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  • in reply to: The Troika Turns Europe Into A Warzone #22092

    Sorry – should read ‘unsustainable debt’ in above post #22091.

    in reply to: The Troika Turns Europe Into A Warzone #22091

    The Troika knowingly loaded Greece up with sustainable debt because it was a ‘quick fix’ avenue for a back door bailout of private banks that would otherwise have gone under.

    Eurozone politicians were unwilling to risk their futures, fearing popular backlash unlike their US counterparts who had been far more brazen and culturally correct in their worship of the Money God. Most Europeans may still have some sense of society over marketplace.

    Easier to scapegoat one of the smallest peripheral states whose former corrupt government gamed the system anyway. Greece is expendable to these fascist ideologues it appears.

    I am ashamed on behalf of these (mostly) unelected psychopaths who will do anything – ‘whatever it takes’ – to perpetuate a destructive system .

    I salut any government, politician or people who will stand against this bone and soul crushing juggernaut.

    The US has already lost most of its democracy and its people are now more subjects than citizens. Must Europe also bend the will and self-determination of its citizens?

    There is great harm in a centralized command/control top/down government. Just look across the pond and what do you see?

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