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Re. PCR on French Nationalism (top post.)
Politics in France has descended into a theatrical shit-show.
The theatre is incredibly bad, boring screeching about totally irrelevant words, symbols.
A sort of cult atmosphere pertains in the 3 main camps, calling them by their leaders, Macron, Mélenchon, Le Pen.‘Extreme’ right, left, etc. is politically, socially, economically completely meaningless – what programs or promises exist are purely populist and concern internal re-distribution and the ‘immigant’ question, which is sending everyone crazy, yet any propositions that could be implemented are lacking.
(See Brexit, touted on controlling borders, favoring the natives, result, more immigrants coming in than ever, care of the Tories.)
Foreign Policy, France’s debt, its beloinging to the EU, problems in the Health system, Energy, etc. are just swept aside in the madness, or mentioned as side-issues…
The two trad parties, Socialistes, Républicains, while they still nominally exist, are dead, their remains have split and joined either Le Rassemblement National (le pen), the Nouveau Front Populaire (left-green alliance, mélenchon, glucksmann, with the ex-pres. socialist hollande joining in), or the supposed party of Macron which changes names all the time, now called ENSEMBLE > not a pol. party but a group of followers, groupies, profiteers, managers behind the scene..
The country is going down.. slowly… takes time… The MSM have even represented the election results in a fraudulent way (the exact nos. are available on Gvmt. site.) What they did is UP the grip of the – oh the horrors! – EXTREME RIGHT..
Who engineered this, on the face of it? Who is the no. 1 person responsible? Macron. Who is the winner? In his mind, Macron.
Le Monde (MSM, paper of record), published an article, right after the dissolution of Parliament, quoting him as saying,
«… Je prépare ça depuis des semaines, et je suis ravi. Je leur ai balancé ma grenade dégoupillée dans les jambes. Maintenant on va voir comment ils s’en sortent… »
I prepared this move weeks ago, and I’m delighted .. I threw a ‘live’ hand grenade between their legs. So, we will see how they manage to deal with it…
The Elysée published a meek denial, but Le Monde did not retract / correct.
Imho PCR doesn’t know much about what is going on in France though some of his ‘general’, historical, points are OK.
See also the Duran for ex. They seem to support ‘right wing nationalism’ and see Marine Le Pen as a kind of ‘good’ figure … maybe after Meloni switched on practically all issues after her election .. will have some impact?
NoiretteParticipantOn, top post, Macron and Zelensky, super GAY dancing etc.
Who knows what is real?
See here an ex. which is presented as a spoof, an obvious fake, making fun.
It is not supposed to be believed (Macron with huge breasts, NO) but see how his face actually melds well… (besides the size etc.)
NoiretteParticipantOn RT articles (not bad) re. Macron., prev. thread.
There will NOT be civil war in F, though riots and upping the violence on both sides (demos, State via Police) may happen. Common in F, think Gilets Jaunes, or the New Year burning of cars, hundreds of them in ‘sensitive areas’…
Why? Because most ppl will be happy to see Macron ‘defeated’, ‘made powerless’ or ‘pushed to quit.’ A new National Assembly offers some hope of ‘change’ (hmm, ‘hopiness’..) new allegiances, etc.
Note the programs of the Rassemblement National (le Pen), and the New Popular Front, NFP (left-green-coalition) are at heart the same -> populist economic measures (re-lowering retirement age, taxing the rich, knocking TVA off ‘essential goods’ etc. etc.)
The NPF proposal is more elaborate, longer, prudent in content. The RN has already walked back many of their proposals, presented as promises, e.g. concerning the retirement age, leaving the EU electricity market, etc.Both these oppo blocs support UKR to the hilt or ‘as best as we can’ (differences in wording), and are PRO EU.
All pro-Frexit pols have been eliminated.
Re. Israel – Gaza the NFP is split: Mélenchon supports Palestine and X-X-X overtly / covertly support the Zionists.
The outcome of these elections will not lead to fundamental change. France has entered the Age of the Spectacle unequivocally, with enthusiastic applause from the Dominating Class.
The ‘top’ Corps. / Finance / Oligarchs / Big Biz will, in the main, champion (order) a vote for the RN (RN has made promises.) A section of low-class workers will vote for the RN, in the tradition of ‘oppose the mainstream’, ‘oppose immigration’, ‘get rid of Muslims’, ‘champion France’ and so on.
NoiretteParticipantheh 🙂 zerosum, she won’t give up until on her deathbed…
NoiretteParticipantOn, Article 5 won’t save Ukraine if it joins NATO
Article was very welcome, I was going to try and publicise Art. 5., which btw (I just checked again) appears immediately, in full, in first place, on a Google search.
It is very clear, nothing binding, ‘obligatory’, etc. about it, it is in effect ‘a memorandum of understanding’ for ‘mutual’ assistance, which can be requested, but only given IF… the giver decides to do so…
The MSM and the war crazies misrepresent it entirely, but Zelensky, I am sure, knows the score on this, he is smart, greedy, loving the white powder, but not that dull, he is playing the game too.
quote from article. According to Reiter and Greenhill, NATO members “have only formally invoked Article 5 once” in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, helping Washington patrol its skies from mid-October 2001 to mid-May 2002.
