Maxwell Quest

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2025 #182308
    Maxwell Quest

    More Alex Krainer. Now, here is guy I can listen to all day with the only side effect being an increase in the understanding of geopolitics.

    Is Trump’s GRAND BARGAIN with Russia an ATTACK on Europe and The UK?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2025 #182303
    Maxwell Quest


    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2025 #182171
    Maxwell Quest

    I hear you, KS and MR. I’ve just been away for a while, and hearing Richard Wolff repeat the same old tropes about the capitalist system hit me the wrong way and I needed to kvetch. With the populist movement currently building in the West, you’d think he could come up with some new material which was relevant to today’s zeitgeist. He’s so dependably boring, and must think we are simpletons to believe that Biden was under the influence of the ghost of the Soviet Union past. See, even now I can’t stop. The guy brings out the worst in me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2025 #182149
    Maxwell Quest


    I appreciate all posts, as they are grist for the mill, so don’t take my criticism personally. It is directed at Mr. Wolff.

    I caught the live version of Nima’a podcast earlier today just as Richard Wolff started going on about how Biden and Blinken were still seeing Russia from the Soviet boogeyman perspective. That they were in denial, blah blah blah…

    Had to kill it right there, as I can never listen to that Marxist idiot without my brain starting to hurt. What a load of bullshit. Why not just admit both Biden and Blinken were installed pawns in a global power play to destroy both Russia and the US so that they can set up their NWO global totalitarian planetary government? Too soon to go there? People aren’t ready for the truth? Either way, stop giving this knucklehead an audience he can mislead with his inanities.

    As for the confirmation of Tulsi and RFK, I find myself hoping that this will be the beginning of a great reformation of not only our government, but all western governments. That the globalist satanic cult will get exposed to bright sunshine and quickly pulverized. That books will be written about how close we came to their hell on earth control grid and depopulation schemes, and whenever their names are mentioned, people will spit in disgust and vow never again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 23 2025 #180180
    Maxwell Quest

    I’ve been a bit disappointed in some of the criticisms going around about Trump’s tactics and possible lack of awareness concerning Ukraine. I know that analysts have to make a living, they need clicks and viewers, headlines, etc. But really, give the guy some room. Stop waving your arms around at every tweet or comment that doesn’t align with what you think should be done.

    I’m reminded of the scene from the movie, Lincoln, where the president is being badgered by a colleague for not taking a direct route to the goal, encouraging Abe to follow his “inner compass.” And what was Lincoln’s response?

    “A compass will point to true north from where you’re standing. But it’s got no advice about the swamps and the deserts and chasms that you’ll encounter along the way. If we’re heedless of obstacles and sink in the swamp, what’s the use of knowing true north?”

    And what is the Trump administration’s “true north”? To throw off the yoke of globalist control and regain US national sovereignty. How he goes about it is his own business, best kept close to his vest. He can spout whatever he wants to get his enemies spinning in their chairs or sparring at shadows, while he and his team plan their next moves.

    Many commenters here have said it better, but I still find it amazing (actually providential) that the Trump of today is much different than the Trump of 2020. He’s had 4 long years, a stolen election and 2 assassination attempts, to rub shoulders with other sovereigntists to get the inside scoop. And the world has had 4 long years of watching the globalists come out of their hiding places to wreak havoc on western culture, watching their WEF Manchurian Candidates steer their respective nations into the Marxist ditch.

    The Covid agenda was a giant wake-up call to anyone with half a brain, making the post-covid world radically different than pre-covid, where most were still unaware of what the NWO had in store for them, and those that did were still lashing out at the divide-and-conquer phantoms put before them.

    The battle lines are much clearer now, and the troops wiser and better trained. It’s a sure bet that our path to the goal is not going to be a straight line, so let’s not belly-ache so much when Trump takes an unexpected turn, rather than mounting a frontal assault with guns blazing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 7 2025 #178759
    Maxwell Quest

    Oxy said,

    “I have a feeling the English including Galloway are lashing out because they are ashamed of their country (few centuries of genocide and colonialism helps) and hate Elon for holding a mirror up that they let get real dirty. I kind of despise that class system of cucks and landed gentry. Can’t they do anything about it? Australians probably no better.”


    You know this is happening all over western European countries, and that the issue is being suppressed to minimize pushback on their “immigration flood” operation. Why is Elon catching so much heat over this? Because he’s directly over the WEF target: the destruction of national cultures.

