate climate change nor prevent the inevitable nuclear war fought over declining resources.
September 21, 2021 at 12:19 am #87667chooch
ParticipantThanks Doc Robinson,
So In the case of the mRNA injection is it the instructions that make a spike or does the manufactured spike remain encapsulated?
September 21, 2021 at 12:58 am #87672John Day
Participant@Citizenx : Bide your time, brother. You see how terribly wrong this is. Wait for something like the Tet Offensive to wake people up.
@Chooch: You and everybody else are welcome.@Doc Robinson: Thanks for the excellent research and the service of answering people’s questions as if you were getting paid very well to do so.
@Germ: POW, ZAP, OOF, ZOWIE! Go Boy Wonder!
@Ilargi: I noticed with interest the other day when you said your viewpoint has shifted in the last 6 years. I have also noticed that.
I will ask you if you find Eleni’s perspective more realistic now, than you did at that time.
You have become a Champion, Amigo.
Howzit feel?September 21, 2021 at 1:21 am #87673chooch
ParticipantSpikes are Bad and Spikes in the Blood are Really Bad (installmentsd 1 of ??)
I am more accustomed to the language of aero-thermo fluid dynamics and not so much biology. Basically, I am no expert and just want to unpack the why’s. It would be nice to have a Bob Malone to bounce things off of, but I think this community that Raul has created may actually be best.
Anyways, understanding the spikes are the key whether natural or injected. The following image gives a good visual of what kind of receptors the spikes have an affinity for. More detail can be found in the link to this paper.
September 21, 2021 at 1:29 am #87675Doc Robinson
Participantchooch: ” In the case of the mRNA injection is it the instructions that make a spike or does the manufactured spike remain encapsulated?”
My limited understanding is that the Lipid Nanoparticles encapsulate the mRNA and help get it into the cell interior, but then the manufactured spike proteins are without the encapsulation.
September 21, 2021 at 4:14 am #87676userzeroid
ParticipantGreat post Raul. Well said.
We have gone mad. It is so difficult to stand/sit and watch, biting ones’ tongue, while all this is going on.
I have got Bob Marley’s ‘Could You Be Loved’ going on in my head after reading this.
Stay strong people. We will win. Eventually.
September 21, 2021 at 5:11 am #87678russellnblbs
ParticipantCan anyone provide a link to that FOI request regarding the spike proteins accumulating in the ovaries? Any fertility stuff seems to be great for getting the fairer sex’s attention re the dangers.
September 21, 2021 at 8:26 am #87680oxymoron
ParticipantReiner Fullmich interiews VSK – What’s going on here? The study is basically taking place now, right before our eyes, live on stage – on patients who have no idea what we are discussing here just now! We’ll have to tell our Israeli colleagues this, they won’t be happy at all ….
Dr. H: And just to mention Reiner: without the vaccinated being tracked like the trial participants that they are (50.47) If I were a trial participant in a vaccine test series then I would have to be medically tracked, i.e., assessed. People are simply being vaccinated, and if they die it’s counted as a Covid death. That’s the reality. Or more frequently it’s said they died of their underlying conditions. Anything to prevent it being seen as a result of the vaccine.
long read but so worth it. Bad batches, bad lipids, incorrect dosage etc….
Fucking crazy 21, 2021 at 10:05 am #87687Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThat opened the Sep 17 Debt Rattle, oxy
September 21, 2021 at 7:23 pm #87736AltFn
ParticipantA century ago there lived a gentleman who offered/ provided a lot of information from a spiritual perspective. Some of the circumstances he foresaw occurring in humanities future were collected in a small volume published about thirty years ago with a focus on the period around and for a time after the two thousand millennium. There is a mention of a vaccine to be used to drive out the soul. To be most effective the vaccine should be administered immediately after birth so that the vaccinated will be unable to conceive of the existence of a soul or spirit.
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