Dr D Rich

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle January 28 2020 #53101
    Dr D Rich

    Most workers in US hospitals, that is, technicians, secretaries, nurses and non-physician hospital administrators could take a lesson from Dr. D on how critical reading skills, technical writing/reading and familiarity, if not expertise, in statistical methods are essential to understanding the news and, in fact, doing their jobs. However, even among physicians, Dr. D is a rare breed many of whom are marginalized as non-team players on the healthcare team or more injurious yet, labeled bullies for asserting their intellect against the status quo which preserves the jobs.
    Gotta improve the run on sentence

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 25 2020 #53012
    Dr D Rich

    “Naturally, since the disease is most active in China which is notoriously opaque especially when it comes to matters that can cause a mass panic…”
    And this: “Furthermore, since all of this is happening in China which is not known for making the most socially-beneficial decisions under pressure”
    I was marched out of a UW hospital for correctly pointing out that an unlicensed high school grad inappropriately staffed in a management position should not be be telling concerned patients and staff made sick with respiratory illnesses during a hospital demolition/construction project to “suck it up”. Ya see since at least as long as I’ve been Dr. D even OSHA directives cite the risk for both infectious and non infectious pulmonary disease. The first medical center center I ever worked in as an MD although brand new was already colonized Aspergillus in 1988.
    Fast forward to late 2019 and look at the glacially paced response, coverup and foot dragging at Seattle Children’s to guess what, Aspergillus. I suppose the opacity of the Chinese government played a role with the families and attorneys of the injured children. Then you add the conceit of purposeful ignorance to the mix.
    From Seattle Times: “Aspergillus infections that happen while a patient is in the hospital aren’t widely reported or identified across the country and little is known about Aspergillus in hospital HVAC systems, according to Jeff Duchin, public health officer of Public Health – Seattle & King County.”

    So yeah China and Putin should be demonized

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2020 #52974
    Dr D Rich

    Damn, Dr. D!
    You got your finger on the pulse today.
    Ponzi schemes and pyramids all around.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 23 2020 #52938
    Dr D Rich

    Paraphrasing Dr. D, Yale the gift that keeps on giving.
    MacKenzie BeebeeBozos, Yale degree and all, didnt become hip to Jeffrey’s! philandering until MBS Crown Prince BoboBoneSaw tapped “I created AMZN outta my garage, I say its true” guy’s cellphone. Ok, got it. That’s a difficult image to eliminate from my mind, a Bezo Yale guy tinkering around in his garage creating AMZN outta whole cloth in a sudden burst of fabulous genius.
    However, I thought we had Jeff BeBozos’s employer, the CIA/FBI/NSA, monitoring and then parallel con-structuring things to keep bozos like Bezos in his lane.
    So, when is the US Gov’t gonna go all scorched earth, Joseph Nacchio/Qwest retaliatory treatment on Ol’ Jeffrey for embarrassing The Firm/NSA and being a bad steward of such fabulous wealth? Already have our answer. The U.N. is gonna step in…right in the middle of The Impeachment of President Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 20 2020 #52827
    Dr D Rich

    Where the author positions herself. Why else have a preface?
    The Durham article should be read as a signal to the Obama Administration that the fix is in. Why else make the announcement in ominous tones the focus of the Durham inquiry goes all the way back to the beginning of time, that is January 2017?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 14 2020 #52696
    Dr D Rich

    Nah, some of us never fall for their acquisitive shit and answer back with competence another term co-opted by feckless managers and sociopaths they serve. I dont recommend choosing this path as it leads invariably to isolation and diminished self-respect no matter the inherent ego strength.
    Then there is this: “”Now friggin Lion Air might need a sim to fly the MAX, and maybe because of their own stupidity. I’m scrambling trying to figure out how to unscrew this now! idiots,” one Boeing employee wrote in June 2017 text messages obtained by the company and released by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.”
    Lest anyone delude themselves into thinking this base rhetoric only exists buried deep within company emails, the official mishap reports not accessible by the public contain much worse operator/victim-blaming even when mechanical failure was determined to be the causal factor in the crash.
    And in medicine, it’s far worse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2020 #52622
    Dr D Rich

    Dr. D drinking the high test Koolaid today

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 5 2020 #52524
    Dr D Rich

    Well you finally nailed it Dr. D.
    “So from their own actions, that’s why they exist, what they’ve been funded for, since they don’t make a profit. Anyone who wants peace or order is banned. That’s their weird religion.”

