Forum Replies Created
You anti-vaxxers are hooked on conspiracy theories spread around far-right websites. You voted for Trump twice, think it’s ok to endanger others just so you’re not “inconvenienced” by a harmless mask, and spend hours pouring over “data” spewed out by “doctors” that not even the bahamas would certify.
You finally got something right.
deflationistaParticipantDespite Mish being the second link down on TAE’s “More Good Reads”, I am guessing the paranoid delusionists will need to cross another person off their list. Your world is closing in on you.
“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”"Scientifically Experimental"
Hundreds of millions of people safely receiving vaccinations.
99% of those dying now were not vaccinated.
It is insanity to dispute the success of these vaccines on the basis of "Scientifically Experimental"
Try again.
— Mike "Mish" Shedlock (@MishGEA) August 5, 2021
deflationistaParticipantRemind anyone of anything?
– Paranoia involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy.
-Paranoia occurs in many mental disorders, but is most often present in psychotic disorders.
– Paranoia can become delusions, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing (including contrary evidence) can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true.
– When a person has paranoia or delusions, but no other symptoms (like hearing or seeing things that aren’t there), they might have what is called a delusional disorder.
– Because only thoughts are impacted, a person with delusional disorder can usually work and function in everyday life, however, their lives may be limited and isolated.
– Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense belief(s) or suspicion(s) which a person believes to be true.
– These beliefs may seem outlandish and impossible (bizarre) or fit within the realm of what is possible (non-bizarre).
– Symptoms must last for 1 month or longer in order for someone to be diagnosed with delusional disorder.
– Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of fear, anger, and betrayal.
– Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of paranoia include mistrust, hypervigilence, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.
deflationistaParticipantCOVID killed thousands of Mississippians this year. All but 37 were unvaccinated.
99% of Alabama’s 2,379 deaths from Jan to June were unvaccinated
TX has seen nearly 9K COVID 9 deaths since Feb. All but 43 were unvaccinated
One needs to be an idiot to dismiss these reports
— Mike "Mish" Shedlock (@MishGEA) August 6, 2021
COVID killed thousands of Mississippians this year. All but 37 were unvaccinated.
99% of Alabama’s 2,379 deaths from Jan to June were unvaccinated
TX has seen nearly 9K COVID 9 deaths since Feb. All but 43 were unvaccinated
One needs to be an idiot to dismiss these reports
Anti-vaxxers are the new Flat Earthers
No amount of data will convince them of anything.
deflationistaParticipantHow many here just ran with it?
During a Covid-19 press conference, NSW health offical Jeremy McAnulty ‘misspoke’ and inferred that all Covid patients in intensive care had been vaccinated when in fact none of them had been fully vaccinated. The video of the mistake has been widely shared on social media. A single post on one Australian page which regularly shares vaccination misinformation had more than 1,800 ‘interactions’, including almost 300 ‘shares’. In less regulated online spaces, the video has been shared globally among conspiracist groups. In US-based Telegram groups clips of the video have been seen tens of thousands of times across various groups. Some called it evidence the vaccine is ‘deadly gene therapy’ and ‘pure poison’. The Guardian also saw posts sharing the video in Telegram pages in Europe and the UK
deflationistaParticipantSometimes, the stories we tell ourselves can have profound consequences:
You can’t be serious. Read what he wrote. I’m not translating for you anymore. You are smarter than that. You don’t have to have several degrees to comprehend what you read. It’s not number crunching.
Perhaps you prefer what is considered the gold standard summary from Cochrane Library?
Not sure what to tell you. You seem to have a real settled opinion on things. I am not trying to change your mind. You just seem like the type of person who would want to change it for your own sake. I try not to base my opinions on feelings.
Dr. D suggested that the move to allow the CDC to do an end around on the US Constitution and judiciary to keep people from getting evicted is more proof that we are losing our rights and rule of law. That very well may be. But I simply logged onto twitter and the first thing that popped up was Michael Tracey’s simple question that I thought I would ask of Dr. D.
It seems like there are a lot of rules regarding which topics are and which topics are not to be discussed.
Who are you? The Soup Nazi?
Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz is an epidemiologist who pours through data from clinical trials.
He poured through most of the tiny studies conducted on ivermectin. There are like 60 of them. Most have serious methodological flaws associated with them. There are too many flaws and gross errors to list here.
The major study which influenced the meta data use by ivermectin proponents was withdrawn after people like Gideon exposed potential fraud in the methodology. Maybe you heard about that? Here is his work on that one. It is a great article.
When this largest study was thrown out, ivermectin advocates simply said that even after the removal of this study from the meta-analysis, efficacy did not go down. This was just factually incorrect.
In this particular study to which you are asking about here is the summary: There are many flaws (too numerous to list) with the study in question. Major flaws. Flaws that basically disqualify it from scientific analysis or conclusions other than: it is garbage.
Using these types of studies as the foundation of the ‘evidence’ you say you have that proves the efficacy of something means that your house of cards is about to fall.
Gideon’s conclusions remain the same as mine:
The problem with ivermectin is that it’s a potentially viable treatment and most rational scientists dearly wish it would work but the evidence currently just isn’t that great for Covid-19. The real issue is that there’s a certain segment of conspiracist weirdos who won’t accept anything other than outspoken advocacy for the drug no matter how weak the evidence might be. We will know quite soon whether ivermectin works for COVID-19, and I sincerely hope it does, but pretending the evidence is high-quality when it isn’t just makes you seem obsessed not scientific.deflationistaParticipantDr: D:
Last year when Trump invoked the power of the CDC to halt evictions, was there much consternation in conservative media about the alleged illegality of this act?
Last year when Trump invoked the power of the CDC to halt evictions, was there much consternation in conservative media about the alleged illegality of this act?
