I always ask where things are made. I can’t always avoid a ‘good deal’ but I try to buy North American. I bought Stanfields undershirts (made in canada) last year, I paid $35 instead of $20. That adds up when 5 packages are required.
I choose to support North American vendors/manufactures when purchasing products for our company. We all know know volume goes to China, but they can’t compete on lead time or customization.
There’s a lot of them…Should I read them all?
Wow! That’s quite the introduction. Thank you. I look forward to reading and contributing.
I’ve been reading Garth for 5-6 years now and have been wanting to gain another perspective. I almost never comment on his blog and barely read the comments anymore.
But there was something about ‘Tony from Calgary’ comments”
“See you at the Automatic Earth. Only a matter of time now.”
It was suspicious enough that I had to investigate….so I Yahooed it.
I’m not bothered that Garth offers financial services to people who ask.
There’s a lot of people who still think the party is going on. He’s promoting financial literacy to people who have no where else to go. That’s a good thing. Imagine the other 99.999% that don’t read his blog, they don’t even know what deflation is.
“something tells me 2015 is going to be very interesting”…..That’s how I see it too.
What country or cities do some of you reside in?
Hi All. Just discovered you via greaterfool. (Thanks Tony)
I’m trying to get a snapshot of this blog, who writes here and from what perspective? (Canadian, US or somewhere else)
Thanks Bill