Yes, afaik. It was understood by all those with some intel (info about what happened) or intelligence (capable of judging what caused the towers to crash down) that the USA was not *attacked* and did not need to be *defended.* However it was deemed expedient, and cheap, to Rah! Rah! on the US side after the‘horrific’ attack.
Including Putin btw. Ex.:
U.S.-Russian relations offer one bright counter to this otherwise gloomier international picture. Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first foreign leaders to speak directly to President Bush. In that phone call, he expressed his condolences to the president and the American people and his unequivocal support for whatever reactions the American president might decide to take.
from an article by Michael McFaul (2001)
NoiretteParticipantYes apnaz, the original British colonialist project was taken over or adopted by the US, a sort of melding together on that. Plus the cancelling of Jeremy Corbyn, who was (is?) maybe close to something one might? call a ‘decent’ politician within the Brit sphere. Note that all this besides devotion to Zion is driving out figures / ‘leaders’ / ‘parties’ who in one way or another favor the ‘poor’ (working class, etc.) Starmer is a third-wayer (see Blair and Clinton) with a vengeance, and that is being very moderate in my description.
NoiretteParticipantOn Sunak accuses Farage of Appeasing Putin.
What Farage said was quite mild, sorta ‘both sides are at fault but poking the bear ain’t a good idea..’ (paraphrase..)
No main pol. party / well known figure within the institutions in GB supports Palestine. All are pro-Isr. / outright Zionists / or meekly say they are for a cease-fire (easy…)
Because Isr. is a long standing Brit. Colonialist Project.
Therefore it is natural that scission(s) from the supposed ‘right’ or ‘challengers’ etc. focusses on Ukraine. So, expect divisions on this topic to grow.
The contrast with France is interesting. All the ‘new’ parties / coalitions / etc. formed after Macron’s dissolution of Parliament are pro-UKR and go from pledging ‘unconditional support’ implying even boots on the ground ‘officially’ (as Macron seemed ready to do..) to stating ‘UKR must defend itself etc.’
Scissions concern Gaza. The Rassemblement National is outright Zionist, Marine le Pen has stated that explicitly, using the word ‘Zionist.’ The xenophobic aspects of their program are either ‘general’ (e.g. expelling illegals, changing the ‘acquiring F nationality’ laws) or pointed against Muslims / Arabs (those words aren’t used, one has to read between the lines.)
The only ‘main’ pol to support Gaza is Mélenchon (party, La France Insoumise), he springs from a ‘left’ anti-colonialist, anti-apartheid past. Le Pen has called his party the **Islamo-fascist block.** So expect more rumble around this topic.
The new ‘left’ coalition includes both Mélenchon and R. Glucksmann, Jewish and (imho) a USA stooge, so it will hold only to after the elections.
Imho this ‘democratic liberal’ order in the W whatever one wants to call it is coming to an end.
Ex. in GB Starmer will be the new PM, and then what? Nothing new, nothing different. If Marine le Pen would ever become Pres. of France (it won’t happen because she doesn’t wish it, amongst other reasons), her policies, as now stated, would be very similar to those of Mitterand (Socialist.)All these ppl are sleazy pols playing games for their own coffers, prestige (see Cameron!, for ex.) and yet – ppl still go to vote… I’m sure the Brits top players are selling services that claim they are the best at propaganda, nudging, models that predict the future, media manipulation, etc. and they can prove! they are tops! and thus can charge a lot…
wiki on Glucksmann, some info
NoiretteParticipantDescription: “A mockery of the American-British alliance with Israel and their involvement and failure in the Yemeni seas.”
As it is all about ‘Jews’ for now here, this no way – pol correct vid, 3.15. Music-sing,. Eng. subs, seems to fit. Title, SHIP SHIP.
NoiretteParticipantTo add to my above post, Sunak and Macron checking out is related to the Isr. débacle. (To UKR as well, and the danger of WW III.)
NoiretteParticipantOn the Two-State solution for Israel.
Russia, China, BRICS support a 2-St. ‘solution’ with the 1967 ‘borders’, following multiple UN resolutions. Hamas has recently agreed to this as well (afaik.)
The 2-St. solution implies “There are two ‘peoples’ who hate each other, if we separate them physically all will be well.” Which obscures the fact that Israel is a vicious, settler, colonialist, apartheid, lying, top-down, régime.
Let’s just imagine, for a minute, that 2 states were created… Israel is dependent on foreign aid, protection, stipends, biz. deals (US, etc., as well as UNRWA, etc.), cheap internal labor (Palestinians), the promise of its expansionist policies, its offer of a ‘dominant’ and relatively ‘rich’ life for Jews, its extreme sadism towards Palestinians, its position as an outpost (airfield..) of USuk – EU vassals – in the ME. And more..
If backed into the 1967 territory it will have lost all these ‘advantages’ and will simply collapse, dissolve, or become a small sad enclave financed from abroad in a last gasp to ‘help / support Jews.’ Zionist willl turn their attention … elsewhere, for sure.
Putin, Hamas, *some in the US*, and many others, all know this.
They are all pretending to be ‘good guys’ promoting a ‘look good’ sharing scheme. Isr. understands this as well, they will never accept such a ‘solution’, they know it spells the end of Israel.