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) August 4, 2021
deflationistaParticipantDr. D:
deflationistaParticipantThis is what it looks like when you do due diligence:
Also, I appreciate his conclusions and feel the same way.
deflationistaParticipantSorry Raul for clogging up the works. I tried posting that long rant August 3, midday EST. Apparently it didn’t show up until about 04:30AM August 4.
No big deal at all. I thought maybe there was a size limit. And there probably is a rule about number of links like Mister Roboto said. As soon as I removed some, it went right through.
deflationistaParticipantThanks madame and Mister Roboto for your offers of help. Mister Robot, you were correct about too many hyperlinks. I removed and sent. It worked!
deflationistaParticipantDEVIL SPERM ATE MY BABY!
“Those who know, don’t say. Those who say, don’t know.” That quote changed things for me. I used to be an active participant here and in other forums like this way back in the day. Jay Hanson and I used to go back and forth. (You wanna talk about a flaming liberal? Jay was your guy.) For a while there, even Kunstler got involved. But, when I heard that quote… man. It stopped me in my tracks. It kind of made sense. What the fuck did I know? And why was I saying so much? I ended my ‘career’ as a full time participant in these types of forums. Which leads me to another concept. “We don’t know what we don’t know.” That’s right boys and girls- your friends and mine- Dunning and Kruger. Hand in hand, these two concepts seem to flourish in these spaces. We have a bunch of “experts” saying things. Apparently, they “know” all sorts of shit. But what they don’t know is, they don’t know what they don’t know. Capiche? Typically, the dominant personalities take over. The better writers keep posting. If you have both attributes, look out! But for most people in these forums, they get intimidated. They try to raise their hand and make a comment or pipe in with an opinion only to be swatted back in line by the established pecking order. That’s how these forums tend to settle. Hell, that’s how things settle in real life. Most people just end up lurking- head down, lips zipped. I mean, look what happened when I came here to raise a red flag about information that apparently is taken as gospel by the general AE populace. You all get ruffled feathers. I become some “naive” idiot that you might as well “tolerate” because the group deems me a low threat to the order. Someone even gave me a sort of rating. You attack this Yuri dude as if he is some deep state agent planted to disseminate vaccine propaganda. I mean, someone insinuated I was a plant by the CIA or the NSA and it was only a matter of time before ‘a person like me’ shows up. That’s a common response in these darkened times when people say things that run counter to your precious narrative. I didn’t even know who Yuri was until the day I watched that video. Who the fuck cares what his credentials are? That somehow negates his analysis of shitty data used by ivermectin and anti-vax propagandists? If credentials are so important, then what the fuck are yours? I found a great About Us page today on a blog called Skeptical Raptor. They suggest credentials don’t really matter: “Mr. Andrew Wakefield presumably attended medical school, and he perpetrated one of the largest medical frauds in the history of mankind. Linus Pauling won two Nobel Prizes, yet wrote pseudoscientific books about vitamin C, which has no effect on or colds. Tetyana Obukhanych has a Ph.D. in immunology, and she hasn’t written one accurate thing about vaccines. The only thing that matters is evidence, not false authority.”
Some person suggested that I am a sucker for big government or big pharma. Someone considers me to be a sheep who is “selling pro-covid firewater”. What the fuck does that even mean? What the fuck is going on in this world? And then ironically enough, I see some commentary in someone’s post suggesting, and rightfully so, that QAnon (and I am paraphrasing), is “out there”? Oh, theeey’re out there? But the weird narratives being spun here are….. perfectly acceptable?! Makes sense! Does anyone ever examine their own biases? Their own personal flavor of conspiracy? Maybe being in these echo chambers is not conducive to open dialogue or learning afterall? Maybe they don’t allow new ideas to penetrate the hardened shell? Just wondering out loud. I see it as a devolving feedback loop that eventually hones the community into a homogenous sort of groupthink. Does anyone consider how they may be Dunning-Kruger’s latest sucker? Are you one of those who knows? Or one of those who says?
Something is surely afoot in this god forsaken country where even critical thinking is frowned upon as long as it ain’t critical of the agreed upon narrative. And madame cafone hit on it earlier when she said that the “sides have been drawn” or something like that and nothing will change that. She got that right, by god. I came here to post a little teeny tiny bit of needed push back on articles and graphics emanating from people like Kory, Lawrie, Weinstein, FLCCC, BiRD. I started to see people like Raul and Nicole, people I consider my mentors, post these things more and more, without even the slightest sniff of disclaimer. Apparently this shit is real and everyone knows it! I have friends sharing those same exact graphics and YouTube interviews on their social media platforms. My friends fell right into every goddamn trap set by the antivax, antiliberal campaign. Kristin is unapproachable at this point. Like some wild animal hybrid of a honey badger and Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is completely lost in a world dominated by dumb right wing memes and hateful groupthink. She is the ultimate antivaxxer. Well, only until you consider my friend Karen, who makes Kristin look like Linus fucking Pauling. Karen’s kid won’t be going to college because her school of choice requires a covid shot. I get it. I do. I can see taking a stand. But Karen’s kid doesn’t have any vaccines. Neither do Kristin’s kids. Walking freely in society living on the immunity provided by others, kinda like the welfare leeches they like to complain about. Both are deep in the rabbit hole of believing that Fauci is pure, unadulterated evil. Satan incarnate. Just like Bill Gates, except Bill Gates is worse! That’s because Bill is attempting to depopulate the planet, so he and Fauci developed the virus, and the vaccine to cure it, so that they could not only kill some people right off, but then track the survivors through microchips floating in the covid vaccines. Never mind that both Kristin and Karen carry a fucking cell phone everywhere they go and have been tracked by the NSA for like 20 years now. They use the same phrases I have heard here like “Great Reset” or “Big Purge”. You see that language used in a lot of places these days. Funny thing that none of them seem to consider, just for entertainment purposes, is that maybe the global elites did indeed create the virus to kill off some of the overflow- what with overpopulation and resource depletion, and the coming climate crisis. What better way to cull the herd? But maybe instead of the vaccine being a poison to kill you, it actually serves as a lifeboat of sorts. They knew damn well who would and who wouldn’t take the jab. And looking at the demographics of who actually is and who isn’t getting jabbed, maybe their plan is going according to plan? Maybe conservatives, blacks, and latinos should call their bluff? Maybe you are the one’s being purged? At least though, you’ll die free. Libs owned! High five! It might make a good sci-fi novel. But I digress.
