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Like u have stated all western political leaders r a kin to fascism, Lo Stato Corporato which is the Title to Mussolini’s book is the manual to modern fascism this inspired Hitler to write Mein Keimp. If one reads Mussolini’s book which in translation the title reads The Corporate State. Jimmy Carter was the last president to try to counter this rising phenomena in USA. It went on turbo charge with the likes of Thatcher and Reagan. Like u have noted every facet of western society is coporatised . Health care education all tiers primary ,secondary and tertiary levels of education. The selling off of state assets to private hands. Hence we r living Mussolinis dream and From Reagan to our present politicians all have blood on their hands and Hillary(Hitlary) as I like to call her ( “We Came We Saw He Died )” and followed by that maniacal laugh . That proves to me she is dangerous. Hence when looking at what fascism is well fellow westerners we r living it as we speak. The trade deals that r being proposed will make it full spectrum minus the few. Hence to end this argument I refer to the washington consensus = The third Reich of Nazi Germany. Invasion of Grenada. The Haitian incident , Iran -Contra Affair, The invasion and occupation of Iraq, The invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan. The arming and funding proxy war in Syria creating a foreign Takfiri army to do washington bidding. The Bombing and ruins of Libya which under Qhadaffi had the best standard of living , free housing ,healthcare and education and look at it now just because he would not follow the Washington consensus. Brazil ,Argentina ,Ecuador, and Bolivia r all recent ramblings created by the cabalist (washington consensus)