Btw, Israel has suspended, frozen (in effect, cancelled) 180 – 90 K work permits for Pals. (Nos. just indicative, idk..) in the W. Bank. Cheap labor has turned into an ‘enemy.’ MSM: tries to up import of cheap labor from AFRICA. MSM:
And that is just ONE of the problems.
The ‘war’ in GAZA, outcomes:
1. Netanyahu backtracks, withdraws compeletely. Re-construction and reparation are paid by Isr. and Internationals.
2. The genocide / expelling of Palestinians in Gaza, W. Bank, Isr. succeeds and Isr. is ethnically purified and occupies a larger territory.
3. In one way or another (Hezbollah, a second front!, Pal. resistance, IDF failures, World disaproval, etc.) Isr. looses, becomes as described above.
1 will never happen, the status quo ante is lost, so it is 2 or 3. This is what is being hysterically debated / treated etc. in the corridors of Power. Imho nobody knows what to do.
NoiretteParticipantV. Arnold, congrats! Many happy returns of the day…
Oroboros, about unvaxxed sperm –> offer on the back of a car, prev. thread, “only in the USA” I say, ha ha..
Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates at a sperm bank in Denmark.
There is a time comparison, data is 2017 – 2022. Decline is consequent. VAX not mentioned.
On Putin’s peace offer.
This is a no-brainer, should the W (USuk-EU-ukr) agree to negotiate, well and good. I do believe that Russia was – is ready to negotiate and cede much, if their ‘Ukr neutral – no NATO there’ is unequivocally accepted and somehow ‘guaranteed’, i.e. to be *monitored* by Russia.
so > If the W dismisses the proposal out of hand, OK, we, ‘reasonable Russians’, tried for PEACE, it was dismissed, we move forward militarily, etc.
Of course Putin knew the offer would be scorned, it is a PR move on his part.
NoiretteParticipantOn Timofeev, at top post.
It looks like Putin is attempting to ‘manage’ the Collective West, trying to avoid ‘worse’ (for Russia of course), by making Peace Offers (e.g. in the past agreeing to the Minsk Accords for ex. and not complaining when nothing transpired.) I believe that, hmm, mostly….
At the same time Russia has sent out serious warnings (their NUKE doctrine, re. threats to their existence, which in effect is not different from the US’ first strike position) which have fallen on deaf ears.
Zelensky as mouthpiece, puppet, for the W, will never accept a Russian offer like the present one (heh none in the past and none in the future one guesses), as the W feels it still has ‘places to go’, i.e. to move forward against Russia (arms, various supports, targetting inside R, etc.), as UKR itself is expendable, nobody cares about the proxy (possibly some Big Corps think that at the end they will cash in.)
Why ‘against Russia’? Because the Hegemon is losing control, its position — rival powers have to be dominated at all costs, and re. Russia, Europe (vassal) has been activated against it. Some of the top EU officials are giddy with in-groupy, blood-lust and hubris (manipulated into it by various means), because they now feel ‘isolated’ …(vote of the ppl is against) polarization increases.
We are moving, via a drip-drip – boiling frog – method, towards a NUKE exchange.
But it is not a ‘drift’ – it was planned (imho…)
NoiretteParticipantRe. Zelensky not the one running Ukraine from RT, top post, mentions Yermak, Chief of Staff, about whom I know nothing.
Ze is a puppet President, manipulated, thrown into that position by several forces who reckoned they could control him, or, hey, it is just the Zeitgeist, the Society is the Spectacle (Debord – link below, heh..)
So Ze is now an illegit ‘dictator.’ His term ended recently, under ‘legal – emergency situation’ rationales.
What is certain is that Russia no longer considers him legit, Putin has said so a few times. Plus, Ze has outlawed all Opposition Parties (as if they were ever anything but a bunch of oligarchs jockeying for power) and blocked ‘private’ TV stations (i.e. not controlled by the State.)
There are reports, rumors, of a ‘coalition’ who opposes Ze and wants to ‘challenge’ him and ‘regain power’ -> the two main movers, afaik, being Poroshenko, the ‘Chocolate King’, now in alliance with Timoshenko, ‘The Lady of the Braids’ (my name for her) who looks just like Ukr. supporters of Trudeau, dressed up in embroidered shirts, cute hair styles, Nazis to the core, all of them.
Imho, the US will support Ze to some very FAR end point, he is their lap-dog. Any other ‘leader’ creates complications, disturbance, the construction of new narratives, sigh.
Russia doesn’t care who is the ‘leader’ in Ukr. as they know it makes no differences to Ukr. policy, which is controlled from the outside, by the US. (Not, NATO, btw.)
So Zelensky may survive for some time. And be liquidated whenever things change, take a drastic turn.
If there is yet some other person running him, e.g. Yermak, that isn’t suprising, as he is a lost soul. Which doesn’t change the general picture described here.
NoiretteParticipantWES, yes, that is about it. Moreover, Macron knew perfectly well he (excuse me, HIS party) would do very badly vs. the Rassemblement National (Le Pen) in these ‘trivial’ (they are like an opinion poll) EU elections.
It is said that Macron’s plan is to make Bardella – note another young man (28) with dark eyes and dark hair – the Prime Minister. Bardella is the President of the RN.