You could see the looney wave coming from a mile away. Look at Jim Kunstler fer chrissakes. Are you kidding me? If you think that this man has not changed over the years, you either just started reading him, or you are just as far down the same rabbit hole that he is. I love the guy. Don’t get me wrong. But my man started to repeat similar editorials that he must have been hearing on Fox News. In an almost completely transparent way, almost word for word. I could watch Fox during the week, and then read Jim on Friday, and know exactly where he got his “talking points” for his essays. I admit that I slid down the same holes. It’s a slippery slope for sure. Look at Glenn Greenwald. Even Matt Taibi. You should read Nate Robinson’s new article on how these two slid down that hole over the last several years. I don’t agree with everything Nate Robinson says, but goddamn, he tapped into a sentiment that I know I’m not alone in feeling. And, Nate has receipts.
Seems like old Donald really did a number on the mindset of this country. It’s like he turned on a light in a hot Phoenix apartment in the middle of the night. Roaches that we never knew existed, it turns out, were everywhere. It was fucking refreshing to have someone not give a shit about what he said, or how he said it. Grab ‘em by the pussy didn’t even phase anyone. Me too. I mean, me neither. I was so damn tired and I wasn’t going to take it anymore. Nothing phased us. He wasn’t a typical politician, we said. He is not a fascist, we said. He loves America, we said. And the whole Russian BS really sealed the deal for a lot of people. I think that’s when Kunstler really started losing his footing in the rabbit hole. He slipped in the mud, and just kept on sliding. There were times over the last several years where you could not differentiate between Jim’s Monday or Friday rants and Hannity’s nightly editorials. I know. It’s no biggy if that’s the case. But what was a big deal for me was knowing that my dude- my man- Jim fucking Kunstler, drank some sort of alt-right Kool-Aid. He was now reduced to just some weird, smarter version of Mark Levin or Kurt Schlichter. He lost his essence. He lost his life force and became just another stale voice in a shallow sea of crackers. Just like Glenn Greenwald. Just like Matt Taibi. They morphed into something akin to catty sorority girls who got butt hurt that they weren’t invited to Delta Chi’s homecoming party and now just can’t let it go. But there is a hard edge to their commentary. A meanness. A real honest to god hatred for establishment liberal figures and policies. It gurgles from their depths like the slow, early boil of a thick tar. It seemed that they just couldn’t help but lose themselves to it. Like the power of Mordor. Or as if they were bitten by some walker before Rick Grimes could chop its head off. Now, they seem fully turned, unable to come back to the world of the living. Trapped in some darkened hologram of reality consisting of heavy revenge and mean tweets. What a sad turn of events. We need those fresh voices. The voices that once bashed everyone equally for being tools of the system. Now Jim and Glenn and a lot of you here just bash in one direction. As if the side your bashing from isn’t a gigantic part of the problem. Somehow tough, working class guys and gals everywhere are OK worshiping an effeminate elitist prig who, and this I promise, hates you more than he hates a steady breeze or an Adam “Shifty” Schiff press conference. He loathes his followers. He loathes you. I promise. Think about it. Nicole Foss used to be part of this beautiful place. Trump ended that. But many here probably think of her the same way you think of me- some snowflake liberal tool who does the bidding of the big government establishment. Someone who needs to be discounted because they haven’t eaten the right color pill. And the same does apply equally in the other direction. The “other” is always part of some odd conspiracy it seems for both parties. Remember when Jim used to stress the fact that he is allergic to conspiracies? I just had to throw that in. Raylan Givens had a great quote in the TV show Justfied: “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” Maybe something to think about.
I loathe liberals. Maybe more than I loathe whatever the fuck the right has become. Liberals are more insidious because they pretend to care. Cons just don’t bother pretending. Someone earlier thanked this forum for steering them to a red state to live. Oh yeah? Good luck with that. I live in the reddest of all states. It ain’t Texas. My state makes Texas look like fucking Cuba. My state has a bunch of Karens and Kristins running around in it and a bunch of other morons who don’t have a pot to piss in and think that libruls lurk around every corner trying to take their freedumbs. A BLM peaceful protest happened last year in my state where families with kids and signs came out in solidarity with George Floyd, and what happened next really made me take pause. Hundreds of armed “patriots”, some wearing Nazi tats and garb surrounded, intimidated, and assaulted peaceful protesters. People were hit with flags poles, punched in the back of their heads, other people (women) were pushed down stairs, racist things were screamed over a megaphone. It was like a preview of what some of us saw those tourists doing at the Capitol on Jan 6th. I’ll tell you. I am so fucking tired of the dumbness of America. Blue State America is D.U.M.B. Red State America is D.U.M.B.E.R. We are dumb all over, just like Zappa said. And a little ugly on the side. I was able to find my footing during the pandemic. I was sliding down the same slippery slopes as many of you, Kunstler, Greenwald, etc., but the excruciating dumbness on display this last year just snapped me out of whatever trance I was under and I started climbing out of that dark, muddy hole. Take Ivermectin for a fake virus! <Wait, what?>…. Vaccine makes you infertile! <Oh my god thats terrible news>…. Dr. Fauci is evil! <Ok, but…>… Bill Gates is eviler! <Wow, I had no idea>… Ivermectin cures covid 100%! <Holy shit! Why is it being censored?>… Hydroxychloroquin works! <But I thought…>… There are microchips in the vaccine! <Are you sure that’s possible?>…. The vaccine is more dangerous than covid! <FUCK!>…. You become magnetized if you get the shot! <HOLY SHIT!>…. Demon sperm! <Say that again?!>…. There are no excess deaths from covid! <Wait, no one died?>…. Alien DNA is being used in medicine!… <You…actually…>…. Inject some bleach, you say? “We oughta look into that, Brownie… You’re doin’ a heckuva job”….. Oh wait, I got my decades mixed up. Really people. Get a grip. We had a White Coat Summit of Donald’s favorite doctors for god’s sake. Do you know how stupid you have to be to believe some of this shit? I’m sorry. But this is lunacy. We ain’t wrapped tight.