    Just ask Lara Logan how well western women are respected by Muslim men.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 5 2025 #178585
    Maxwell Quest

    A late-to-the-party H-1B comment:

    When I first began my career in microelectronics (1975), the engineering staff was all USDA home-grown with one token minority to satisfy hiring requirements from civil rights legislation. No one knew what he did whenever he showed up for work, but we all knew why he was there and kept our mouths shut.

    When I retired in 2007, I was the minority, surrounded by young Chinese and Indian engineers. If you were lucky, they spoke English to include you in the conversation, but many times not. The comradery I once felt at work was long gone, and I stuck out like an old burro at the Kentucky Derby.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 5 2025 #178584
    Maxwell Quest

    “You were sick, but now you are well again. And there’s work to be done.” ~ kilgore trout

    Boy did that quote ring some bells:

    “You were asleep, but now you are awake. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were insane, but now you are sane. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were enslaved, but now you are free. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were ignorant, but now you are knowing. And there’s work to be done.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 3 2025 #178415
    Maxwell Quest

    Re #post-178372

    “For every thousand hacking at the branches of evil, there is one striking at the root,” – Thoreau

    I had a manager once, who would sit and listen to a meeting full hand-wringing, confusion, and conflict, then suddenly announce the root cause of the problem. The whole room would go silent. He was the one in a thousand, as is Herr Docktor. Despite the cadre of barking naysayers, he is one of the pillars holding up TAE. One of the reasons I make time for TAE each day.

    Though trained as a computer chip engineer, following a spiritual path has put me in contact with psychology for over three decades. Believe me, any true spiritual path requires the ironing out of the human ego, which is full of defects and distortions. The task of cleaning a mirror or lens is often used as a metaphor for this process. “The eye altering alters all” – William Blake

    There are a lot of tricks and gimmicks used by clinicians to modify behavior without treating the underlying cause – the festering ball of emotion laden ideas buried in a hidden complex. For actual life-altering change to occur, instead of just trying to eliminate symptoms, the complex must be penetrated and dissolved. Otherwise, it continues to run the show from the shadows. The process itself feels like death, which is why psychotropic medications are so popular.

    Anyway, I won’t try your patience any longer by belaboring the point. From my standpoint, all evidence (the branches) point to the fact that humanity is at war with a hidden cabal (the root) that will stop at nothing to destroy all cultures, all nations, by whatever means, in order to set up a totalitarian world government. Whether this is being driven by green lizard people from Alpha Centuri to save the planet or an ancient order of power-mad Henry Potter’s, I care not. To me, it looks evil, smells evil, is evil, and I will fight it to the death.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 29 2024 #178035
    Maxwell Quest

    More on It’s a Wonderful Life…

    To abridge the movie by removing the Potterville sequence is to destroy to lesson of the movie. The stark contrast between Bedford Falls and Potterville is the result of George Bailey having lived or having never lived: the ripple effect that one noble life can have on an entire community, not only today, but down the generations. Bedford Falls was wholesome and nourishing for human development, while Potterville was immoral and corrupting.

    Only George Bailey had the brains, vision, character, and courage to check the greed of old man Potter, whose craving for power and control was insatiable. Being an “old soul,” it’s clear that if George would have been able to go to college, he would have become a successful architect. Potter, on the other hand, represents the human ego unmoored from spiritual connection. The hole that cannot be filled. Angry at the world and his fellow man. Devoid of love. A destructive, devouring force.

    It was clear that George Bailey had a strong instinctive desire to leave home and make his mark in the world: “I’m Shaking the Dust of this Crummy Little Town Off my Feet and I’m Gonna See the World.”

    This he never got to do. Living instead a life of self-sacrifice. The life of the little man. I’d be frustrated too. Have a tantrum. Lash out by saying things I didn’t mean. Feel abandoned by providence after forgoing my own desires for the greater good. Nothing is so disillusioning or painful and being kicked in the nuts for trying to do what is right and good.

    Clarence Odbody was sent so that George could see the bigger picture instead of fixating on his temporary financial crisis.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Christmas Eve 2024 #177731
    Maxwell Quest


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176983
    Maxwell Quest

    “American has a wide variety of prophets, surely Edgar Cayce is one. The whole Spiritualist movement. Mother Ann of the Shakers. The Hopi, Navaho, the Iroquois Peacemaker. Kim Clament, Mark Taylor.”