NoiretteParticipantOn, Right wing Tsunami in EU parliament Vote.
re. France. Macron is one of the most hated WORLD leaders.
see for ex. -> lists many:
Marine le Pen’s party is not right-wing, nor the so-called extremist ‘right.’
Mélenchon’s Party, la France Insoumise, is not ‘extreme left.’
Both are populist centrists.
—> Note the parties in F are now springing from, based on, a ‘leader’ and don’t represent a groundswell / organisation / long-standing political movement, just like in Ukraine, where oligarchs get together in clubs and fight for .. whatever financial grab.
Note, some still admire Macron, for no politcal reasons whatsoever, because his is ‘gay’ or ‘sexy’ or whatever.
Le Monde (MSM ‘trusted’ news) made a comparison in 2012, way back, between the programs of Le Pen and Mélenchon.
It emphasises the differences (homosex marriage, wearing a veil, all social ‘stuff’), but basically the programs (as far as internal policies are concerned) were the same. More equality, more worker protection, more, better health care, higher taxes for the rich, etc. and much more. I read the progs. at the time, there were almost no differences.
see also (in F) for those interested.
The ‘politics’ is all smoke-screens, ‘propa narratives’ if one likes, the fight is between Mega-Corps + a vassal Gvmt. and ordinary ppl. (One short formula.)
NoiretteParticipantApologies, that didn’t work out. Heh.
NoiretteParticipantOn Oroboros Vid, prev. thread.
Adding to the +++ points made by Oroboros and jb-hb.
The vid. itself is v. good, quality wise, ‘explicit,’ showing scary details. Key points of the action are captured, in a clear time-line. Any viewer can ‘see, follow’ the unfolding of the ‘event’ -> the script is well constructed.
The cam swerves around mimicking the way amateur bystanders, surprised and alarmed, might provide snippets of some crazy, violent, happening.
*A new genre, has to be practised!*
At start, the cam holder is v.close nearby supposedly ordering food or whatever from the truck. Just a passer-by, say, and the barriers are supposed to suggest a venue that is organised for a lot of visitors, ppl .. but there is nobody there..
!!! Cam-man suddenly springs into action and gets VERY close to the scene on the ground. He is standing right in the middle of the scene but everyone ignores him except two female police who stupidly glance in his direction after a while .. ‘the cam, wow, did I do OK’ or something like that.
NoiretteParticipantOn, Biden allows UKR to use weapons to attack Russia, from ZH.
Not the only one, see Macron (keen), Sholtz (hesitant, reluctant, confused), others…
USuk-D (Germany) and others provide – gift, weapons and more to attack the Russkies, control the scope of operations, and have tight strictures / operational criteria, aka red lines that waver and change in function of the situation ‘on the ground.’ Follows, orders are sent to the Proxy UKR do this that not … etc.
UKR must obey (it hasn’t perfectly, other story), but now it is authorised by its Masters to move some very dangerous provocative steps forward.
Typical MSM: UKR now has to been ‘freed’ (so who is in control?) to do ‘what it needs’ or such language to ‘defend itself.’
I.e. to attack Russia inside Russia… with arms / personnel etc. from the ‘W.’End game coming up….
NoiretteParticipantWES posted, prev. thread.
One thing I noticed with many small web sites like Wolfe Street, CTH, MoA, they were all put under tremendous pressure to toe the covid line or they would be shutdown. The CTH was forced to set up their own servers to return to the internet. Smaller one man operations often don’t have the money, resources, time, ability, and energy to fight this kind of pressure. So they had to go along with policing the pro-vaccine narrative. But it says a lot about them, and not in a good way. Once trust is broken….
As a participant in MoA for a long time after b took over, once covid hit – many?- ppl left as comments on any ‘covid / vax’ related topic was censored, Punktschluss. (dot-closed.)
‘War’ and ‘social issues’ are confined to set rubrics (as in school) for ex. arms manufacturing, number of soldiers, flags on territory, imagined calculations of powerful figures, etc. Which doesn’t mean that MoA is bad on wars, but the grand picture is missing, obscured.
The two !top! taboo topics that are censored in the Anglosphere posturing as opposition, are 9-11 and Cov-19. The likes of Chomsky and Chris Hedges, b, and many others refuse to even mention 9/11. As for Covid-19 it is even more toxic (as it is more deadly for at-home pop) to bring up for ‘opposition’ figures, as it implies condemnation of a whole state /science / so-called / benevolent, caring, corporate profit apparatus.
NoiretteParticipantThis comics graphics is for Oroboros! (safe for work and kiddos)
(my comments, Note the ‘diversity’ of the protestors, and the mask wearing, showing adherence to subservience to Big-State-Pharma….this all shows some splits or fissures in ‘Dem’ type opinion in the US…)
Jewish Currents is or purports to be anti-war, anti-Zionist, pro equality, etc. Idk, not familiar with it, just the comic was sent to me.
NoiretteParticipantIsrael as we know it (ex. 1995 – 2023, note conditions for Palestinians deteriorated throughout that time..) will no longer exist in its present state in 2025-6.
ISR (before 7 Oct.) was dependent for its existence on the US in first place, UK – EU following, with aid (massive to obtain milit. mat. produced in US, etc ..), gifts, business partnerships, loans, tech transfers, banking privileges, forced favored spots in Int’l meets, etc. Plus prop’ like Eurovision.
