my parents said know
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my parents said knowParticipant
Concerning children: It seems to run around <2% of the infected are children.
“As of March 8, 2020, just one pediatric death was reported among confirmed COVID-19 cases in China, and as of March 15, 2020, none of the 1,625 deaths associated with COVID-19 in Italy were among children aged <18 years. In Spain, no pediatric deaths were reported as of March 16, 2020. In the U.S., as of April 2, 2020, there have been three deaths among children with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection that have been reported to CDC, but the contribution of SARS-CoV-2 infection to the cause of death in these cases is unclear.”
The above is from the cdc’s information for pediatric healthcare providers. The article is updated as of April17th. I don’t know why the numbers are so old.I think something has been overlooked when a contagious disease rarely affects children.
I’m thinking that to nearly exempt children (<19 years old) as it does, The Virus needs a co-factor- something that children rarely encounter. ACEi (angiotensin coenzyme inhibitors), statins, and other, older adult, globally-used drugs – come to mind.
A side effect of ACE inhibitors that prompts many to ditch them is a dry, persistent cough. Stronger doses are given to men, and men take them more than women.“To sum up, … If ACEIs/ARBs do own the ability to upregulate the expression and activity of ACE2 in lungs, they may play a dual role in COVID‐19. On the one hand, the higher level of ACE2 might increase the susceptibility of cells to SARS‐CoV‐2. On the other hand, the activation of ACE2 might ameliorate the acute lung injury induced by SARS‐CoV‐2.”
The following in brackets is the like a link. 🙁
[From Journal of the American Heart Association. “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) and Cardiovascular Disease: A Viewpoint on the Potential Influence of Angiotensin‐Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers on Onset and Severity of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection.”]my parents said knowParticipantThey need a bit of info that their models cannot show
Despite their simulations and their trials.
How long will you endure this?
And when will you rebel?
The BREAKING POINT is what they want to know.“They” are the top of the hierarchical pyramid of power in the world.
History is written to prove They have always been around: we are told it is the proper order. History also shows They fear the masses, and the history of science and technology is a tale of These people exploiting the brains and brawn of the masses to enslave those masses in ever sneakier ways.
It appears they have a doozy in The Virus. We fear death. We ache at the sad stories of the deaths of others. The Virus is the newest threat: it unites us. We want to DO something.What are we being told to do? Accept destitution and the dole? Never touch each other again? No more sports or concerts or state fairs? Forget weekends at the haunt, the birthday parties, our funerals and weddings and graduations and communal worship? What about juries? And libraries? And civic meetings? Congress?
In short: are we to do nothing? Even when They come and take away your wife, your child, YOU- because of a positive “test”?
Is all that okay??? The fuzzy facts are good enough for that?my parents said knowParticipantYou are no bot, Dr. D. Thanks for that post.
my parents said knowParticipant“Breastfeeding: Because studies to date have not detected the virus in breast milk, mothers may express breast milk after appropriate breast and hand hygiene. Caregivers who are not infected may feed the breast milk to the infant. Mothers who request direct breastfeeding should comply with strict preventive precautions that include use of a mask and meticulous breast and hand hygiene.”
my parents said knowParticipantAre the newborns removed from their “tested positive” mother’s care (assuming she is not critically ill)?
From the American Academy of Pediatrics (2 April 2020):
“While difficult, temporary separation minimizes the risk of postnatal infant infection from maternal respiratory secretions. If possible, admit the infant to an area separate from unaffected infants, and wear gowns, gloves, eye protection goggles and standard procedural masks for newborn care.If the center cannot place the infant in a separate area — or the mother chooses rooming-in despite recommendations — ensure the infant is at least 6 feet from the mother. A curtain or an isolette can help facilitate separation.”
Grrrrrrr. A cohort coming of bitter children, coupled with a spike of those with OCD…Haha, on the Guaido bit. Dan Cohen was obviously using the Julian calendar.
my parents said knowParticipantWe are being told to deny what is an essential part of being human: THINGS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO MENTAL HEALTH- hugging, laughing, kissing, talking face to face, gathering, romping, socializing… for the sake of those who may want to forego these things to stay healthy- or they may not. We are being denied our humanity to protect a group whose parameters are ill-defined at best. Vulnerable? Decide for yourself and stay home. Or take your chances. WE USED TO HAVE A CHOICE. Not enough hospital space? That’s a different problem, isn’t it? There are still thousands and thousands of empty hospital beds waiting for patients. Gas is cheap.
