Forum Replies Created
Participant“Associated press fires journalist who claimed russian missiles hit poland”
Well if this poor guy (lass ?) had always worked diligently, checking everything twice and never quick-shooting click bait, he would have been fired a long time ago, probably never been hired.“EU struggles to seize russian assets”
And another basic principle of justice gets thrown in the rubbish bin: No retroactive punishment (for deeds before the specific law was passed, Nulla poena sine lege). Seems like Ursula von der Leyen morphes into a kind of female ‘Immortan Joe’ (Mad Max Fury Road, 2015), who doesn’t care about laws, because he doesn’t know any beyond The Right of the Strongest¹.¹At least in the EU’s headquarter in Brussels
Participant“Dutch court blames Russia for missile that struck Malaysia airlines plane killing nearly 300”
Obviously a sham trial, the judge was probably doped with a injection of kangaroo testicle’s extract.
Nonetheless a look on the historical parallel Lockerbie/Pan Am Flight 103 (1988):
Also in this sham trial one of the defendants was unexpectedly cleared. In a critical article (counterpunch ?) this was described as a kind of compromise: Both defendants should¹ have been discharged, but this was obviously impossible, so they put that guy in the slammer, who probably had a lot of other blood on his hands (Torture in Libya ..), thus the judge’s conscience was not too troubled.
The Italian Wikipedia has a list of people, who booked the doomed flight but were not on board:
Musician John Lydon ~ Johnny Rotten, Sex Pistols
Tennis player Mats Wilander
Actress Kim Catrall, had annulled to have more time in London to buy gifts
Also a R&B group called the Four Tops.
I deem this list probably irrelevant, perhaps Diva Catrall cancels 5 times for each real flight. The Syrian connection/trail instead seems to be the most plausible.¹As in Donbass (MH17) first came the crash, then the rescue (no concern for forensics), a strong thunderstorm and then the geniuses from CIA and MI6 arrived and established exactly, what exploded when and how, and which passenger picked his nose during check-in.
Participant“Zelensky Declares Ukraine Corruption-Free”
Bloody amateur!
I hereby solemnly declare all readers of this blog Sin-Free. Other blogs may apply, but please send a kilo of the powder to help me concentrate.Cetzer
ParticipantRecycling Plastic a ‘failed concept’ (RT, Greenpeace)
Just let all the serfs be born and fed with a plastic spoon (of dubious durability) in their mouth.
Recycling plastic is, or rather would be, kind’s play compared with recycling electronic components like capacitors, resistors, Printed Circuit Boards, Transformers(!)… You might be able to extract one or two precious materials like copper or gold, but most gets molten or burnt, producing some interesting side-dishes like dioxin or mercury fumes.Cetzer
ParticipantReturn of Boris Johnson as the UK’s Prime Minister
He ought to compete against a fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) – All hail the Toadstool!
Participant“Luckily, the leaders of the time [Cuban missile crisis] – Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy – had the wisdom to step back from the brink”
Their wisdom was (partly) earned by their very personal experiences in World War II, Khrushchev for example took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. Nowadays many so called leaders (leaderesses ?) earned their only experience of war through computer games: They know that there is always a next life and blood will never splatter beyond the computer screen.Cetzer
Participant“sham referendums”
All those experts for sham democracy know a sham, when they see one.
For your interest: The declaration of independence of Kosovo wasn’t backed by a (sham) referendum but a manoeuvre of indirect (guided) democracy. From Wikipedia: The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence, which proclaimed the Republic of Kosovo to be a state independent from Serbia, was adopted at a meeting held on 17 February 2008 by 109 out of the 120 members of the Assembly of Kosovo (The turnout at the [its] election was particularly low. Most members of the Serb minority refused to vote.)Cetzer
ParticipantAs I saw the right half (image) of Blinken’s tweet, my first thought was: A bunch of hungry cannibals, “Would you like some eyeballs with that?”. But then i corrected myself: Just a bunch of politicians bickering over influence, money and cannon fodder.
ParticipantThere will also be a ban on portable air conditioners, heaters and radiators among the general populace as the average German begins to pay a price for standing up to the Russian dictator.
As far as I know, this is only a (plausible) suspicion. At this moment experts are only warning, see for example: RT, German: https://rtde.live/inland/144762-deutschland-600000-heizlufter-verkauft-experten/ (Germany: 600000 heaters sold). Of course, I bought me a second heater for strictly scientific purposes…