    And currently current events support you. Soleimani was lured to his death for….wait…being a peacemaker.
    “Wow….lured to peace talks in order to be murdered.
    “Has anyone noticed this? Apparently Soleimani was to meet the Iraqi PM the day after he was murdered.. as an envoy with a letter responding a certain Saudi peace offer!?!
    The Iraqi PM stated this himself today

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2019 #52406
    Dr D Rich

    Nah, Obama is the best Democrat, left-handed groove, smug smile and all that air of serenity horseshit precisely because our best-educated Constitutional Scholar president employed the tool which the great Democrats Ted Kennedy sponsored and Pres. Jimmy Carter signed into law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
    And again there’s another USNA alumnus doing his craven, feckless thing for god, the intelligence community and his posterity’s sake.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2019 #52404
    Dr D Rich

    Dr D knows former President Obama comports himself serenely (business casual) for many reasons notwithstanding tens of millions, maybe hundreds, in net worth. There appears to be a very good reason why the FISA court was “used” to go at candidate Trump and that appears to be then Pres. Obama indemnified all actors in this ongoing saga should he have presidentially authorized the FISA surveillance of Pres. Trump. Ask Joseph Nacchio/Qwest was it worth refusing to provide customer data to the NSA only to be subjected to retaliatory prosecution by the Gov’t for insider trading while being denied access to potentially exculpatory evidence because national security reasons. Ask John Murtha’s family was it worth the congressman calling out for justice in the Haditha Massacre and investigation of Lockheed/QTCs fraudulent utilization of DoD physicians for disability evaluations on active duty servicemen.
    I mean who wants to go to jail or have their life, reputation and career ended on principle when the Gov’t can set loose the very same justice officials to prosecute you under false pretenses and secret evidence all indemnified by the orders of a rogue president?
    For this identical reason, the Great Admiral Mike Rogers, he of 4 or 5 titles, may be most at risk for abusive prosecution when he apparently sprinted to Trump Tower to interrupt FISC authorized surveillance which carries with it a contempt of court citation and, no doubt, several IRS audits.

    *****the National Security Surveillance Act of 2006 which would amend FISA to grant retroactive amnesty for warrantless surveillance conducted under presidential authority”

    **** This defense was not admissible in court because the U.S. Department of Justice filed an in liminemotion, which is often used in national security cases, to exclude information which may reveal state secrets. Information from the Classified Information Procedures Act hearings in Nacchio’s case was likewise ruled inadmissible.”

    ****The Act provides explicit immunity from civil suit in any federal or state court for providing any information, facilities, or assistance in accordance with a directive under the Act.”

    ****If a provider fails to comply with a directive issued by the Attorney General or DNI, the Attorney General may seek an order from the FISA Court compelling compliance with the directive. Failure to obey an order of the FISA Court may be punished as a contempt of court”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2019 #52326
    Dr D Rich

    Come on Dr. D! You would have us believe Saint Admiral Mikey Rogers sprinted to Trump Tower out of his heart’s goodness rather than to protect his deep in the MIC ass from federal prison. I’d say He of The Four Titles Rogers panicked rather than engage in some noble deed. Think about it 1. Director NSA 2. Director US Cyber Command 3. Director Central Security Service 4. 4-star Admiral all held simultaneously. The nation owes a debt of gratitude to this great man of many simultaneous titles who spied on every single freakin’ communication of the American people. Yeah, that kind of Boy Scout.
    Again, a personal anecdote. Mike and I were officer contemporaries, but he fell a little behind the curve on the promotion ladder. What accounts for his meteoric rise after Captain? One of his replacements, Jan Tighe, was also a classmate whose equally meteoric rise to the admiralty is underscored by a PhD awarded by NPS. I just can’t recall her demonstrating the aptitude or academic achievement as an undergraduate which generally herald auch future achievements.
    But sour grapes and all that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2019 #52304
    Dr D Rich

