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Just Admit You Were Wrong! (Jeffrey Tucker)
Great article. It’s maddening really. I’m watching it play out up close and personal in my town. There’s a well known local church with an international following, they stood up during covid and refused to abide by the lockdowns. They kept their businesses open, didn’t recognize masking “laws” and publicly gathered and sang psalms in public, leading to some arrests and national attention.
Those that were screaming for lockdowns and mandates and everything else still demonize the church and it’s members for daring to protest and live their convictions, even though they have been proven to have been right.
I moved here partially because there was a substantial minority (if not a majority) of people here not afraid to speak out and stand up for what was right and true. I keep hoping this could be a time the two sides could reconcile and we could learn from the mistakes, but I am losing hope. Best to just forget it never happened, I guess. The fearful team is still lining up for boosters and wearing their masks…
KassandraParticipantThanks for all the interesting replies. So many sound exactly like many replies to other questions, about the JFK assassination, 911, covid.
It really is such a shame we lost all the technology and are unable to return to the moon. The laws of physics must have changed, or something.
KassandraParticipantIs there anyone that reads this site that actually believes humans went to the moon?
KassandraParticipantI used to LOVE Bill Maher, even paid big money to see him live once….
What he said didn’t make any sense. He talks shit about the gender bullshit, the BLM bullshit, the taking the Palestinian’s side in the conflict – all Democrat/Left Wing idiologies…but he hails Obama as something good from Harvard…and only goes after Republicans, all of whom don’t have a damn thing to do with any of the bullshit he was railing against. Was I not supposed to notice?
He’s not that stupid.
KassandraParticipantYes, who would have thought that Donald Trump prevailing in 2024 (in his case and the election) might be needed to have a chance of saving this country? We are truly in clown world.
KassandraParticipantIs this what acceptance is? Is that really the lat stage? If so, I more hopeful than depressed. It’s where I’m at in my life, and many of my friends. I guess we’ll be ok.
KassandraParticipantOn long trips I always let the kids watch videos — the contention otherwise was more than I could bear.
As a child in the 1970s I went on many very long trips (day long, or multiple days) with my grandparents. We talked, played games (picking out different license plates, different car models, reading maps and estimating times, picking out different routes, they were endless). We also listened to music together, sometimes singing. It also taught me how to be still in my body with my own thoughts. Important lessons. No wonder kids are so screwed up now.
KassandraParticipantOne of the things that happened that convinced me the plandemic was indeed total bullshit and whoever was behind it all was truly evil was the demonization and ridicule of anyone taking ivermectin. I have been around horses my entire life and was well aware of what it was.
On another note, I just got 100 12mg capsules from my doctor through a local compounding pharmacy. Now that I live in a more isolated, conservative area I found a small private direct family care practice of doctors that refused to follow the narrative. They don’t take insurance, so of course everything is way cheaper, and the care much better.
KassandraParticipantOh f-you citizenx
You exemplify the classic retarded American voting for ‘the lesser of two evils’… because you know, blob A is less evil than blob B’s evil…
Pure evil can’t possibly be this purely evil… are you f’n serious? Organized systemic genocide is factual historical truth. Yet you ‘just can’t believe it yet you believe it’ . Brainwashing and propaganda are real…case in point.
You exemplify the classic retarded person that doesn’t care to really read and try to understand what someone is saying, and just wants to feel superior and shit on others.
I absolutely recognize and actively call out evil. That certainly doesn’t mean there isn’t a part of me that simply cannot believe it in my heart. It’s because it’s truly hard to fathom, it simply doesn’t make sense to me who just cannot imagine being that. But then again, here I am faced with an asshole that just wants to ridicule someone else, and act superior to them, and has no desire to understand. And directly faced with this behavior, it’s also hard for me to believe someone would act this way.
KassandraParticipantI’ve been lurking daily, but not posting. Not sure if anyone reads what I say anyway…
Just some comments on some recent topics:
I too find it hard to totally get on board with tvaf, my brain still cannot believe anyone would be THAT evil, even though I have experienced true evil personally many times over the years. What happened with the plandemic was pure evil, I know that, I witnessed it, upended my entire life, and was still only 24 hours from a vax mandate at my current job until that ruling came down. I had one of my staff tell me in a private meeting he thought the unvaxxed should be left to die. I watched the little kids double masked when it was known bullshit. I saw the way people treated each other, I saw the doctors and hospitals killing people. And I know of 3 people personally that were healthy 50-something year olds that died suddenly over the past year (all 3 just literally were lights out, overnight from cardiovascular related issues, and only one had any sort of issues in her past, and it was really minor, years before she just didn’t wake up one day). One guy literally was found in his chair, at his desk, hand still on his mouse. All 3 were the kind of sudden deaths that really freaked everyone that knew them out. I’m in my 50s, and have never heard of that kind of death in my lifetime.