The ROW, as UNRWA *UN* funded the survival of kicked-out Palestinians, in Gaza, the W bank, Jordan and Lebanon. Badly and only partially, but enough – it was hoped! – to stop Pals rising up out of desperation.
That dam broke.
Without foreign support, ISR cannot survive. It is a mini-stamp sized territory with no-little ressources, no-little industry (that counts), no ppl that are soldered to work in, or for it (oppressed Arabs, Orthodox Jews with special status, foreign workers with ‘no’ status, urbanites scornful of peasants, oligarchs there for profit only, and of course the hate of Pals. and the hope they can be exterminated, etc.) – one might add an Army that everyone knows cannot impose itself, despite US aid, after Lebanon, 2006.
— Typical ex. is ISR’s ‘biggest’ exports, diamonds. The crude stones are imported. (OK, a tough topic and just banging on in a short post won’t do it. In’tl trade is hugely complex.)
ISR. has been not only oppressing and corraling its cheap labor, Pals., but has now moved to exterminating them, and for those still alive / functioning (W. Bank), cancelling their work permits. There are some reports of meets between Isr. and AFR. countries, Isr. might import labor from there – e.g. Sierra Leone. (no link.) A replica of the Settler Coloniast US model, kill off the original inhabitants, and import ‘black – slave’ labor. Won’t work, today (imho.)
more later maybe…
NoiretteParticipantOroboros posted the quote..
“A pediatric practice cannot survive…without doing most of the vaccines, if not all of them [on the CDC schedule]…”
Very interesting, I wasn’t aware….
and thx to Dr. Day for the xtra info. about Paul Thomas.
NoiretteParticipantIlargi wrote, I have a perhaps silly notion that there is less news than before..
I have the same impression. I think it is because the MSM keeps slipping down the slope, meaning they treat distractions with great enthusiasm, give one side of a story, neglect what is important, point the finger to no purpose, get their facts muddled, haven’t a clue, and so on. Of course (most) are paid off, or paid only if they follow some set X line. That isn’t news (sic), but it has steadily gotten worse.
Ex. What can the W MSM write, say, about the genocide in Isr.? Nothing very ‘real’ or ‘germane’ … or even ‘interesting’ … because they can’t admit the whole point is extermination of the Pals. in Gaza.
Of course chunks of important topics are just left out, such as the present war in Sudan.
Then there is the alternative ‘media’ which ranges from the well-meaning looking for facts to the wild interpretations to the shrill pushers of one pov. which becomes hard to make sense of, polarization sets in…not that I’m knocking Scott Ritter / Max Blumenthal / Doctor X who reports on his experience in Gaza / Military news from UKR by Y, etc. to mention various types of sources. Often of course the info. they have is partial…
Time gets compressed. There is not much past, be it historical explanations, or even just some established or liked ‘narrrative’, and the Future, be it hopes, propositions, plans, specially any concrete proposals, is AWOL. Who has adressed, how to resolve, stop, terminate, the killing in Gaza? I don’t see anything solid out there… that is because nobody has the tools and the power to implement them to any effect. I am not knocking e.g. student protests in favor of Palestine, Muslim pundits on You-Tube, etc.
So in the end, there is no ‘news’, just weird bits and pieces, nutty tropes, etc. Individuals can join a ‘cult’ or just be isolated with fragmented facts spinning in their heads (… to make it dark..)
see tax breaks for journos, one ex. US
This is the French model. ‘Accredited’ journos (went thru indoctrination at journo school) hired by MSM can deduct ‘set expenses’ automatically. This is not just to make them stay on with better pay, but to make them feel part of a ‘special’, ‘ruling’ class, thus subservient to their masters.
NoiretteParticipantOn: At tale of 2 sovereigns, by Pepe Escobar (at top post.)
…about Xi, quote. The minute he sat at the Paris table he got the Big Picture. This was not a tete-a-tete with Le Petit Roi, Emmanuel Macron. This was a threesome because Toxic Medusa Ursula von der Leyen… (was there..)
Macron is furious, humiliated, and is lashing back, because of France losing much of its grip on parts of Africa — inevitable re. the sweep of history, + Sarkozy’s stupid moves, which Hollande didn’t / couldn’t repair.
Macron called on, or smatrly submitted to, Ursi von der Lugen (Lies) to be there because he is aiming to be the first Prez. of a ‘POWR’ EU Union with a Great Army. So he has to appear in public with her, showing there is ‘continuity’, they share a common vision, goals, but, heh, he will replace her.
She was not there to supervise him, in fact almost the opposite pertains. Ursula has no command powers over any military forces (not a head of state, not elected, poster admin role, etc.) while Macron…is still the head of heh (?) best milit. in EU.
The only EU country that has veto powers at the UN Security Council is France, a big card in the pocket. (> Brexit.) What the hopes are Idk, illusory for sure.
NoiretteParticipanttboc, thanks for yr response. Figmund, heh, 🙂
NoiretteParticipantOn the ENERGY -> FF, oil, coal, other- front …. news.
The US has lifted sanctions on Russian banks for all trades that deal with energy.
April 29, 2024. Official US gvmt. site:
UKR Pravda news: *US extends permission for energy-related transactions with Russian banks.*
NoiretteParticipantFrom TASS, quoted at top post.
