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The results of the Swiss vote, 62% for the Covid Law (=> vax/other passes coupled with financial compensation for those who lost out because of lockdowns etc.) was as expected according to previous votes, polls, etc. I thought it might be somewhat more “for”, because with time ppl become more afraid, less resilient, less in touch with others, etc.
Who voted for what part(s) of the law is hard to dope out, as it imho – illegally, unjustly, sneakily – threw all kinds of stuff in there.
However it is pretty clear that the vote against was against the Sanitary PASS (which boils down to a vax pass as ppl can’t go and get tested every two days..) and not against comp. paid to essential / other workers.
Ex., Geneva Canton attacked the law on this point in a referendum which took place previously. The law offered no compensation to illegal workers; the proposal was to include them, and over 70% voted for (> paying illegals.)
Those who opposed the Covid law, basically, the VAX PASS, briefly:
Two small, geographically ‘plateau,’ German speaking, traditionalist, conservative Cantons: Schwyz and Appenzell R-I. (as stated in the article linked at top)
Those with only basic ‘primary’ schooling: 51% against.
Young people, aged 18-34: 56% against. Acceptance rises with age to 78% for the over 65.
Town vs. country. Town for, country against, but this is complicated. Urbanites vs. the farmers who feed them, say.
Lower income vs. higher income, with the ‘lowest’ refusing and the top dogs accepting. So, one sees ‘essential workers’, the poor, voting against, while the solidly salaried, banksters, U profs, top management, journalists *!*, those who can work remote, etc. voting ‘for’ ..
This is all typical of “W” countries. The only good sign is the ‘young’ vote against.
NoiretteParticipantUkraine ( > prev. thread.)
While Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu are in charge, no Russian attack on Ukraine will take place.
If others are in charge, no attack on Ukraine will take place.
Russia is not massing troops on the Russia / Donbass, border, maybe some forces were there on some exercise.. etc.
Russia (= R) does not want to take over the Donbass.
It has avoided doing so since the Maidan. For contrast, see Crimea.
It would be a costly and possibly difficult occupation. The ppl of the Donbass region are grateful (?..) for R’s ‘help’ but the nos. to happily join the Motherland aren’t there. Maybe at most third or so of them would like to join R, with others preferring ‘special status’ within Ukraine, others independence-why-not, or some other alternative.
R has given a lot of help to the Donbass. About arms and military matériel and advice Idk, one can read various reports, how that works out on the ground tough, as it depends on human plots, plans, decisions, re. actions…
R speedily encouraged changing the school system, switching to the R marking system, standards, qualifications and certifications, from primary up. It sent schoolbooks – always a major expense. The Donbass implemented the change with no firings. (Ukr. has primary and other schooling split by language – Ukr. or R. Generally it is parents who choose the ‘strand.’ Madness of course in a nation that pretends to seek ‘unity.’)
Teachers in the Donbass who taught in the Ukr. option were re-cycled to sports, math, or switched to R. Today, all graduates conform to the R system and can for ex. study in R Unis, tech schools, other, with no barriers.
R has handed out R passports to Donbass citizens, who now are *increasingly* (as I haven’t looked up how many 😉 ) dual citizens. Regulations for ‘foreignors’ who work in Russia are far more supple for Ukrainians, etc.
—> R welcomes Donbass citizens as entrants and participants but does not want the territory.
The latest “Ukraine will defend itself” news is but a last gasp of manipulation from Ukr. PTB, to push the US, the EU, into supporting, that is funding, some kind of ‘defense’ against R. Imho the W powers have given up Ukr. as a failed effort, lost cause. Retreat and disinterest and ‘no answer’ will be upcoming.
NoiretteParticipantSwitzerland. Our local cantonal (Cantons have much leeway, independence) Councillor for Health announced new measures.
We already have ‘fully-vaxxed’ / neg. test valid for 48 hours / recovered (very restricted) PASSES required for all public indoor venues except shops, medical, admin, public transport, emergency..
Now masks indoors everywhere become obligatory, incl. in primary schools, etc.
Exceptions are granted for:
Restaurants and cafés indoors (where only fully vaxxed patrons can enter) when they are eating / drinking, and:
I’m really pleased, not that I frequent discos, but because this will surprise some ppl, make others question, rile others up, etc.
Tomorrow, 28 nov., CH votes on a Federal Referendum which proposes to annul the latests Covid Laws which date from March 2021. (REF was organised at ‘warp’ speed.)
The details are too byzantine — at heart it boils down to: those against ‘mandates’, an obligatory cov-vax (NOT mentioned in the law, hovering specter) the ‘green passes’, the restrictions, too much power to the Federation, and many other points, some purely constitutional, on side A.
Side B being for -> to defeat, corral the Corona, protec’ everyone, and in support of ONE part of the law, which is financial compensation for let-go workers, small biz, independents, venues that were shut down, big biz that went to half-time, etc. etc.
—-The financial compensation package and sanitary laws should never have been allowed to be coupled together on the same ticket.—
The result will be, imho (following other recent CH votes..) around 30% for side A, side B winning easily with a comfortable majority.
Imho, this A vs. B % *rough* division is a good guide for opinion in many European countries. What ppl can do is another topic. Overall, not much.
NoiretteParticipantOn Eugyp. Ignorant and Afraid.
OK read, as he includes ‘class’, if only as a division between a privileged class and ‘ordinary folks,’ with the tops ‘pampered and sheltered’ or words to that effect.
He makes the they are out of touch argument, with ‘common sense’ coming from below, or the ‘modern’ hive mind doing better. OK, alright 🙂 ..
He doesn’t mention any groups such as the gulf between the Yellow Vests and Manu’s (Macron) buddies; the ‘Dem.’ remote workers apalled at the very existence of Deplorables, etc.
