Dr D Rich

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2020 #56797
    Dr D Rich

    Nothing wrong with a rehash.
    On this blog before:
    1. Plaquenil
    2. Zpak
    3. Zicam
    4. +/- Proventil inhaler
    5. Medrol Dosepak +/-

    And a WAG, (wild ass guess), they already got monoclonal antibody therapy for it and even WAGGIER, it’s based on ARF6, ADP ribosylation factor coupling. And you/we ain’t candidates for it or the $6 5 trillion dollar bailout ‘coz VIP authoritarianism

    Here’s the basis for CQ or plaquenil (HCQ) vis a vis 2002 SARS


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 6 2020 #56740
    Dr D Rich

    Home Depot and BJ’s Wholesale stores in the town of Chicopee, Massachusetts, worked with the city health department to “reduce unnecessary roaming around aisles and putting others at risk

    No loitering, no roaming.

    Just mill about smartly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 6 2020 #56735
    Dr D Rich

    Covidien, people. COVIDien now Medtronic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 6 2020 #56734
    Dr D Rich

    Past is prologue and tragedy begets comedy.
    You can’t make this COVID-19 crap up.
    Covidien…..a company…..makes…..wait…..ah hell just read it.

    “In May 2012, a larger medical device manufacturer, Covidien, had bought out Newport for $100m. Covidien produced its own line of more expensive ventilators, and did not deem the development of inexpensive portable ventilators (made by Newport as commissioned by GOV) to be a top priority. It soon scrapped the project without a single ventilator being added to the national stockpile. Government boxtops and executives at rival ventilator companies suspected that Covidien had acquired Newport to prevent it from building a cheaper product that would undermine Covidien’s profits from its existing ventilator business. The stalled efforts to create a new class of cheap, easy-to-use ventilators highlight the perils of outsourcing projects with critical public-health implications to private companies; their focus on maximizing profits is not always consistent with the government’s goal of preparing for a future crisis.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2020 #56725
    Dr D Rich

    “The 2017-2018 flu season was severe for all US populations and resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and 61,099 deaths.”

    “Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study. Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that’s higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2020 #56702
    Dr D Rich

    @ Captain Nemo

    The reference describes exactly what happened with the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Not Pandemic. Governments and WHO spooled up to Level 6 alert status, but the MSM did not participate in the pot stirring like today. I doubt the MSM was so unmotivated because their collective minds discerned the H1N1 2009 Pandemic was equivalent to a mild flu season. Then there’s the role the pharmaceutical companies played in private-public partnerships that catalyzed the heightened response.

    So worldwide here’s stats from Raúl’s entry today
    Cases: 1,214,487
    Deaths: 65,605

    US stats
    Cases: 311,357
    Deaths: 8,463

    Do the statistics support an equivalence with the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic since the 2019-2020 “flu seasom” is almost over and COVID-19 pandemic is 4 to 5 months old?
    Please note no matter the condition precipitating “respiratory failure” and the need for intubation/mechanical ventilation, mortality skyrockets.
    Acute lung injury, ARDS, gram negative sepsis, multiple organ system failure, coagulopathies (DIC) etc

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2020 #56699
    Dr D Rich

    @Captain Nemo

    Thanks for the reference
    I’ll look it over.
    I suppose it confirms my “sense” of things

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2020 #56688
    Dr D Rich

    Pandemic! Pandemic! Pandemic!

    Here’s the CDC account of the 2009 Flu Pandemic
    I think we can all agree from our adult memories the 2009 Flu Pandemic occurred MINUS the flu-related media/journalism hysteria. The 2009 pandemic also coincided with the last economic apocalypse (at least WAMU and Merril Lynch were sacrificed). We even had a fresh young US President, FED and Treasury bailout the banks.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 5 2020 #56680
    Dr D Rich

    Come on Dr. D, no fair implying the institution of marriage has been refined by the species over 100,000 years. Marriage in its current practice is a relatively recent construct that primarily serves some rather moral, authoritarian institutions, like my former Catholic Church.

