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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 24 2020 #63642

    Taking lots of photos of grandparents in case anything happens…
    I cracked up. So funny. Man what a world. Young generation are like – eco destruction, intergenerational debt, feudalism, robots – now corona… they are just going along with it like the weather.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 23 2020 #63621

    Dr. D, I did as yoou asked and watched Jimmy for 6 mins at least. Thanks spot on!
    Another day of lies.
    When you see so much lying everywhere you fall between anger and disappointment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2020 #62971

    Robot Vines!!!! thanks for that blew my mind.
    But…plastic. Still – amazeballs
    Assange is the head on the stick staring dead eyed at journalists as was said recently

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2020 #62913

    I’ve Kunstler a little brittle and maybe a little ‘off’ recently but this piece is back to his brilliant best. Loved it and thanks so much for sharing. Biden’s “end of quote’ was exhilarating. To see such a lack of interest in the subject matter when the subject matter is within the context of an American Presidency was amazing. The USA is at quite the juncture.

    Those New York restaurant numbers mirror Melbourne’s. The thing is a lot of people lose jobs, alot of people lose their business but also alot of people lose the house they used as collateral to finance the business. So many people are taking a hit right now it is crazy.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 25 2020 #62556

    Segregation in universities hey… Weird.
    Kunstler sounds a bit provocative – like the guy deserved it or something – getting shot in the back. Dunno, just threw me – his tone.
    If police can’t be trained to deal with that situation properly they need to get trained in other countries where it doesn’t get to that. American cops just seem like crap cops who don’t really know how to do their jobs or are lazy or unorganised or something. I just can’t get my head around the absolute mind-boggling incompetence of Law Enforcement in the US. Just buy more guns and tech. That’ll work. Not.
    Wouldn’t happen in Russia.

    in reply to: A Society of Emasculated Liars #62555

    Thanks for letting Dr.D jump on the mic. I like his rap style. Alot. Sometimes he misses the mark but who doesn’t. He/she should be allowed a voice just for the sake of his literary style. I absolutely love it. It’s just fluid and ranty and thought provoking and juicy.

    My opinion is to go the art of war on this one, all Chinese and tactical – STOOP TO CONQUER. Wear the damn mask. Wait the thing out. People more mad and ill prepared than you or I will crack first. Hell people in power will crack first. Concessions will be made, drawn lines will be rubbed out. Just hang in there the herd will change direction quick.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2020 #62318

    Also, if anyone wants a laugh and understands “Australian” – mad as hell was brilliant tonight. From 9 minutes some hilarious insight into financial response by govt to covid. Trust me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2020 #62315

    Ditto the painting. Amazing. Stunning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2020 #62262

    John, fabulous take on things. Re avocados, I have tried Rincorn, Hass, Bacon and Fuerte. we get to minus 4C with longish winters but it is the hot summer sun – up to 45c that burns the bark and causes the cambium layer to suffer badly – I have given up but if you make sure young trees have humidity and protection with limewash on the bark you should be fine in Texas.
    Pollination is a pain but ants help

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2020 #62219

    The Roots of Wokeness article is really fantastic – coming from my perspective as a white middle aged male – so it must be an oppressive power based article 🙂
    Thought and reason always have a place over the shadows of shifting identity. I don’t know if I am making sense… but there is a lot of horse-shit and identity politics going around and I found it quite refreshing to read

    in reply to: The Gerontocracy Strikes Back #62177

    I liked this very much but agree with V that having the civilization skills are a bit over rated when there is a world of junk money and left over tools already out there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 14 2020 #62148

    Thanks for posting the new york city article Raul – I read the whole thing and it was great. Years ago I toyed with the idea of a podcast about self-reliance and some TAE related subject matter around energy and finance. It was to be called ‘Run to the Hills’. It looks like I didn’t need to sell the idea. I think this stuff will happen in Melbourne too. So many people have freaked themselves out with what is happening and are aware of risks around price falls in housing. Restaurants are closed, commercial real estate is getting smashed and the cbd will not resemble what it once did. So many changes to work routines means that people want to be somewhere nicer and perceived as safer. Many will try to cash out or just move out.
    I am watching this space. I think NYC is a good lens to look through. The cops don’t help. A man was fined over $1000 and hauled out of his won car for trying to get some sleep as the baby was crying and lockdown was difficult for him. My own family have taken to stupid songs made up on the spot and sung quite loudly to beak the valve and release some pressure. We are all seeing a hell of a lot of each other, which is nice but the socials would help right now.
    Keep up the good work

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 13 2020 #62118

    That counter punch piece was brilliant. So much blood-letting going on.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 11 2020 #62043

    Husky, They are definitely going to double down on sheep-like compliance. She’s got celebrity spray on here now and people want to feel special.
    The photo is great and the moon is amazing but places without trees always make me feel a little sad and suspicious. I remember Bill Mollison saying years ago that based on available tree cover the population of Greece import oxygen from Macedonia – probably not true but at a certain point removing your natural resources becomes your problem and then you die – think easter island.
    Everyone thinks trade will save them till it doesn’t and trees are your nest egg par excellence – if your portfolio is just fish then you need to diversify

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 1 2020 #61699

    Also as for Judge Baraitser, Berate – scold or criticize (someone) angrily.
    Maybe every time she heard her name growing up she became programmed to be a harsh scolding hard-hearted person?
    Just a musing. I guess I could look into her star sign now I’m going left-field…..

