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  • in reply to: This Is Not America #4296

    SA said: “Conquest over disease by understanding basic sanitation was the major causal mechanism of the population explosion of the 19th and 20th century – not oil and big ag.”

    As you say, industrialised agriculture and oil supported population growth, but yes, sanitation was the key driver. Something to keep in mind if/when we public services fall into disrepair or are otherwise not available. Clean water and human waste recycling will be very important to your community.

    in reply to: Espana en Fuego #3638

    Meanwhile . . . side-show politics, news stories and pop-idol shows mask the continued selling of the world by corporate-beholden governments:

    in reply to: Doing Less With More #2710

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Joseph Goebbels

    in reply to: Disaster Capital Hits Europe #2248

    Nice post. Conditions are certainly approaching where some sort of overt authoritarian measures will be required. It is interesting to see how they have been gradually implemented in the US, but I am not aware of as many measures being put in place in Europe. Will their introduction necessarily be more swift and obvious?

    Will war (Iran or similar) be the pretext? False flag operation(s)? Some other kind of disaster? Or will we see more gradual oppression.

    Keep your eyes open. Watch the magician’s hands closely.

    in reply to: An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling #1841
    in reply to: Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future #1739

    istt post=1316 wrote: I am tired of the anti-Semitic sling any time someone points out the obvious. Israel is as entrenched in US policy, both financial and foreign, as is possible.

    Me, too. I’m tired of people spouting “anti-Semetic” accusations every time someone criticizes Israeli policy or influence in the US, or Zionism. Stop conflating legitimate concerns about politics, corruption and collusion with racism, for fcuk’s sake. Yep, sometimes people will paint overly broad brush strokes and add Jews into the equation. In that case, correct them and move on.

    in reply to: Calling Sydney! #1738

    Any plans to come to Auckland?

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1684

    Comment above quoted from the comment section under the article here:

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1683

    It seems that corporate hubris is reaching such a magnitude that even clients are no longer a part of the success equation. I guess if you own government (and hence the law), who needs client consent/approval anyway.

    From the comment section of an article linked through TAE on FaceMash, says one client of Goldman Sachs:

    “In one of these investments (which has lost 35% of its value since 2008), Goldman even refuses to provide basic information, like estimates of income or expenses for tax planning purposes. I literally have to guess the income my K-1 will show when I file my taxes in April, because Goldman won’t even give me an estimate (much less quarterly or annual commentary or disclosure by the fund managers). In many years, the fund shows substantial interest income (on which I have to pay taxes), but none of that income is ever distributed to me and the NAV of the fund simultaneously goes down. Where did the income go? When asked, Goldman refuses to provide specifics (even though I am a limited partner of the investment partnership and have a right to this information). “


    Check out this – just WOW! 0.o

    It looks like a perfect example of how to divide and conquer the people – play them against each other. Blame the “left” and “Godlessness” and stealth communism, and produce your very own fundamentalist extremists.

    The propaganda machine is in full swing.

    in reply to: Merkel's Leading Germany Into an Abyss #920

    The rhetoric against Iran is flowing thick and fast now. Either support is won for a “pre-emptive” strike, or something BIG is on the horizon that will be blamed on Iran to cement the deal.

    in reply to: The Torture of the European Periphery #893

    Also, thanks to whomever posted their link to

    Some good archived radio shows here.

    in reply to: Europe's Latest Swiss Cheese Bailout Package #892

    Punxsutawney/Ash – one thing to consider . . . a “successful” hack that threatened the entire financial system – an attack by terrorist hackers – could be a good excuse for MUCH more totalitarian control being pushed on the peoples of the world.

    It would be a neat trick.

    in reply to: The Torture of the European Periphery #861

    Has anyone else noticed how retarded the copyright infringement war waged by the entertainment industry is getting?

    If you thought that calling on the police force of a foreign nations to seize assets and make arrests at gun point in front of children for “alleged” infringement was a stretch (as was the case with Kim Dotcom), check out the latest money grubbing tactics:

    in reply to: We're Still Sinking With the Titanic #829

    My rant is a general one directed at the line of thinking that is encouraged in us. I come across it regularly, as I’m sure most people here do. I probably misinterpreted your original posting a little.

    in reply to: We're Still Sinking With the Titanic #811

    You’d have to be blind and have your fingers in your ears singing “la-la-la” to think the economy was getting better. A few cherry-picked data points, such as one’s social circle, has nothing to do with the overall state of the national or global economy. A broad picture is more accurate – and that quite clearly points to an on-going financial/political crisis that is NOT being “solved”.

    Many passengers aboard the Titanic refused to believe there was a problem for over an hour after hitting the iceberg. It’s not about crying wolf – just timely warning. This isn’t a Hollywood disaster movie where everything happens in 2 hours, though. Pay attention.

    in reply to: As the No-Volume Market Churns #772

    The link (The Slog) at Market Ticker gives more info – interesting stuff.

    in reply to: Shooting the Messenger #554

    Thanks for this.

    Although not an in-depth analysis, this kind of simple deconstruction of bigger, over-arching themes is vitally important.

    We need more anti-double-speak to help people wake up and stave off the propaganda that floods our lives. Keep up the good work!

    in reply to: Why So Angry? #553

    Hi Alexander – the link seems dead.

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