    Thank you, Herr Docktor!

    Several years ago I did a deep dive into the 19th century spiritualist movement that swept across America and Europe. Spent about 18 months or so reading everything I could get my hands on: mostly out of print books, pamphlets, etc. Probably burned through at least 50 books or more, doing lots of cross-referencing and analysis so separate the wheat from the chaff.

    What an eye opener! That is when I learned that I couldn’t trust Wiki pages for squat. Like some other topics, this is considered “suppressed” knowledge. Suppressed, because certain knowledge would destabilize the current control system that keeps the masses ignorant and “in check.”

    A number of brave scientists of the day volunteered to investigate these various phenomena to once and for all debunk it, only to discover, after extensive research and experimentation, that it was REAL. And that the goal of this phenomena originating from a higher plane was to initiate a badly needed reformation of Christianity.

    And boy howdy were these brave scientists viciously attacked by their peers! One day receiving accolades and awards in their various disciplines, and the next day, after publishing their results, burned at the stake. Not unlike the brave doctors who raised questions about the Covid mRNA countermeasures: Cancelled! Cancelled! Cancelled!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2024 #176978
    Maxwell Quest

    Who let the drones out?

    Just read the Caitlin Johnstone drone piece. Wanted to see what she had to say. She seems to straddle the fence on this one, alluding to the possibility that the MIC may actually NOT know what’s going on with the drones. Sorry, but I’ll never give those lying bastards the benefit of the doubt. They’re up to something for sure, but so far, we’ve been kept in the dark. Par for the course, I’d say.

    Anyway, one commenter made an interesting point that stood out from the normal avalanche of silliness: that the drones might be “sniffing” for rogue nuclear material. An operation of this sort could justify the “stand down” orders, allowing the drones to do their thing. It would also explain the “we don’t know nuttin’” script from state media.

    Gaming this out, the goal of the op could be to interdict or maybe just monitor. Interdict, to prevent an attack, or monitor to minimize the damage to key personnel and get their new 9/11 to rally the plebs.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 3024 #176824
    Maxwell Quest

    One can dream.

    Ding! Dong!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 12 2024 #176741
    Maxwell Quest

    The East Coast drone ‘invasion’ has been on the periphery of my radar, but every time I click on an interesting link to see what they’ve got I get nothing but talk and fuzzy pictures. Don’t any of these knuckleheads own a telescope or telephoto lens? If it is an ‘invasion’ as they say, then there should be some hard data after this length of time. Hmmm. It doesn’t smell too good right now, and my time is precious.

    As for Project Blue Book, this was always a red herring for the public to focus on to take the pressure of the Air Force and other agencies. Blue Book ran interference. Its job was PR and misdirection. All the good stuff was handled through other channels and MJ12. The public is so gullible. Hey, are you talkin’ to me?

    Anyway, I haven’t seen anything about the drone story that leads me to believe it’s ET related. Show me noiseless supersonic flight, right angle turns, instant acceleration up into space, trans medium capability, mother ship deployments, arc welder brightness, flying cattle, something. Then, maybe I’ll turn my head and look.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2024 #175513
    Maxwell Quest

    Concerning the recent Alex Krainer interview that Herr Docktor posted above, I was reminded of the meme I created back in June:

    London False Flag

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2024 #174569
    Maxwell Quest

    “I’m sorry and all that but I spent over a year in the past 3 unemployed because I wouldn’t take the notavax.”

    No apology necessary, JB. At least you can vent here, where most of the readers will understand where you are coming from. I welcome it. Your voice is an important contribution to TAE.

    I live in the Pacific NW surrounded by boomers who have watched their wealth triple over the past decade, and consequently can’t understand how there could possibly be any problem with the current “system”. They chug down TV media like Gatorade, and don’t have the internet skills nor awareness to make it past the first fact checker that Google throws at them. They believe they are well informed and life is good. They are content Matrix dwellers.

    At the coffee group this morning I got to hear about all the nutcases that Trump in nominating for top positions. I am alone in a sea of insanity. Which is why I’m desirous for this new administration to peel back at least one corner of the Matrix and give these poor fools a little peak at another world. The world of reality.