Not everyone, especially your normal everyday sciencey type, is out to get you or in on some deep, centuries long conspiracy. If scientific consensus doesn’t confirm your bias, you don’t just disregard it as some nonsense propaganda or proof of some sinister agenda. Like Raylan Givens said, “you’re the asshole.” Just because someone is a doctor, doesn’t mean they can’t be bat shit crazy. Just think of Trump’s favorite- Dr. Stella Immanuel. You should question your own beliefs, especially the one’s you hold dearest. They are often the one’s that you got all wrong somewhere along the line. And I would definitely question any data or claim you hear from Kory, Lawrie, etc. It just ain’t science. It’s kind of creepy even. Why wouldn’t you want to have all available data to inform your opinion? I’ve got no skin in the game other than the fact that their claims and methodology are so blatantly skewed that I just want to see them answer for it.
Thanks for reading this long rambling rant. I am taking care of my mom who is dying of Stage IV leiomyosarcoma so I have a lot of time to write and reflect. It’s a damn sad state of affairs here. Life is too short to let your mind calcify into hate and cynicism and conspiracy. I am speaking to myself. And maybe you too. But, don’t listen to me. I just don’t know. Do you?
deflationistaParticipantFor two days now, I have been trying to post something here. It is lengthy- so I tried chopping it up into sections. Even that failed. As I was trying to do all of this, Dr. D’s long post came through which is about the length of my post. I copied his text and pasted it into google docs and it is a similar word count.
What am I doing wrong? Or am I being throttled?
Please advise.
deflationistaParticipant“Those who know, don’t say. Those who say, don’t know.” That quote changed things for me. I used to be an active participant here and in other forums like this way back in the day. Jay Hanson and I used to go back and forth. (You wanna talk about a flaming liberal? Jay was your guy.) For a while there, even Kunstler was involved. But, when I heard that quote… man. It stopped me in my tracks. It kind of made sense. What the fuck did I know? And why was I saying so much? I ended my ‘career’ as a full time participant in these types of forums. Which leads me to another concept. “We don’t know what we don’t know.” That’s right boys and girls- your friends and mine- Dunning and Kruger. Hand in hand, these two concepts seem to flourish in these spaces. We have a bunch of “experts” saying things. Apparently, they “know” all sorts of shit. But what they don’t know is, they don’t know what they don’t know. Capiche? Typically, the dominant personalities take over. The better writers keep posting. If you have both attributes, look out! But for most people in these forums, they get intimidated. They try to raise their hands and make a comment or pipe in with an opinion only to be swatted back in line by the established pecking order. That’s how these forums tend to settle. Hell, that’s how things settle in real life. Most people just end up lurking- head down, lips zipped. I mean, look what happened when I came here to raise a red flag about information that apparently is taken as true by the general AE populace. You all get ruffled feathers. You attack this Yuri dude as if he is some agent planted to disseminate vaccine propaganda. I mean, someone insinuated I was a plant by the CIA or the NSA and it was only a matter of time before ‘a person like me’ shows up. That’s a common response these darkened days when people say things that run counter to your precious narrative. I didn’t even know who Yuri was until the day I watched that video. Who the fuck cares what his credentials are? That somehow negates his analysis of shitty data used by ivermectin and anti-vax propagandists? If credentials are so important, then what the fuck are yours? I found a great About Us page today on a blog called Skeptical Raptor. They suggest credentials don’t really matter: “Mr. Andrew Wakefield presumably attended medical school, and he perpetrated one of the largest medical frauds in the history of mankind. Linus Pauling won two Nobel Prizes, yet wrote pseudoscientific books about vitamin C, which has no effect on cancer or colds. Tetyana Obukhanych has a Ph.D. in immunology, and she hasn’t written one accurate thing about vaccines. The only thing that matters is evidence, not false authority.” Some person suggested that I am a sucker for big government or big pharma. Someone considers me to be a sheep who is “selling pro-covid firewater”. What the fuck does that even mean? What the fuck is going on in this world? And then ironically enough, I see some commentary in someone’s post suggesting, and rightfully so, that QAnon (and I am paraphrasing), is “out there”? Oh, theeey’re out there? But the weird narratives being spun here are….. perfectly acceptable?! Makes sense! Does anyone ever examine their own biases? Their own personal flavor of conspiracy? Maybe being in these echo chambers might not be conducive to open dialogue afterall? Maybe they don’t allow new ideas to penetrate the hardened shell? Just wondering out loud. I see it as a devolving feedback loop that eventually hones the community into a homogenous sort of groupthink. Does anyone consider how they may be Dunning-Kruger’s latest sucker? Are you one of those who knows? Or one of those who says? Something is surely afoot in this god forsaken country where even critical thinking is frowned upon as long as it ain’t critical of the agreed upon narrative. And ‘madame whoever’ hit on it earlier when she said that the “sides have been drawn” or something like that and nothing will change that. She got that right, by god. I came here to post a little teeny tiny bit of needed push back on articles and graphics emanating from people like Kory, Lawrie, Weinstein, FLCCC, BiRD. I started to see people like Raul and Nicole, people I consider my mentors, post these things more and more, without even the slightest sniff of disclaimer. Apparently this shit is real and everyone knows it! I have friends sharing those same exact graphics and YouTube interviews on their social media platforms. My friends fell right into every goddamn trap set by the antivax, antiliberal campaign. Kristin is unapproachable