Ah yes, I see I’ve been approaching this in a too complicated manner. Forget about distracting spanners in the works such as the historical struggle of the working class movement to secure rights, different socio-economic models, the required labour vis-a-vis the amount of consumption of natural resources, the future and past relations between people, or that there could indeed be a different way of providing for the sustenance of senior citizens beyond their own private savings, and a million of other things. There is but one factor, and that is the hard to define concept of “wealth”. I will now take a step back and calculate exactly how 2077 will be.
“The best, or even only, advice for those of us who belong to younger generations is: don’t count on getting a pension when you reach retirement age. It’ll probably have been moved to age 85 or over by the time you get there anyway.”
Since I’m 20, my retirement would then be 65 years into the future, the year 2077. You’ll have to excuse me if I doubt you have any idea about retirement arrangements in such a distant future, given that it’s difficult predicting things only ten years hence.
A nitpick: A couple of douchebags in NORWAY, not Sweden. Though the Nobel prizes here are a bit suspect, it’s not as bad as in Norway.