    If they refuse to do this, and decide it’s easier to just sweep things under the rug, I’m afraid the masses will not wake up until it too late – when they are kneeling down in front of an open pit waiting to be shot.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2024 #174211
    Maxwell Quest
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2024 #174034
    Maxwell Quest

    “Good Lord Maxwell, you can’t see Trump is the Matrix? He’ll fill your ears with shit, like the assholes before him or the assholes following him. Jew theatre, manipulating emotion, as old as the sun.”

    If Trump is the Matrix, then why is Agent Smith out to destroy him? He is a flawed leader, like most, but who else are you going to follow into battle? Is there someone else whom the god’s have overlooked? Just who is going to inspire and unite us under a common banner? Are you, cb, withholding a better plan from us here at TAE, just waiting for the right moment in history to reveal it?

    Or should we fight a bicker among ourselves, while the Matrix sends its Sentinels to systematically wipe out all the isolated pockets of resistance to the establishment of their totalitarian technocratic dystopia?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2024 #174011
    Maxwell Quest

    There is real hope once again, but now comes the hard part. The new administration will be dealing with a population that has been brainwashed for decades, and are completely unaware of what is actually going on in their own country and the world in general. They’ve been living in the Matrix. If that wasn’t bad enough, they’ve been atomized and turned against one another by endless psyops. Their fear and hatred spun up to 11 by the CIA media and late-night monologues where a steady diet of propaganda was disguised as comedy.

    So, is now the time to put the past behind us, take the win and move forward? I say, “Don’t even think about it!”

    If ever there was a time to lift the veil on the Matrix, now is the time. I think the public is ready. Surely, many more were softened up in this last election cycle in that the outcome was completely the opposite of that predicted by all their favorite media pundits. There are always the die-hards, those who wanted their own rainbow inspired cultural revolution, but they are the minority. The vast majority of average Americans that were taken in by all the lies surely must be scratching their heads trying to make sense of things right now.

    So, now is the time to peel back the false reality and follow through, making the top players accountable for past actions. Crimes prosecuted, evidence brought forward, conspiracies exposed, fines, prison, and public shaming. Sure, it will be ugly, and some people are going to “pop” from the psychic whiplash, discovering they’ve been duped and manipulated this whole time.

    The alternative is to try and govern a population of ignorant adult children, who, because of their previous brainwashing, cannot fathom that the “literally Hitler” Trump administration is trying to help them become better informed, mature citizens, and save their country from a Maoist style takeover.

    The big lies, plus all the evidence to refute them are just lying around in the open. The new admin should carefully choose which ones to expose first, before going on to those that will be more difficult for the massed to digest. It will take some intelligence, finesse, and patience. And by all means, don’t make it appear as the vengeful persecution of one’s enemies. For this to work, the old media will need to be brought to heel.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Clean Sweep 2024 #173553
    Maxwell Quest


    I grabbed this Zero Hedge chart off of an X post and added some numbers for clarity.

    It’s old news I know, but I still hear many posters talking about the 2020 presidential election, as well as the 2022 mid-terms, as if they were valid. Get it into your heads that there was a coup of the US government that was orchestrated at a supra-national level, involving western media, NGO’s, 3-letter agencies, DC and foreign governments.

    What’s the alternative? That a washed-up, dementia-addled politician, who liked taking showers with his teenage daughter, funneled bribes through 23 shell companies, couldn’t fill a high school auditorium, had no political platform, and campaigned from his basement, got 23% more votes than the beloved “Hope & Change” Saint Obama in 2012.

    Just as in The Truman Show (1998), in order for it to work everyone would have to be in on it, and any dissent would need to be brutally crushed. If there was any doubt, what you witnessed during the Covid plandemic should have opened your eyes by now.

    I agree with Tom Luongo, that we are in a 5th generation war against western civilization. Choose a side: freedom or slavery, life or death. Oh yes, if they ever gain complete control, they will kill you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2024 #173380
    Maxwell Quest

    A follow-on to aspnaz’s What Happened to England? link:

    Living On a Thin Line – Kinks

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2024 #172898
    Maxwell Quest

    For Tom Luongo and Duran fans. I’ve been checking Luongo’s blog almost every day only to find he’d gone radio silent for the last few weeks. Nothing.