Earlier, Swiss President Viola Amherd said her country would host a conference on the so-called Ukrainian “peace formula” at the Burgenstock resort near Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland this June. The Russian embassy confirmed that “the Swiss authorities have not sent Russia an invitation to the conference in Burgenstock.” Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that any talks on Ukraine without Russia are pointless, and are, in fact, “a negotiation process with no purpose.”
Switz. has capitulated to the USuk-isr— EU forces.
A ‘peace’ conference barring one of the warring parties participating is beyond ridiculous…shameful ..
Many ppl here are discussing where this turn-about came from, it started about 8 years ago. And how, now, to leave…
NoiretteParticipantThe prev. post with the Lovely Lady Godiva on a Horsie had much Trump news, and mentions Stormy Daniels.
Some time before 2020, I was in a train going to Vallorbe, from down South (Switz.) The landscape was snowy, barren, the train was a school train, packed with children and teens going to this or that school, training center, and so on, the only adults in the car I was in besides myself was an eldery man, a harrassed teacher with two heavy bags full of papers, projects.
We sped forwards.
These trains have confy seats etc., electric ports to re-charge your devices, and TV screens that announce /train – weather – etc. / info, events, but also give flash news, without sound.
Suddenly Stormy Daniels appeared, smiling to the camera and lookin’ great. The subs said *Trump in Trouble.*
This was one occasion when I thought, what madness is gripping the world?
NoiretteParticipantOn the post with the cute Dutch blondine, touting racism againt globalism. Her speech was more than a bit pedestrian and sounds scripted, like a high school student doing his or her best under ‘mentors’, not ‘genuine’, a bit like Greta on Green Stuff, and many others. She has little idea of what she is talking about, and is a poor actress (no training at all.) Even ‘fire’ is missing from her speech? Plus, no way she is a practising Christian.
Asked in the article, is: The question before us is why did leaders of the Western nations decide to destroy ethnic diverse nationality in Europe and the West by turning all Western countries into towers of babel?
This Q makes no sense, destroying ethinic diverse nationality, so, supposedly the good, to make place for the bad, W countries into towers of Babel? Just buzz words…
Various answers from different angles can be put forward. One is that the falling birth rate in the W (specially Europe) requires immigration of young ppl who have been ‘birthed’ and ‘educated’ elsewhere (so come cheap, no stipends, schools, health care etc. to be paid, they come as ready for work adults, and will accept poor conditions.) Because ‘Perpetual Growth’ requires workers and consumers, and using ressources. (Setting aside rentier capitalism, FIRE, etc. which also benefits of course.)
Another angle is that W countries have been taken over by elites, PTBs. that are determined to take full control of ‘their’ ‘lowly’ populations, which means that divide and conquer and social strife are engineered on purpose to manipulate, sequester, even kill off, various factions, by different means. Cheap labor fulfiils that aim, as does ethnic / religious / other / quarrels, terrorist attacks, etc. Let the plebs fight it out, while we supervise.
Yet other inerpretations are possible.
NoiretteParticipantOn (top post) RT UK blocked UKR peace deal
In April 2022, Bojo went (sent by / agreed w. the US) to Kiev to scotch the agreement.
In June 2022 all those paying attention knew what transpired. Imho, a concensus was, Zelensky-UKR agreed / followed orders because they are Lackeys and there is a lot of money involved.Kiev can’t fight Russia without W / USuk / EU / NATO support. Zelensky would have sat down in March to ‘talk’ to Putin if it was up to him.
A bit later, in Sept 2022 *Foreign Affairs* no less laid this out (link 1 – there is much ‘other’ in the article.)
from RT top post:
Asked whether the draft treaty could serve as a basis for further peace talks, Peskov said Kiev’s public position was to reject talks with Russia. The idea of reviving the failed agreement was floated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko when he met Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin earlier this month.
The re-floating of this peace effort represents the vain hope that somehow the R proposal-demands at the time, which were quite minimal, could be revived. (link 2) Or, just BS talk. Time has moved forward, the past can’t be re-captured.
R made the proposal at the time to ensure minor damage to R, to the W, to the then World Order — it was rejected with sneering arrogance.
Ukr/nato/++ has lost this war, now many are clumsily trying to salvage face, back track from escalation, etc.. Too late, or just hypocritical BS.
NoiretteParticipantOn 8th of May, 6,000 (six thousand) forces (troops, personnel..) will be deployed in Marseille (on the Med Coast), France.
The forces include an anti-drone contingent, *démineurs* (who incapacitate explosive mines), Police from the RAID (link) and much more (Army..) Link 2 is F MSM to show I am not making this up, see + other links at that article.
Maybe Macron, a notorious coward, will be there for a big speech? Is there to be a big Int’l meet and some leaders of foreign cos. demand to be protected?
No important meetings EVER occur outside of Paris. Macron never visits the Provinces officially (though I can recall one occasion, other story.)
It will be the arrival of the Olympic Flame!
A boat, ‘Belem’ will be docking in Marseille and the various athletes and personalities (etc.) will hand over the Flame.
The announced threats to the transfer of the Flame, after all merely symbolism for a Sports Meet, are: Islamic terrorism, Right Wing Extremism, Left Wing Extremism.