And still. God help us if it’s really true that these injections really are known early death sentences. It’s really too evil to think about.
On the other subject. Child trafficking. It’s all too real. I witnessed it, in the 90s, in SF. I personally knew the head of the human trafficking division in Alameda County, CA. Chris Cornell and Anthony Bourdain didn’t kill themselves any more than Epstein did. You’ll never convince me that they did. But again, evil. It’s truly hard to wrap your head around what’s going on. I just cannot believe the media is trying to discredit the film… I think they are exposing themselves by doing so. Anyone that tries to discredit it is showing who they are.
But what do we do? Other then be open and honest, and find a community not scared to see it and confront it.
KassandraParticipant“We all cherish our children’s future.”
I no longer believe this is true. As an abandoned child, raised by grandparents that didn’t want me, left to raise myself and completely fend for myself by the age of around 8 years old, I thought I was just unlucky. That most parents loved their children. Watching what “loving parents” do to their children, I see widespread abuse. And seriously messed up kids. The truly healthy families and children are the minority now.
KassandraParticipantIs it just me, or do the mystery sicknesses and deaths just keep coming?
This week one of the board members of the non-profit I serve on resigned due to mystery seizures. She’s late 30s, 3 small children. Another one of my staff is down with a nasty case of “covid”, at least he’s tested positive via one of those tests and is very sick.
I was also on a retreat this past weekend and one of the women has been vaccinated 4 times (per her) but got covid and lost all her hair. The good news about that situation is no one said anything except “sorry” when she mentioned she believes in vaccines but got sick anyway.
It all seems so weird, like some shoe has got to drop at some point. It seems obvious to me that most people just want to forget this all happened.
KassandraParticipantA former co-workers husband, father of two young children and around 40 years old, died suddenly after a brief illness a couple weeks ago. Saw the update on LinkedIn. I think I am up to about 6 cases of sudden death within one degree of separation in the last 1-2 years. These are cases of relatively healthy people between the age of 40-60 years old. In addition, at least 3-5 cases of sudden cancer taking relatively young and healthy people out. I try not to get conspiratorial on the cancer though, I have known several people die of cancer very young way before covid.
KassandraParticipantJust got back from a business trip to a major southern city, one of my staff was drugged, taken back to his hotel room, and robbed of everything of value in his hotel room. They also managed to get access to all his accounts. He remembers nothing, just woke up at noon the next day with all his equipment and cards gone. They strangely didn’t take his work computer, and he was unable to log into any of his apple or bank accounts. Since they took over his apple account, they had access to all the accounts on his phone, and drained his of everything. Really scary stuff, obviously a targeted hit by professionals. I’m old now, so had no desire to go out, but now I wish I had just to watch my younger employees. I have no desire to travel any longer, or be in any city.
On another question, any one familiar with this? https://www.twc.health/pages/new-membership. Anyone participating? They have an interesting supplement https://www.twc.health/collections/covid19/products/long-haul-formula
I have not been vaccinated, but certainly have been exposed to covid and gotten sick. Lately I’ve wondered if the general anxiety, regular heartburn, and general nervous system issues I’ve felt since the beginning of the pandemic that I just cannot shake might be more than just emotional. Worth a try? Anyone else trying supplements?KassandraParticipantWell this has been an interesting 3 days. I worked for FRB for nearly 5 years. BofA for 9 years. Employed and worked with many SVB employees. I was working for BofA in 2008 when I put everything in cash, I’ve been spooked ever since. In in tech, not finance, but it all seemed cray to me. Will this be an interesting week, or will they just make it all go away? I guess we’ll find out!
KassandraParticipantJust putting this here. As I have mentioned before, I read Marginal Revolution regularly to see what the “other side” is saying. It’s just so crazy how there’s still two sides to this covid mess, and even though I upended my entire life to avoid getting the vaxx, well, I still don;t 100% know what to believe. It’s true, I am going on gut instinct…well that and the fact that I always thought the flu vaxx was bullshit, and after 50 years hearing that we cannot make a vaxx for the common cold, somehow we magically created one for this novel strain. Oh, and people way smarted than me who know about this stuff thought it was crazy too, and then they weren’t allowed to speak.