If you cannot see that when a guy in charge tells us we should never ever ever ever shake hands again- is that okay? That world is okay with you? Aren’t the facts bit muddy for that future?
How are you doing not seeing your grandchildren? How are you doing not seeing your friends? Your lovers? Your associates? Just fine? Oh, you noble person! More power to you as the food chain shuts down; when there is a real shortage of the things you truly need.
Consider the recent tornadoes: they didn’t set up the usual relief tent. What scares me isn’t that the urge to do so no longer exists-it does- it’s that the authorities said “no” and the good-hearted people said, okay.
Somethin’s happenin’ here. What it is ain’t exactly clear.And the button says: SUBMIT
my parents said knowParticipantFWIW- He misspoke. The number I think he meant was $39,000. It came from State Sen. Scott Jensen of Mn., referring to those who went on ventilators. Comment comment from 12 April 2020, amended 14 April 2020.
Went back to the transcript and the tape. He said $300, parents said knowParticipantThe Virus seems to be putting us at a philosophical crossroad.
I was listening to some governor on C-Span this morning, who mentioned the use of plasma injections to bestow antibodies from a recovered person into someone who hasn’t been exposed.
Question: Should the State have the right (power) to milk plasma from someone for this purpose?Of course- at first- many people would be happy to participate in this noble endeavor. But upon realizing they would need to be sequestered to prevent other infections from other sources, they may soon tire of being so noble.
There are a lot of people to inoculate. There probably aren’t very many who make good donors.The rights of one vs the needs of many. The needs of one vs the rights of many.
FWIW, it isn’t The Economy at stake- at least not the one symbolized by The Markets. It’s the economy- the interactions of humans in trading, sharing, working, thriving.
And it isn’t The Health of of the pieces of meat we all call home at stake as much as it is the health of the minds that drive those bodies.Lockdown: A hideous and apt word. Social distancing for unspecified lengths of time: It’s bad for the soul.
Grim cartoon: man tries to dislodge debris pinning his neighbor in his collapsed house after a tornado has torn through their area. The 2X4 remnant he uses, luckily, is six feet long.
my parents said knowParticipantBosco: Dr. D’s style reminds me of The Last Psychiatrist (who often made me feel as if he/she were a bot.) TLP ended abruptly in 2013 with the promise of a book that never happened. It remains one of my favorite experiences with the internet.
It’s a style of writing I very much enjoy, regardless of the content or the entity in charge of it. I started posting here to plead that Dr. D not be kicked off when someone wondered why he wasn’t. (I didn’t have to.) I’ve stuck around because I love the comments here- they are so all-over-the-place. It’s like a superb party- something I crave at this time.
Thanks, Ilargi, for your wonderfully open mind. And your superhuman parents said knowParticipantI just heard Cuomo say live on C-Span that Minnesota receives about $300,000 per Covid case.
Hey- let’s put an economic incentive into a positive result! (app. 10:40 am cdt)Concerning Dr. D’s post from april 11:
In the late eighties, my 82 yr old grandmother had a terrible stroke. Unable to speak or move, it was clear from her eyes she was terrified. She had a DNR order on her clipboard. A few days in, she had a heart attack. The attending nurse said the next day that she knew her daughters “weren’t actually bad people, and wouldn’t want to lose their mother”, so the nurse ignored the DNR and the hospital kept her alive for another six months.
Death can be a blessing. My many nurse-friends always said “pneumonia is the old person’s friend.”
I have a DNR. I dread hospitals. They buried my Gramma alive for six months.Eos forgot to ask for eternal youth for Tithonus, her beloved, when she begged for it from the gods. Eternal life withered him into misery. The gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada.
Death can be a blessing.
I have too often seen my friends watch their love for their parents turn to a secret wish for finality.
Death can be a parents said knowParticipantNext morning- Okay. Close to 19,000.
