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John Day said “Information warfare just ramped up.” WTF
Miss reading your blog, hope you have your writings backed up somewhere.
Fortunate for us that we can still read your thoughts here.bluebirdParticipant@John Day – I am not much of a poster, but I am another who is appalled of the treatment of you by the clinic. Thank you for your writings and the continuing positivity you share about the future.
bluebirdParticipant@John Day –
I am so sorry to hear about mandatory vaccinations at the clinic, and everywhere. Praying for you and many others who likely will not be employed because of these mandates. Something is terribly wrong in this country.bluebirdParticipantJohn Day’s blog is fine now. That was very strange yesterday.
bluebirdParticipantAnyone know what happened to John Day’s blog? It seems to have been removed.
bluebirdParticipantI don’t post many comments, but I have been reading the Debt Rattle almost from the beginning. I would miss it daily, but I can understand the time commitment it takes to upload this every day. I have also enjoyed all the many paintings at the start of each Debt Rattle. Thank you.
bluebirdParticipant@John Day – Thanks for posting the link to Ben Hunt’s Epsilon Theory “Harvey Weinstein and the Common Knowledge Game”. A similar discussion is also posted this weekend at Chris Martenson’s site
A relevant quote from Ben Hunt: “Behavior changes ONLY when we believe that everyone else believes the information. THAT’S what changes behavior. And when that transition to common knowledge happens, behavior changes fast.”
bluebirdParticipantWhy now? That is my question. Who knew Epstein was going to be on that flight?
Who tipped off the Feds to arrest Epstein at the airport?
Was Epstein directed by Trump to fly back to U.S. asap?
Epstein is a huge distraction that will keep people interested for weeks? months?.
What else is going on?
The markets closed at all-time highs, are they about to crash?
Is Trump getting ready to drop some bombs somewhere, or go after Bill and Hllary?
Perhaps Trump’s strategy to win in 2020?bluebirdParticipant“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”
bluebirdParticipantI haven’t yet read Federico Pieraccini articles, but what is BRI? I get confused with so many acronyms.
bluebirdParticipantDr. D – I agree what you are saying, that our way of life cannot go on forever. But how long is the big wheel of time? Can U.S. manufacturing be started up again to produce those necessary items that people use every day, before the wheel stops in another bloody world war.
bluebirdParticipantzerosum said “I don’t know why I persist with my endeavors”.
Because it matters, it is important, and we can’t un-know what is coming.bluebirdParticipantI would purchase more T-Bills at 3% interest! I remember in the late 80s, I had a Certificate of Deposit from a bank that was 8%. In the early 70s, the interest rate on my mortgage was 7.5%. Mortgages today are still cheap
bluebirdParticipantand the DOW is up over 300 points today. Something about to crash?
bluebirdParticipantMany people don’t buy a house, or even a vehicle, to own it. People buy a payment that they can afford now and rarely think long-term of the total costs involved. Mortgage debt, car loans, credit card balances are not anything to be worried. It’s about making the payments on all that stuff every month. I know some people who appear middle class wealthy, but actually are not even making ends meet paycheck to paycheck. The biggest Ponzi in human history, the everything bubble.
bluebirdParticipant9/22/17 When did NFL begin standing for the National Anthem?
The specific tradition of football players standing on the sidelines during the national anthem is much more recent. While there may have been individual displays of this going back many years, the tradition of players standing on field for the Star-Spangled Banner dates back to only 2009:
Before 2009, teams would generally wait out the national anthem in the locker room. While it is not clear why the change was made, it’s noteworthy that the military has a history of paying the NFL for sponsored acts of patriotism, and it’s possible this may have had some influence on the perpetuation of the practice.
more… says it is true:
10/25/16 Updated 8/25/17
Summary –
True – NFL players were not required to be on the field during the playing of the U.S. national anthem prior to 2009.
this report did not cover the year 2009, so it is unclear whether NFL teams’ appearing on the field for the playing of the national anthem truly began in conjunction with the “paid patriotism” policy.
The league announced in May 2016 that they would refund $723,724 to taxpayers which they said “may have been mistakenly applied to appreciation activities rather than recruitment efforts” during the years in question.
