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  • in reply to: Get Ready. For The Pogrom. #26562

    Now you’re talking hard realities. Revolutionary mood in Bavaria’s CSU which could break coalition with merkel, maybe declare bavarian independence like catalonia if the merkel system of just deciding above heads of population and parliament, as solitary ruler. This is because all authorities, press, police are like in soviet russia all on same page. No one gets out of line. Pegida, AFD and internal resistance by local authorities and party people of SPD in local govts. due to the costs, chaos and central govt. allocation of refugees to localities without democratic discussion in poor overwhelmed ghetto areas or very rich neighbourhoods, regardless. If we get millions coming in and a 2008 style export collapse with mass unemployment in core Europe then pogrom against refugees and mainstream parties could be expected.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2016 #26498

    It is like rio grande. Everyone from whole world comes somehow to mexico then wades over. Africa and Asia have billions of potential migrants. If you don’t protect your border within a few years the continent will be swamped by tens of millions annually trying to escape favela type calcutta poverty in Africa, India, Pakistan. Simple moral preaching that we europeans who try to stop this and vote for Front National, BNP, AFD, FPO, etc. are nazis are missing a point. Self detrmination is a basic right of nations. If this migration continues EU will dissolve and in the nations still taking refugees vigilante justice will take hold as large proportions of refugees are apparently opportunistic criminals or without job opportunities will slip into this role. As too many come in police and other authorities are overwhelmed. The people selling boats lie to migrants about a great life in Europe, whereas it gets harder by the day and with each new migrant. Cheaper would be investment such as silk road project in eurasia to promote trade and development. US, saudi, turkish strategy is continued war and destruction. Chinese build schools, roads, hospitals all over Africa. People there are pleased with their approach. Not just subsidized exports of foods, imf loans built to fail so privatization of water, etc. can take place. Western model is planned failure leading to mass poverty, emigration, war, with weapons sales so HSBC and other drug runner banks get quick profits. This is immoral. Putin christian orthodoxy sees self detdrmination,not economic rape as wave of future. Once western financial collapse hapensthis dynamic of poverty, war, migration will collapse. Meanwhile europe must close its border. Then the banksters must be hung. Weapon exporters must be shot. Atlantic bruecke, other control mechanisms of press in western europe eliminated.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 29 2016 #26465

    ‘Give us your poor, your tired, your weak, yearning to breathe free’.

    One dollar a day earnings, 50% unemployment, high population growth, high illiteracy rates, female infanticide, women second class. Come all to partake in our hitech social welfare state with obligatory university training to get your foot in the door of a shrinking job market gone to china, india. Come to our aging, infantile, feminized, egoistic society with your multigenerational households, sociable, religious, traditionalist, machismo, patriarchal lifestyle based on physical workaday jobs. Integration post peak oil, post industrialism will favor your lifestyle, not ours. We must go backwards. Our progress has made us feeble in mind, spirit and morality. We must become self conscious of our brute strength and female charms. Our intellect must give way to gut instinct, our cynicism to deep awe of the almighty. Only so can we survive the onslaught of the barbarian hordes yearning to breathe the free cold air of the northern metropolises with their gold paved streets.

    in reply to: Europe’s On A Road To A Very Bleak Nowhere #24643

    USA colony BRD takes commands from headquarters to direct the results of banking crisis, sanctions against russia, now this. All the same. If there were a free press and democratically elected govt. there would be none of these problems. Your line is brainwashing of CIA propaganda. Wikileaks had the scoop. Empty syria to weaken it then weaken and confuse Europe. So intelligent when it comes to banking but to fall for the simplest tricks of the teary eyed refugees. 80% male and young not from Syria seeking work or welfare plus free housing in paradise. Thank American war machine. European press is mouthpiece of usa/nato/cia policy and govts. all parrot this policy blindly. Killing of Russians is humanitarian aid. Ukronazis are saints.Beheadings in Saudi Arabia is an internal affair as is drug smuggling, bombing of yemen and tsking in no refugees while funding a war in fellow arab countries. Instead germany supplies weapons to saudis and takes these refugees caused by taliban funded by saudis, usa. Polar bears is not GW debate, solved by electroautos. Similarly shallow is your discussion of this problem, while your technical prowess in economics is unparalelled. It shows that specialists are specialists. I read Saker or RT or local alternnative press in Europe for background. It is too easy to let superficial arguments of do gooderness without context blind you as German lapdog press has done. Why does same press lie night and day about greece, ukraine, etc.? Maybe they have an agenda?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2015 #18634