Secondly, he points to ‘curated information’ and describes some or the reason to divert, play dumb, etc. on the part of Gvmt./ Establishment types.
He ascribes the shoddiness of the ‘info’ to stupidity, incompetence, currying favor, bureaucratic inertia (off the cuff from my read) …all of which play a role for or sure!
Imho, it is info. which has been tailored or fabricated to serve powerful ppl, Corps, groups.
He goes off the rails (imho) in ascribing a personal motive of fear of the Corona, of suffering and possibly dying. Ex. quote:
The prime minister of Austria is so afraid that he has confined all unvaccinated Austrians to their homes.
If these heads of States were, for. ex, closing schools because of fear of contagion to them personally, they are nuts, and out of character re. their the Tops / plebs division. Moreover they get ‘best’ protection and treatment, cures. They have nothing to fear from school kiddies.
Is this a German interpretative thing? That the leader’s personal ‘fears’ would dictate national policy directed to millions of ppl in regions distant from them?
Personal fears are not invovled in this story imho.
NoiretteParticipantFrance. Two Gvmt. reports have come out re. statistics of hospital use in 2020.
The reports, and what I post here, come from a good vid. summary in F > for the references. Have checked various points, all correct. My comments in (..) M = million.
Overall: COV19 accounted for 2% of hospital activity in the year 2020. (Activity = beds, stays, etc., not cost.)
Ex. Out of a total of 11M hospitalisations, 217K were for COV19.
The Health Ministry Public data website counts ‘hospit. with covid’ and thereby adds in 20%. (E.g. patient with two broken legs in orthopedic ward who catches COV-19 in the hospital.)
Never have F hospitals been so underused.
In 2020, they had, as compared to 2018 – 19:
1.3 M less patients
2.2 M less stays (cancer patients go in and out of the hosp, etc.)
Overall this represents a more than 10% under-use, as compared to the past. (Which is where the ‘never’ comes from.)
The only stats that went up were:
—length of stay in hosp
—deaths in hosp
(As COV19 patients weren’t treated early on and so became very ill, lingered intubated etc. and died in the hospital.)
The hospitals being overwhelmed in France was a MSM fiction. The stats outlined in the reports might lead a ‘smart top manager’ to close beds, fire nurses, docs, cleaners, and re-group, i.e. close some regional facilities / wings of main facilities, etc. (Which may be happening or planned, other story.)
France went so far as to allow blaring headlines claiming that some F COV19 patients had to be transferred to Switz (where the hospitals were filled with bored emergency Docs, I have some perso anecdotes ..) and Germany.
NoiretteParticipantBosco posted: For those of us watching Russia amid this plague of nonsense, I’ll note that my fave Russia-watcher has nothing to say about covid. Seems odd.
In his latest public speech Putin states that everything must be done to vax to the max in soft-ish diplo language. It was his first, thus main, point. —eng.
Several articles about covid madness in Russia by an ex-journo. Facts given in this article are correct (afaik), minus the examples which I haven’t checked.Myths vs. Reality in Covid Russia. E. Slavsquat.
other articles by him on the same topic at site. (not that i agree w. it all.)
….. Russia lovers in France are devastated …….
In Europe (+ USA..) Sweden was frequently touted as ‘different’, ‘more sensible’, ‘no lockdowns’, etc. The differences were hyped but minimal, or even non-existent as compared to Switzerland for ex., as things played out on the ground. Sweden will now also introduce a VAX PASS. One ex.
NoiretteParticipantOn the mystery of Africa not being decimated by Covid (prev. thread):
quote…But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.
Just a news article so who knows. If covid ‘scientists; aka gvmt. / corporate / other sleazy spokes-persons were sincere in their analysis, they would glibly mention:
— much, much, younger population
— few oldies over 70 or so with serious co-morbities
— less fatties and obese ppl (in most places)
— less travel, more time spent outside, more ‘natural’ activity (walk, bike, weed etc., do laundry, etc.) perhaps less food / fast food, dangerous meds, and more.
— maybe: vaxxed against TB (BCG vax), taking ivermectin for parasites, other (if effective or not no matter)
Reportedly Bill Gates waved his hands and said he didn’t know…here an older article (where ‘young’ is mentioned by him)
They can’t pontificate / jaw around about this, because they know the COV deaths in the West are due to corruption, control of Med. regulatory circuits, financial incentives thrown at compliant and greedy admins and docs, old ppl being locked up with controlled med. staff / rules (perhaps even killing some off by isolation and opacity of poor care/treatment protocols), statistical cheats, and so on, so they just pretend to be dumbfounded.
A naive person would mention the points laid out above. (South Africa has had the most problems and deaths? Afaik?..)
NoiretteParticipantI listened to the first hour of the M. Crawford interview (link prev. thread) while doing food prep (so saw none of the charts etc. but all this has been much discussed…) It was quite confusing, because it is very unstructured and he is not a particularly good speaker.
The points made were excellent, but not coordinated. Better! to read him imho. See:
his substack:
(Imho) Vaxxes are totally ineffective for ‘preventing’ aka ‘diminishing’ in number, COV19 illness, defined as symptomatic ppl who test positive (the tests are poor and not very reliable ..)
Various accounting and stat. tricks etc. have been used to support vax effectiveness, not to mention outright lies from the MSM to sway the public — they can fallback on ‘genuine mistake’, ‘did seem to show’, ‘concensus opinion’, ‘expert said’ – etc.
*Cases* in itself is not a useful or interesting number (poor tests, asymptomatics don’t transmit ?; case nos. can just be ‘made up’, created, with varying bureaucratic definitions, orders from above, e.g. deaths typically “with covid” but really cancer, etc. Plus, everyone can be frightened into considering a mild cough is ‘a serious disease’…as labelled, yikes, COV19. If the vaxxes are doing harm, besides ‘heart’ in young ppl is very hard to judge.