I desperately need new glasses, but it will have to parents said knowParticipantClose to 17000 dead in the US from suspected SARS-CoV-2 illness. Over 17,000,000 have lost their livelihood in the last 21 days.
That’s over 1000 people out of work, out of money, and out of luck for each deceased individual.
If compassion were an issue here, things would look different.
I suppose we can always count the upcoming suicides as victims of The Virus, too.
I weep for my country. I weep for the world. I weep for the future that’s coming parents said knowParticipantRaul Ilargi Meijer! PLEASE go over to Jonathon Turley’s site and view “Isolation Waltz” I’m pretty sure you will glad you did.
my parents said knowParticipantTests, Ilargi, yes- but they must be accurate (and, fwiw, I would prefer that they test for antibodies.) The experts reject the realtime clinical trials of HCQ+, so we must not presume that the sparse anecdotes that The Virus continues to be miraculously viable are to be considered without a good deal of clinical observation.
“Still, you can’t ask one part of the population to make sure they are not infected, and at the same time let others free to then infect them. That’s merely freedom for one group, and the denial of it for another.”Not infected when they get notification, but perhaps infected the hours before? Are we guaranteed the right to not catch a disease? Shall we shun infectors? Who are they? Those who had it and have recovered? Those who have been proven to have tested positive and are now testing negative? Do you trust the negative test?
With any luck- from what I have read- we hope to see 80% of the population infected to install “herd immunity”. Will those vulnerable 20% be free while the infected are sequestered?I waffle, myself- but I have a mountain of evidence that those who are running the show are untrustworthy. The War on Terror was fading: now we have a War on The Virus. They have taken our most human instinct- to congregate- and made it immoral. How long can we deal with this? And The Virus – and there are so many of them out there- wins- just like the terrorists won in “America”. The US has made the 911 perpetrators proud.
Now the “terrorists” are the infected, or possibly infected, or those exposed to an infected person.
Think of Camus. It wasn’t really about a bacillus. It was about jackboots.
People are justifiably afraid of “tests” that may rob them of income and dignity. There are many sane, decent, unaffiliated researchers who agree. Others here have linked them. This virus is going to eventually run through the population. The question remains: how long are we going to put up with the remedies to prevent that?
It is not leprosy. It is not the Plague. It is a coronavirus. There will likely be no parents said knowParticipantI want to know why this isn’t so:
There is an hypothesis- put forth in a number of studies- that Hydroxychloroquine+ is an effective treatment for SARS-CoV-2. In realtime, it is being clinically shown to be true. Why is this not good enough for the medical experts, considering this is a worldwide emergency?
Fauci? Birx? Anyone?my parents said knowParticipant“Coca leaf tea is best used for the treatment of altitude sickness, something that many visitors to Cusco experience. The properties are considered a miracle medicine and are very effective in treating the symptoms of altitude sickness. … You can drink up to three or four cups of Coca leaf tea per day without a problem.”
This the first google box that comes up when I search “coca leaves and altitude sickness”.
Thanks to pheonixxxx on Peak P. comments, 2 days ago.Also on PP comments (erin hunter): Consider the air quality in NYC on the eleventh+ of september, two thousand-one.
my parents said knowParticipantI just heard the call again- she didn’t say “never”, sorry.
Mary, from Ft Washington, MD: ….”The caller that called and said that black people need to take that drug that Trump wants to push? He’s got money invested in that; so tell that caller when [Trump] takes that drug and he doesn’t die? Then we might take it. But that’s ridiculous. [The moderator asks when will it be okay for you to stop doing what you’ve been doing (staying in the house, not socializing, and wearing masks and gloves since December]. “When the doctors say it’s oaky. When the scientists says it’s okay. Not when 45 says it’s okay ’cause he’s been lying since he slithered down the escalator.”
Geez. Transcribing is tedious business.
On another note: Martenson praises some mask makers using blue shop towels. A Fleet Farm already says 2 per order at 8.99. Another brand is selling for 117.00! What an interesting way to hear how word gets around.
my parents said knowParticipantOn C-Span’s Washington Journal this morning a woman called in and said she would NEVER take that stuff that Trump talked about.