    The apt comparison is between CIA assets Ciaramella and Carter Page AND what appears to be distinctly different treatment/regard of these two CIA employees by the elected government officials at this saga’s forefront. As for fellow USNAer Page, the traits his IC handlers found useful, toxic levels of earnestness, copious venality and servility to authority are found in abundance at The Boat School (TBS). Distinct from academic and overall performance at TBS, I give you Admiral Stansfield Turner and his link to the CIA as a point of reference. Page “rates” as much sympathy as Ciaramella which is to say none. They both knew/know the game. The common thread is they both have yet to be arrested and subjected to pretrial confinement. I digress.
    I offer my firsthand observation of these characters from communications with Sy Hersh when the Iraq War was in its infancy and Dick Cheney as recently as a little over a year ago. Sy Hersh, the person observable near the end of Netflix’s Wormwood is the real deal, whatever his deal might be with the IC. He will engage you in debate about your valid experience and correct his thinking/writing when appraised of the illogic he has been subjected to by the IC. However, when pressed to do a damn thing about it, Hersh will retreat to the same predetermined warning he have gave Frank Olsen’s son, Eric, beware the level of vicious vindictiveness the IC can and will subject your life. In the end, Hersh exists to maintain access. Glenn Greenwald it seems is auditioning to be Hersh’s heir apparent.
    As for Dick Cheney, a fellow who congratulates an officer and combat veteran for helping to “defeat Russia in Iraq” during Desert Storm when he was asked do you support prosecuting the Iraq War decision-makers IS engaged in grandiose delusional thinking that is megalomaniacal in scale.
    Why this enormous distraction from what is usually not a publicly viewable contest? I agree with Dr. D. It IS a massive theft, trillions of dollars again for the third time that we know since 2008, 1) 2008 Bernanke’s Big Bank Bailout, 2) Quantitative Easing under Barack/Geithner and 3) Not-QE Overnight REPO. AND to announce the disclosure of the Afghanistan Papers, again a massive transfer of wealth to DoD and military contractors, in manner which guarantees inattention by the viewing public and their elected government representatives.
    Btw, I roomed across the hallway from Mike Silva, yes that right hand man of NY FEDs Tim Geithner, who fired Goldman-Sachs monitor Carmen Segara.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2019 #52283
    Dr D Rich

    Who reads the New England Journal of Medicine?

    When Hemingway a long long time ago insisted he was being spied on, his friends labeled him paranoid and abandoned him. Of course as it turns out, </They> were spying on him.

    Two true stories. First is related to our Afghanistan trillion dollar debacle. Congressman John Murtha was deadened a few days after he wrote me a personal letter in support of my quest to halt the double dipping by military physicians who received remuneration for performing disability exams on behalf of the Lockheed subsidiary QTC. As many recognize, Murtha’s deadening occurred a few days after laparoscopic surgery gone awry. The surgery was performed at a military hospital in Bethesda. He succumbed to the injury a few days later at GWU hospital. Active duty physicians were compensated by DoD and Lockheed. Lockkheed was compensated by DoD for weapons systems and reimbursed for disability exams on personnel injured where those Lockheed weapons systems were deployed.

    2nd saga: DoD sends me a laser to laser people. I say “this laser has problems and will fail” I am labeled “disgruntled”. Laser fails intraoperatively. DoD subcontractor fixes the laser, but I insist that the problem still exists and additionally the fluorine is still leaking. They label me a “disruptive physician” and I step aside to let the QTC compensated surgeon assume control. Laser fails intraoperatively. Again. However, I am the boss of Lockheed/QTC compensated surgeon, but I don’t know yet that he/she is receiving compensation from LH/QTC. So I insist to be present when company engineers “dissect” the laser. The company balks at my presence in my department in my military service’s hospital. I win that battle only to bare witness to loose nuts, bolts and washers spill out as the engineers removed the cover panel to the circuit board housing 4 large heat sink transistors. These large transistors control the XYZ offset motor system. Two of the 4 transistors were loose on their mounts.

    In the end, the commander nurse relieved me for failing to meet production goals and being mean to little people. Unbeknownst to me and “beknownst” to the commander nurse, $300,000 had been diverted from the $1.2 million dollar annual operating budget for laser treatments. A colleague opined about the predicament, “the money wouldn’t have been diverted if you maintained better relations with colleagues and superiors.” I responded “True that, but how would improving my personal appeal have fixed the laser’s XYZ motor circuit board manufactured by a vendor to the excimer laser company or prevent the facilities engineer from removing the plastic packaging seals as the final installation step of the 3 HF detectors two years ago?”
    Dave replied “this is why people don’t like you”.
    And the human nose detects HF at much lower concentrations than Industry manufactured detectors.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 18 2019 #52212
    Dr D Rich

    Several venues are writing about Carter Page in a sympathetic light and that he is owed an apology.
    However, I see it that no information shows Carter Page was NOT in on the game. His performance always seemed like poorly managed stagecraft from a fellow USNAer. Prove me wrong.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 18 2019 #52204
    Dr D Rich