On the ‘death rates 10 – 59 age graphic’, from Berenson, this is such a broad age-range it is difficult to interpet, as is amply and tiresomely discussed in the comments.
The scandal is that all (or almost all) of the official published numbers or stats are not the fruit of a genuine, sincere, hunt for understanding / clarity / > guide for future actions, policies to help, treat ppl (if they were they would look very different; interesting debates would be going on, oriented to treatment, “cures” – international cooperation in conferences re. super treatment, alleviation, prevention, would be buzzing ..) but are put out by bodies that have financial and other interests in Big Pharmafia – GAFAMs – Gvmts., and have been corrupted, are run by ppl who see only their short-term personal gain and status, admiration / acceptance score, as of any importance.
Long sentence mode …heh…:)
GAFAM = Goog Apple FaceBk Amazon Microsoft (acronym used in France.)
NoiretteParticipantVeracious Poet, hang in there, all sympathies. Don’t despair, easy glib words I know, carry on, what else can I say. Some person far away is on your side. For what it is worth, maybe a little sign, a tiny up tick…:)
NoiretteParticipantTAE summary, cle-ver. Yess… OK.
Moderna has used and abused the ‘virus in the computer’ analogy. Links don’t illustrate that ‘tops’ – the orig. version I was looking for seems to be gone …but e.g.:
The tangled history of MRNA vaccines, Nature, 2021…hmmm
Gossip about the Moderna Co. and Bancel. from STAT.
Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups
// The name Moderna doesn’t come from ‘modern’ but from Mode RNA.//
NoiretteParticipant(> prev. thread.) Germ, thx for the links.
Climate Re-analyzer I didn’t know of.
This summary of COP26, lays out some of the highlights. ‘Humiliating failure’ is not a good title, it should be ‘Biz as usual.’
COP26 Ends In Humiliating Failure
Perso anecdote. In 2003 at the height of the heat wave in Europe I was sitting in a country bus. The landscape about was dire, some (deliberate, organised) burning, other: vegetation dead or dying, crops withered in the fields, it looked horrific, end of the world. In the bus some ppl had tears pouring down, others prayed.
The bus driver shouted out, I gotta go on! Meaning, he has his job to do, and everyone wanted to get to their destination.
The vegetation – and agri – in CH has changed since then, of course partly due to human efforts to adapt, like olive trees instead of apples…re-planting all around roads (that stuff all died..), etc. Wiki re. deaths states 70K in Europe, it is hard to judge, hmm prob. *not* a wild under / over- estimate.
France was badly affected for a reason the wiki mentions, August is a shut-down month. The other reason, never mentioned in MSM, is that old ppl in homes are over medicated w. psychotropic ‘calming’ drugs which messes about with their homeostatic system, they can’t deal with temp change.
Big Pharma and Big Vacations are responsible for those deaths. Say.
NoiretteParticipantCOP 26. Imho, until recently global warming was underestimated re. its: magnitude, future projection (“models” thus questionable, >? feedback loops), present and future effects.
Ex. drought played a big role in the ‘war’ in Syria (independently of whom one singles out for blame). Farmers could no longer produce, families started to go hungry, schools closed – i.e. Gvmt. personnel left…All these ppl upped and left and settled in town outskirts putting pressure on towns…Article looks OK, gives a map.
Today ‘climate change’ has become more ‘popular’, more important. Hyped.
One can speculate that de-funding and de-subisidising fossil fuels is a way of obscuring the growing energy problems (peak oil, shale not profitable about to crash, prices haywire, etc.) Naturally opportunists, wind, nuclear, industries, as well as various grifters push this agenda forward. Those hankering for Kontrol are also keen: digital superinfo ID, no more travel, no more meat for the plebs, all that to save the planet, humankind, polar bears, coral reefs, and so on.
Anyway, to get to the point, I regularly, once a year or so, check the general Fed. info (CH) on warming. Always underestimated (but correct in its calcs.) 18 or so months ago > a temp. rise of 2.1 degrees Celsius. After some time this was changed to “slightly over 2 degrees.” Way above the present ‘world’ goal of 1.5. Most (?) other countries report in the same range because all of them use the 30 year comparison, see link, i.e. in the case of CH, the base for comparison is temps. 1961-1990.
That seems to be over, finito. Look at the chart CH now publishes.
The rise is 3.4 C. using 1871-1900 as a baseline.
Note: CH is a ‘hot spot’: Northern Hemisphere, landlocked, elevated, lotsa ice -> melting fast!
NoiretteParticipantapologies for non-functioning link.. 🙁
NoiretteParticipantSwitz, CH.
*Le Temps*, MSM, report, using official stats (correctly reported) on 12 Nov. 2021:
74,5% des 855 lits en soins intensifs sont utilisés. Les patients covid occupent 17,6% de ces lits …
Switz has 855 ICU beds. (A quick-fix procedure to create more in 1-2 days exists.) On the day, 74% are occupied, 17% by covid patients. 17% of 855 is 145. So, in a population of 8.6 million ppl, 145 ppl ‘with covid’ are in TOP hospital care, ICU.
81,7% des 22 905 lits d’hôpitaux sont utilisés. Les patients covid occupent 2,64% de ces lits (moyenne sur 15 jours).
Total hospital beds in CH is 22,905 – on the day, 81% occupied. Covid patients, 2.64% (I presume of the total), which is about 600 beds.
This chart shows CH daily covid deaths — from feb 24 2021 to today the average is 1 / somewhat less than one.