Hillary Clinton is the gift that just keeps giving…/sToday’s photo is particularly poignant. Is necking a thing we will only be able to see in the rear-view window?
And Bernie suspends his campaign.
my parents said knowParticipantI prefer SARS-CoV-2. It summons up better stuff on the googol [com]plex.
Boris looks anemic. Trump could be jaundiced, or he could be taking extra iron. /s
Wild speculation: China- ancient soul that it is- may have a better handle on mass psychology than the West. They may have declared an epidemic, knowing the West would go nuts when it reached them. That’s spy vs spy vs spy…
I loved Mad Magazine in the sixties.When the elephants rumble, the ants tremble.
The elephants may be partying, but the ants worry just the same.
This is a double post from yesterday. I know.
my parents said knowParticipantI prefer SARS-CoV-2. It summons up better stuff on the googol [com]plex.
Boris looks anemic. Trump could be jaundiced, or he could be taking extra iron. /s
Wild speculation: China- ancient soul that it is- may have a better handle on mass psychology than the West. They may have declared an epidemic, knowing the West would go nuts when it reached them. That’s spy vs spy vs spy…
I loved Mad Magazine in the sixties.When the elephants rumble, the ants tremble.
The elephants may be partying, but the ants worry just the same.
my parents said knowParticipantSo now it appears The Virus attacks the blood- impairing its ability to carry oxygen. I can’t recall where I saw it, but some researcher suggested it wasn’t so much pneumonia as a lack of oxygen in general that was causing the biggest problem in fatal cases. The pneumonia comes AFTER the blood is deoxygenated.
They even mentioned heme- so I looked at porphyria and covid 19- no special flags were up- yet.
Anemia patients are warned, however, to be wary.I can’t resist- on the 11th of March on Putrid’s site, I cracked the (tasteless) joke that Trump’s “covfefe” comment was a prescient remark to take extra iron…. He said it in May of 2017.
my parents said knowParticipant“In March, doctors from China published two studies that gave the first glimpse at how prevalent cardiac problems were among patients with COVID-19 illness. The larger of the two studies looked at 416 hospitalized patients. The researchers found that 19% showed signs of heart damage. And those who did were significantly more likely to die: 51% of those with heart damage died versus 4.5% who did not have it.
Patients who had heart disease before their coronavirus infections were much more likely to show heart damage afterward. But some patients with no previous heart disease also showed signs of cardiac damage. In fact, patients with no preexisting heart conditions who incurred heart damage during their infection were more likely to die than patients with previous heart disease but no COVID-19-induced cardiac damage.”
I can’t tell you the website because anything like it- spelling it out, for example, rejects the post. Khn is the site. Dot org.
my parents said knowParticipant“Plandemic”. Heh.
my parents said knowParticipantThank-you, zerosum, for providing the link.
my parents said knowParticipantOh, yeah. Euromomo. European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action. Gives stats on usual death rates.
my parents said knowParticipantMonsanto. MoonMist Cigarettes.
On The Virus: I’ve waffled. It’s horrendous and I’m gonna DIE. It’s a live exercise (think Boston). It’s a convenient cover for a tanking world economy. It’s a remarkable show of world unity combined with a fermenting pre-www3 undertone.
I do know that the numbers do not merit the response- mostly because testing is STILL iffy and I can’t believe any numbers without reliable testing- we simply don’t have real statistics, and it seems we don’t want to run them.
I know that if The Virus is what it is purported to be we are not going to put up with pseudo-martial law for eighteen months until a dubious vaccine comes along- when corona viruses are notoriously unvaccinatable. Thus, it will come and go and come and go and we will learn to live and die with it.
I don’t trust anecdotal stories from anyone trying to make a bigger point. They play violins and/or stir anger. I hate it when a politician says “Ya’ know, A guy named Marty wrote to me and said….”
Sure he did.
A little objectivity would go a long way where we are now. Real numbers based on real tests run in real random studies to ascertain where we really are.
I’m waiting. In the meantime, I have lost my fear. It’s a bug and it might kill me. So it parents said knowParticipantBeautifully written, Ilargi.
