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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2025 #179256

    The wife will up and start talking to me from ANY ROOM IN THE HOME no matter where I am. Without yelling to account for whatever distance I may or may not be at. I never do this. I come into the room and talk, usually after making eye contact.

    The wife will be out of the kitchen all day. I get in there to clean, make us dinner, make myself something for the week — she comes in with something to do or nothing to do and unerringly and continually stands in the next place I need to be standing. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve known over the years that were able to hang out in the Kitchen without activating the world’s most advanced and accurate A2/AD defenses. ALL of them, though.

    She’s always insisted on 2-bathroom dwellings, so toilet-synergy hasn’t come up yet.

    She knows I need glasses to see fine detail at a 0-3 feet distance, nevertheless always, when sharing something, holds her phone up 1′ from my face “Look at this!” and follows, to maintain that distance, when I back up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2025 #179247

    God is not an asshole

    Theopsychology – The attempt to deduce the personality and moral princiles of a God, or an ordered cosmos, b observing the events and beings that God or order create.

    Look at everything from tooth decay to senility to schizophrenia to children being born only to die of starvation. God ISN’T an asshole? God hissed through the vents at Auschwitz. He IS – by our standards and from our perspective.

    There’s no question on that score. The question is, what does it MEAN?

    Playing Hearts of Iron, I’d sometimes choose to play Czechoslovakia. KNOWING I was doomed. Fight the good fight, hold of Germany for as long as possible, see what kind of noble last stand I can make.

    Or in Sid Meirs’ Civilzation, put every setting on the hardest one and then fight tooth and nail against hordes of jet airplanes and tanks with your chariots and phalanxes.

    Maybe it is a serious game that you play for keeps and any waiving or softening cheapens the activity?

    But it is totally fitting for the Old Testament God to be doing all the stuff he does, surely.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2025 #179221

    This song goes out dedicated to State Farm – Last Plane Out


    Greetings from Sodom
    How we wish you were here
    The weather’s getting warmer
    Now that the trees are all cleared
    There’s no time for a conscience
    And we recognize no crime
    Yeah we got dogs and Valvoline
    It’s a pretty damn good time

    Men of reason, not of rhyme
    Keep the spoils and share the crime
    Goodman, Badman, lost without
    A hope for passage on the last plane out

    There was one repressed do-gooder
    And a few who still believed
    Yes I think there were five good men here yesterday
    But they were asked to leave
    So we’ve kept the good old vices
    And labored to invent a few
    With cake in vulgar surplus
    We can have it and eat it, too


    Men of reason, hide your face
    Walking backwards, plays his ace
    Goodman, Badman, lost without
    A hope for passage on the last plane out

    So here’s a concept you can’t dance to
    An idea you cannot hum
    There may not be an empty seat
    When all is said and done

    I’m not the guy who sings the hymns
    No bleeding hearts to mend
    But I like the part where Icarus
    Hijacks the little red hen

    Someone said the Big Man
    May be joining us soon
    But I never was the type to hang
    With the harbingers of doom
    And this party is addictive
    Self-destructive, no doubt
    So I hope that someone saves a seat for me
    On the last plane out


    Men of reason, hide your face
    Walking backwards, losing the race
    Goodman, Badman, lost without
    A hope for passage on the last plane out

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2025 #179220

    takeway from this – Socialists – you CAN achieve all your various dreams. I’m telling you there’s a chance. It is conceivably possible. Top-down management tends to fuck things up, but I bring you glad tidings, it is only a 99.99% chance!


    You would have to work for your own people. Be a bit tribal. Tribes are nations. You’d have to be both socialist and ah… you won’t be able to bear it… you’d rather die, I know… be nationalist.

    Be loyal to your own people and culture rather than lie to them and give them the shaft at every opportunity in preference of absolutely anyone else (a combination of outsiders within their society and people from other countries/cultures) to prove your internationalist virtue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2025 #179219

    I saw an amusing weaponized-autistic analysis in a zerohedge comment yesterday.

    The guy estimated how many illegal migrants are in California, made a reasonable calculation of how much water they would drink in a year, and pointed out that this would have been enough to fll the empty reservoir plus all the reservoirs they refused to build (presumably to prevent more fresh water from being captured and kept from the minnows)

    Pretty sure he forgot to include water they would use for washing their hands, showering/bathing, and dishwashing, for instance. He calculated solely based on the water they needed to drink to not die.

    So California could have BOTH saved its minnows AND protected its citizens from fire.

    He didn’t mention it, but the billions spent on illegal migrants could have been spent on fire prevention.

    Didn’t they have those huge fires and power outages a few years ago because they refuse to clear the vegetation around their power lines, which would prevent fires from being started and create fire breaks?

    Wasn’t power lines contacting trees in the wind blamed for starting all THESE fires? Because they STILL refuse to clear the power lines?

    They need to be put in receivership if they are to get any money. They need to be declared, essentially, mentally incompetent, a danger to themselves and others, and have power of attorney used to hand management and control of resources over to a sane, competent party.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179154

    “Why aren’t the Americans and local TAEers promoting War on India”

    no, sir. I promoted US covert wetwork teams murdering every single “scam likely” criminal call center in India busily stealing hundreds of millions from Grandma just last week.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179153

    “Oh no, we had to repair a reservoir. How unfortunate that we needed it while it was under…. ‘repairs'”

    At the Call Center, when Workforce knew they’d need 150 reps available at peak hours, they wouldn’t employ exactly 150 reps.

    They’d estimate how many reps might be sick, taking a mental health day, on jury duty, in training, fired, covering other shifts, having car trouble, etc. They’d add that number to the 150 reps and make sure the center hired that many.

    I know we’re just call center peasants, not big-brain 6-figure academics or millionaire politicians or 6-figure news reporters or 6-figure bureaucrats, or supersmart superwise superhumanitarian socialists due to reading the New York Times and agreeing with absolutely everything, but that’s how we’d handle coverage of our prime responsibility, our reason for existence, the reason for us to have jobs, at the call center.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179144

    C. We don’t believe in Climate Incineration™, but SAYING that we do is Pragmatic™.

    Since the demand for Total Climate Immolation™ greatly exceeds the supply, just like with Racism™, we must do everything to create fires to show you fools that the Climate Salamander Invasion™ is immanent.

    Fiery lizards will rain from the sky and wander around setting fire to all your houses because of your wastefulness and general sinful insistence on existing you fools. Just like we need to have BIPOC lesbians scrawl racist slurs on dorm room doors and bathroom stalls – to SHOW you ignorant fascist misogynist homophobic nazis how secretly evil you are. Since you stubbornly insist on giving us no observable tangible evidence against yourselves at this time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179133

    A. We’re mega-retarded and incompetent — Climate Change and its consequent disasters like continual worsening WILDFIRES, despite being constantly on our minds and issuing like continual diarrhea from our lips, results in us going: “Derrrrrrr” and decreasing fire-preparedness while drooling on ourselves.

    B. We’re Malevolent — we believe in increased wildfire risk therefore ….THEREFORE, we reduce fire preparedness every way we can.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179132

    It’s been hilarious seeing the marxists in charge of CA and LA citing their wokeist “climate change” as a defense.

    Okay, so those ignorant non-marxist non-wokeist white dudes of yesteryear who were in charge before, they would have UNDERESTIMATED the threat, yes? Because they would NOT expect Climate Change™?