<iframe src=”” loading=”lazy” style=”width: 100%; height: 600px; border: 0px none;”></iframe>
Deaths in Germany, Italy, France, and Spain are all under 1 for some time now as well. The pattern in these countries is very similar, though I don’t have the total no. of hospital beds. (Note: Germany has FAR more general beds and ICU beds than any EU country.)
Imho it appears that the first scare, which lead to lockdown etc. (March 2020) in Europe didn’t kill many ppl, that happened later in what is called the ‘second wave’ due to let’s charitably *a-hem* call it, mishandling. Now as we approach winter the stats are not alarming.
Imho, many of the elderly/ frail/ in care-homes (as a risky place to be independently of illness, age etc.) / those dying ‘with covid’/ have passed away in the previous death spike. Today the stock of ppl who might rapidly expire under the COV19 label has been pretty much used up.
NoiretteParticipantPolder, what I meant is that if the Pope spoke out against the vaxxes he would be marginalised, dissed, condemned, de-throned or ? worse.
He would be branded as opposed to modern science, against ‘protecting’ ppl, the weak, the poor, the ill. Being against ‘solidarity’, opposed to the teachings of Christ (as I have heard in Switz.) Going against the jab > not an option.
As far as I can see, for now, those resisting the jab (where I live) are not Catholics. Nor any other religion.
NoiretteParticipantPolder, previous thread, re. “The pope is on the rope” I agree, mostly.
What I see, or rather, my interpretation, is that a group of global elites which is Western, Atlanticist, tied-cum-melded to some Corporations; anti-‘nations’, ‘modern’ in the sense of technotopic (the techno/science ‘advances’ serve as a cover-up for cruelty and greed, as well as embuing a sense of superiority), that they more or less control some or parts of W ‘democratic’ Gvmts., has made huge advances with the COV19 ‘pandemic’, probably even beyond their dreams.
The pic Germ posted of Van de Leyen kissing Bourla is a symbol of that.
Pope Francis imho didn’t have much choice. Going against the vaxx would be so detrimental…He also urges ‘radical’ climate-change response. He is a ‘real chance for change’ guy (quote from the link), mouthing a strategy similar to the WEF (“Great Reset”), just to show clean hands, subservience, imho. There is also the matter of drawing attention away from priest-sex-scandals by any means. But, imho he didn’t know anything about a pandemic “plot”, he is just going along. Bosco argues in that direction —- But who knows…
NoiretteParticipantGerm posted the maskless moment, see above, the context was:
Atlantic Council Awards:
WASHINGTON, DC—October 21, 2021—
The Atlantic Council announced today it will present the 2021 Distinguished Leadership Awards to H.E. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission; Dua Lipa, multi-Grammy Award-winning artist, founder of the Sunny Hill Foundation, and activist; Albert Bourla, DVM, Ph.D., Chairman and CEO of Pfizer; and Professor Ugur Sahin, M.D. and Özlem Türeci, M.D., Co-Founders of BioNTech. The awards gala will be hosted this year on November 10 at the historic Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in downtown Washington, DC.
NoiretteParticipantDr D. posted:
As others have said: if the reality is as our TAE consensus suggests, why do nations like Russia ALSO behave this way? That tells me something larger is out there. mRNA could tag you for a following targeted bioweapon. (…)
Opposition to this spiky COV scenario might have been expected from Russia (though imho many of the ‘measures’ are simply not enforceable there, plus the vaxx is different), but also Iran, badly affected early on, which officially at least, pushed non-travel etc, and now vaxxes, Sinovac, etc.
See also Israel, which deprives the Palestinians of the vax, and is a super high vax country for Israelis. Imho, Israeli ‘leaders’ attitude to their Jewish citizens is not special, it is the same as Macron-> French citizens, for ex. The vaxx(s) are great is upheld…!
The countries who have escaped the COV trap are poor, no money to spend on the vaxxes…(Rough corr. of course, caveats… needs look at this in more detail.)
That Big Corps + conglomerates did not resist is also telling. E.g. the Airline, Travel, Tourist, Hotel, Conference industry. Of course they are splintered and don’t have a common platform/orgs. to form an agenda and act on it, and clearly some top ppl objected and obtained many concessions / exceptions behind the scenes, but it stops there.
Mega-Sports bowed right away and has been vaxxing its athletes who are now falling dead on the pitch, terrain … OK this industry is not very powerful, yet it is a huge money-maker for some. What about Hollywood (and its equivalents elsewhere) – not a peep?
World religions have mostly endorsed the vaxxes (though there are schisms within the Catholic Church) which was to be expected, they no longer have much power and must follow those who do, to preserve their look-in, influence, relevance.
Defend-the-people type political parties in the W have been neutered.
Oppo to the vaxxes in the W comes from what is called the ‘radical’ left (old-style leftists, pro labor, unions; defending the poor; communists, etc.) and the ‘radical’ right (pro- some form of libertarian, free-market, nationalist..) neither of which stand a chance against the centre mou (soft center) consensus, formed of parties in ‘fake’ opposition to each other in a camouflaged symbiosis with Corps. (Fascistic type Gvmt.)
It is as if the world ‘that counts’ (Ethiopia, Afgh., Yemen, e.g. don’t count) is under the spell of Pfizer – and other Drug cos.
Why? Well so Pfize / other can make money hand over fist is a simple answer, maybe not deep / explanatory enough. Many answers are poss…
NoiretteParticipantDoc Robinson. Thx for the info. re the from-the-Darpa segments I posted. Back to 2015, hmm. All this (MRNA vaxxs etc.) has been brewing for a long time.
Bosco, I fell for the madamski character until he/she posted pictures of him + herself. 🙂 They couldn’t be the picture of the person posting, but maybe they posted fake pix..etc. …:)
ok I’m late in the day as usual…
NoiretteParticipant“How Long Does Vaccine Based Immunity Last?” and other potential questions.
Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT)
Dr. Amy Jenkins
Quote: ( my italics )
The Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program supports individual troop readiness and total force health protection by developing technologies to rapidly identify and respond to threats posed by natural and engineered diseases and toxins. A subset of ADEPT technologies specifically support use by personnel with minimal medical training, delivering centralized laboratory capabilities even in the low-resource environments typical of many military operations. The program is part of a portfolio of DARPA-funded research aimed at providing options for preempting or mitigating constantly evolving infectious disease threats.
The ADEPT program’s four thrusts cover simple-to-use, on-demand diagnostics for medical decision-making and accurate threat-tracking; novel methods for rapidly manufacturing new types of vaccines with increased potency; novel tools to engineer mammalian cells for targeted drug delivery and in vivo diagnostics; and novel methods to impart near-immediate immunity to an individual using antibodies.
ADEPT has pioneered use of nucleic-acid-based anti-infective technologies, valuable for their efficacy and adaptability. These tools—primarily coded genetic instructions to the body on how to produce its own protective antibodies against a specific threat—have the advantages of being easily manufactured at scale using largely synthetic processes, transported and stored without many of the cold-chain logistics required by traditional medical countermeasures, delivered with near-immediate efficacy, and safely expressed in the body for only a limited duration, causing no permanent alteration to the genome.
see also:
quote from that link:
P3 aims specifically to develop a scalable, adaptable, rapid response platform capable of producing relevant numbers of doses against any known or previously unknown infectious threat within 60 days of identification of such a threat in order to keep the outbreak from escalating and decrease disruptions to the military and homeland. State-of-the-art medical countermeasures often take many months or even years to develop, produce, distribute, and administer. The envisioned P3 platform would cut response time to weeks and stay within the window of relevance for containing an outbreak.
Note the total obfuscatory meaningless jargon, which serves as a shield, those who mouth have power (say.)
All the above sounds very much like reactions to COV19. A massive live experiment.. I couldn’t find a date for these pieces. One should dig into DARPA. This was only a mini dive.
NoiretteParticipantThomas, thx. for the compliment, 🙂 So Bosco is back and madamski is no more? I haven’t followed this drama with rapt attention, so hello Bosco (thx also), and RIP madamski. Veracious Poet, that was a great clip. Everything’s fine! Fine!
NoiretteParticipantPfizer ad for the VAX, 1 min. Children as superheroes!
That ads of this type exist shows that our W “society” is doomed.
The contents are designed to resonate with adults, with distilled versions of the prop. used on adults —> Protecting others, moral necessity, following ‘science’, ‘doing one’s bit.’ So, the ad, ostensibly targetting children reinforces the overall message(s).
The children don’t need convincing, as they are entirely dependent, and can be dragged to the DOCs for any med procedure.
Yet, getting the children on board, i.e. making them mouth, repeat, some propganda slogans, can be a powerful feed-back mechanism, with the adults loving, cheering, the kiddies parroting of the TV, and rewarding the children for that. Mouth propaganda, get treats, privileges, be seen as superior, clued in.. is more rewarding to the targets and thus an easier, more subtle sell than pushing being ‘paid’ to obey in a straightfoward Pavlovian or ‘corrupt’ fashion.. which is easily condemned..
Some of the child-actors featured show they like to sorta act-out super hero roles, aka they (supposedly) feel themselves to be heroes, in a kind of fictional, mythical (TV) realm. Not in RL.
Normalising dropping dead of heart attacks when under 20, BBC. 3 mins. You can be young, pretty / good-looking, athletic, but have to be careful of your heart! Like, that’s just LIFE.
NoiretteParticipantIn the next 12 months or so, we will hear lame excuses, in the W.
All of them BS, such as:
The vaxxes (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZ..) did protect ppl for a while…that immunity would fade so quickly couldn’t be predicted…
Pfizer’s study was cursory, we need more controls, our standards have now been uptdated…Moderna’s vax creation was much too rapid…it shouldn’t have been approval-stamped without numbers about /xyz/…
Everyone wanted to believe the vaxxes were a magic bullet that would halt the pandemic…
It takes time to analyse all the data and come up with solid *risk / benefit* guidelines…
The pandemic might have been worse without the vaxxes, all those who gave their lives are heroes…See Mindy, Cindy, Aleesha, and their little kids…Travis the weight-lifter and his son Kyle..
It takes time to judge which vaxx performed the best, while overall the performance was not optimal, there are lessons to be learnt, for example the Pfizer vaxx prevented more deaths than AstraZ…
Politicians jumped on the vaxx bandwaggon as saving ppl from dire disease would enhance their status…they didn’t know the secrets of Big Pharma, we need to review FDA rules and functioning…
Vaxxes were distributed unequally, with less coverage amongst Black/Hispanic (BAME in the UK, etc.) communities, which wreaked havoc on the ground and with the stats, equality must be fought for!
And so on..adverse effects are more problematic, more difficult to deal with but will also be ‘spun’ …
This post is actually quite hopeful, as it outlines a ‘normal’ kind of scenario, not too different from several past happenings.
NoiretteParticipantNoiretteParticipantAccepting that profit-making is the no. 1. driver of society and is, on the whole, hugely beneficial for all (some cheaters, liars, scammers may be banned) aka *growth,* leads to a tissue of corruption, where all or most of the actors are trying to outclass, defeat, or kill off their competitors.
Bit by bit different ‘industries’ or Corps. join together (> monopolies, cartels, loose alliances, secret deals, contracts not made public) and corruption of Gvmt. via donations and lobbying, aka control of elections, of legislation, is effected. Ponzi schemes and the like are tolerated, Banking shenanigans and manipulations are seen as positive ‘fixer moves’. Bubbles are good news – Winners, Wow!, and dumb loosers…Science (whatever that is really) is corrupted via profit-making infiltration and fakery.