    Anyway, just stumbled on this and plan to spend the next couple of hours watching it:

    Elections, wars and Globalist panic w/ Tom Luongo

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2024 #172880
    Maxwell Quest

    “I pat myself on the back that I can skeptically jump on any new alternative news thing, mine the hell out of its information for 4 hour stints, and then hold the new info in a kind of heisenberg suspension indefinitely. Healthily informed. Healthily disbelieving.”

    This is a rare talent. The average person could not function with this level of uncertainty. And how many people do you know who are even curious enough to mine a topic for 4 hours straight like Neo in his training programs? “He’s a machine!” – Tank

    “And so people with a relatively narrow or even incorrect worldview get shit done, live real lives that matter more effectively than me.”

    Maybe, but I don’t think so. My only desire growing up was to live a normal life, have the picket fence, with kids playing in the backyard. NOPE, not for you, Pal! Fate had other plans.

    Now, after all the shit, suffering, stretching, and hammering, would I trade what I have now for that idyllic life vision I once had? No way, Jose! Just as a college freshman would not choose to go back and play with paste, crayons, and the alphabet back in kindergarten when he’s already playing with gravitational mechanics and enjoying the Bolshoi and Shakespeare.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2024 #172879
    Maxwell Quest

    “The blackmail on Hillary Clinton must be huge!”

    That may be true, Wes, but I think there is something more at work here. Possibly the same reason that the greed prick, Bill Gates, is now throwing bags of money at the DNC. They too are witnessing the shifting tides that Herr Dockter reminds us of. Their finger is in the air and it’s no longer blowing favorably.

    The unwashed masses are getting ever closer to a strong whiff of oxygen (truth) that might awaken them from their long slumber. If that were to happen, that the deplorables finally discover what all these evil bastards have been up to, and march on the Bastille, whose heads are going to be first in the guillotine? Hillary and Bill Gates to be sure, along with many, many others. When blood is demanded for blood already spilt, legal niceties and decorum can easily be swept aside in the tsunami of retribution.

    That is also why those globalist bastards in Brussels and here are screaming about the need for censorship to keep things under control. They also see that the winds of change are blowing. And just like that the desire for power and global domination is quickly replaced by the desire for self-preservation. Panic sets in.

    Now’s a good time to stock up on popcorn and knitting needles.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2024 #172871
    Maxwell Quest

    “Whaaaaaah! Why didn’t Joe Rogan ask Trump about the Covid pandemic?”

    Fair question, but put yourself in their shoes. I’m not sure about Rogan, but many of these people with high-level connections like Trump, Musk, Gabbard, and Ramaswamy are pretty well informed about what is going on in the world. But when you see them in an interview or at the podium, who are they talking to? I’ll tell you, some of the most ignorant people on the planet, that have been lied to for most of their lives, live in the Matrix, cheer on their local football team, and try to make ends meet.

    What are you going to do, hit them between the eyes with the global depopulation agenda, global governance, and secret treaties with other star systems? Just try it and see what happens to your audience and reputation. We’ve all tried it within our own little circle and where has it gotten us? As soon as their little rowboat starts to rock a little the shields go up and a volley of photon torpedoes are launched in our direction – an emotional barrage of cliches and talking points recently heard on TV news, IOW automatic defense mechanisms kick in to protect the psyche.

    In order to function, people need a stable foundation, a mental structure of belief that informs their purpose. Often referred as a world view and a life view. You don’t mess with that without blowback. Being burned at the stake comes to mind. In today’s world, however, we forgo the burning of heretics and witches. You just loose your audience, become a pariah, and get cast into outer darkness with all the other who tried to wake up their contemporaries.

    If you are lucky, articulate, and persuasive, you might be able to move them from A -> B, but not much further. That takes time. First you have to get their attention and hold it long enough to have an influence. This means speaking about things they can relate to and that make sense, based on their current level of understanding.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2024 #172733
    Maxwell Quest


    I’ve never seen Dr D as controlled opposition. He’s a prolific writer to be sure, and often exaggerates an idea to make his point, but it’s done humorously with good intent. His detractors might nit-pick, but will find it hard to argue against his core ideas. He can operate at the 30,000 ft level, and in the next sentence give on-the-ground data to support his high-level synthesis. Both are critical for a better understanding of world events (plans to which we are not privy).