    But the marxist leadership, avidly, effusively expresing I Believe™ in Climate Meltdown™ EXPECTED increased fire danger, yes? Implicitly in their coreiest core of core values???

    So then they stopped all preparations, decreased preparations even, because of how much HIGHER the danger of fire is due to Climate Inferno™? Your prediction was the danger would be higher EVERY year, every month, every day, ever second?

    So you heard 80mp winds in your city were immanent and went to meet with marxists in Ghana? US marxist academics love meeting with african marxists almost as much as killing farmers, nobody knows why.

    Are any Climate Supernova™ Believers saying “This thing where fires can happen… our CO2 At Record Low Planetary Levels Will Cause The Earth To Achieve The Temperature The Universe Had A Moment After The Big Bang (10 to the 32nd power Kelvin)™ Belief did not account for FIRE. I mean Woah, slow down man. We didn’t predict FIRE in any of that shit, man. We’ve added it to our tHeOrY, of course. Fire is now part of it, but NOBODY could have predicted fire from massive predicted heat and disaster that we were always warning of. They use CO2 in fire extinguishers, don’t they??? God is Trump heartless!!!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2025 #179131

    In the same way that Ukraine was made into an anti-russia, California has been made into an anti-USA.

    Its repeated self-inflicted failures and disasters cause it to demand more resources from the rest of the country while pooping out continual hordes of fleeing Californians to ruin other places (Austin TX, Boise ID, Denver, CO, etc, etc, etc)

    Every level of responsibility in the hierarchy responsible for he LA fire prevention and response is filled by a person who has overtly pledged allegiance to wokeism (marxism) which is diametrically opposed to the US and CA constitutions. Below the hair-gelled white guy marxist at the top who can get the white liberal female vote due to being over 6 feet tall and having good hair, it was all marxist lesbians, mostly BIPOC, mostly named Kristen.

    The bipoc lesbian marxist in charge of the water supply said her interest in the job was mainly establishing “social equity”

    The lesbian marxist fire chief thought if a firefighter could not rescue a man from a fire, well, he got himself into that situation. Guess he’ll die then. (the “and that’s a good thing” was palpable)

    The lesbian bipoc marxist mayor seemed unconcerned about the known impending high wind and about all the reports she’d received about the city’s state of readiness. Seems she was most concerned with LOWERING the fire budget by tens of millions.

    The state refuses to maintain its forests for fear of “disturbing” a protected species. Being incinerated apparently does not constitute “disturbing” They have been warned for decades. They wouldn’t build the reservoirs they were legally obligated to build. They fired hundreds of experienced firefighters.

    The entire leadership hierarchy effusively believes in current-year wokeism, which is 70’s-00’s academic marxism. It very specifically says we need to establish protected classes and oppress perceived privileged classes.

    It enthusiastically, specifically advocates for anarcho-terrorism in which basic government services are taken over – fire, police – and then only selectively used. Withheld from any perceived “privileged” and in fact exercised in a hostile action towards any “privileged” who attempt to solve problems for themselves. Enemies are thus targeted if they do anything and still targeted when passive. This is their overly stated Thing That Should Be Done.

    The $950 theft threshold is another example of anarcho-terrorism in action. It has totally destroyed the downtowns of CA’s cities.

    The entire leadership structure is incompetent. They do not KNOW how to manage forests, prevent fires, fight fires. I saw a list of unused military assets that could have swung into action against the fires — they probably did not know the procedures to call them into service. They know marxist “theory” which is such garbage it cannot make it to the level of hypothesis let alone theory. Creationist “theory” is more of a theory than marxist “theory.”

    Moreover they are actively malevolent. It is entirely in keeping with their VALUES and goals to, when hearing year after year that the Palisades fire hydrants are dry, to leave them that way. (….”an that’s a good thing”)

    Worse, in addition to being incompetent and malevolent, their malevolence is itself incompetent!

    If your’e a Protected Class, you are still smart enough to understand that fires spread? While the 5 levels of leadership responsible for the protection of your city, in their marxist wisdom, strategize water and forest management, fire prevention, preparation, and suppression on the basis of totally abstract symbolic theology from 70’s marxist sociologist phd’s who hate you, the actual fires they actually bring into being spread and burn down YOUR home, kill you, make your neighborhood unlivable in 10 different ways.

    From asst fire chief up through governor, the entire leadership is corrupt, incompetent, and actively malevolent on the basis of an alien ideology-superstition. YOU CANNOT GIVE MONEY TO THESE PEOPLE. They steal BY creating the need FOR the money through creating disasters. If you wanted to hold snap elections and THEN consider sending help to new management, this would be FUTILE. The malevolent parties have been working to make non-corrupt elections an impossibility.

    I can only imagine, as a workable solution, putting California into some sort of receivership. Like if you had an insane retarded evil relative that was going to inherit (and squander) the family fortune, you might have to have them declared legally incompetent, get a sane family member power of attorney. Not only to stop the waste but stop the active harm they would do.

    You’d need to impose some sort of new parallel non corrupt non marxist non anti california/usa government structure, prosecute parties for malevolent negligence, money laundering, fraud, embezzlement, nepotism, etc etc. Kick out 5-15 million illegals illegally registered to vote. Deal with well-funded active subversive organizations conducting espionage/terrorism warfare. Set up the necessary infrastructure for a fair, non-corrupt election.

    Even then, have the citizens of the state been rendered too ignorant and idiotic to make a wise choice? Should California be in receivership, protective custody for a generation? Can we forcibly return those Californians that fled in the past 20 years back to California who, after being vetted, turn out to be anti-usa, anti-constitution, pro-marxism?

    LA burning down is no less a marxist atrocity than the marxists fucking up the harvest and distribution in Ukraine during Holodomor. They’re incompetent, they’re malevolent, AND their malevolence is itself incompetent. A danger to themselves and others.

    I keep seeing articles about “Biden” pouring billions and billions out to various parties – sometimes there are interviewees stating specifically that he is doing this to fund things to fuck up the Trump admin later on. Cloward-Piven – who CARES if the money never even goes towards anti-Trump efforts so long as it gets shoveled out the door!

    Unless a radical change is made, California will be a contagious horribly diseased vampire bat on the neck of US citizens.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2025 #178315

    Maybe we could pit evil against evil.

    Get the ear of a few medical industry CEO’s. Explain that every cent stolen from Grandma by “Scam Likely” is a cent not taken from her in end-of-life care?

    Medical Industry Lobbyists Everywhere: “We must stop this scourge of Scamming Grandma!!! What do we have an NSA for??? They’re taking millions upon millions from Grandma!!! (rubs hands together) Millions, I tell you! The NSA knows who they are, where they are! This is an outrage! Something must be done!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2025 #178313

    The CFPB Wants You To Pay For Mistakes Of Others

    They want to charge the transaction platform if a victim of a scam loses money by sending money to the scammer

    CFPB Chair Rohit Chopra

    Uh… sir. Sir?

    You realize the scammers are all in India, calling from call centers?

    If you can’t get India to stop them, you could sanction India until they do? Or just send Jason Bourne or a few wetwork teams to wipe out a few call centers instead of their normal duties like toppling democratic governments and assassinating elected leaders?

    Idunno, try it for like 6 months, see if anything changes?