at this point. Like some wild animal hybrid of a honey badger and Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is completely lost in a world dominated by dumb right wing memes and hateful groupthink. She is the ultimate antivaxxer. Well, only until you consider my friend Karen, who makes Kristin look like Linus fucking Pauling. Karen’s kid won’t be going to college because her school of choice requires a covid shot. I get it. I do. I can see taking a stand. But Karen’s kid doesn’t have any vaccines. Neither do Kristin’s kids. Walking freely in society living on the immunity provided by others, kinda like the welfare leeches they like to complain about. Both are deep in the rabbit hole of believing that Fauci is pure, unadulterated evil. Satan incarnate. Just like Bill Gates, except Bill Gates is worse! That’s because Bill is attempting to depopulate the planet, so he and Fauci developed the virus, and the vaccine to cure it, so that they could not only kill some people right off, but then track the survivors through microchips floating in the covid vaccines. Never mind that both Kristin and Karen carry a fucking cell phone everywhere they go and have been tracked by the NSA for like 20 years now. They use the same phrases I have heard here like “Great Reset” or “Big Purge”. You see that language used in a lot of places these days. Funny thing that none of them seem to consider, just for entertainment purposes, is that maybe the global elites did indeed create the virus to kill off some of the overflow- what with overpopulation and resource depletion, and the coming climate crisis. What better way to cull the herd? But maybe instead of the vaccine being a poison to kill you, it actually serves as a lifeboat of sorts. They knew damn well who would and who wouldn’t take the jab. And looking at the demographics of who actually is and who isn’t getting jabbed, maybe their plan is going according to plan? Maybe conservatives, blacks, and latinos should call their bluff? Maybe you are the one’s being purged? At least though, you’ll die free. Libs owned! High five! It might make a good sci-fi novel. But I digress. You could see the looney wave coming from a mile away. Look at Jim Kunstler fer chrissakes. Are you kidding me? If you think that this man has not changed over the years, you either just started reading him, or you are just as far down the same rabbit hole that he is. I love the guy. Don’t get me wrong. But my man started to repeat similar editorials that he must have been hearing on Fox News. In an almost completely transparent way, almost word for word. I could watch Fox during the week, and then read Jim on Friday, and know exactly where he got his “talking points” for his essays. I admit that I slid down the same holes. It’s a slippery slope for sure. Look at Glenn Greenwald. Even Matt Taibi. You should read Nate Robinson’s new article on how these two slid down that hole over the last several years. I don’t agree with everything Nate Robinson says, but goddamn, he tapped into a sentiment that I know I’m not alone in feeling. But Nate saved the receipts.
Seems like old Donald really did a number on the mindset of this country. It’s like he turned on a light in a hot Phoenix apartment in the middle of the night. Roaches that we never knew existed, it turns out, were everywhere. It was fucking refreshing to have someone not give a shit about what he said, or how he said it. Grab ‘em by the pussy didn’t even phase anyone. Me too. I mean, me neither. I was so damn tired and I wasn’t going to take it anymore. Nothing phased us. He wasn’t a typical politician, we said. He is not a fascist, we said. He loves America, we said. And the whole Russian BS really sealed the deal for a lot of people. I think that’s when Kunstler really started losing his footing in the rabbit hole. He slipped in the mud, and just kept on sliding. There were times over the last several years where you could not differentiate between Jim’s Monday or Friday rants and Hannity’s nightly editorials. I know. It’s no biggy if that’s the case. But what was a big deal for me was knowing that my dude- my man- Jim fucking Kunstler, drank some sort of alt-right Kool-Aid. He was now just some weird, smarter clone of Mark Levin or Kurt Schlichter. He lost his essence. He lost his life force and became just another stale voice in a shallow sea of crackers. Just like Glenn Greenwald. Just like Matt Taibi. They morphed into something akin to catty sorority girls who got butt hurt that they weren’t invited to Delta Chi’s homecoming party and now just can’t let it go. But there is a hard edge to their commentary. A meanness. A real honest to god hatred for establishment liberal figures and policies. It gurgles from their depths like the slow, early boil of a thick tar. It seemed that they just couldn’t help but lose themselves to it. Like the power of Mordor. Or as if they were bitten by some walker before Rick Grimes could chop its head off. Now, they seem fully turned, unable to come back to the world of the living. Trapped in some darkened hologram of reality consisting of heavy revenge and mean tweets. What a sad turn of events. We need those fresh voices. The voices that bashed everyone equally for being tools of the system. Now Jim and Glenn and a lot of you here just bash in one direction. As if the side your bashing from isn’t a gigantic part of the problem. Somehow tough guys and gals everywhere are OK worshiping an effeminate elitist prig who, and this I promise, hates you more than he hates a steady breeze or Adam “Shifty” Schiff. He loathes his followers. He loathes you. I promise. Think about it. Nicole Foss used to be part of this beautiful place. Trump ended that. But many here probably think of her the same way you think of me- some snowflake liberal tool who does the bidding of the big government establishment. Someone who needs to be discounted because they haven’t eaten the right color pill. And the same does apply in the other direction. The “other” is always part of some odd conspiracy it seems. Remember when Jim used to stress the fact that he is allergic to conspiracies? I just had to throw that in. Raylan Givens had a great quote in the TV show Justfied: “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” Maybe something to think about.