    The FBI/DOJ abuse of Gen. Flynn has been transparent to anyone willing to scrape the scale from their eyes. However, if you want to see some rabid foaming at the mouth, batshit pseudo-journalism that continues to defame and debase Flynn’s reputation, get yourself over to marci wheeler’s blog Emptywheel. Just have a catch basin ready for the vomitus.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 4 2020 #56649
    Dr D Rich

    DoDSR, the Department of Defense Serum Repository

    RAND Study on the Role of the DoDSR in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness

    On May 1, 2009, during the early stages of the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak, an unpublished RAND study, originally commissioned in 2006 by USACHPPM was published in its entirety on WikiLeaks. The leaked documents[33]included a justification for the $500,000 contract cost, directly authorized by former Surgeon General of the United States ArmyKevin C. Kiley on August 4, 2006, which stated the study and its 12-month timetable for delivery was necessary

    … to describe the current and future capabilities of the Department of Defense Serum Repository to assist with the early identification and response to an influenza pandemic. Adequate resources are not available in-house to perform these analyses in sufficient time to prepare for a pandemic …

    Despite the leaked study draft’s publication date of May 2008, at the time of the leak and outbreak in May 2009, RAND listed the study as a “current project”, noting in its description that “the threat of an emerging human pandemic [has] highlighted the importance of a comprehensive U.S. Armed Forces health surveillance architecture”.[34] Around the time of the leaked documents’ appearance on WikiLeaks, the lead author of the unpublished RAND study published an op-ed piece[35] in The Baltimore Sun describing the control of the outbreak a concern of “national security”, and highlighting the need to “marshal the best … institutional strengths … to prevent, detect and respond effectively to this latest infectious disease”.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 4 2020 #56648
    Dr D Rich

    Straight from Our OverLord, Bill Gates from his recent TED talk.
    Wrap your minds around the intellect nonpareil.

    We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people…To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected.”

    For the math inclined, 3.5 million people is a tiny number to Mr. 100-Bill-ionaire Gates, but to us it’s still 1% and 1/10th of 2018 influenza cases 35 million.

    But Bill wasn’t finished…..making his money pitch and taking control. So, he said this:

    Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person…
    …So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

    Brave New World…..digital immunity certificates to control the movement of the riffraff.

    Wanna bet Patrick Soon-Shiong, abraxane fame, is involved with digital immunity mapping via DoD derived specimens?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 4 2020 #56640
    Dr D Rich

    Thanks for the reference, sumac.carol

    Btw, what’s up with the use of the word ‘granular’ all over the innertubes lately??

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 3 2020 #56602
    Dr D Rich

    Yep, Dr. D, Overnight REPO operations started back in September 2019 and they denied any connection to bank bailout Quantitative Easing 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 3 2020 #56600
    Dr D Rich

    @OMG…Give Me A Break

    BlackRock is spot on observation and they’re overseen by Kappa Beta Phi.


    Also OMG…GMAB, to expand on the Psychopath vid you posted. Let’s face it, the Cluster
    Bs are running this sh*t-show coz that’s what they do. Cluster B personality disorders include Antisocial, Borderline and Narcissistic. Let’s ignore histrionic. They drive individuals crazy. They push entire societies into collective madness. And they make their legion of followers execute their plans. The most dangerous, it’s all relative to their victim, of the group wears a Mask of emotion and sanity like a skilled actor/actress. They are in fact affectless, capable of only a superficial display of emotion/sanity that serves a narrow purpose. They are cold to the bone. Thomas Modly’s public justification for firing the Theodore Roosevelt skipper is a rare public exposition of the psychopath’s cruelty. They disdain empathic people.
    We are already being subjected to a really rough ride the world over with no end in sight. And the Bs are consolidating their power as we walk around in a daze.