    You understand THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES stopped answering their phones because India keeps calling them to scam them? And now they’re just trying to just keep you on the line long enough to clone your voice?

    Somebody else’s problem. Just charge small companies that process financial transactions (never HSBC, Bank of America, JP Morgue, oh no never…)

    Is there some unspoken reason you want to go after small financial transaction platforms and NOT scammers in India? Can you think of any reason you have not divulged yet, Rohit?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2025 #178311

    Have you seen anything about The Fog?

    All week I’ve been seeing claims of some sort of low-lying not-real-fog fog – in the areas plagued by drones in previous weeks – reportedly leaves a sticky residue, gives rashes and “brain fog” to exposed people.

    All tinfoil youtube channels saying it, just recently getting pushed into my youtube feed. Ones I’ve never seen before – presumably because I watched a few drone videos.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 2 2025 #178308

    (I post these sometimes in case anyone wants a bug’s eye view of current year corporate culture.)

    Why, if we can’t hire visa people for cheap, the only way to make employment expenses worth it for us as employers would be to…. to … would be… auuughhhhh noooooooo

    Educate your workers.

    This would involve TRAINING them and training them COMPETENTLY.

    I have just gotten through about 8 weeks of incompetent corporate training in which I knew – more or less – how to compensate for it but was not allowed the time nor system access to do it. So now I’m in production, STILL with no time to learn, picking up bits and pieces as I go. This is going to take a year when they could have trained me in 4 weeks. Had they left me logged into their systems 8 hours a day for 8 weeks unsupervised, I could have trained MYSELF better with ZERO interaction with the (woke) trainers.

    No after-action survey, no skip-level. Don’t know, don’t want to know. Requests fell on deaf ears. I made the mistake of using the word “feel”: I feel unprepared. She spent 20 minutes 1 on 1 speaking to feelings but doing nothing about being unprepared and refusing all my proposed solutions. It is demeaning, insulting, purposely infantalizing to address someone’s perceived psychology while throwing their appeals to fix problems in the garbage.

    My last job, I had a boss like that but way worse. When she introduced herself 1st day, she said proudly “I’ve studied PSYCHOLOGY” and I was careful to keep a straight face during my inward groan. Here we go then. EVERY attempt to interface with her to do the job got the same response – a “psychological insight” in which she saw (hallucinated) something in my subconscious I was “unaware” of and then spoke to it with “expertise.” My appeals to do the job became ever more blunt.

    Very close to the end, I got as blunt as possible with her: “Look, your house is on fire. YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE. It has been since I got here. The inbound queue is always 50-100 deep, I currently have 200 emails in my inbox I cannot get to, you won’t give me any guidance on how you want me to deploy my finite resources, you don’t seem to know what specific coaching to give on my behaviors that would lead to success nor do you seem to have given any thought to what success looks like. Everything you teach me to do, you tell me is the wrong way the next time you talk to me. Orders/emails/calls/followups/etc are screwed up…. on a continual basis for the past half year, I can see that your house has been on fire.”

    answer: “I notice you mentioned a house being on fire, and what I’m hearing is a lot of fear.” (followed by 20 minute lecture about feelings and fear) Uh, that’s 20 minutes you could have spent fixing something instead of playing pretend as a sort of soft aggression/abuse.

    What was that shit Carnegie did? Built a million new libraries? All those robber barons making or funding new schools? Huh. All that education must have had no purpose and had no effect, right? Thus it doesn’t matter if all the libraries are full of woke garbage and loud “community” activities now? Same as a quiet one with real books 50 years ago?

    Yeah, assholes. If you couldn’t import people, you’d have to stop taking advantage of the native population, the infrastructure they built, in every way and start EDUCATING them. Taking some interest in fixing the schools and/or setting up parallel education systems, perhaps even at your own expense because you are doing it for your own benefit? Set up a private library system where the librarians still shush or kick out people, ones full of books that give real knowledge or instill wholesome values?

    You’d have to educate AND train your workforce and be EFFECTIVE at it. The one thing you cannot face, apparently

    Oh and the billions in corporate money going to do the opposite, going to make your prospective workforce ignorant, stupid, and insufferable, you’d have to stop that. Was its purpose all along to degrade american workers and therefore justify your massive immigration?

    My own takeaway from corporate training though is that you cannot simply throw time and corporate trainers at people. SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE has to lower themselves enough to not generally do things, but SPECIFICALLY do things, like get to know the job, your people, their needs, and act accordingly. Figure out what your trainers, your managers are SPECIFICALLY doing or not doing and choose people accordingly.

    My 2 woke female trainers wanted to spend 1/8-1/4 of each day talking about food, margaritas, shopping, pets, food, food, wine, travel, that cute thing their out of wedlock child did/said, pets, travel, and food. Imagine trying to use that chatter-time to study – the trainers themselves are chattering and any moment, they will switch to training. Imagine sitting at a cubicle at work trying to study arcane corporate process documents in an unfamiliar industry, but they’re going to gather the 10 most talkative people in the office to press around you and talk over/through you while you try to read AND two of them will start saying something important at an unpredictable time – make sure to listen for it.

    The dude in charge of training popped in to Teams every once in a while. He seemed SUPER status sensitive and didn’t take kindly to any rocking of the boat. Rocking the boat could be anything that could sound like a criticism of the company, training, systems, policies, etc – so he asks us “how’d it go on the phones?” the person starts relating significant challenges they encountered – just factually – and he becomes displeased, cuts them off. He was apparently very proud of his networking-connections – used most of his Teams time -every time – talking up how he had connections with the other various members of leadership, the trainers. NOT the guy to do surveys and skip levels nor get his hands dirty figuring things out on a specific basis.

    Just idiotic things like- I’ve never been shown how a sale gets completed in 4 of the the 6 systems we use for 20 different products because the training environment doesn’t support it and “gasp, we can’t possibly do it in production” Oh you corporate idiots. You build a dummy account and go all the way through demonstrating in THAT. You screenshot the steps on your own time and make a process document out of it for us. Duh. Nobody to tell. Nobody asking, nobody listening. Yet from the time the customer says “Yes, I want to buy your product” to transaction completed is the most predictably uniform process, the most IMPORTANT process. You WANT us to have this down pat. Even if you don’t care anything for competency or performing our fiduciary duty, surely processing the CLOSED SALE is important? Duh, we cannot show you how. PS the process document will be almost intentionally evasive on this subject.

    The one time I was in charge of anything – by default due to neglect rather than empowerment – I trained about 200 people. I did it by actively, continually, taking an interest in my people – getting to know their particular character, temperament, style, answering their questions, inquiring to find out what their troubles were and in what WAY their troubles were troubling them. Always telling them how I knew something or if I did NOT know. Honestly, forthcomingly admitting if I got something wrong – THANKING them if they corrected me on something! Counting that the ultimate training success!

    I am sick of purposely vague, evasive networking self-important managers who can’t even figuratively get their hands dirty. With their own fucking job. And Woke just sanctified them. So when I see CEO’s like Vivek and Elon say “Ho-ho, need a knowledgeable workforce, ergo H1B visas galore!” I see someone too good to get their hands dirty. That’s YOU, man. Training your workforce, that’s YOU. Or if you cannot lower yourself to handle that, then maybe some concern that the University-HR-Trainer pipeline is pumping shit into your companies? Intrinsically? Therefore use your new political victory for visas not concerning yourself with training and education? Because of how dedicated you are to excellence, how great you are? And great people don’t worry about specificity or causality or things like that.