    The FISA court looks to exonerate itself. Are these the same boys and girls who ran the Afghanistan war for for nearly two decades like the suddenly clueless General Douglass Lute despite his USMA/Harvard education? So now we’re supposed to accept that every branch of government which failed its duty over the past 18 years did so as a forgivable conspiracy of dunces and credulous knaves. Perhaps the FISA court is putting forth a precedent in lieu of a future impeachment trial of their members’ dereliction of duty. Statistically, the FISA court has been a rubber stamp for government investigations. The FISA court’s actions, behaviors and construction meet the definition of Star Chamber. Its decisions remain opaque and unimpeachable, but only now they express concern about being misled. From a broader view, witness multiple departments of government projecting their faults, failings and misconduct onto Donald Trump, gaslighting on an industrialized scale, while the Fed (QE and repo) steals all The People’s money that the Dept of Defense hasn’t hijacked for incompetent military adventures. Austerity and collective insanity came home. So, can war be far behind?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 17 2019 #52194
    Dr D Rich

    I’ll connect the two for you, Afghanistan papers and physicians belatedly demanding care for Assange. Nobody listens to physicians anymore. My orders have been corrupted and disrupted by nurses, nursing assistants, technicians non-licensed secretaries and their enablers from the hospital C-suites. Any physician who doesn’t abide this arrangement is labeled either ‘disruptive physician’ to be decredentialed, delicensed and sanctioned by the state for the medical board’s current cause celebre OR that doctor has already aligned with the c-suite narcissistic malignancy.

    As for Afghanistan, how do you think the current crop of generals, admirals and military medical leaders made their present, lofty rank and office? Afghanistan.

    None of those folk will be made or even voluntarily surrender the trappings of the office, their ill-gotten gains. And no one is going to replace them with me, one of the few uniformed personnel who stood opposed to the misconduct perpetrated over nearly two decades. I was told at the time by a fellow Captain that my “stance weakened the nation”. I was rebuked publicly that the Hippocratic Oath falls secondary to some new obligation defined as a higher ethical and moral call to justice in defense of the nation. The Hippocratic Oath is a non sequitur when Title X U.S. Code already requires military medical personnel and chaplains to adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Let that sink in for a moment.
    My reply remains the same today. My stance is/was in keeping with Title X U.S. Code, the UCMJ and my oath of office.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 2019 #52120
    Dr D Rich

    “What I can do and say is to state in open court that it would be helpful to this extradition process that Mr Assange’s lawyers have the access to their client.”
    But she is prim, proper, civil and polite as a lady of society should be. There will be no raised voices of impertinence in her court. She’s a fine example of a woman attaining the levers of power exercising them in a way that both serves her self-image reflected in the mirror of her mind and yet simultaneously signaling to The Man she is down with him. Even the smug declaration of her position’s impotence over Assange’s jailers announces her servility to The Man. I cast my vote for apparatchik of the year.

    in reply to: The Value of Legal Experts #51963
    Dr D Rich

    Trump issued the order by which U.S. special forces carried out Obama’s Tuesday morning execution panel authorized murder of an 8yo U.S. citizen, Nawar al-Awlaki, the third member of the al-Awlaki family targeted for killing by Obama. So, no matter how they impeach him, they should do it. Remove him then move onto the prosecution of Obama and his cohort. As William Barr stated, y’all will find your community without protection unless you demonstrate more respect for law and order personnel.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 5 2019 #51951
    Dr D Rich

    Is Dr D an algorithm? I mean his/her writing follows a pattern albeit an appealing one. There! I wrote it ‘albeit’. Any day to write or say ‘albeit’ is a great day indeed. 3 times!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 4 2019 #51932
    Dr D Rich

    Dr D,
    I’d hope you would expound on your expertly crafted statement from Dec 2nd, “So the woman is a deep-knowledge specialist, same as a surgeon.” In other words, how to convey that meaningful message to nonphysician hospital administrators without offending their tender sensibilities and losing your job? my gmail is kdus23 so as not to hijack Raúl’s excellent thread

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 4 2019 #51923
    Dr D Rich

    But I’m the real Dr D

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 4 2019 #51916
    Dr D Rich

    Moral hazard? As opposed to morally resolute quantitative easing and oversubscribed repo markets and selective too big to fail bank bailouts and financing Money hemorrhaging companies like Amazon for decades until they become profitable monopolies and bailing out the auto industry and nominal GDP targeting where rich “folk” were permitted to live for several years without the mortgage being paid to keep prices propped up as opposed to the less affluent “folk” who were permitted to watch their assets sold to cash flush clients at rock bottom distressed prices……on and on ad nauseam. Why does the manifestation of MMT sound so much like a press release from Roman Catholic Church or the CIA?

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