Stiffing ppl for them to stay alive is smart biz. (E.g. Insulin prices in the US..) With the MSM playing the hand-maiden and Pied Piper simultaneoulsy.
Gvmt. becomes a panel of front-ppl who only attempt to maintain their status, their image and finances, because they no longer have (if they ever did) the power to actually command, steer, or influence anything at all. They are low men on the pole, rewarded by dodgy donations, insider info about trading stocks, which makes them gleeful as ‘winners’ – for a while.
(USA but not only …)
Bye bye Miss American Pie…
NoiretteParticipantBrownstone: 22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population. Paul E. Alexander
Haven’t posted for a while so no apologies for over-postin’…. 🙂
NoiretteParticipantOverall mortality, excess deaths
analysis and commentary, as related to COV-19. All from Oct. 2021.
William Briggs. USA.
Igor Chudov. UK.
> has an update for the next week.
Eugyppius (who is German, on the UK, maybe posted before)
Mark Avis. USA + UK.
The vaxx has no protective effect and likely a detrimental one (even perhaps nefarious..) which we all knew for months. Imho sorting it out from the available stats is tough. I looked up CH and ‘deaths’ post vax are not a category that is logged on info for the public, I will find out more.
The Economist has an excess death tracker for all countries. The problem here is that ‘below’ the ‘expected deaths’ (always based on some measure of past deaths, so by definition hypothetical or ‘modelled’..) lumps the calculated deviations BELOW the expected to one color – greyish. Minus 25% below can’t be shown (if it exists.)
NoiretteParticipantWas for a previous thread…. Fauci is a piece of work. Top Trivia Dpt. His name comes from:
Latin, flax = scythe, sickle
Italian, falce = idem
Sicilian, fauci = idem
The symbolism of the Scythe, e.g. Tarot card, the skeleton wields a scythe ..:
Yet the sickle represents the worker, as in the hammer and sickle on the red flag. So it all depends on how one sees the word fauci.
I find the Grim Reaper more fitting.
Anyway, Fauci is but a public face of a linked up conglomerate with tight ties amongst them, between Gvmt., Gvmt. contractors; non-profits, aka e.g. charitable foundations; Int’l organisations, e.g. the WHO; Big Corps, see Pharma, Pfizer for ex.; and now, or soon, so-called ‘safety’ (in PR discourse), aka Security, which means wielding coercitive power on the street, around, and at survillance posts, including virtual, by police, military, civil protection, private contractors, etc., as coordinated with medical, social, bodies and workers. — imho.
Talk of another, new, pandemic is all over the place.
NoiretteParticipantVia the UK Column News some time in the past 15 days (> link is to today’s news) I learnt that the UK has created a new Gvmt. Agency, the UK Health Security Agency.
It fuses under one head: Public Health England, the Joint Biosecurity Center, NHS Test and Trace and the Centre for Pandemic Preparedness.
Their site (link) doesn’t give any history or origins, or even what I just wrote.
Doffing my sparkly hat. It looks very much like Gvmt. Security / aka Control, some big Corps, and Health (public and private), big Tech, with the MSM as bowing handmaiden, are going to collaborate to corral and control practically all aspects of the peons, ordinary ppl. In the West. See Canada, Australia, Israel, as examples…
NoiretteParticipantOn Ugo Bardi’s Extermination Series. (he is good and i reco’d iirc part 1 a while back.)
Ugo, UB, knows a lot about the Irish Famine, it is well worth a read. Complex societies… See e.g. Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies.
In systems discourse, there isn’t, can’t be, one main cause, or even a series of contributary causes, or a causal chain of events (Jack ’n Jill..), but rather a multifactorial interplay and ‘forcing’, which leads (in exs. like the Ir. one) to breakage, damage, that spreads thru the system via ‘ricochet’ (Frenchism), and feed-back loops.
UB takes human evil / murderous impulses and actions for granted, as part of human nature and thus the human condition — OK, all righty. He focusses on the physical aspect, e.g. deforestation and soil erosion.
The piece thus skims over politics and ideology, in this case the sadism of the British, who colonised Ireland and treated the Irish as untermenschen.
— No or almost no aid was offered to starving Irish peasants, be it for food – some soup kitchens were set up but abandoned; no emigration aid was given, etc. etc. —
‘Capitalistic’, individualistic, free-market ‘values’, protestantism, etc. rationalised what was seen as non-action.
Today is similar, in a covert, watered-down form, policies aimed internally in the UK, see Cameron’s Austerity Programs, Universal Credit (2010), new Welfare Acts, under May, and today’s lying discourse about saving the National Health Service, while starving it, to sell it off bit by bit (Bojo.)
Another point that might be explored is the danger of being forced into agri. monoculture (in this case, potatoes) – it is best to rebel before that happens.
orig. article.
Saul Goodman, best wishes.
NoiretteParticipantLooking for scenarios from the past that fit the best with what is going on since 2020, my choice is Lockstep from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, 2010.
> Note, published one year after the MAD-VAX push re. swine flu, 2009, which crashed.
Sidebar. Event 201 is excluded from the competition. It was on its face a rather vacuous and indeterminate seemingly predictive-type table-top exercise; in fact it was convened hastily to discuss what to do next, what messages to send out, and to meet in person, as COV-19 was known to be spreading in Oct. 2019. A lot of vacuous hot air was filmed. IMHO, of course. Gao, the Dir. of China’s “CDC” (see link) was present but did not speak. (link to Event 201 etc.)