    Think reset, debt jubilee, common sense, blood from a turnip, soak the corrupt rich tax evader,smemmake jobs.

    in reply to: 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age #17870

    Without internet we would know nothing of the real story. This is a real historical turning point like 1989. The restart of coldwar due to the failed western economic model to acheive growth, high incomes, debt free economy. The standard answer to internal failure is to find an external enemy. Somehow they wanted a big war in the middle east to exorcise the ghost of vietnam war failure first. The ghost was not the loss of the war but the intrrnal dissension of the 1960s. This did not recur due to afghan/iraq wars (volunteer army) as zeitgeist was different. TPTB have slowly gained confidence from this successful effort plus their “successful” management of the 2008 crisis that they can do almost anything, i.e. any lie will be accepted, the populace is passive. Why? Panem et circense, generational cynicism, burnout, poverty of population, etc.

    The boiling frog metaphor remains trite but apt and one can look at the buildup to ww2 as the perfect example. Nobody was willing to stop him but he was weak and always dared a
    lot at each stage and uk, etc. always backed down till he got strong enough to wage a general war with minimal armor which noone expected or was ready to believe would come.

    usa is following a similar buildup of brinksmanship. Middle east wars, economic mismanagement , color revolutions in 2004 , ukraine now, constant drone attacks, patriot act, nsa spying at home and abroad, torture, buying up local and foreign press and elites, WTO, TTIP, NAFTA, EURO. Nobody notices erosion of personal rights, national sovereignty, expansion of extreme criminal behaviour by Fed, military, congress, cops, state and local authorities, banksters, realtors, stock markets.

    Obviously if percentage of people on part time jobs, support, SNAP program, disability is ever higher people won’t protest as an FBI/CIA file could be used under sedition act in time of emergency (which could be made permanent)to eliminate state support or blacklist you fom jobmarket if not jail you, at least immediately. So you have poor dependent population
    quivering in fear of opening their mouths. This is how USSR was run. People made jokes in their kitchen about Brhezhnev. TPTB .1% call the shots. They constitute the politburo, the party apparatus, the ancien regime with everything to lose. The economic situation could get bad so thy fake the market, job and growth stats, lie in press, start wars to distract and in worst case suppress some dissenters or pay trolls to come into the few truth to
    power blogs. They do not welcome an economic crisis but can either fake the stats, start external wars or silence dissenters or critics or coopt ones they cannot discredit or jail or silence. Lots of low level bankers dying lately. Whatver happens they are one step ahead of the game. Only russia/china together can change rules of game enough to force a freeing of internal western proletariat. Communist surge forced recognition of labour movement. USD reserve currency, US debt default threat(bonds owned by china), alternative trading and military blocs and alternative info sources, ideologies not controlled by a central ministry of truth forces degree of civil rights, economic rights in West which would otherwise disappear completely under plutocratic regime. Global hegemony encourages genocide, torture, foreign coups. It had nothing to do with communist atheism at all. It was alway power poliics. Balance of power is best for citizens within a country(management labour ) as well as internationally so as to avoid exploitation.

    This year shocked me like PO, like 2008 crisis, but worse is coming and due to same basic structural problems. Too many people wanting too much with stuff running out, pollution destroying worldand with and a generational time fuse ready to blow(noone knows what areal war is-like bush sr. is 90 and last of a breed).

    War is inevitable as a cowed western populace is driven to the brink by their masters. Only abrutal and determined putin and china with powerful economic and military weapons can hinder appeasement of US led war movement.