    Like, if the US education system is allowed to crumble into the equivalent of a nearly-impassible field of potholes and you’ve been benefiting from it for free, don’t fix it. Don’t make your own. No, find some other nation that will do it for free that ISN’T ruined yet and benefit from them. Just keep switching between free stuff.

    Is there some crisis I’m unaware of, of worker pay skyrocketing? Due to a labor shortage? Inflation-adjusted worker pay as a slice of revenues and profits and GDP is down for 50 years straight, ergo, there’s a labor shortage and we need massive foreign help to bring down wages? You don’t have enough profits to bid higher to get the workers you want nor spend on education/training to fix your problem? You’re penniless – the H1B program being sort of a covert bailout of sorts where we rescue you? WE being the people you intend to displace?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 29 2024 #178033

    When I heard that they were abridging It’s A Wonderful Life, no questions asked, just “They’re abridging It’s a Wonderful Life,” and I immediately bought unabridged physical medium.

    AFTER, in my own time, I checked what they cut. I thought it would be the library scene or scenes with the black maid, but no. The Pottersville stuff.

    Considering the economic devastation of various Democrat run cities, the degeneracy they’ve engendered, (as a libertine, I’d say there’s nothing wrong with anyone’s degeneracy per se and the word is useful per its definition, but being unable to shut up about it or continually making out that it makes you better than everyone else is creepy) it is understandable that the Pottersville stuff is what they cut – in their inversion universe, Pottersville is the height of morality and aesthetics. Their obvious end-result. Not in the future, but current year. Just watch youtuber Metal Leo.

    I read an article recently framing It’s A Wonderful Life as a story about kingship — George Bailey is KING of Bedford Falls. He wants to go off in unattached knight-errantry but is pushed too-soon into the responsibilities of kingship. In the traditional saxon way, he PERSONALLY administers his kingdom. “He is my bonded man.” “She is my bonded woman.” Making personal judgement calls and bending the rules where appropriate – the result being a healthy Bedford Falls. Healthy humans in it. Because of his personal ownership. It is HIS building and loan, HIS town, these are HIS people. As the film says, Potter is poor, Bailey is the richest man in town. Because he is CAPABLE of owning where Potter is not.

    On Christmas, I watched It’s a Wonderful Life, pondered the article about kingship, and reread Book of the New Sun. (Gene Wolfe) It was interesting how the movie, essay, and book synergized, put each other in colorized photo-hyper-realism.

    I also thought quite a bit, as I have lately, about phoenixvoice’s assertions over the past few years that either communism is family writ large or family is communism writ small. In the mystical, hypercolored heroism and substance of what I was pondering Christmas day, I couldn’t see it, though I tried. I made a conscious, consistent effort. There’s just too many instances both historical and current-year of marxists planning, strategizing, and actioning plans to destroy family as an impediment to communism.

    What might we look at then? Surely the old saxon values. The ties between sworn man and sworn lord. Tying back into the family and up through the hierarchy. I think of the Norman saying to Lord Robin of Loxley “Nae, man. Whye do’ye concern over Thomas the Miller losing his hand over the accusation of theft? He is nea noble born, he is NITHING” and pre-Sherwood outlaw Robin responding “He is my SWORN MAN” not in an effort to convince, but in a flabbergasted non-understanding of why the Sherrif of Nottingham cannot comprehend the most basic building blocks of existence, that loyalty is BOUGHT. …..with loyalty. The Atreidies way in the year 10,191AD, even then, still true. Saying “he is my sworn man” is a synonym for “WTF. WTF?? Do you not understand that reality is real and exists? The most basic way reality and human interrelations work? wtf, bro?”

    Communism =/= Family. They see family as something of an obstruction. Something to be eliminated so utopia can be reached.

    So if you value Family, what’s the alternative? I guess Republicans more than Democrats??????

    What about Distributism?

    If you take Distributism and add Neo-Monarchsim (Mencius Moldbug, etc) and Traditionalism (Sargon/Carl Benjamin?) You get something like what people who value Family wanted out of Communism. What George Bailey achieves at great personal cost in It’s A Wonderful Life. He is a Lord, a King, pouring himself out over the course of the film instead of glorious knight-errantry. Making the world in his image, in a sense, with Mary symbolizing the more decent, more essential parts of existence, his call not to glory but meaning and decency.

    His antagonist, Potter, could have been equally at home as a top-tier Capitalist or a top-tier Communist. The same person ends up in a place of power in both systems. BOTH Capitalist and Communist would be outraged at George’s personal power and personal wielding of that power. They would BOTH have insisted on procedures, on top-down ideas. And both would have created the Pottersville censored out of Amazon’s streaming of It’s a Wonderful Life.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Day 2024 #177822

    Fifteen years after the expulsion of the kings and establishment of the Roman Republic, the plebeians were burdened by crushing debt. A series of clashes between the people and the ruling patricians in 495 and 494 BC brought the plebeians to the brink of revolt, and there was talk of assassinating the consuls. Instead, on the advice of Lucius Sicinius Vellutus, the plebeians seceded en masse to the Mons Sacer (the Sacred Mount), a hill outside of Rome

    Secessio plebis (withdrawal of the commoners, or secession of the plebs) was an informal exercise of power by Rome’s plebeian citizens between the 5th century BC and 3rd century BC., similar in concept to the general strike. During the secessio plebis, the plebs would abandon the city en masse in a protest emigration and leave the patrician order to themselves. Therefore, a secessio meant that all shops and workshops would shut down and commercial transactions would largely cease.

    The plebeians agreed to negotiate for their return to the city; and their condition was that special tribunes should be appointed to represent the plebeians, and to protect them from the power of the consuls. No member of the senatorial class would be eligible for this office

    Tribune of the plebs, tribune of the people or plebeian tribune (Latin: tribunus plebis) was the first office of the Roman state that was open to the plebeians, and was, throughout the history of the Republic, the most important check on the power of the Roman Senate and magistrates. These tribunes had the power to convene and preside over the Concilium Plebis (people’s assembly); to summon the senate; to propose legislation; and to intervene on behalf of plebeians in legal matters; but the most significant power was to veto the actions of the consuls and other magistrates, thus protecting the interests of the plebeians as a class. The tribunes of the plebs were typically found seated on special benches set up for them in the Roman Forum. The tribunes were sacrosanct, meaning that any assault on their person was punishable by death.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Day 2024 #177778

    I AM however, for making legislative positions into something like Jury duty.

    Can we do WORSE than randomly assigning normal Americans to the Senate and House?

    “Ah crap honey, I got called for Senate duty. I’ll call the automated line on Monday, but if I’m still on the list I’m stuck being a senator all of August.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Day 2024 #177777

    I like everybody voting in plebiscites.

    But free speech is a necessary integral part of voting. No free speech and voting is worse than useless.

    And of course, we now have people so firewalled off, so programmed to be “triggered ” – quite purposely and cynically – that there are huge chunks of the population that cannot have a discussion “There shall be no discussion!” They are only interested in “Starting a conversation” in which they dictate, with no discussion.