Anyway, are all these cardiac events really from covid infection? https://erictopol.substack.com/p/heart-attacks-and-strokes-late-
On another note, many of my triple vaxxed friends and acquaintances are sick again.
KassandraParticipant@Germ, have you (or anyone else here) had a look at Taylor’s twitter? Wow. Just WOW. Is it real?
We really are all living in two completely separate universes. Now I know why there are still a few people I work with that walk around with masks on all day.
KassandraParticipantWhen I want to read the opinions and thoughts of the “smart people” on the other side, I go here
It’s like another universe.
KassandraParticipantoroboros, that was heavy. Not sure what else to say except, wow, that was a lot to think about. Thank you for writing that down.
KassandraParticipantGerm, to this day I cannot believe that 90% of people I know willingly, and in some cases gleefully marched off to get these jabs the minute they were available. It all seemed so obvious. Even the sudden and crazy response to the “pandemic” seemed just insane. It was like I was living in a horror movie, and everyone around me started behaving like they were cast-members, and they all seemed to enjoy it. It’s really hard to explain to anyone who didn’t view it the same way, with a cool head and a curious mind.
And not a single person I know that joyfully jabbed themselves thinks there’s a problem to this day. That’s why it’s so strange, there’s zero awakening that I can see.
davidveale, I moved WAY east. Over the border east. Washington went as crazy as California, in some ways worse. I’m still a little too close though.
KassandraParticipantdavidveale, thanks for your post and understanding. Yes, we are saying sort of the same thing. That’s an awesome story, hat’s off to you…and I understand after all that how you feel the way you do now. Are you still in WA?
fyi, I have raised beds in my backyard because where I now am (in the inland PNW not too far from the Canadian border, with a short growing season and not a lot of sun in my backyard) that’s the only way to soil warms up enough and dries enough to grow things. All around the beds I have deep wood mulch to encourage the plants to grow deep roots. We get some heat here, but not a long, hot, dry season like in CA.
I took a huge pay cut and moved 1000 miles from my home to get out of the vax mandates. There’s nothing anyone could do to get me to take the jab, nothing. All I am saying is there are real mixed signals…from everyone is going to die (and as I have stated, I do know of several sudden deaths), but at the same time, nearly everyone I know is vaxxed and boosted multiple times. So, am I being an alarmist? I don’t know. I’m trying not to freak out is what my point is, because maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know. I just don’t believe anything anymore..
KassandraParticipantI don’t really know what to think about any of this. Is anyone else totally confused? You all seem so confident and sure of yourselves. I like Derrick Jensen, he has an incredible mind, although I don’t agree with everything he says, and yes, I also think he’s a bit of a hypocrite, as are we all! I hate that I’m not only typing on this laptop, but my whole existence is made possible working in the tech world, as a complete Luddite at heart! The situation drives me crazy.
I also go back and forth between a total doomster terrified of climate change, and someone the thinks so much of it is bullshit. Is anyone else on here just trying to live a “normal” life, while doing little things just in case? I’m so conflicted. This winter project is finishing a room in the basement as a music room/bedroom. Last summer was so hot for a bit we could barely sleep upstairs, yet the basement was 70 degrees when it was 105 outside. So live for today, prep for a possible tomorrow? Put in raised beds, haul in compost, outfit the house for livability without electricity? And maybe it’s all for nothing, because if things do go full on “the road” people will not let you just be.
Then, the vaccines. I still don’t know what to believe.
Maybe the answer really is getting rid of this thing on my lap.
KassandraParticipantcitizenx, whoa, that was harsh. True, but harsh.
Not sure if any of you look at LinkedIn or not. There’s some major carnage happening there. My theory is companies are not only laying off to save money with less people, but doing it right now, all together, to drive down wages (if you are in the tech world, you’ll know that the wages went stupid high over the last few years). Right now at my work (tech, but not corporate or in the tech field) we are running so lean, with wages 50-75% of typical market rate, totally unable to keep up with the work, I’m not sure we’ll see layoffs. At least I can hope. I’ll certainly feel lucky if I made it through the plandemic unvaxxed and employed (we were literally 24 hours from a vax mandate), and make it through the carnage to come. We’ll see.
We certainly are being set up for something.
KassandraParticipantI was in another meeting today and a participant was having a rough day because their friend had “died suddenly and unexpectedly”.