    Pray a lot for peace and don’t let them shut you up. Their intentions after kiev, odessa,mh17 mass murders became ever clearer. They play for all the marbles and in the end will divide the globe up under a few bankers who handpick all elected officials, etc. before elections.

    Conspiracies? No, a matrix type totalitarian system.

    in reply to: Broken Energy Markets and the Downside of Hubbert’s Peak #17737

    If in reality the risks of loss are socialized so that banks are TBTF then oil then essentialy we are becoming defacto socialists. State control of energy and banking with price controls seems to lie in our future as state run subsidized utilities. Either that or chaos as yoyo capitalism maes stable investment impossible.

    in reply to: Quo Vadis, America? #17526

    Zinn’s people’s history of america shows that usa demcracy was always a con with foundig fathers rich, indians slaughtered, slaves and indetred servants separated from their common interests. Workers rights, farmers rights suppressed by military, pinkerton security. Wars were started to suppress socialistmovement ad will be again. Protests lke occupy were very mild. General strikes, peoples committees takng over neighborhoods has happened and socialists were exected on trumped up murder charges. Obama is using all the laws on the books. Dissent is illegal since prez Wilson.

    I am reading toynbee. He talks a lot about rome. Civil war was brutal, nonviolence and martyrdom won where violent resistance could not. One thinks of poor Manning or of Snowden. Must we burn ourselves like Buddhist monks en asse beforw the white house? Obviously 911 provoked violence. Rome jad many cultures, many slaves, uprooted peoples. We are not suffering enough yet. Food, heating, housing is available. When the situation changes people will be desperate enough to stand up to evil, becoming martyrs. Suicide bombers is the muslim way. Buddhism is different. Christians would perhapsdeny miltary service or allegance to a torture regime, deny taxes perhaps, or not vote or start preaching from all the pulpits that mass murder by military in our name is sin, that bankster theft is felony. Boycott the banks,the govt., the military, etc. Our problem is believing in the state, science, economics over something deeper. This system can outlast us as we are trapped. Basic values are economic. We have to work, are enticed into consumerism. We participate very well every day in all aspects only awareness differs as in matrix film. In buddhism atttude of detachment allows us to gain distance. Anger and hatred poisons us in any case. Blind participation in the system, rat race, makes us tools. Be conscious. Participate consciously every day.

    in reply to: Cheap Oil A Boon For The Economy? Think Again #16986

    30$ x33 billion barrels makes 1 trillion tax cut or 2% of global GDP.
    However if Iwere a stock analyst on the energy side I would be running thenumbers for all the energy companies. They are all now debt leveraged like the big banks before the 2008 crisis. So if it keeps going like this negative cash flow burn rate will force whole industry to its knees. Mergers, nationalizations, field shutdowns follow. For any other industry this would be bad but isolated but less oil will boomerang prices. Problem is all professionals will be gone along with infrastructure and so noone will be there to take up the oil investments again in shale, offshore, tarsands. National oil companies in Russia, Gulf will survive if governments survive economic loss. Eonmobil, BP, Total bankrupt, Russia in default, gulf states, venezuela in revolution?

    Sounds like a Saudi gamble to kill alt -oil production and risking own hide in a game of chicken to see who pulls the parachute string first.

    in reply to: Wealth Inequality Is Not A Problem, It’s A Symptom #15983

    After reading zinn’s “People’sHistory of America” I must say your basic concept here is incorrect. There is no “we”. The wealthy invented the constitution, the usa,etc. as an instrument of control and have been using it ever since, keeping one step ahead of the naivemasses who believed the propaganda. For comparison, one hears from atheist anthropologists that ruling elites in earlier times used religion, priests to subdue and decieve the people into becoming docile and submissive servants, i.e. caste systems, middle ages manorial system,etc. The bill of rights, declaration of independence, supposed free electionsbetween two related elitists is just a control game, as in matrix film. We were never and cannot become free. Protest will be absorbed into acceptable channels. Such a system is, as you say self perpetuating, expanding, like a cancer cell, killing the host in terrible agony. “We” are the host. Whether “they”, TPTB,(a very old phrase), will survive, die, or be replaced by a few of us who , like the pigs in ” Animal Farm” took over the farm. In essence tthere is no hope and falsely believing that one is an active player in the game leaves one at a distinct disadvantage.