    So free speech isn’t a thing and huge chunks of the population cannot listen, cannot discuss, have been programmed to lose their shit if you barely graze a trigger point. Doesn’t matter if what’s triggered is based on total fiction, you’re then dealing with someone who cannot have a conversation.

    No national conversation? Then I don’t want this voting thing. It’s going to take 10 years or so of hard work just to get the nation back to a point where discussion is possible.

    Given a choice between mean-spirited self-righteous insanity with no particular concern for your benefit on the one side and quasi normalcy on the other, supposedly almost half the country wanted useless self righteous insanity.

    To this day I cannot think of anything the Democrats were saying they were going to do for me. Joy? Abortions? At worst, the Republicans aren’t so insane that they don’t know what to PROMISE me?

    But the Democrats have had over half a century with multiple instances of controlling the executive and legislature without even proposing an abortion bill, which they continued to fail to do during the election. As if being seen to ACTUALLY be the pro abortion party was not even important to running with this as their major issue.

    They said “no we are the border people” but started selling off the border wall the minute the election was over.

    Kamela and Walz doing photo ops about or with guns only for the Democrats to start new rounds of 2nd amendment-diminishment immediately after

    They spouted off a bunch of gibberish they didn’t appear to take too seriously themselves, then turned around and did the opposite right after. And I think it was fairly obvious from their delivery that this would be the case.

    I rack my brain to think of any actual legitimate competing part of a platform, something they were going to do for me, for my friends and family, my city, my state, my country. Aside from Abortion, which they’ve refused to do anything about for 50 years when it would have been super super easy to do something, I cannot think of any concrete “benefits” that were on offer this election cycle.

    And (at least supposedly) almost half the country wanted this? Like 48% of the country is helpless before the neighborhood used car salesman? You talk to them and they are ignorant, confused, and unreceptive. I do not want these righteous ignorant people deciding things in a plebiscite. They would have voted as a majority to have swat teams break down my door, pin me down, and forcibly inject me with poison.

    This is why we have all those moderating and opposing balancing bits in our Constitution. This is why we have an electoral college. It’s going to take at least 10 years to fix this to the point where we could do plebiscites.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2024 #177728

    Dr D Rich – your own accounts sound familiar to me as well. I have kept thinking for years “No, that can’t be, that makes no sense”

    I worked as a peon in a call center. It’s a totally different thing. For one, call center workers are assumed to, supposed to suffer mental anguish, stress in their environment. It’s taken for granted to the point where if you just suggest running things clearly and logically, the response is a sneer. You’re SUPPOSED to be miserable, you idiot.

    And to find out it’s kinda the SAME thing for medical and military.

    It gets me thinking crazy thoughts to try to model it. Is there a secret society out there that promotes creating human stress and anguish on a continual basis? Demons? ONE demon-thing with pseudopods into each awful person, puppeting then, thus the uniformity of behavior? A virus that damages or takes over the mind in a particular consistent way?

    Too much scifi and fantasy as a kid.

    For lowest-level leadership, which is the highest I’ve ever reached occasionally, the lesson I learned was that you cannot really raise morale or motivate people through jawboning. And you cannot turn bad people into good people. Not by “teaching them values” nor by establishing a process or system. All you can do is identify the traits you DO want from your people and then act in service of the best in your people. Visibly, uncomplainingly, without any chest-beating or grandstanding. A servant to what is good below you in the hierarchy.

    For highest level leadership, I’ve wondered if that even holds true. So many levels between. Maybe it isn’t even necessary at that level. What’s needed there is a willingness to go to war – to find some way to find out who your middle managers are and be willing to cull them. A competent, smart, nice person in charge can therefore be as bad as an incompetent, because they have to shatter their personal illusions about people before they can be useful. Until then, they’re a shield for evil because they are nice.

    If Elon is an evil that deals with evil – if he is Elric of Melinbone or Corwin of Amber, I’m somewhat ok with that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2024 #177717

    Bureaucracy is evil? Bureaucracy is doomed to failure? I disagree.

    That time I told the VP of Customer Care that things were fucked up and bullshit — not generally, but a series of specifics. Her first move – quite rightly – was to turn and look at the rest of the people in the skip-level. Nodding their heads. Murmuring – yes, this is how things actually work ALL THE TIME.

    Immediate, instant action! (in terms of corporate timing) Within weeks, a new parallel process instituted to gather feedback – not just fix specific problems, but a system to identify problems via feedback and, on an ongoing basis, fix them. THAT’S the discipline that makes for good bureaucracy. Bravo!

    But within 3 months, the middle managers converted it into a weird self-humiliation ritual for lowest-level employees in which we had to play a guessing game as to what THEY were thinking. “It has to come from YOU. Warmer. Colder. Waaaarmer…..” Reverse feedback – YOU take OUR feedback, but we don’t actually give it, we get you to guess it so it comes out of your mouth. Boy, finding out that skip level feedback from the lowest of the low had caused the VP to try to fix them – fix THEM – must have been quite the psychological insult.

    The VP was a nice and sensible person. Efficient. Insightful. The kind of person I’d want to work for. But she assumed that you get the position, you tell people what to do, and they do it. When ONLY going to war over this would have changed anything. She’d have to change her worldview, see that between her and me on the org chart were quite a few petty, mean-spirited, miserable shits who didn’t even have a way to embezzle money from the company, were gumming up the works for pride, groupthink, status with their immediate peers and boss. Traitors, but practically for free.

    There was an existing broken feedback system already in place. Nothing about how it was structured was faulty. It was just the middle managers being evasive, mean-spirited and petty, or dumb ruining it. Had she asked me “how can I fix this” I would have tried to dissuade her from trying a new parallel feedback system. Instead, lay traps for the middle managers – the traps would be: opportunities to do their jobs tolerably well.

    Just pick 5 reps and actively monitor their feedback. Just watch what happens to it. I once said in feedback, “I’ll bet xyz horrible thing costing the company $100k’s and creating a horrible customer experience is happening due to abc things in this easily fixable document” and it was closed out with no response – for COMPLIANCE – you can’t be doing gambling in this feedback forum, sir. I watched my lead, the smartest, nicest guy in the world, patiently explain a problem happening in the real world (caused by their policy document), the response was a combination of denial and “educating” him that a different thing is happening, he replied politely, concisely – no here is the thing that is really actually happening – so they locked the thread.

    FIRE the person that locked the thread. FIRE the person that refused to save the company a couple million for an opportunity to be petty. KEEP firing them until it doesn’t happen. Don’t even TELL them that’s what the firing is for. Investigate the crap out of them, they’ll be sure to be doing 10 other things wrong. Let the feedback system be a bug zapper for incompetent assholes. So when they hobnob and network with their peers after the firing, STILL nobody knows you’re auditing them. Do it.

    You didn’t need a better process, you needed a bugzapper.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2024 #177669

    “I’d rather know who’s pulling your strings, simpleton.”

    I really am just some dumb call center worker posting this on a break, for what that’s worth.

    I’m PRO bureaucracy but anti current population of administrators/managers. I used to just see them as traffic cones to weave around through while getting stuff done for people.

    But now I see the 6 figure administrators and their 6 figure friends (college teachers, “journalists,” quite a few doctors etc) ruining everything. When they aren’t SPECIFICALLY invading things I like and ruining them, they’re ruining all the institutions of my society. I loved the library all my life and they changed it to woke bullshit. Dunno where the real books went but they aren’t at the library anymore. Education, medicine, journalism, everything getting ruined.