    In my 40’s I began drifting away from having emotionality take the lead, and started living a more principle-based life. Honesty, integrity, fairness, the golden rule, etc. Once I got a handle on this, the next step was to look around and evaluate how well my own culture followed these same principles. What a shock to discover that most people are not very concerned with principles, but rather with personal benefit and comfort. With tribalism. With sexism. They will preach love, compassion, and tolerance, only to express in the very next thought how disappointing it was that the assassin’s bullet was an inch off the mark.

    I guess that is why I enjoy reading Dr D so much. He has a knack for pointing out… frankly all the insanity we see around us – pointing out the dark, while gently steering us toward the light. I don’t see any other motives in his writings, and consider it a service he provides. A labor of love, if you would.

    I’m 71 now, and consider every minute of my time precious. As my sister would say, “we’re playing the back nine now, and I can see the clubhouse.” I’m very careful about where and how I spent my energy and time, but I consider reading TAE and Dr D (and others) each day time well spent.

    FWIW, I was initially going to share some of my experiences with corporate bureaucracy, but I think the above thoughts take precedence right now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2024 #172586
    Maxwell Quest

    This is why Harris can take days off, doesn’t have to campaign or give interviews. First, the more exposure she has, the more people realize that she’s a moron. It’s the same reason Biden was told to stay in the basement during the 2020 campaign. His dementia was already evident with the slurred speech, confusion, thousand-yard stare, emotional outbursts, and shaking hands with ghosts. More exposure only made things worse for his campaign.

    Second, the fix is in, just as in 2020. Although, this time I don’t think they will get away with it. Too many people have woken up over the last four years and will be shining a strong light on any vote swapping or ballet stuffing shenanigans.

    We shall see soon.

    Help me

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 17 2024 #169108
    Maxwell Quest

    “If you can remotely detonate a pager then you can remotely detonate a cell phone.”


    Lithium batteries do not detonate. In detonation all the energy stored up within a chemical compound is released at the same instant. If lithium batteries were capable of doing this then they would be too dangerous for consumer use.

    High explosives like PETN and Semtex will detonate. It is highly likely that these pagers were doctored by Mosad to contain a small amount of high explosive along with a stimulant (detonator) of some kind that could be triggered by a special command sent to the pager.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2024 #168220
    Maxwell Quest


    I had the afternoon off the other day and spent most of it, with a few interruptions, watching that Eric Weinstein interview by Chris Williamson. I always enjoy listening to his brother, Bret, but did not know much about Eric, so decided to take a look. I was not disappointed.

    I loved his directness, as he was unafraid to flatly disagree with the host on many issues. This was refreshing from the usual “let’s all agree on whatever shit it say” lovefest that interviews often become. He also appears to feel deeply about things and events, and found it difficult at times to maintain composure. I don’t know how he made it through the story of the Vietnamese musician. I could not have done it.

    And yes, he certainly has an axe to grind with the gatekeepers of “the science”, which is not science, but politics in disquise. As do we all. Like the cartoon recently posted:

    If you didn’t like learning about Fake News, just wait until you hear about Fake Science and Fake History.

    I was surprised he did not have a better background when the UFO topic came up, but then one can’t be an expert on everything. We must choose where and when to spend our valuable time in life. Even for a genius like Eric, quite a bit of research is needed before the clear picture starts to form. Especially, for a long-suppressed topic like UFOs, whose secrecy, it was reported by a Canadian scientist, was held higher than the H-bomb.

    Overall, I was deeply impressed with his depth and passion, and enjoyed the interview.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2024 #167128
    Maxwell Quest

    “Someone also warned that the propaganda campaign does not actually need to convince people to vote for her. It only has to convince people that she is a credible candidate — enough to give the Democrats enough cover to steal the election.” – Boogaloo yesterday

    I never really believed that the DNC was crazy enough to put Kamala forward as their presidential hopeful, always thinking that she was just a placeholder, while Hillary worked levers behind the scenes so that she could be wheeled out during the height of the convention coup strapped to a handcart like Hannibal Lecter.

    But Boogaloo is right. With the captured media and fake polling, all they need do is to create the illusion that Kamala is a viable candidate, that the race is close, and their ballot switching/stuffing operation can do the rest. Americans are being prepped for another steal.