5/19/16 NFL To Refund Taxpayers For Acts Of “Sponsored Patriotism”
NFL To Refund Taxpayers For Acts Of "Sponsored Patriotism"bluebirdParticipantat V. Arnold – Some of us see what is going on and do not believe all this propaganda. Unfortunately, most do not. I guess they think this is ‘normal’ in the U.S. until they are personally affected and then they wake up.
bluebirdParticipantCould all this talk about N.Korea, nukes, fire&fury just be a distraction? Don’t we all know that the world is a huge financial & economic bubble looking for a pin somewhere to burst it? Maybe the pin to burst the bubble will be war or maybe something else. But we need to stay focused on the bankers stealing our money and preparing our loved ones for the eventual difficult times ahead.
bluebirdParticipantLife imitates art!
You can’t make this stuff up!bluebirdParticipantDr Day, thank you for sharing your article about your garden at work and your blog that you posted previously about your rotational garden at home.
bluebirdParticipantYet, people around me still think this party can continue on and on indefinitely. They buy ‘payments’ for not only houses, but new cars, furniture, appliances, smartphones, and everything else is bought with credit cards. It is unimaginable the epic boom that will occur when these bubbles finally find the pins and burst.
bluebirdParticipantThe video is from Community Solutions which is in Yellow Springs, Ohio. If I recall, Nicole was a speaker there in October 2016.
bluebirdParticipantThank you Ken Latta, a most interesting and timely article. I also grew up during this period and now nearing my 70s. Surely I am not the only oldtimer who has seen the development in technology over the past few decades. While there are many benefits to reading and researching around the Internet for personal learning, the younger generations seem to be more self-absorbed into social media apps for minute-by-minute communication with their friends. It is worrisome that many no longer have face-to-face social communication skills and are lacking in basic life skills. How will they cope in a world without their electronic devices?
bluebirdParticipantSomewhere I saw this quote: “Trump is everything wrong with America’s culture, and Hillary is everything wrong with our government”
I’ll vote 3rd party this year.
bluebirdParticipantEven food can be fake too. Is anything real anymore.
bluebirdParticipantSince Brexit wasn’t the official trigger, it will be interesting in the weeks/months ahead to see the trigger that will officially drop the markets to the bottom.
bluebirdParticipantRussia? Why so much discussion about Russia? What’s really going on with China?
bluebirdParticipant@VisionHawk – Agree, my thoughts too.
bluebirdParticipantHope you recover soon, and let us know what helps best to relieve the pain.
bluebirdParticipantWhen everything implodes, assuming within the next 4 years, the next president will be blamed whether it be Trump or Hillary. What advantage, if any, would there be for the elites to have Trump or Hillary as the next president?
bluebirdParticipantAnd now women are allowed in ground combat. Someone must be planning a big war.
bluebirdParticipantThings seem to be aligning for something majorly huge to occur
bluebirdParticipant@LiveSmallLocal – I found one of Nicole’s early primers to be very helpful to me. It is called: ‘How to Build a Lifeboat’, in which she has listed several suggestions for the future:
Also, I think having a camper or trailer could be useful in the future. One could easily pick up and move to greener pastures, so to speak, rather than having a house to sell. But depends on the community and family where you live or want to live.
Having some cash is important, in case the banks were to have a holiday and shut down abruptly, as happened in Cyprus. In the U.S., have American dollars. It has been suggested to keep a few weeks amount, in safe-keeping somewhere in your home, to a few months or even a year. Depends what you are comfortable with.
Perhaps others have suggestions, comments.
bluebirdParticipant@GBV – There was no reason for Spirko to post a follow-up podcast to justify himself to his followers. He says he is 95%(?) in agreement with Nicole, but then spent an hour describing all his disagreements.
He admits all money is fake, yet says banks will just print whatever they need to keep the financial system afloat. But people can’t do that. When my money is gone, and I have no credit, I need skills and barter to survive. And isn’t that the name of his show …the survival podcast. The concept of no money, seems inconceivable to Spirko.
Thanks for sharing your comment.
bluebirdParticipantThat was a great interview!
Jack Spirko has a follow-up podcast
[audio src="" /]
not sure how to embed the link
bluebirdParticipantExcellent, thought-provoking essay. And you’re so right, no one likes change, until we are usually forced to, and then have to deal what comes. Which brings the abrupt resignation of Speaker Boehner. Why now? Does he know something that we don’t? And McCarthy abruptly removes himself from the Speaker race. Why? Is the House that much in chaos? Or something they know is going to change so quickly, that no one wants to accept the honor of Speaker of the House?
bluebirdParticipantIt is not just bridges that are failing, but dams too. Eighteen dams have been breached in the South Carolina floods.
bluebirdParticipantThe bombing of the hospital in Kunduz was a ‘mistake’. A mistake that lasted for more than an hour, was not a mistake. That was deliberate and intentional.
bluebirdParticipantTiming is everything