    And if these fuckers are happy to busily obstruct me, ruin my things, and poison me for the sake of advancement or at least virtue signalling within their peer group, then I ask what is the point of you, at least to me? I’m willing to give an 80% cut in managers a chance. Maybe they’ll be too understaffed to ruin something they overlooked or to try poisoning me again.

    I’m just exasperated. And increasingly angry. At this entire class of people blithely carrying on with destruction of my civilization.

    If 6 guys can manage an automated welfare system that pays out MORE money to the needy than the current system and that sticks it to the administrators, I’m all for it.

    If “liquidity” is desirable and can be automated, I am FINE with stopping the practice of spamming the markets with quotes that get cancelled to continually over/underbid ma and pa by $0.0025 ’cause we provide liquidity bro.

    If banking functions can be automated, leaving banksters out of the loop, no way to skim, I’m all for it.

    By all means teach me what I’m missing.

    I’m kinda especially pissed because the new job has a LOT of policy and process documents that make no sense and required licensing, which has tons of bureaucratic verbiage and red tape with poorly written explanation and almost no human to talk to about it. But I know somewhere in the background there’s more than one 6-figure administrator who created and maintains it this way. Because I’ve worked inside a bureaucracy myself.

    But I won’t argue about this if you explain – I’ll take it in, mull it over for a month. Let me know what I’ve got wrong. I’m just… I’m sincerely sick of the #resistance of the management class against the regular folks after a decade of this.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2024 #177643

    The activities of the people being paid the 2 Trillion being cut are 1000x worse than the expense to employ them. The next Trillion may be bad too, but not AS bad. Keeping the first 2 trillion worth on the payroll but changing their duties to sitting in a dark room unbending and rebending paper clips all day would STILL be better than continuing to do their current jobs.

    How many man-hours a year does the IRS take from people? How could those hours have been used differently? What productive activities did they deter from ever occurring? What did it cost to pay them to do it? If you add up all THEIR hours and all OUR hours and divide by 70, how many human lifetimes were effectively enslaved/wasted?

    There’s an ammo shortage. Why does the IRS need a billion bullets and a million firearms? Maintaining them so they don’t rust, practicing on them, costs money. How much could they be sold to the public for?

    Back before the Great Society, big-brains went over the idea of public welfare and came back recommending – just give EVERY AMERICAN an equal payment. Because administering welfare will create such a waste, you’ll get more help to the needy people by just doing a flat universal payment.

    Maybe there’s some way to block all welfare and charity EXCEPT the universal payment? You fire all the welfare and charity administrators nationwide, replace them with 6 IT professionals to run the server farm. One $85k guy and his 5 $65k guys. $20k bonus yearly for doing things correctly.

    Blue-Square “But that’s unfair, the needy need it the most”

    Q – “are you for abolishing the Electoral College?”

    Blue Square: “Of COURSE”

    Q – “Because on a direct-representative basis, Blue Square is the majority?”

    Blue Square: “Oh definitely”

    Q – “Blue Square are the ones dedicated to helping the needy, not like those other Big Meanies?”

    Blue Square “Absolutely”

    Q – “So you won’t mind the majority of the country each making their own choice to give their welfare payment DIRECTLY to someone in need? With all you Democrats giving your aid away DIRECTLY to needy people with no middle men, the needy will have more support, not less, even if Republicans donate zero, so this is great, right?”

    “And you won’t donate it to political movements or your own buddies, right? It’ll go to actual needy people, I’m sure?”

    Blue Square – “Nooooooooooooo”

    How many hours of human activity are taken up with getting welfare? How much in total does our society spend on administering it? Add in the NGO’s and all their 6-figure people doing “charity” work. How much money went to non-helping activities? How many hours of administration and interaction WITH the administrators total happens yearly – divide by 70, how many human lifetimes worth of enslavement? But we took it from you an hour here and hour there.

    How much are we spending on ADMINISTERING the education system? How much time do we have to spend dealing with these administrators and their ever-changing ideas? How much wasted time, trouble, money, etc comes from these administrators wanting kids to be given various kinds of drugs or surgeries or ideologies? How much time and money is being wasted by FBI administrators defending education administrators from the local PTA moms? Keep firing and firing FBI administrators until you cannot see any more tracking of PTA moms as terrrris.

    Every time you turn over another rock – PTA having trouble with administrators… FBI getting involved.. AHA! More administrators! Excellent! More people we can fire!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2024 #177639

    Nazi Germany conquers almost all of continental Europe. What do its representatives tell the conquered peoples? “We’re bringing a New Order to Europe”

    Superficially, this seems to be the case. There’s the appearance of top-down “efficient” control, visually there’s the Hugo Boss uniforms and futuristic half-tracks.

    It does kinda LOOK like you could describe this as efficient soul-less materialism taking over, waging conquest against humanity and spirit. That’s the OPINION I’ve read over and over for decades.

    But in actuality, Nazi Germany was horribly disorganized, backwards even. In the late 30’s, when Germany showed USSR representatives their latest tanks, the USSR folks were angry, outraged, assumed the Germans were hiding their current stuff – okay, now show us your REAL tanks! 1941 they couldn’t take Moscow because all their vehicles broke down on the way there. The German army was sent a few new vehicles and 750,000 horses. Their supplies were arriving on 2,000 mile roads made of wood logs.

    Behind the lines, they had an incredibly chaotic morass of feudal lords, competing bureaucracies, and incompetent “lords” at the top of those bureaucracies – Udet heading the Luftwaffe’s new aircraft development was a comic tragic disaster all by itself. Winter uniforms stuck in Polish warehouses. Hitler to Guderian: “No, there is no winter uniform problem, I already fixed it three times” Meanwhile Germany is doing clothing drives for the soldiers sending them trainloads of mismatched home-knit sweaters, scarves, and mittens because, despite the clothing issue being 3x fixed, the clothes aren’t actually there.

    The chaotic feudalism AND SUPERSTITION within Nazi Germany COMPLETELY REFUTES the idea of soul-less materialist efficiency trying to spread and dominate over the human spirit.

    The Nazi regime FREED people from constraint. “I can say things to people I could never get away with before. I can do things to people I never did before. And they can’t do shit back to me. Sure, I have to grovel and debase myself to my superior, have to effusively agree to immoral nonsense, but I didn’t have integrity or pride in myself to begin with.”

    Why did the German machine lose? Because it ended up producing 99% heat, 1% work. The masters at the top, trying to award themselves ultimate power, awarded everyone from their appointed feudal lord of Bavaria down to the traffic cop freedom to use their position for self-indulgence, sucking energy out of every level of the system.

    You don’t need to discipline the general populace with an iron fist by empowering your managers. You need to discipline and restrain your manager class.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 23 2024 #177635

    Why WOULDN’T the west just say fine, Ukraine is in the Russian sphere of influence. FINE. And walk away?

    It’s like a newly-rich person buying a big expensive boat – a hole in the water you throw money into. And then watching his capital drain into it.

    You can lend 10x on the assets, then 10x on the hypothecations of the assets and 10x on the re-hypothecations of it, ok. But Ukraine sucks money IN not OUT. It takes power from Europe instead of providing power to its grid.