    I must keep reminding myself that this is a globalist operation. That those calling the shots are playing for all the marbles. What is a stolen election compared to throwing an entire nation, like Ukraine, into the meat grinder of war with its destruction, misery, and death? Wars, psyops, assassinations, bioweapons, nukes, nothing is off the table for these guys.


    in reply to: Kamala Harris May Well Win The White House #167045
    Maxwell Quest

    “And in the 2022 midterm elections, the predicted Trump landslide failed to eventuate – with voters refusing to elect candidates endorsed by Trump who falsely and foolishly claimed that Biden had stolen the 2020 election. Trump is still touting this lie – this may appeal to the more ignorant of his voting base,”

    The two lines above are enough to categorize Graham Hryce as a 24-carat shill, not that I hadn’t already made that conclusion after the first paragraph of his DNC press release… er journalistic article. Almost every sentence reeks with bias like an over-cologne’d teenager on his first date.

    Even a blind man could see that the 2020 election was stolen, and that the same techniques were used to limit the DNC/globalist power loss in the 2022 midterms. The blind can be very intelligent, clever, and insightful; however, Mr. Hryce has an even more dreadful disability: along with being an unprincipled shill, he is also moron.

    But a lofty moron, worthy of 10’s if not 100’s of subscribers. Far superior to the “more ignorant” segment of Trump voters who still believe that the 2020 election was stolen, as opposed to his just plain ol’ ignorant voter base – aka Hillary’s deplorables.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2024 #165107
    Maxwell Quest

    @zerosum – with respect to your definition of Noblesse Oblige …

    Below is a scene from the Jane Austen film of Emma whose message always strikes me to the heart. It is also an example of true friendship, where one submits to a deserved upbraiding for a lapse in judgement or bad behavior, and true tears of regret and self-condemnation can heal the soul.

    Although her novels leaned toward the romantic, Miss Austen was a master at displaying the follies and weaknesses of human nature through her various characters.

    Emma | ‘Badly Done, Emma’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 12 2024 #163404
    Maxwell Quest

    I remember watching a technical analysis of the PDF format birth certificate the White House posted on its web site way back when. Having some knowledge of file structure, the analysis I saw convinced me that the posted PDF version was a hastily constructed forgery created to silence the ‘birther’ sect that was making lots of noise in the media. However, it backfired and the posted forgery was just as hastily removed and memory holed.

    Whenever the subject would come up in conversation, I would reference said analysis and state my belief that the posted birth certificate was a fake. That is when they would gasp and take a step back like I’d just announced I had leprosy.

    It is almost impossible to reason with someone who has already been ‘snatched’ by media programming. They are no longer themselves; their minds have been infiltrated and they are unaware of it. All is well as long as they are surrounded by other pod people like themselves. But sadly, any that break with the media programming have this response to look forward to:


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 29 2024 #162447
    Maxwell Quest

    10 points to Bam_Man for kicking Wikipedia directly in the nuts. This is for you:


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 16 2024 #161313
    Maxwell Quest

    This is a shout-out to Ilargi and all the other contributors at TAE that devote precious hours of their time and energy in an effort to raise the consciousness of their fellow men.

    Honest Work

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 16 2024 #161312
    Maxwell Quest

    I picked up the first season of Andor the other day on 4k Blu-ray. Never thought I’d be watching another Star Wars spinoff after Disney destroyed the brand, and have stayed away from it for many years. However, a few YouTube videos piqued my interest, so I did some more investigating before popping the green for Andor.

    I have to say that this series is well written and well acted, and at a level that makes the last 40 years of the Star Wars franchise look like Saturday morning cartoons. It has several subplots that examine what it’s like to live life and eventually push back against an all-controlling Empire, along with the psychology of Empire believers who use its authoritarian structure as a ladder for improving their social status and personal power. Like V, the Hunger Games, and others, its messages are pertinent to our era.

    Luthen Quote

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 16 2024 #161304
    Maxwell Quest


    Interesting that you bring this up… I passed over Nick Pope’s video a few times, knowing that he was a lightweight in the UFO community with not much to say. Just as with the US’s Project Blue Book, British MoD doesn’t put their brightest bulbs at the UFO Desk. But the title of his YouTube video finally got to me and I took the bait… regrettably.

    After about 30 minutes I finally hit the STOP button. He was jumping all over the place and trying to flesh-out the alluring title of his presentation with nonstop inanities. It was a waste of my time. I gather from your comment that you had a similar response.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 14 2024 #161192
    Maxwell Quest


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 14 2024 #161190
    Maxwell Quest


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