Scenarios of this type, e.g. Lockstep (? Lockdown ?) it must be understood, are not just ‘conjectures’ or ‘anticipatory’, they are prescriptive, and directive. The hypothetical aspect allows ‘clean hands’.
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
(…) even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives (…)
NoiretteParticipantThe French Saker site has an article titled,
The Omerta on the vaccines is breaking
Which shows vids of one very MSM presenter (from CNews) – a ‘handsome’ young man – saying that adverse events exist, one shouldn’t hide it, etc. (second vid). A detail that struck me is that the ppl on the screen speak of vaccins indésirables (a speech error presumably), événements (in -) désirables (events, you can hardy hear the prefix) and effets secondaires (effects) – they show that they don’t quite know exactly what they are talking about!
The top vid. (MSM) is an interview of a man whose wife became ill 15 days after the second dose, and is now very ill. He explains it took 6 weeks to declare the case; at that point their doc (generalist) had a second case with the same symptoms, so it could no longer be ‘denied.’ She has a prion disease (here again, the questioner has no idea what this is, the husband is now informed, but clearly states he is not a doc, etc.) The husband uses the words: encephalopathie spongiforme; Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease, a bizarre form of it, or perhaps a new disease; and mad cow disease.
I have forgotten which doc / researcher (Dr. Yeadon perhaps?) mentioned the possibility of prion disease — this is the first ex. I have come across. Scary.
NoiretteParticipantLooking for a ‘best summary’ for Vit. D <-> COV19 interaction, I found this by Robin Whittle which seems to be very complete.
(I haven’t read it all.. huge amount of content..)
One way in:
“The Long Shadow of an Infection: COVID-19 and Performance at Work.”
is interesting. (eng)
again, excess mortality in the US
—> i see germ posted it also
Mathew Crawford, a statistician in Hawaii, reports on “My Dangerous Talk at a City Council Meeting”:
“My goal would be to can a friendly, but powerful talk, with heavy citation, that would hopefully help anyone willing to maintain an open mind that we are missing the mark entirely regarding vitamins, minerals, and zinc ionophores (which include chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, but also quinine, quercetin, ECGC, curcumin/turmeric, and many more), not to mention simple hygienic solutions…”
NoiretteParticipantAbout the flu disappearing, re. discussions in prev. threads.
The Leading Causes of Death in the US for year 2020:
The 1st table shows – besides more than 345K COV-19 deaths -, that chronic lower respiratory disease was ‘down’ as compared to 2019, that influenza and pneumonia were UP, from 49 to 53 K. (2019 was a *very* low flu-death year.) Suicide was down as well — another story.
Plenty of flu deaths in 2020 (note calendar year does not cover flu season, but is the 1st pandemic year, with WHO declaring the pandemic 11 March 2020), pretty much ‘normal’ – in the sense that flu as a killer y. by y. (or season by season..) is quite variable, so what’s normal or not is hard to say.
Lab tests for ‘flu’ positivity for N. America (> + Canada) shows a high score until the end of March when it sinks to nothing. Previous flu years show roughly the same pattern but with a longer tail (see first chart), flu ‘dies out’ gradually from Feb on, not abruptly as in 2020.
Possibly some/quite some COV-19 deaths before March 2020 were lodged as ‘flu’ in the case of ‘sudden’ onset respiratory flu-like illness. When the COV-19 diagnosis became official, besides the fact that everything was done in many or all (?) W countries to AUGMENT the COV-19 labelling to the max, the flu nos. (from various national lab analyses, always performed on a not-large sets of samples) nevertheless do show that the flu died out.
For Switz., the same holds. (> the first download at link, table 2 > lab analysis following doc. visit.) The table is an extrapolation based on lab tests. It shows a 19-20 flu season with H1N1, H3N2, .. other A; B – Yamagata, Victoria.. not huge, but perhaps ‘normal’, with a consequent substrate of NOT-FLU, which was, imho, rhinoviruses, covid, and nothing — with flu vanishing mid-March 2020 – the day lockdown kicked in here.
Of course it is possible that labs were manipulated to not detect / report flu, but imho that didn’t happen, in contrast to, diagnosis and cause of death as Covid, which were manipulated to the hilt.
Btw US excess deaths 2021 are set to outstrip those of 2020 by a large margin.
NoiretteParticipantthomas posted: I don’t think the Moscow thing is a thing. The mayor is an Atlanticist, and tried this before. Three weeks it was dead on the vine. Someone I know who travels regularly to Vladivostok says mostly things are normal, very few restrictions, shot is considered ‘Get if you think you need it’ by most folks.
Yes, the mayor of Moscow has made many pro-repressive moves, like ‘mandating’ obligatory vax / stating that will be the future, i don’t recall, but he then got a call, so to speak, from the Gvmt. (Putin) and had to back down.
Putin went on the tee-vee to state that vax was a personal choice and it would not be made obligatory.
But recently the news from Russia is — as one might expect — some professions will have to be ‘vaxxed’, and on and on, and now:
Moscow announces one-week lockdown as Russia Covid deaths rise. Mayor’s plan follows Putin announcing a weeklong nationwide paid holiday to stop spread of virus.
On Tuesday Moscow’s mayor ordered all unvaccinated residents over 60, as well as unvaccinated people “suffering from chronic diseases,” to remain home for four months until late February as the city grapples with a growing crisis.
NoiretteParticipantShort vid. collection of TV NEWS sponsored by Pfizer.
NoiretteParticipantUntil the COV-19 ‘Pandemic’ hit I had not grasped how much Med. Docs (generalists / specialists in private practice / working in public or semi-so institutions, as non-practicing qualified persons in research, advisory bodies, etc.) were dependent on, and subservient to, ’upper’, mostly ‘Gvmt’- level institutions (which are infiltrated / controlled by Big Corps.)