    Why should the Russians EVER let it be profitable for the thieves who overthrew it? At what point does the pyramid of leverage go to bits due to zero generated income? I guess the income is billions in “aid” as opposed to something Ukraine makes or does of value? Fuck, just invent “Fake Corporation”, have it be in trouble, give it “aid” if this is the key to leveraging worthlessness into Masters Of The Universe capital.

    They already did all the leveraging and can’t figure out how to de-leverage and walk away now? Or they’re trying to fix Russia’s attention on Ukraine while they wait for their dirty tricks teams to topple Russia some other way? Just maintain the war and we’ll be able to leverage all of Russia, which is all we can imagine to get us out of the jam we put ourselves in with Ukraine? Just keep fighting and/or jawboning until the intelligence guys can do their thing?

    There’s a quote from God Emperor Dune I can’t find right now. Something about (from the Emperor) “I’m a super-predator that kills off all the other predators in my territory. That’s what rulership IS. I and only I get to be the predator here.”

    That rings true to me. Real rulers wipe out quite a lot of the other predators because their flock is THEIRS. The Good Shepherd. Not only the Bible good shepherd but the good shepherd of Shunryu Suzuki’s Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind. Both. Or imagine a parasite that kills off absolutely any other parasite that shows up and takes active care for the health of its host.

    Those times when there was tyranny, even when a strong man was blamed – in fact, ESPECIALLY when a strong man was blamed – you see middle managers given freedom – freedom to act outside of social and cultural norms. Freedom to misbehave. Freedom to rub in your face that they can do something and you cannot do the same, that shit rolls downhill. THEIR democracy.

    Seems to be some sort of grave error on the part of the people at the top – if they loosen all restrictions, all restraint on the organs (be they state, NGO, etc) that serve them, then they’ll have even MOAR power – but instead, millions of upper, middle, and lower level managers start indulging themselves – they are free from criticism and punishment now! They test the waters further and further, watch and learn from their peers doing the same.

    I don’t think we see these things in a well-run Monarchy where the people’s rights aren’t trampled on and the King keeps the Bureaucrats that serve him from self-indulgence. We don’t see these things in traditionalist setups. We DO see them when the message is that we have to cast aside our traditions, our normal social and cultural restraints, for some vague better goal.

    So the “Hitler/Stalin made me do it” is just a symptom of middle-managers given free rein to self-indulge and then backpedaling.

    I do wonder if the Ukraine fiasco grew out of a groupthink middle manager death spiral. And having tangled everything up so bad, people at the top can’t seem to figure a way out of it that doesn’t involve more middle managers coming up with some new scheme? STOP trying to handle things this way. Just start firing them. Just keep firing and firing them until it becomes apparent what jobs aren’t getting done anymore and then re-fill those. And just stop trying to manage and control everything everywhere. Managers want new things to manage and put on their CV, yes we get it. You’ll find that your power and resources are greater while you magically have a lot less problems to deal with. FIRE them.

    Fire them and publicly jail them and shame them according to the traditional values of your actual power base. Then you’ll see them stop using swat teams to kill squirrels. That’s YOUR power base being degraded, that’s YOUR resources being used for THEIR self-indulgence. At least as undesirable as embezzlement, but stupider.

    Elon Musk saying take 2 years of severance, just fucking find something else to do — the cost of you being there on the job is 100x worse than us giving you a 2 year vacation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2024 #177574

    US Congresswoman Missing For Six Months Found At Dementia Care Home

    “Oh no, the people driving the bus are not competent”

    No, no. This is not the takeaway.

    Cognitive function is not a concern in the selection and emplacement of these sockpuppets by the people running things. They would prefer sockpuppets with no brain whatsoever (prototype AOC) but find dementia patients best solution on a working basis for now.

    So The Masters Of The Universe don’t even believe in DELEGATION. They don’t believe in having a hierarchy for them to be at the top of. Not just “we don’t need capable intelligent people in these positions” but “we don’t need people capable of cognition in these positions” If they could have a chair, a brick, a log as their owned congressman, presumably that would be fine. Don’t even need him to be able to construct a sentence.

    Ergo they think that right now, not in the future, (for awhile already now) they have something BETTER than hierarchy. OR there’s a totally parallel shadow-hierarchy within which all business actually gets done. Your IBM XT still seems to display stuff, but when you crack open the case, you find a bunch of old, nonfunctional electronics in a pile, not even plugged into anything interspersed with dustbunnies. The monitor cable snakes off somewhere else.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2024 #177570


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2024 #177561

    I figured earlier this week, what the heck, let’s have a look out the window periodically, any drones? (Denver)

    uh… you know that one they’ve been showing in various videos with large rectangular running lights, green and red? I saw that light pattern pass overhead one night.

    Its direction of travel was not in-line with the light configuration. It slewed slightly diagonally. Not a windy day. Seemed to be lower/slower than a normal prop plane passing by above. The prop plane was clearly a prop plane and sounded like one. No sound coming from the other aircraft. I SUPPOSE the prop plane could have been magically silent and the sound I THOUGHT was the prop plane was the drone, right?

    The other thing that’s been reported – The Twilight Zone/Close Encounters thing of banks of lights on buildings, streetlights, or cars blinking their lights together? My wife saw that earlier this week on an apartment complex on her drive home.

    We’re not “terrified,” we’re bored and annoyed. So there’s no drone “hysteria” for us to be caught up in. The wife saw the blinking thing prior to us seeing it on youtube.

    There are sufficient drones deployed to simply SPELL OUT a message with lights in the sky if message-sending was the intention. Nah, just swooping around “Wooo. Look at me!”

    Fucking assholes. All they are establishing is that the Epstein Client List is even more important and fantastical and Super Duper Top Secret than aliens.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 19 2024 #177352

    Is there anything that ISN’T socialism/marxism/communism?

    Is there any group, community, club, hobby, genre, or concepts or terms that carry a cultural-social cache that cannot achshully turn out to be communist? ANY word or concept that carries great mana, that sits on an intersection of lay-lines, that doesn’t, it turns out, to ackshully be communist?

    What isn’t communism?

    Injustice. Communism isn’t injustice. (20th century doesn’t exist. Nor the 19th nor 21st. We agree to discuss on this basis…)

    Okay, but then injustice becomes a big thing. Very trendy. People are super into it. There’s injustice clubs and societies, there’s people raising their families with injustice-values. There’s injustice internet forums.

    60 seconds later, there’s a flying monkey on that Injustice Forum educating, training: “ACKshully, injustice IS Communism….”

    Gut reaction – does this ring true somehow? TOTALLY implausible in thought-experiment?

    EVERYTHING is a double-edged sword…. LITERALLY everything…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 19 2024 #177330

    Almost forgot – the whole premise of Communism, Socialism, Marxism is like a Banker – to insert oneself as a middle-man in person to person transactions.

    Just, instead of only financial transactions and taking a cut, it’s ALL human interactions, ALL associations.

    Inserting oneself BETWEEN everyone: “No. Stop Cooperating. Instead, you must cOoPeRaTe through me, always through me” Also like the Catholic Church saying you have to go through a Priest to have your Person-God transaction. Same bankster-type transaction/middleman relationship.