    Looking forward to a payment coming through shortly – I’ll make a donation to TAE ASAP

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 1 2020 #61698

    Carol, Huskynut and others from yesterday’s thread – yeah thanks for the support. I’m glad others find their way through the madness. I know Raul has said he is angry a lot of the time because there are just so many malevolent forces – read people – out there doing us as humans harm. I feel that way at times and then other times I have such optimism and joy at living in the forest with my wife and 2 beautiful children repairing soil and ecosystem. Working hard for clients planting fruit trees and oaks and the rest and generally going for whatever level of right livelihood I can get to with what I have to draw from. Still it bugs me to think of all those good people who are having a crack at the same and some asshole comes along and says – “hey the queen has sanctioned me to take what you have and kill you, or how about I steal you and make you work for me”. I just want people to be nice to each other but there are so many wounded crazy bastards out there who think they can complete themselves with the stuff of the world at others expense. Dick Cheney’s a real stand out but so is Schiff and the other power players around the world.
    I guess I’m intolerant of a system that is hard to tolerate.
    Thank you all again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2020 #61674

    more along the lines of how little effect the actions have in the face of brutal grift.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2020 #61672

    I just can’t wrap my head around the epsilon theory article and Dr D’s take on it. My mind just can’t account for this shit…..
    It makes me feel like all my composting and clothes mending was the dumbest shit a guy could do. Growing Vegetables! What sort of a moron am I? I could be swimming with sharks but I’m looking at other fishes assholes through muddy water….
    Sorry about the language

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2020 #61560

    Yep – she is just a rude bitch. Low moral compass. Sleeps with a mouthguard. Not a fan at all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2020 #61286

    I also think we are perfect food for the virus. I want to be at least very chewy, gamey and unpalatable for the time being.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 16 2020 #61193

    The Adam Schiff thing — how do we even bother reading the news if you can’t trust anything any more? People just lie and you can’t touch them, you can’t sue them and you can’t speak out against them or you are just some right wing freak. No frikken justice man. Like the poor Rio Tinto guys. No justice. Them aboriginees – all they wanna do is dig up precious cultural sites – those concrete skyscrapers are where our people share culture and gather on behalf of the community so we all have what we need to shine. Them suit-tie fellas are our healers and leaders that care for country and seven generations. We are so lucky to have them.

    in reply to: The Bottom’s Falling Out #61010

    Dr D. Stunning work. Loved it. Thanks for pointing at predatory banks. They are also know as Vampire squid. I still believe to produce even only the smallest bit more than you consume is better than porkin’ out on debt fuelled bounty.
    Also my parent said know – I reckon you are pointing in the right direction. I think Kunstler was on it but turns out a virus born of mother nature’s bag of tricks was the vector. Always hard to pick timing and causation over patterns.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2020 #60696

    Oh and John and Bosco – you guys are killin’ it here right now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 1 2020 #60695

    I don’t wanna be all judge-y but that photo of Janet and Ben didn’t show a hell of a lot of smile lines or wrinkles. Sad and safe and bored, but hey I could be wrong. Ben probably gets his socks blown and parties hard and who knows what Janet gets up to – we know how Frankenfurter enjoyed his time with her….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2020 #60629

    Also – I’m a bit peeved over intellectuals, academics and book writers generally right this second. I have planted thousands of trees over the last few years because I wasn’t on a computer arguing about the environment and climate change. I think these computer things are making people dumb and crazy. Then people come along and say that the environment is all fine and we can just keep chopping trees down coz it’s all cool out there.
    It is not.
    But if you hate forest and love dust then it’s fine. Maybe north Africa is your jams. Or Western Queensland – cotton farms are just brimming with options for community. Oh and the views. Views to die for. Nah it’s all fine. Trust me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2020 #60628

    Also Raul, I have regrettably suspended my Patreon payments till my injuries heal up a bit and I can work again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2020 #60627

    Dr D. I don’t wanna get nit-picky but using the word – facts – like it means something has more weight if it surrounded by words inferring common sense. Which in your case is quite often – this time not so much.
    Humans are not causing a “sixth mass extinction” is just a sentence.