    I thought it was pretty clear. We, that is Raúl and I, are in disagreement on just about every point.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 3 2020 #56579
    Dr D Rich

    ***Leading cause of death in the United States is heart diseae @ 650,000 per annum.

    ***Cancer deaths reach 500,000 with the subcategory lung cancer @ 150,000

    Now, for the difficult discussion. COVID-19 affects the elderly (let’s agree to over 65 yrs old) with the most co-morbidities (heart disease, COPD, asthma, DM, cancer etc).
    This population, old and sick, is the most likely to have had a discussion with their physicians about end of life care. Those discussions are then formalized in documents such as a Living Will, Advanced Healthcare Directives, Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR) and Durable Power of Attorney for health affairs.
    These documents and their initiatives address the very contingencies we see today where a disease progresses to the point of futility as manifested as the need for intubation and respiratory support, in a word, heroic.
    The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Acute Lung Injury and disseminated intravascular coagulation that often accompany severe COVID-19 disease signal short-term mortality of 30 to 50%, the very situation designed for an advanced healthcare directive.
    Intubated for weeks on a ventilator is exactly the situation most people believe they are precluding with their advanced directive. The document remains valid in the face of a novel disease.

    So, which patients require the ventilators?

    in reply to: Little Managers #56537
    Dr D Rich

    The Navy fired him.


    But they socially promoted Dave Tam, now CEO Beebe Health Delaware. Decisions have consequences.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56527
    Dr D Rich

    When did Anthony Fauci raise his guesstimate above 200,000?

    U S. causes of death in 2018

    650,000 Heart disease

    500,000 Cancer all types

    150,000 lung cancer, all types

    45,000,000 U.S. flu cases winter 2016-17

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56517
    Dr D Rich

    Whitney Webb and Raul Diego owe me royalty fees on copyright infringement.

    They do miss the opportunity to accurately name at least one phenomenon. Rather than a dozen word explication, they should have used one word to described DOJ’s and FBI’s destruction of Ivins.
    Its curious they avoided the term that most ppl associate with driving another person crazy, Gaslighting.

    Here’s the phrase used by Webb and Diego in their excellent essay: “…DOJ and FBI had “crafted an elaborate perception management campaign to bolster their assertion of Ivins’ guilt” 

    That, my fellow readers is the definition of Gangstalking.

    The targeted person’s mere act of resisting either gaslighting or gangstalking is used as confirmation of the target’s guilt or madness.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56481
    Dr D Rich

    @ oxymoron


    The hospitals, too, are complicit in this debacle through piss poor preparation while concentrating on concierge services for the affluent and over past several years isolating physicians when those doctor’s criticisms hit too close to the target. And now, Congress as part of the $2 trillion Covid-19 Rescue package earmarked $100 billion dollars to improve medical readiness and treatment capability without placing the most important restriction on the package. Restrict hospital executives from being financially compensated out of these federal dollars, penalize states, medical boards and corporations for rewarding these people and provide strength to the enforcement of these proposed restrictions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56472
    Dr D Rich

    There it is….hot war to the top of the menu as predicted


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56460
    Dr D Rich

    And literally as I wrote the DCA California acted their governor’s order. Who wants to bet David A. Tam is grandfathered in permanently once the smoke, er, I mean virus clears?

    DCA Impacts of Executive Order N-39-20

    On March 30, 2020 Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-39-20, authorizing the Director of the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to waive any of the professional licensing requirements relating to healing arts licensees in Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, and any accompanying regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, the examination, education, experience, and training requirements necessary to obtain and maintain licensure, and requirements governing the practice and permissible activities for licensees

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56458
    Dr D Rich

    A few thoughts in no particular order:

    ***You don’t impose, enforce or accelerate economic sanctions on other countries when its people are suffering the worldwide consequences of pandemic disease. Unless, of course, you are at War and then you drop Fat Man and Little Boy on two cities.

    ***You don”t hand over control of the FED and Treasury Department to a private entity, BlackRock unless your country is the vanquished foe in this contest.

    ***Nowhere in Nelson’s Pediatrics, Harrison’s or Cecil’s Internal Medicine and Sabiston’s Surgery textbooks does it say fork over $4.5 trillion dollars to banks and assorted economic elite as the first, second or last strike in a epidemiological war on a pandemic illness. Yet, here we are.

    ***John Paul Jones, Alfred Thayer Mahan and Arleigh Burke never advised the likes who command a United States aircraft to publicly surrender his ship and enlisted crew to a pandemic virus. Shit happens.