I loathe liberals. Maybe more than I loathe whatever the fuck the right has become. Liberals are more insidious because they pretend to care. Cons just don’t bother pretending. Someone earlier thanked this forum for steering them to a red state to live. Oh yeah? Good luck with that. I live in the reddest of all states. It ain’t Texas. My state makes Texas look like fucking Cuba. My state has a bunch of Karens and Kristins running around in it and a bunch of other morons who don’t have a pot to piss in and think that libruls lurk around every corner trying to take their freedumbs. A BLM peaceful protest happened last year in my state where families with kids and signs came out in solidarity with George Floyd, and what happened next really made me take pause. Hundreds of armed “patriots”, some wearing Nazi tats and garb surrounded, intimidated, and assaulted peaceful protesters. People were hit with flag poles, punched in the back of their heads, other people (women) were pushed down stairs, racist things were screamed over a megaphone. It was like a preview of what some of us saw those tourists doing at the Capitol on Jan 6th. I’ll tell you. I am so fucking tired of the dumbness of America. Blue State America is D.U.M.B. Red State America is D.U.M.B.E.R. We are dumb all over, just like Zappa said. And a little ugly on the side. I was able to find my footing during the pandemic. I was sliding down the same slippery slopes as many of you, Kunstler, Greenwald, etc., but the excruciating dumbness on display this last year just snapped me out of whatever trance I was under and I started climbing out of that dark, muddy hole. Take Ivermectin for a fake virus! <Wait, what?>…. Vaccine makes you infertile! <Oh no>…. Dr. Fauci is evil! <Ok, but…>… Bill Gates is eviler! <Wow, I had no idea>… Ivermectin cures covid 100%! <Holy shit! Why is it censored?>… Hydroxychloroquin works!… There are microchips in the vaccine! <Are you sure?>…. The vaccine is more dangerous than covid! <FUCK!>…. You become magnetized if you get the shot! <HOLY SHIT!>…. Demon sperm!…. There are no excess deaths from covid! <Wait, noone died?>…. Alien DNA is being used in medicine!…. Inject some bleach, you say? “We oughta look into that, Brownie… You’re doin a heckuva job”….. Oh wait, I got my decades mixed up. Really people. Get a grip. We had a White Coat Summit of Donald’s favorite doctors for god’s sake. Do you know how stupid you have to be to believe some of this shit? I’m sorry. But this is lunacy. We ain’t wrapped tight.
Not everyone, especially your normal everyday sciencey type, is out to get you or in on some deep, centuries long conspiracy. If scientific consensus doesn’t confirm your bias, you don’t just disregard it as some nonsense propaganda. Just because someone is a doctor, doesn’t mean they can’t be bat shit crazy. Just think of Trump’s favorite- Dr. Stella Immanuel. You should question your own beliefs, especially the one’s you hold dearest. They are often the one’s that you got all wrong somewhere along the line. And I would definitely question any data or claim you hear from Kory, Lawrie, etc. It just ain’t science. It’s kind of creepy even. Why wouldn’t you want to have all available data? I’ve got no skin in the game other than the fact that their claims and methodology are so blatantly skewed that I just want to see them answer for it.
Thanks for reading this long rambling rant. I am taking care of my mom who is dying of Stage IV leiomyosarcoma so I have a lot of time to write and reflect. It’s a damn sad state of affairs here. Life is too short to let your mind calcify into hate and cynicism and conspiracy. I am speaking to myself. And maybe you too. But, don’t listen to me. I just don’t know. Do you?
deflationistaParticipantThanks Mister Roboto!
deflationistaParticipantIs there a length limit on posts?
deflationistaParticipantDear Mr. House:
Here is the interview I heard with the claim about hydroxy. It mention Catherine Axfors study. The entire interview is outstanding and I posted it earlier.
But here is the clip I am talking about. It is a tweet from Yuri that highlighted the clip of the interview I am talking about:
deflationistaParticipantI have watched too many interviews in the last two days. I will attempt to locate the source for the hydroxy claim. I will say now that I am sorry for just throwing that out there without the source, but I am on the move and was ranting. I know whoever said it was referring to world wide numbers. It may have even been Yuri. I will try to figure it out. The point was that we should avoid potentially killing people with more unproven treatments because of some antivax narrative.
deflationistaParticipantJust what data is Yuri stressing? The approved-for-public-consumption data?
Ummm.. He is refuting the actual data that people are blindly using to claim that Ivermectin is highly effective. He is analyzing the data from the various studies quoted here occasionally and used by people like Weinstein, FLCCC, BiRD in their meta analysis. Do you honestly think that Yuri is the only person ripping through this data? Would you prefer a source that tickles your toenails? I can provide them.
Refute what Yuri is saying? Raul and many commenters here have provided links to data refuting what Yuri is saying. Every single day.
Is that right? Because Yuri just did that video a couple of days ago. It is one thing to refute the data, but refuting the data doesn’t mean you just say that the analysis is wrong and then go ad hominem. It means you go through the studies, line by line. You read about how the study was conducted. You look at the data that comes from the study and you provide a conclusion. Making memes of fraudulent data with wrong conclusions does not amount to refuting. The British Medical Journal has an article of a study into the main sources on the internet who spread the data from these studies. Most all of the information you know about Ivermectin comes from the sources cited in the BMJ article: “Different websites (such as,,, among others) have conducted meta-analyses with ivermectin studies, showing unpublished colourful forest plots which rapidly gained public acknowledgement and were disseminated via social media, without following any methodological or report guidelines. ” I recommend reading why their data is shit.