Authoritarian (fascist, centrists) type crack-down is moving forward fast in France. I am sure this ‘deployment’ is an exercise to practice ‘coordination.’ Or, more alarmingly, that a ‘terrorist’ attack has been planned.
NoiretteParticipantJohn Day posted an excerpt from Anti-War:
Red Cross Says Rafah Evacuation Not ‘Possible’ as Israel Prepares for Invasion, Israeli media reports that Israel will invade Rafah ‘very soon.’
The Israelis have not being doing too well (other long story.) Entering Rafah to kill off another several hundreds of thousands of Palestinians is now agreed on by USuk-isr and flunkeys, be they Arab States (KSA for ex.) nearby vassals (Jordan), or far off servile idiots (ex. EU.)
Egypt, as I have pointed out before, is the *3RD* recipient of US AID, after Isr. and Ukr (leaving Taiwan out for now, that is new.)
Pressure on Egypt is to set up tent cities, feed and clothe (etc.) the ‘ejected’ Palestinians is ramping up as I write.
— >> MSM story will be: Palestinians left voluntarily, Egypt is doing its bit, they are well treated, we are sending funds, etc..
The IMF has recently increased loans, bail-out loans, to Egypt, the amounts are staggering. (I can’t make a total… too complicated…)
The EU has done the same. Ex. a loan of 7.4 billion… Part of these payments on paper have to do with immigration.
NoiretteParticipantRussel Bentley (a US citizen from Texas, afaik), killed in URK.
NY Post: Pro-Kremlin Texan Russell Bentley, who fought for Russia, found dead in Ukraine.
Guardian: US citizen who fought with pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine reported dead.
As he was pro-Russ (and according to some news I read, obtained R citizenship ?) this US citizen is treated like a traitor, while Gonza Lira is at least in some ways presented as a victim – repressed, denied “free speech” – v. badly treated, etc.
see for ex. Russel interviewed by Blumenthal, vid. 2022. 1H 30 mins.
NoiretteParticipantOn, top post: “US forced Israel to abandon larger attack on Iran” – NYT
That the NYT publishes this means it is ‘real serious’.. some traps, dangers, must be avoided.
1. Israel attacks, via bombing, the Iranian Embassy / Consulate in Syria. = War-crime and violation of the Vienna Convention, the GE convention, etc. The int’l community (UN, etc.) does NOT react. Imagine if the US Emb. in France was attacked! Heh.
2. Iran pauses to think this out, to talk to ppl, reportedly via intermediary Oman, probably also via Swiss Emb. in Teheran (CH represents US in Iran) to the USA + Others.
Iran decides to make a demonstration to signal their strength -> being able to repell possible attack(s), the capacity to attack Isr., as a move for signalling deterrence -> message, hey! WATCH OUT. Everybody is warned, and nobody is killed.Then the US freaks out, NO war with Iran (I have been saying this for ages..) Isr., Netanyahu plays the US. An agreement is made, we – Isr. – will stop escalating w. Iran, won’t riposte, we can forget all that, in return you let us continue ethnic cleansing / genocide in Rafah.
So the horrors in Palestine will continue. Until Isr. achieves its aims, i.e. destruction and take-over of the Gaza strip, killing / expulsion of all Palestinians, plus, impunity for settler pogroms against Arabs in the West Bank, that is going to the future.
NoiretteParticipantOn ‘Biden tells Bibi US will not support a counter-attack on Iran.’
1st link at top post.
The BidAdmin / those in charge at present / do not want war with Iran, do not want a widening of the present conflict, because serious war in the ME Region will lead to devastation and defeat of the USA. See, the Elites power, comfort, etc. Plus, the destruction of Israel, in the sense of the loss of that landing strip..
Of course, other forces itch for confrontation, never mind the outcome.
From Europe. When Macron announced he aimed to, wanted to, was proposing to (what formulation? as there were many!) send French troops to UKR to defend the Valiant Ukro-Nazis and fight Ugly Blood-Thirsty Russkies – the expressions used are ‘defense of democracy’ etc. – both Germany and the US shut him down immediately.
The ‘main’ NATO powers (actually there is only one, the US, but D is second; **btw about 1/3 of arms send to Isr. come from D**) would never support France in this folly, he was on his own, etc.
D = Deutchland
NoiretteParticipantWES posted prev thread:
Maybe the bright blub in Israel who approved the strike against the Iranian embassy will pay the ultimate political price for this decision. Let us hope so. Could this in the end save Gaza?
WES, my friend, if I may, you are too optimistic. No.
Nothing can ‘save’ Gaza, in the sense of a Palestinian ‘territory’ that Pals. could live on, in relative ‘peace’ even if under a cruel ‘apartheid’ regime (supported by UNRWA who keeps Pal. refugees alive in many places), or some day return to ‘their land’ —> that is all over.
Gaza is destroyed, from top to bottom (see internet pix), a concentration camp is ‘final solution’ targetted and bombed to get ALL the Arab inhabitants killed / buried in the rubble, how many Idk but the no. must be huge.
The refugees, encouraged to flee, leave, are not welcome anywhere.
US makes *massive* payments to Egypt (3rd place after UKR. and ISR in US aid, I posted about this before), still not enough for Egypt to accept any refugees, it is digging its heels in maybe hoping… profit in some way(s)…
ISR. will take over GAZA and re-build it for Israeli Jews and ‘Foreign Cos’ will invest massively, there will be consequent returns, Rich Investors, will stump up, money will pour in. Next will be the West Bank, where Arabs will be gradually ‘eliminated’ in one way or another, slow atttrition since at least 50 years.