The power wielded by e.g. the CDC, the NIH (GB), SwissMedic (CH), surprised me.
—> Imho it is recent, the ex. of Swine Flu 2009 shows that the previous attempt by Big Pharma (plus others..) to impose ‘universal’ vaxxes etc. did not succeed, somehow they were opposed, resisted, and their plan(s) rejected by these bodies/the Docs in function of rules, regs, laid-down approval procedures, etc.
This article, in J of Medic Ethics, as written by a ‘trainee’ doc, so quite ‘personal’, deserves a read, as part of the bigger picture…
A long shadow: Nazi doctors, moral vulnerability and contemporary medical culture.
All the best to Dr. Day. What has shocked me the most in the COV-19 saga is that meds that are effective are withheld, verboten!, second, vaxxing children… what of Hippocrates?
NoiretteParticipantIlargi: We’re going to lose a lot of doctors, nurses, policemen, soldiers.
yes… for the moment the numbers aren’t clear.
As for the docs and nurses, repeating myself, the upper echelons are ready to destroy existing ‘health’ systems; how to replace them is quite clear -> AI type ‘ordered’ procedures (big pharma, med. tech, experts from big corps) and lowly scut med. workers under strict orders.
The elites / PTB (roughly, top 10% in terms of power, with maybe 5% useful hangers-on) are assured that they will always be able to get ‘best care’, and that they will continue to appropriate whatever surplus money the plebs have towards keeping their own loved ones alive.
Of course, as the poor become more numerous and the middle class is eviscerated and descends to join their desperate not-so-much brothers, they will have v. little or nothing to spare and won’t be acceptable candidates for loans. Life expectancy will sink quickly, maybe not as steeply and suddenly as in the post-USSR, but perhaps creeping close. (Useless eaters, all that.)
E.g. in GB the NHS is degraded year by year, steadily, and the ‘plandemic’ changes nothing. Health care will be privatised more and more, leaving only ‘poor-house’ type basic care for some..while taxes rise..and social stipends are cut, as in GB today.
So who is exempt from the Vax mandate? In the US, I read Congress, any other body? (Setting aside the legality of it, challenges to it, etc.) Of course many will just have been told hush hush, to pretend to be vaxxed, and so on, so my question is hmmm…
However, for soldiers and policemen the situation is different. Soldiers (all contractors / paid personnel in the US) are essential workers of a kind, in that they represent the public face, thrust, on the ground power, of the Arms Industry, and the myriad of so-called Defense programs. How many are needed on the ground at home plus abroad to perform exactly what tasks idk, but surely strife between any of the involved parties is detrimental to long-term US interests.
As for police, they are the end of the line of control at home (barring other, such as Military, being called in). The Dems had this de-fund Police stuff going on…very weird…If the Police flip sides it is all over for the local PTB (W countries like France..)
NoiretteParticipantI suppose an election being bought sounds more respectable than it being ‘stolen’ – that is corrupted by multiple fraudulent procedures and cheating tricks! After all, if you pays your money you expect some kind of return!
The Democrats swore ‘never again’ and eternal hate – directed at Trump, Trumpism, Trump voters, aka deplorables. The Clinton cabal was shown up, not because they lost, but because their arrogance and stupidity blinded them to that possibility. They were outed as IQ depleted and non-political, in the sense of not even thinking about the public mood, not even bothering to order some well-performed polls, not even caring to propose some halfway decent platform, etc. etc. Trump didn’t even need to fool them, as a con-man might ensnare gullible share-buyers, the Clinton crowd did it all on its owny-oh.
The enduring hate has now been chanelled into another stream that is not directly of their choice or planning, they are opportunistically jumping about like puppets on short strings: the unvaxxed, presumed to be deplorables, now labelled right-wing extremists, soon to be domestic terrorists, etc.
NoiretteParticipantDr. Day, all my best wishes and hopes for the future.
Ibsen wrote a play that was perhaps super prescient, I saw it in July, the young person I went with could NOT believe it was written in 1882, “nooo… that can’t be.” The play explores old issues in a modern way, this modern 1880 way not having changed much. –> Dreadful bacterial infection, water treatment, ecological issues, economy triumphs or not, etc.
Dr Day reminds me of the hero of the play, Dr. Stockmann, who decides to fight for what he considers ‘right’ and ‘pragmatically the best’. (I am taking Dr. Day as a figure here, which is permissible I assume, I adressed my message to the real person above…)
The difference w. today is that in the play Dr. S. is the one who instigates the alert (today’s whistleblower), tries to effect changes (e.g. closing dangerous places, eradicating ‘germs’), and is resisted by politicians, money-makers, etc. There are many subtle passages and sub-themes in this play, v. interesting, beyond the crude summary below…
Now today that plot is turned upside down or back to front, as we see instituted powers (Gvmt, Big Corps, Big Med, Big Pharma, Potentates, etc.) supporting fighting the germ, for closures, radical measures, etc. The extra twist is that they are also supporting an antidote, *the cure* — and that is what needs to be explained. (Many expl. exist but imho there isn’t one winning one for now.)
off the web:
Dr. Stockmann has discovered that the new baths built in his town are infected with a deadly disease and instructs the town to repair or close the baths. The Mayor, who is Dr. Stockmann’s brother, does not believe the report and refuses to close the baths because it will cause the financial ruin of the town.
Dr. Stockmann tries to take his case to the people, but the mayor intercedes and explains to the people how much it will cost to repair the baths. He explains that the Doctor is always filled with wild, fanciful ideas. In a public meeting, he has his brother declared an enemy of the people. The doctor decides to leave the town, but at the last minute comes to the realization that he must stay and fight for the things he believes to be right.