What is the purpose of your comments? To convert the people on here who are too dumb to see *reality*? We have access to the same approved mainstream information you have access to. All day, every day. We have chosen to look deeper.
I’m not converting anyone. I noticed that my long time hero blogger, Raul, has been posting FLCCC and BiRD propaganda for some time and just thought I would point out in a passive sort of way that the information is not very solid. Yuri’s video was just very clean cut and easy.
As House pointed out, no one is forcing you to TAKE ivermectin. In addition, no one is forcing you NOT to get vaccinated. Dr D begged just to be left alone.
People can do whatever they want. As pointed out by the article I posted, the anti-vax campaign is nothing new. And it now has brought the Ivermectin crowd into its sphere of influence. The article does a really good job of documenting the history of their claims and the weakness of them.
On the other hand, there are many who are being FORCED to get vaccinated and ivermectin is FORCEFULLY withheld as a treatment option (see court cases for proof).
Great! ~100,000 people died from hydroxychloroquine treatment because last year it was heralded by similar, anti-vax forces to be a highly effective alternative in the fight against Covid. Maybe if people stopped relying on shit data, we could avoid killing more than will already succumb to the virus.
PS … I don’t listen to the Dark Horse podcast. What’s this focus on Brett Weinstein? This debacle isn’t at all about him. Not even close.
Weinstein is part of a circle jerk of doctors who have some weird agenda with Ivermectin. They have the same data as the rest of us, yet, their conclusions are completely opposite of standard analysis. Just basic things like regarding flawed, fraudulent studies as high quality trials and then using them as the cornerstone of their claims that Ivermectin is highly effective. I see Raul posting this group’s graphics here and on Twitter. I also see Nicole posting these claims on her social media. So if anything, these two great minds are thinking alike again. I just can’t believe that neither of them seem willing to criticize what is on its face, very, very bad data.
deflationistaParticipantTAE Summary: Well done. I listened to the whole thing. One thing he stressed is that it is all about the data. You may not like him or how he says things, but he stressed that people should refute what he is saying.
Yuri is a dry, pain in the ass with a Dmitry Orlov sense of humor, and I personally imagine all Russians to be like him. But, it was nice to hear a deconstruction of the Weinstein/Heying argument all in one place. There are numerous articles that do the same thing to varying degrees of detail and professionalism, but I appreciated just hearing it rather than reading it.
Weinstein and Heying issued a rebuttal which amounted to ad hominem attacks and empty counters filled with extreme emotion. Very weak. It is no wonder why Weinstein has refused to have a proper debate about these issues.
deflationistaParticipantI suggest watching this if you are someone advocating for Ivermectin. Just as these doctors conclude in the video, I hope that Ivermectin proves out to be a thing. Right now, we have no evidence that it is the case. In fact, the evidence is very weak. This video explains why. Enjoy:
deflationistaParticipantSave a life — show this video to your vaccine hesitant friends who have been made hesitant by Bret Weinstein’s misinformation. I really cannot believe that this blog, which, over the last decade, has taught me to examine information from all sides, has now decided to accept the flimsiest of flimsy information emanating from Bret Weinstein or Tess Lawrie. I mean, you do know that the FLCCC and anything sourced to them is not serious, don’t you? Even just a cursory look at their data should allow you to see that. If you are offended by me saying that, ask yourself why you might be. I suggest listening to Yuri Deigin methodically deconstruct all of Weinstein’s BS in the video below. I spent months actually thinking that Weinstein and the FLCCC were onto something. And then I started seeing actual serious science picking apart their data. It ain’t pretty. Maybe Ivermectin works. I hope it does. So far, there is no real evidence of that. All that there is is hope. And a bunch of contrarian, libertarian, pseudo-science, anti-vaxxers saying it does. For actual scientists to be making these claims is astounding. It is immoral. Just as it is for the media making claims that vaccinated people are suffering at the same rate as unvaxed. The reporting goes something like this:
A village has 100 people.
99 of them vaccinated. 1 is not.
2 people become sick with Covid, 1 of whom is the unvaccinated person.Media: “50% of cases occurred in the vaccinated!!”
This is what we’re seeing, and it’s irresponsible reporting.
Watch the video. You should want to prove yourself wrong if you are indeed interested in truth. This will help you:
deflationistaParticipantSociety can tolerate a small number of people not vaccinating their children for measles, for example, because outbreaks cannot occur so long as the vast majority are inoculated.
But without herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2, the refuseniks are on their own. They are facing an endemic disease armed with nothing but worming tablets and excessive faith in their immune system. That is their choice and whilst we should deter gullible people from being pulled into their orbit, we should not coerce them. There is no free ride this time. They alone will face the consequences of their actions.
deflationistaParticipantAfter four years, Donald seems to be finally realizing that the wall he liked to say he was building was actually between him and his second term. The Dem’s Russia scheme never really worked out. Their impeachment plan even backfired. Teflon Don just barreled on in the way he does, taunting them the whole time, middle finger and all. I have to say, in many ways, I found that refreshing as hell. I never agreed with alot of what Trump said, but I have been so sick of shit for so long that even the slightest bit of unconventionality was refreshing- even if it came in the form of an effeminate elitist prig. But it was Donald’s indifference to and mocking of the virus that really turned me off. The virus itself laid bare all the bad wood underneath the veneer of this country’s socio-economic and cultural paradigms. But it also exposed the idiocy of Donald’s schtick and his sycophant’s bootlicking stupidity. I guess it hit me a little harder because I have a sick mom and kids who suffer because of the ridiculous response to the virus. But I tend to be a science type of guy, so even if my mom was healthy and I had no kids, the whole covid strategy would have pissed me off.