NoiretteParticipantInterview of Shane Simonsen, new to me, on Geopolitics and Empire.
Shane Simonsen discusses the energy crisis and how industrialization was built on the resource base of cheap coal and oil whose quality and quantity is depleting which will affect the complexity of modern society and exacerbate economic and political issues. The elites are dealing with a changing resource base they’re struggling to manage and they have a lot less power than we imagine. The real power lays with global multinational corporations who have co-opted nations and political parties. The loss of modern conveniences should see us move back to a more community-oriented setting. We’re headed into an era of techno-authoritarianism but at some point that technology will fail. The real trouble is when elites start turning on each other. The future of warfare and society could be biotechnological.
1 H 16 mins.
Shane Simonsen: The End of Cheap Energy, is Mad Max Our Future?
NoiretteParticipantRe. the recent arguments about global warming…
I believe the science that details greenhouse gases, the role they play in heating up the atmosphere, that humans cause emission of sufficient quantities of GHG to spur this process, at least in a large part, are correct.
However, I also think this ‘science’ is not great, there are various other elements that can play a role (the sun..), the interactions between various variables and the resulting positive/negative feedback loops (e.g. albedo, dimming via pollution, effects of drought and xyz vegetation, etc. etc.) are not well known / studied / described, etc.
The description of the phenomenon presented to the public is completely off, BS.
Temperature (and the attendant weather) is always LOCAL, and opting for a measure of ‘global’ temperature and fixing some kind of tipping-point threshold, goal (1.5 C) makes no sense at all. Land and sea don’t react the same way to different temps, using an average is beyond ridiculous.
For ex. Elevated, moutainous land regions, Poles, will melt, while coast-lines ‘may’ experience weird storms. Drought has different effects in different places, etc.
The IPCC has defined a base-line period for comparison, 1961-1990, as many countries, places, don’t have any records before that time.
Many of the ‘temp rises’ one sees reported are in function of this comp., and thus don’t in any way reflect temp. changes from pre-industrial times. Often, the ‘temp rise’ is just quoted ‘as is’, with no info. about the first term of the comparison.
Ex. Switz. The MSM, local authorities, etc. report a RISE of around 2C (the last formulation on one Fed. Gvmt. website was ‘slightly over’ 2C.) They don’t report it often, as Switz. would look like a ‘bad pupil.’ This is in comp. to IPCC 61-90, not pre-industrial times.
A current Fed. site tries to gather it all together:
The current climate mean is already 2.8 °C above the pre-industrial average of 1871-1900 (as of 2024).
Yes. From some simple charts (goog) of temp rise in CH from 1850, it is closer to 3C rise imho, ok quarrels about these nos. are not useful.
Has ‘climate change’ been hyped to alarm ppl, control them, get them to consume less, draw down use of FFs? Is Greta T. just a stooge for some agenda? Are climate ‘activists’ idiots somehow married to a cause (often paid btw)? Yes. That doesn’t mean it isn’t real…
Sure, Switz. is an outlier, a postage-stamp landlocked mountainous country. But look at the effects of drought in Syria…for ex…
Or consider why Southern Spain will turn into a desert? Because all the available water was used to earn money via tourism (swimming pools, baths, showers, hotels, etc.) and growing veggies for export? …..
NoiretteParticipantOn Trump’s recent statements on Israel, which have been pick-quoted, here and there, e.g on Politico.
25 March, vid 9 mins: Trump to Israel Hayom.
He is trying to balance different stances, povs. He blames Biden, and says there would be no problem in the world if he was Pres, and that he has been the most ISR-positive Pres. in History. He says that the Oct. 7 attack would never have happened if he /had been/ Pres.
Quote on the present:
“You have to finish up your war. To finish it up. You gotta get it done. And, I am sure you will do that. And we gotta get to peace, we can’t have this going on. And I will say, Israel has to be very careful, because you’re losing a lot of the world, you’re losing a lot of support, you have to finish up, you have to get the job done. And you have to get on to peace, to get on to a normal life for Israel, and for everybody else.”
Note he his sitting in a somewhat lower chair (as the camera angle is making out, the chairs are actually the same) facing two large, fattish, imposing, ostensibly Jewish figures – one makes a big deal of putting a Kippa on his head. Trump is the one on the hot seat being questioned as to his ‘loyalty’, as I see it.
The prominently displayed flag in the background is a bit mysterious, in the sense that Red + White Stripes are a representation of the USA, a symbol often used, to avoid showing the full flag (ppl might notice that), but the orange border is weird, Idk. The other background is ‘camouflage gear’ it signals WAR, ‘we support war’, right in your face.
NoiretteParticipantOn, wikileaks cable (2008 by W. Burns), Georgia and Ukraine… (at top post.)
This interview of Jaques Baud (Swiss ret. milit.) on *Daniel Davis Deep Dive* April 2024, a bit more than one hour, bring up the paralells between Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2022), and a lot more.
Title: UKR. front lines on the verge of collapsing.
As many of us knew right from 2014, or at least, later, 2022, was inevitable.