    in reply to: The US Has No Banking Regulation, And It Doesn’t Want Any #15394
    article title is “America Banana Republic”. We are just getting proof of endemic corruption now.

    in reply to: US Picks Wrong Friends, Wrong Enemies, Wrong Fights #14527

    USA is multiplying its enemies until it has no friends left and will be isolated.I recall Thatcher being deposed in 1990. She had been 11 years a sort of dictator, playing one off the other in her party and finally alienated everyone and then came poll tax idea, rioting in the streets, and her party friends got rid of her. Just imagine USA screws up all its friends lives(economies) by being an asshole, starts endless wars on all borders sending refugees everywhere and multiplying terror. EU, Japan economies on verge of collapse, Russia, China, Iran, Atabs angeted, S. America sick of US despotism. What did they do to Nero? He was told to go commit suicide or eelse. Someday USA will get same treatment from the “World Community”.

    in reply to: Follow The Money All The Way To The Next War #14496

    Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence
    Appeal on obama from ex-cia, nsa types

    Participant article explaining hos west is similar to nazi germany but more sophisticated suppressing world people with military and financial fascism to get resources and promote hatreds between peoples so washingotn can rule. Glazyev good thereitican for Putin but article from marxist publication.


    This is why so many people vote crazy new parties promising radical change as the status quo is so controlled by usa, imf, etc. Butdoes that mean we haveto vot bepo grillo or Le Pen or in usa some libertarian nutcases? Apparently nobody has common senxe. The old economic theories do not fit reality and alternative theories are untested so crazy so we are winging it and crashing.

    in reply to: The Day God Looked Away #14101

    I heard that kolomoiskis people at the dnepropetrosk control tower 4erouted the plane. Kolomoissski is an oligarch with merciless private armies in ukraine, he is at odds with hisarchrival poroshenko, who is moe moderate, about how the war should be run. On 18th, day of shootdown, there was supposed to be a teleconference getween separatists and govt. The plane unfortunately did not land in govt controlled territiry according to plan, so that destruction of evidence not possible as separatists, men or honour, not serial killers hired from jail and nazis, are kin charge of site. I think usa controlled by bad group. They want more wars for profit and the more things go bad in america, west as a whole, the more wars will be started as we have ukraine, isis, gaza simultaneously. No coincidence.

    in reply to: The IMF -Inadvertently- Condemns The Eurozone #5890
    in reply to: Spiritual Musings on Collapse #5574

    I finished reading to my atheist 13 year old the other day “All quiet on the Western Front” and told him “There are no atheist in fox-holes”. He was adamant that there is no God, etc. (so it shows that a kid can’t feel the depths of such literature at all) But I interpreted it for him that in times of great distress like war you find self doubt and not the arrogance of the modern easy life.

    Regardless of the answers one finds, which are of emotional import, they have to be specific to us and our situation. I got hinduism (one says “I found Jesus” in Christianity) and do yoga and Tai Chi -astrology is a part of that culture too (Chinese, Indian and Arabs have their own systems). Muslims have Sufi mystical system for example as well as catholics having mystical system (where does that Halo come from and the marks on jesus hands? Those are chakras of course- which you feel f you develop kundalini enough through years of practice).

    We are not going to stop waht we earned already as humanity for our sins against nature, that is physical and spiritual karma (Newton’s equal and opposite reaction law) as we see in the arctic and elsewhere today so we have to confront death and perhaps worse for us and our children and that leads us to God or to finidng god in us or our spiritual center and self examination. Self truth can be a bitter medicine. Perhaps an atheist can take this better as he/she would be also a realist without any false hopes.

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