    ***You don’t place a failed former medical student who can’t pass either the National Boards or Pediatrics Boards in charge of a state’s larget healthcare system just because you confused Navy Medicine’s social promotion of him with success. But hey, sour grapes have a certain sound and taste.
    Unless the “Powers That Be” expect failure.

    ***You don’t isolate people from each other unless you want to remove nonverbal expressions and body language from the communication equation. They constructed a modern Tower of Babel almost with the sweep of a hand.

    ***In the enormous open air psychiatric ward they’ve constructed, will the numbers of the newly impoverished outnumber COVID-19 deaths 10-to-1 or 100-to-1 or will we just add those people to the coronavirus Worldometer?

    ***Unless of course, the plan is and always was planned obsolescence, but no longer at a snail’s pace. After all, human beings adapt given enough time as tough SOBs are wont to do.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56454
    Dr D Rich

    @ boscohorowitz

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56441
    Dr D Rich

    Face it.
    You’re not part of their club. Kappa Beta Phi.


    We’ve all been made to obsess over the gnat’s eyelash, blip on the radar screen of the Universe, coronavirus while billions are being driven into poverty….as the unimaginably rich reset the system for themselves. The theft, robbery, larceny was executed in plain view for all to witness. However, all of us have been conditioned to placidly accept rentiers issuing eviction notices and employers in the At Will Workplace terminating employees for any reason or no good reason at all.

    That system is not being reset or dismantled, but rather left in place along with your credit card, student loan, underwater mortgage and car loan debts.

    Because bankers, men in suits, personal responsibility and coronavirus

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56437
    Dr D Rich


    No, bosco. This should be your favorite from my beloved Nayvee and mother to me for 30 years. Then again, a goat, more specifically, Bill the Goat is the pet mascot of “me” alma mater.


    Hunter S. Thompson provided the answer, apropos of our time.

    “when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2020 #56398
    Dr D Rich


    No doubt about your assertion regarding physician trustworthiness, but you’re talking about a 4 to 6% load of venal-as-hell sociopaths. Use Hervey Cleckley’s “The Mask of Sanity” for historical reference.
    Yet, I have not met a lawyer, nurse, MBA, or nonphysician administrator that was an adequate substitute for physician leadership in medicine.
    However, the nonphysician leaders sure as hell know how to absorb credit, deflect/coverup blame and publicly rationalize their enormous compensation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2020 #56391
    Dr D Rich

    @ Doc Robinson

    Of course the learned reader understands the CDC flu numbers are derived from disease/statistical modeling. In 35 years as a physician, I recall only a single time when viral cultures were obtained for influenza A. However, that holds true for most viral diseases, H.zoster ophthalmicus and HSV keratitis come to mind immediately where cultures are never obtained. Morphology seals the diagnosis.

    Dr. D et al (since my post was lost on the 50% mortality of ARDS) will confirm that sepsis, ARDS, ALI, DIC and multiple organ system failure are common causes of death in the individual SARS, MERS, COVID-19, flu, and community acquired pneumonia cases.

    No doubt the counting “process” has been used to manipulate public sentiment

    **** “ARDS is a very serious disease and unfortunately even with the best medical care the chances of dying from this disease are around 30 to 50%. Those surviving the disease will often have long hospital stays.”

    in reply to: Dr. Fauci: 200 Million Americans Will Be Infected #56323
    Dr D Rich

    Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump, Xi and Putin surrendered to our Alien Overlords on Wednesday, April Fool’s Day.

    “Dissociative disorders involve problems with memory, identity, emotion, perception, behavior and sense of self. Dissociative disorders usually develop as a way of dealing with trauma. Dissociative disorders most often form in children exposed to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Natural disasters and combat can also cause dissociative disorders.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2020 #56285
    Dr D Rich

    Some things are already known instead of an author presenting their discovery of ARDS as a really really bad thing. Its unnerving to see how quickly a coronavirus or influenza victim goes down hill when they develop Gram negative sepsis associated with a Klebsiella pneumoniae superinfection.