    Just like the Protestant movement saying no, humans can have a DIRECT relation with god, I’d need to see a Communist Reformation that affirms direct human interaction. I don’t know what they’d have left of their own belief system after they do that, but THAT is specifically the Revolution Of Communists Against Current Year Communism I would need to see to give credence to Communism = Family, Communism = Tribe.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 19 2024 #177328

    I have a few problems with “Communism works when it is done at the family level”

    First, this sounds like standard meatsuiting – I am that thing you love, so kneel before Zod.

    Second, current-year marxists are actively working various strategies, policies, etc to destroy family.

    Third, those current-year markets SAY that’s what they are doing and what their goal is. As far as they are concerned Family = Capitalism and Year Zero will only be achieved when it is smashed. Also nations. Ie TRIBES.

    So – “You like tribes? WE are that thing you love. Kneel before Zod. You like families? We are that thing you love. Kneel before Zod” WHILE as 1st priority destroying family and nation – the micro and macro ends of normal human interaction and organization. (they concluded they need to be anti human to achieve the desired Year Zero)

    Claiming to BE the thing while trying to DESTROY the thing. NOT in any kind of cognitive dissonance or confusion. Pragmatism is what advances communism. If claiming to Be That Thing You Love and destroy it are both Pragmatic, then they are perfectly aligned. NOT at all conflicted.

    Fourth, if Family is a form of Communism, then I would expect to hear QUITE a lot of marxists, communists, and socialists being continually, ubiquiotously, loudly against current year marxism — STOP!! STOP RUINING MY SOCIALISM/MARXISM/COMMUNISM!!!! But nary a peep.

    If the people claiming Communism is Family are ALSO the people not raising a peep, logically, I have to presume that is because it is PRAGMATIC. Family is a basic part of being human. Very common. Part of most peoples’ lives, thus particularly important. Like having air to breathe. Family is Communism, but there is no vocal bloc of – of course! naturally! – traditionalist Family-Tribe Socialist/Communist/Marxist traditionalists vehemently defending Family and Nation (their TRIBE)

    I’m not even communist and I’m unhappy with the current-year marxists, find myself complaining bitterly. Being part of geek culture, I’m mad about marxists ruining Star Wars and D&D. It’s my thing, and one way you can tell I care is, I overtly say stop ruining my thing. Where are these staunch Pro-Family Traditionalist Communists complaining about marxists ruining their marxism, their traditional family marxism? So the family claim is pragmatism. Not an actual idea at all. Just the proper lever to be depressed at the proper time. Certainly not conversation.

    Not being myself a Communist, I need to check around with experts – the communists themselves. To find Traditionalist-Communism that is pro family, pro tribe therefore pro nation (nationalist socialism? Tribes are, after all, nations) what lengths do I have to go to?

    I cannot get away from current year marxists and at this point, I cannot even avoid being browbeaten with the hegalian underpinnings OF their thinking just to have a JOB. My TV and my Chair and my Toaster are screaming current-year marxist epithets at me at this point. Inescapable and ubiquitous.

    By contrast, I can find ONE person saying Communism is Family. Back when I took a marxist “anthropology” course, I was assured Tribes Are Communism, We Are That Thing You Love, but with my recent refresher course in current year marxist critical theory from a few weeks ago, it occurs to me that these tribes would be full of traditionalists who would regard the marxists as totally alien in worldview as well as horribly toxic.

    If it WERE so, if it were remotely plausible, I’d see hordes of Democrats, Socialists, Marxists, Communists fighting shoulder to shoulder with Christians for traditional family values, right? And that’s totally happening. Somewhere in the multiverse perhaps.

    I’m sure there’s some word-cloud of double-triple-meanings invented to overlap real words people use for me to wander around in for the next year figuring out, deciphering, that “explains” it to me, but I’m pretty sure, having followed that path multiple times in the past decade, that’s where it goes. Not interested in the same marxist goldberg machine with a new paint job for the millionth time.

    I do not believe it. It’s obviously just another case of being pragmatic.

    Rather than jumping in and saying, “Yeah, maybe Marxism DOES = Family’ I’m going to watch and see if a horde of Traditionalist-Family-Value-Communists rise up to overthrow the current marxists, broadcast their family values message, change the college curriculums and stuff through their Long March to be Traditionalist Family Values, engage in a relentless full-spectrum slandering of current-year Marxists based on THEIR take on families, and so on. I’ll just watch for it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 17 2024 #177180

    “Trump wants to bring back the good old days of the good old ways of corruption.”

    It was heartwarming seeing those Triad dudes defending peoples’ stores in Hong Kong a few years back.

    Like a shopkeeper could get on the phone, ask their “protection” guy “What do I pay you for?” and someone would come down there and do something.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 17 2024 #177168

    The wife who is a bit of a blue-square normie (wants to be at the very least) and I were sneering at the drone news together last night.

    Mystical wondrous mysterious lights moving around chaotically. Cars and streetlights blinking uncontrollably and mysteriously. Wooowwwwww.

    I saw exactly this in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That aliens would dance around and make mysterious things happen so boomers can say “oooo. It’s Maaagic” and experience Aliens as a wonderful part of their own self-actualizing journey with no other meaning or totally separate agenda or purpose of their own. In a MOVIE. But guys, they act the same way in real life!!! Somehow!!!!

    Lots of concussion-inducing eye-rolling. Oh wow. It’s tHe aLiEnZ.

    For every new reveal of space aliens here on Earth. Dancing lights. Synchronized flashing cars and streetlamps:

    Holy fuck that Epstein list is even more wondrous and fantastical than I previously thought!!!!!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176975

    the 1500 Biden Pardons seem to be, at a glance, targeted to make sure to release people who will do significant harm and thus incur significant costs.

    Again, the last 2 months of the “biden” admin seems to be all about increasing costs and spending.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176974


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176973



    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176972


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 3024 #176823

    Kamela/Biden Admin – “we’re the best border-fixers! We already fixed it! We’re the bestest and way better than you at border-fixing! Achshully it was Trump who tried to stop US from fixing it. YOU DUMB STUPID IGNORANT MISOGYNIST NAZI FLAT EARTHER IDIOTS think that we intend to keep the border open bring in millions – you deplorable conspiracy theorist homophobic scum!!!”

    2 weeks later – oh btw we’re selling the wall for scrap.

    Just…. boundless, limitless contempt for the public.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 3024 #176822

    Biden admin throwing billions at companies to move to the US a month before tariffs make them do it for free, efforts to start ww3, I am actually losing track of all the things the Biden admin – well, “biden” – is doing in the last 2 months…

    Biden Admin Scrambling To Auction Off Border-Wall Sections Before Trump Takes Office

    Is DOGE coming to stop the spending? Just PRE SPEND IT!!!! Spend so much that their cuts just bring it down to what it was before! Or something! And destroy stuff just to force the next administration to spend to repair/replace!


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 10 2024 #176564

    “Turkey paid to get Kurdistan going (now with no central government in Damascus that was restricting and limiting it). Another brilliant decision by sultan.

    Turkey is generally hostile to any prospect of a Kurdistan and has spent many years fighting Kurds internally and externally

    IF they found a way to incorporate “Kurdistan” into Turkey successfully – willingly, obviously – as an integral part of the nation as opposed to a continual problem, that would be super, SUPER impressive. Along the lines of incorporating Armenians as part of the Turkish nation and identity as opposed to the events that unfolded.

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