I’m not kidding, this is truly becoming an occurrence in my real life.Anyone else? Am I just imagining this is more than normal? I’m now up to 5 people 1 person removed from me this year (not to mention the strokes and relatively sudden cancer deaths).
KassandraParticipantCan anyone point me to how all this Joe Biden document scandal stuff started? I’ve been dealing with a local horrific crime that’s turned into an international sensation for the last couple months, and I’m semi close to what happened (very small community, where I work is now all over the news) so I confess I have not kept up with the Biden drama…but how did “we” suddenly find classified documents at private residences overnight? How does that happen? Why were they found in a random garage? Who was looking?
I did watch the Tucker Nixon Watergate video that was posted and, well, things that make you go hmmmmm….. How does this stuff happen?
I have officially entered the realm of not believing a damn thing anymore.
I do have to admit, I was wondering if our local news would ever get a mention on TAE. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) not a peep has been uttered about it. Another thing that makes you go hmmmm….
KassandraParticipantThis week I am attending management training online with 6 other people from various parts of the world (US, Canada,Dubai). Yesterday as we checked in, one of the participants was upset because one of their employees (in his 50s) died suddenly. The whole organization was “in shock”.
I was talking about it last night with a neighbor and brought up how many relatively young people seem to being dying suddenly. I was assured it’s the time of year.
KassandraParticipantThe Markster :
And all this in a small red county town where reputations and stories travel fast. Funny how living in a collapsing, brittle, divided and dying empire with a smart mouth can be so isolating and potentially dangerous. Loose lips sinking ships and all that…
Same here. I don’t say a word to anyone about the war. I hear what people say about it here and there, and it’s obvious my opinion would be not welcome, and I too would lose “friends”. I am new here, in a blue dot of a small town surrounded by dark red (very red state) but red or blue, it is interesting how war can truly unite people around propaganda. Right now I only have one person in my life I feel I can be 100% myself around (besides my husband thank God!). Boy would that be a nightmare if we didn’t agree.
KassandraParticipantThanks Germ for that article. Did you read the last paragraph?
Extensive independent research shows that Covid vaccines are extremely effective at preventing deaths and that serious side effects (including approximately 60 deaths in England and Wales) are rare, given the tens of millions of doses administered.
Now it’s just a few deaths, no biggie. Amazing how the narrative changes. And now the only benefit to taking the vax is “preventing death”? For a cold virus that doesn’t kill you?
KassandraParticipantJust got an email from a good friend. One her closest friends just shockingly died suddenly at the age of 62.
KassandraParticipantMy husband and I were talking about this the other day, we may know of as many as 10 people that have died suddenly, or been diagnosed with very aggressive cancer that killed them, have had major strokes, or have had sudden “mystery” illnesses, all in the past 2 years. 2 of those were healthy people in their 50s that went to bed and didn’t wake up and were “shocking” sudden deaths no one expected. Nearly all the people listed above were in their 50s give or take a little, a couple sudden cancer diagnosis and deaths were men with children under 18, very sad.
KassandraParticipantAnother thing about Bourdain, something weird definitely happened to him around the time he moved to CNN. His show changed a lot, became pretty obvious propaganda. Perhaps it always was, but this was blatant. All you have to do is watch his episode on Libya to see it in your face. Sometimes I wonder if he did see too much, got too close, and needed to be dealt with.
KassandraParticipantTwo people I know did not kill themselves are Chris Cornell and Anthony Bourdain.
I saw a UFO once, late at night, in Scotland, about an hour outside Aberdeen. It was 1997. I was with a friend, who saw it too. Back then I kept a journal and I still have that journal entry, so it’s one of those things I know happened, I documented it. It looked exactly like you’d expect a flying saucer to look in the sky at night. Now, it could have been some sort of secret aircraft, I’ll certainly never know exactly what it was. But it was definitely an “Unidentified flying object” the likes I have never seen, flying in a pattern nothing else flies in.
KassandraParticipantI too am very confused as the why we are in a space race to the moon, a place we have gone to so many time so long ago.
I guess it’s like the question of how large buildings just fall down. Or perfectly healthy people just drop dead. I’m clearly too stupid to understand.
KassandraParticipantThank you oxymoron for your reply. That’s very much how I feel. I’m starting a project to convert a room in my basement to a bedroom. It stays warmer in the winter, and very cool in summer. It even has a fireplace. Another project to use less energy and finish this old house. But it’s hard to keep moving forward towards the future when it all feels so hopeless.