    “ARDS is a very serious disease and unfortunately even with the best medical care the chances of dying from this disease are around 30 to 50%. Those surviving the disease will often have long hospital stays.”

    in reply to: Anti-American #56268
    Dr D Rich

    On a serious note and all kidding aside, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump, Xi and Putin surrendered to our Alien Overlords on Wednesday, April Fool’s Day

    in reply to: Anti-American #56267
    Dr D Rich

    CFTC.gov just bailed out a supposedly solvent Capital One. Not one single American’s credit card, underwater mortgage, auto loan or student loan debt was forgiven, but Capital One gets bailed out by a .GOV
    Now tell me how coronavirus exolains this financial chicanery in the context of Overnight REPO, QE 3 or 4 (I lost count), and last week’s FED rescue totaling $4.5 trillion dollars?
    Just who are these leaders saving and, as Dr. D said, why are you making excuses for them while we all are subjected to austerity and social isolation?

    “Beyond mass hysteria this chaos has the features of Dissociative Disorder throughout the general population.
    Dissociative disorders involve problems with memory, identity, emotion, perception, behavior and sense of self. Dissociative disorders usually develop as a way of dealing with trauma. Dissociative disorders most often form in children exposed to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Natural disasters and combat can also cause dissociative disorders.”



    in reply to: Anti-American #56245
    Dr D Rich

    We all share in the pain differently.
    I didnt know the director for the JFK Center made hospital CEO level coin. Let the symphony eat cake.

    “Rutter, meanwhile, told the Washington Postthat she would forego her $1.2 million salary while the JFK center was closed.”


    in reply to: Anti-American #56244
    Dr D Rich

    CDC statistics for 2017-18 U.S flu season

    **** 45 million illnesses

    **** 810,000 hospitalizations

    **** 61,000 deaths 

    Ask Dr. D what death from pneumonia by any cause looks like. It looks really bad. It is also a catastrophe for that person and their family

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56186
    Dr D Rich

    “In radiology, ground glass opacity (GGO) is a nonspecific finding on computed tomography (CT) scans that indicates a partial filling of air spaces in the lungs by exudate or transudate, as well as interstitial thickening or partial collapse of lung alveoli.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56183
    Dr D Rich

    @ John Day.

    Optoms do market themselves as optometric physicians

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56182
    Dr D Rich

    @John Day


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56175
    Dr D Rich

    Good news!


    I checked the list yesterday and my vocation/skillset is highest priority.. So why would a major federal healthcare system replace me with an optometrist in this crisis and send me home?

    Bonus question: How many years of medical school, internship and residency are required to enter optometry; 2, 3, 4 or 7 years?
    Warning: no cheating by Googling the innertubes

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2020 #56137
    Dr D Rich


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2020 #56136
    Dr D Rich

    Ya gotta pay attention to Dr. D and his knowledge of probability and statistics applied to medicine.

    So what about 100,000.
    Here’s the 2018-19 Flu season data:
    *** symptomatic illness – 35,520,883
    ***medical visits- 16,520,350
    ***hospitalizations- 490,561
    ***deaths- 34,157

    In the 2017-18 Flu season the numbers were 30% to 75% higher in each category.

    There was no drama back then, just one and two years ago, except they closed the ER and inpatient wards to additional admissions. And none of those hospital administrators CEO, general counsel, one RN, one finance officer and 2 MDs all making $550,000 to $1.2 million per annum prepared the medical center for this future and comparatively minor disaster.

    I already related my personal (medicine calls it anecdotal) experience with medical center closure to admissions and a respiratory illness cluster in my clinic during a concurrent major hospital demolition, renovation and $75 million dollar construction project.

    That situation has yet to be investigated for potential causes such influenza virus, RSV respiratory synctitial virus, aspergillus released from demolition or a pneumoconiosis from non-biological material released from demolition.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2020 #56111
    Dr D Rich

    @ lasttwo

    “…America sat idle.” I don’t know, but sounds like broad distribution victim blaming. Obviously bad things don’t happen to a Chosen people. Most societies possess a promotional mythology for storytelling.

    I do see one flaw in your logic. Even without the vaunted leadership from within the federal government’s office of pandemic preparedness, what was preventing the private sector, noteworthy for its indefatigable initiative and seminal brilliance, from carrying out the necessary work as a duty to the larger society from which it derives profit?

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