Sadly, in the end, Tarrou- who “gets” it- dies. (Camus)
So much for parents said knowParticipantOMG- from the video, concerning the panic-induced, synthetic hypochondriacs going in for a sniffle and crowding the medical facilities: just wait ’til allergy season gets going here in the states.
my parents said knowParticipantFrom Recombinomics, concerning New York: “All 11 of the 14 newly released sequences are closely related to each other and sequences from patients in Italy. The two recent sets, as well as the initial four sequences, are heavily dominated by matches with Italy (30/34)”
my parents said knowParticipantOh- thanks Ilargi, for mentioning that NEJM article which shows Dr. Fauci has an academic opinion, and a MSM opinion.
my parents said knowParticipantWho’s to say where it stops? How many waves of The Virus will impose “lockdowns”? How many other novel viruses can pop up and we must do this all over again?
Meanwhile, the Reset continues on schedule.Many millions out of work?
We had to have a reason.
Just call it a pandemic
Instead of a “flu” parents said knowParticipantMeanwhile, outside the The Virus bubble, oil hits an 18 year low.
Good news, right?my parents said knowParticipantHere is a ditty for today- slightly on topic.
Socialism will favor the hens;
Capitalism, the foxes.
If we cannot remember we’re humans,
We’re all gonna end up in parents said knowParticipantezixa1949: Fascinating link. Unfortunate news outlet title.
Concerning Fauci: I didn’t like him much during the AIDS thing in the 80s. I don’t much like him parents said knowParticipantA treatment that has a 50% death rate seems to be a treatment that needs some tweaking.
How does one clean a respirator? Does UVC sterilize each breath? How does one clean a hospital room? Do they throw out the beds? How much viral-covered waste is being generated here?
How many go into the hospital with a moderately severe case and wind up maximizing the viral load?
Where possible, perhaps hospital rooms should be outdoors under the light of the sterilizing sun.
Would electrostatic masks work?
How long before people start going crazy? Another SIX months?my parents said knowParticipantWe’re going to learn to live with it.
What’s at stake is HOW.Your best rhetoric ever, Dr. D. Nicely put, zerosum.
my parents said knowParticipantGoodness, that was a long read.
Has anyone dug any of those dead vapers and tested them yet?
The description of their lung damage was spot-on. I think someone even used the “ground glass opacity” metaphor. (Naveed Saleh, for example, in a sept 27th, 2019 article for medlinx.)my parents said knowParticipant“Price discovery” Hooot.
my parents said knowParticipantBosco-
“Crowded” in this small town still let people keep pretty good distance from each other, but six feet seems silly when the aerosol hangs in the air for three hours. I wore a loose turtleneck fleece shirt, and tucked my face in when the guy coughed. I do that all winter- I am a dark season germaphobe. If someone sneezes in the aisle one over, I forego crackers ’til the next time.
You probably won’t see this- but I came back to read the late night posts- you were on a parents said knowParticipantThanks zerosum, from yesterday. One would think that should work. I have been to many different sites- general and specific to wordpress- all with the same results: the link shows up as html. If I simply type the link, the post doesn’t post, even if I leave off bits. It’s probably something too obvious- but that’s the sort of thing I miss. I’ve even tried different computers.
We braved the real world today before we are all supposed to stay home here in my state- to buy produce and crickets (I have tortoises, bearded dragons, anoles). The store was crowded and there were no children. No one wore a mask (we don’t have any). Someone nearby coughed, so when we got home we showered, and then took a sunbath. There is one case we know of in our little town.
My state was shown to be the least concerned of the fifty about The Virus, and I still feel that knowing there is a treatment has made me feel easier. Cuba is having good results with interferon alpha2b, as well.
That this info is not being used to allay fears means they aren’t done trying to scare us all into submission. Imagine a year ago if someone told you that governments were going to shut down businesses- so many of whom are unlikely to survive. And then stuff billions into the pockets of the already stuffy.
The Virus is not going to just go away in two weeks. Epidemics come in waves. What happens next?
The Shadow [government] Knows!
Ilargi, your stuff scares me; Dr. D, etal., your stuff makes me think something sinister is afoot. I am more afraid of the sinister than the medical.
Ah, well. Que sera, sera.
Oh, yeah. F**K Baraitser. -