I don’t know if anyone is familiar with the Front Porch Republic, maybe I saw an article on here and don’t remember. That’s where I go to feel hopeful after reading the morning rattle. https://www.frontporchrepublic.com/
KassandraParticipantToday’s rattle has finally got to me. It seems we are just ignoring what’s happened, what’s been done to us, with this virus and these vaccines. Isn’t it obvious at this time how harmful it’s all been? I know a lot of people, and don’t know anyone who died from covid. I am 2 degrees away from many people who either died suddenly or unexpectedly (all under the age of 60) or have died or have become suddenly very sick from cancer or other “unknown” problems, again all under the age of 60. It seems people really are very sick, a lot.
And wtf is going on with Russia/Ukraine? And this FTX fiasco. And The Twitter insanity?
But no one really cares. Everyone seems to be in a fog. Including me I suppose.
My wonderful little town that I love has been rocked by a horrific multiple murder recently. The world is crazy, it’s now cold and dark, and there’s a dark cloud hanging over us. But what can you do but just keep going? Be grateful for health, friends, pets, being safe and warm, for now. While I appreciate the ranting and raving and anger, I miss the more philosophical posts. I come here every day to see what’s going on, sometimes I don’t know why or what the point is, but this is my morning routine now. I guess I’m just waiting to see the tide turn, to see all the articles about people waking up. Unfortunately it looks like today is not that day.
KassandraParticipantI have worked as a systems engineer, systems architect and in technical leadership roles in IT (financial services for 15 years and higher ed for 10 years). Crypto always seemed like the pet rock to me. I mean, I got it but didn’t get it at all. Guess I’m too stupid to get rich, but I can sleep at night.
KassandraParticipantTruly surrealistic…a brain damaged person, who can hardly read/think, beat Dr. Oz in the home of the Continental Congress 😕
I feel the same. I am a regular reader of the comments section at Marginal Revolution so I can have some sort of understanding of the minds that would vote in such a way https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2022/11/the-election-results.html?commentID=160525251
MR is full of the “smart people”, reading it is like doing anthropological research.
KassandraParticipantI just want deflationista to come back and ask for forgiveness, lol.
What was that anyway? I mean, it HAD to be someone paid, right? How did this old commenter just come back out from nowhere just to spew the anti-ivermectin/pro-vaxx crap relentlessly? It was weird watching it happen in real time, obvious propaganda?
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive, my life was turned upsidown and my nervous system will never be the same again, it’s truly been damaged from the stress. I’ll never forget the lockdowns, the riots, laying in bed night after night listening to fireworks and gunshots for hours. Going out to the market at 8am so I could get food and supplies as quickly as possible just to not have to deal with the roaming hoards of mask wearing zombies.
We had one friend that would visit us wearing a mask and standing 15 feet away down at the end of our driveway. It was crazy.
When we finally escaped the total madness to a red state, my FIL would call us regularly begging us to get vaccinated, scared we would die (because of the insane national coverage of this state).
One of my employees told me in a 1:1 meeting that unvaxxinated people should be left to die.
I’ll never forget what happened, I have to keep talking about it because it seems so unreal. But I have to remember what they are capable of, it’s the only way to keep worse from happening. Thank you so much for all being here these past nearly 3 years! Can you believe it? 3 years!
KassandraParticipantWashington State University system cancels mandate for most employees
WSU to eliminate vaccine mandate for employees, contractors, and volunteers in most settings
Remember, this is the university that fired their head football coach for not getting vaccinated. They fired a lot of people, and had one of the most strict mandates in the country.
With the mandate gone through the courts in NYC what’s next? As I said earlier, word has it only 10% of employees are getting the booster who work for the University of California, do they cave next? What does this mean for the thousands (millions?) affected?
I took a 50k a year paycut (amazing to think about really) because of the mandate at UC. I’ve lost 100k in income over the past 2 years in my new job. I’m not rich, this was 30% of my salary, and I only started making in that range over the past 7 years, in my late 40s. I’ve got no regrets really, but the impact to my retirement and future, not to mention globally with so many having suffered huge setbacks, is really staggering.
KassandraParticipantNot sue if this was posted here or not, but this is nuts
“The latest investigation relates to an interview with the author Naomi Wolf in which she claimed women were being harmed by Covid-19 vaccines as part of an effort to “to destroy British civil society”.Ofcom said it would investigate whether the programme broke “rules designed to protect viewers from harmful material” after receiving more than 400 complaints from members of the public.”