So now, Donald gets to sit in the oval office, eating big Macs and cheetos while being treated to the greatest drip torture of all time. Vote by painful vote. Case after case laughed out of court. He ended up suppressing his own voter base by telling them not to vote by mail because it was dangerous and ripe with fraud. A decision that will eventually be seen as his fatal one. GOP state legislators set it all up to count the mail-in ballots after the in-person voting to give it the appearance that votes were magically appearing out of nowhere, as if the Democrats were madly filling out ballots in some secret broom closet and then counting them. The folly is pure entertainment.
I have read all of the analysis. One take in particular alarms me. It suggests we are witnessing a fascist coup in the makings. That Donald has unleashed a movement that will not so easily be shoved back into the bottle. But that same analysis said the same things when he was elected the first time. That Trump was hitler. That he was a dictator who is only friends with other dictators etc. None of that really panned out, so I take that analysis with a bit of caution. I do admit that some of the things I have seen even in my area makes me wonder if this country is headed for dark times. Neo-Nazi groups started showing up at local rallies and marches. They harassed people. Some got arrested. It was a sickening wake up call this last summer.
Or maybe, these people will slowly fade back into the corners of society that held them for years, seething in ignorance and confusion and indoctrination to be productive worker bees like the hive demands? Who really knows?
Donald probably won’t go quietly, and part of me thinks it is just part of his WWF mode of entertainment. He has dreams to launch a network of his own. Trump TV. He also wants his own radio network. What better way to capture an instant audience and huge market share? Donny is and always has been about the Benjamin’s!
So now, we are left with sleepy Joe driving the potatoe truck. And lucky us, we get to return to the same exact conditions that allowed a Donald Trump to rise to power in the first place. Joe is going to preside over a collapsing economy and a viral fallout that will probably make the great depression seem like the good old days. But at least he has kamala harris whispering sweet nothings in his ear. The DNC’s young prodigal prosecutor who made a living imprisoning poor black super predators just waits in the wings, like a gargoyle, perched above the oval office, ready for Joe to slip into irreversible cognitive decline. America gets what it deserves. every. single. time.
Maybe Donald should at least pardon Julian Assange as one last fuck you to the Democrats as he storms out of the white house? I am sure he has something up his sleeve for the next 16 days.
deflationistaParticipantThis isn’t a pandemic?
You’ve gotta be joking.
deflationistaParticipantI watched Malick’s A Hidden Life for the second time a few days ago. The parallels to our time are frightening. No matter what social circle you patronize these days, you are sure to alienate some group. Or all groups. Just wait until it becomes vogue to report people to central command. See something, say something. Increasingly, I get the same vibe that Franz started to sense early in the story. And I have the same reaction. Can you imagine the Nazi state with the algorithmic data collection? Oh wait…….
Most people woke up 3 days ago thinking that their 2020 hangover would be cured by the rising of the new year sun. No tylenol or hair of the dog required. Little do they know that 2021 will probably make 2020 look like the We Are The World music video. The only difference this year will be that people won’t have Teflon Don to blame anymore. Sleepy Joe takes the wheel with Kamalala riding shotgun and singing along to Snoop Dogg:
“What can I do to make your life much better
What can I do to bring us all together
I believe I can change the world
Snoop, let em hear it”.Never mind Donald who will be holed up in his Mar-A-Lago bunker spewing intelligence secrets like they are just random late night thoughts on Twitter. He has four years worth of the world’s darkest secrets at his disposal and by god he will do anything to muck up the works. The next 20 days will probably be particularly ugly with his presidency in its last death throes. That prick Josh Hawley is going to try to throw one last hail mary this week. I am not sure how anyone can take those phony religious “patriots” seriously. Especially Josh Hawley- or Tom Cotton. They reek of snake oil preachers of the old tent revivals. Dems will surely mishandle this moment in such profound ways as to grease the skids for America’s own new, shiny brand of overtly retarded Fascism, Fascism, Inc.
Fire and brimstone and a Josh Hawley revival. The GOP’s very own televangelist slash political campaigner. Time to update the passports. We are dumb all over.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”
Ending the use of money only means that those with power and influence will find another means of exchange to put their feet on our throats.
Money simply allows us slaves to believe that we are not slaves. We buy the stuff that our masters make for us, giving them more and more money and power. They even make us sick, so they can peddle their drugs to make us ‘better’.
The best we can do is opt out. But even that is getting more and more difficult. And maybe even one day will be illegal.
We are toast.
excellent analysis…
June 5, 2012 at 1:23 am in reply to: Crashing the Operating System – Liquidity Crunch In Practice #3758deflationistaParticipantWELCOME BACK NICOLE!
You have been missed.
An Ilargi post and a Stoneleigh posting within one week?!?
Is this a sign that you and Ilargi are easing back into the flow?
Or are you just teasing?
In any case, it is good to see you back here.
deflationistaParticipantRemember the not so distant past when there was a vibrant community of discussion? Now, the most recent reader posts are the one’s in response to my original posting. The next recent is about one day ago. I used to love checking in on the comments section throughout the day back when this site existed elsewhere.
Now the regulars are gone. Or perhaps lurking.
The hosts are down under.
Ash is probably overwhelmed or out of topics.
And we loyal readers are left with a ghost town.
Is there something wrong with this site? Maybe there is a glitch?
Or is this blog dying?
deflationistaParticipantautoearthadmin post=1303 wrote: Obama was a little better choice last time since he neutralized any resistance of the dumbass trendy liberals, who couldn’t see past his complexion and ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. They never heard his campaign slogan, “Chains We Can Believe In”, clearly. Must have been the PA systems. But now that the hammer is falling and copies of the Constitution are being used to puppy train Rottweilers, it has become almost irrelevant.
Pure. Frikkin’. Gold.
That’s one of the best encapsulations of the Obamabots I have seen.
Well done el g man.
We are toast.