The truth is that absolutely all the leaders are now in a new world, not just the heads of state. Managers of enterprises, both small and large, should take all measures to support the companies after the quarantine. Some workers were transferred to part-time jobs at our work, but I heard that people were fired in other firms. Our company switched to care management software for optimization, and it became more convenient for me to work. During such crisis situations, you can immediately see which professions people need more and whose services the demand is growing, and whose services are falling.
However, I disagree with the author. I’m not a professional, of course, but I’m just expressing my point of view. To date, the stock and securities market has changed a lot, increased, and may, according to the author of the article, become more clumsy. But it has many more opportunities, and now anyone with enough money can come to the broker and buy shares. And even if the author says that this is not investing, what is happening today, I do not see the point in looking for new terms. Using the example of Dave Portnoy I see that today’s market offers many more opportunities than it did ten years ago.