    Before I was born, Europeans removed the largest subtropical rainforest on planet earth from the east coast of Australia to plant sugar cane. One plant replaced the many. So as I read this mans words I smiled internally with the humble word “bullshit” bubbling up in my mind. Certainly I feel that there is a lot of hysteria about climate change and things can turn around very quickly indeed in natural systems. But as a permaculture business owner and practitioner of 30 years I know that digging in this soil takes work with slow results (Hardwood climax trees take so long to grow) and has caused an sc joint rupture and a right shoulder reconstruction. I farm like I mean it and my body, not yet 50 is a vessel of pain.
    I don’t need opinions so I won’t defend much longer against them but I have a 28 year old intern/student coming on friday and I will not be throwing around assumptions like those you posted. Just sayin’.
    The author says “Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels”. I would love to know how that is. I mean it may be true but I want to know the #facts because it sounds alot like lies and #AntiLogos and #Against Reality.
    It. Literally. Makes. No. Sense. But hey I’m a regular dumb shit that just works with his body and I am not being sarcastic when I ask for facts and information around this – the rest well – I kinda agree with most of it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2020 #60475

    Bosco – the analysis of future socioeconomic trends you laid out is why I still hover here at TAE – you may think of taking over Nicole’s former role now she seems a bit off message. I think holding onto the land has a lot to do with keeping stakeholders invested – In the case of my children it goes like this “This carport is so huge because one day your mother and I will infill the sides with straw bales and windows and live in it and who ever takes the nice house we live in now will have access to over 100 fruit and nut trees, no bills except council rates and the bit we pay the motor cycle gang and all you see for free. There is just one catch – you gotta look after us. Also we are grooming some young local families to build in a body corporate structure on our land with shared water and fuel supply (timber)
    I believe with love, trust and solid communication it can be done.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2020 #60286

    Summer Solstice? What planet are you on V? It is freezing down here and we just went through our longest night of the year. Trapped with a 2 yo and a 10 yo – my two divine sons who are so handsome my eyes hurt looking at them but are stir crazy like COVID will make you. Still though, 35000 acres of forest to explore where we live (found some psilocybin too) is not too hard on young children. I love this life where I live with my beautiful wife in my cosy strawbale house. Yoga every morning and maybe too much wine sometimes at night. I regret to admit Netflix gets it time. Yes the world seems batshit crazy. Even TAE is starting to lose it’s shine for me. To look into the glass darkly has it’s limitations when the present moment shines so purely.
    Love to you all my people. I may only pop my head in once in a while from now. I am finding things achingly beautiful and charged with hope.
    God Bless

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 2 2020 #59481

    But Australia is huge, and the tentacles don’t penetrate a whole lot into the interior. Out here a new identity is very slowly forming, one of a fusion of cultures that is embracing the deep indigenous love for the ecology in the face of 200 years of imperial looting. It’s what the colonial government has always feared the most, the whites going black and embracing an Australian culture rather than a European one. But it’s happening and something new is coming down the pipe.
    That was a perfect articulation of what I was inferring re natural systems emerging mutationally. Thank you for articulating one version of process that isn’t some intellectual top-down organisational change, so often suggested in comments. Drill down and assume nothing too strenuously. Clutching ideas is at times desperate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 2 2020 #59455

    Sorry but did Carlson say some cities in America had been completely destroyed. They must be just like Aleppo now. What a bullshit artist. Come back to me when the water supply goes.
    If some retail (which btw wasn’t working) gets trashed it’s just the precursor to nation building stimulus programs anyway – or is all that 6.5 trillion gone already.
    Oh and another thing – i think people have got this whole thing a little toooo sown up in their minds (protest/riots). Nature and systems move in mutational and at times fractal patterns and I don’t buy the pallets of bricks narrative – like it’s all orchestrated. And I should know – I have been involved in building – bricks are necessary to build buildings with, of which cities are made. If they were in fields or forest reserves maybe. But it seems that even people with astute powers of discernment and critical thinking (my fellow commentariat) need to drill down deep and use the precautionary principle when it comes to conclusions. Everything as planned assumes a God-like forecasting ability. Nah. Humans and stuff.
    Sometimes shit just happens – I know Bosco would agree – yes I know you are lurking…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 20 2020 #59038

    I just love the sentiment here …..But it also “dissociated” itself from the resolution’s statement on rights for poor countries to waive intellectual property rules in obtaining medicine in emergencies, Reuters reported.
    Those big guys with money are just such sweet folk

    in reply to: Weaponizing the Dollar #58444

    What your article did for me Raul is shine a light on the internal political shenanigans in both countries re these issues. It would appear all the huffing and puffing going on is really to generate consent for internal political agendas rather than an honest attempt at system change.
    Great read

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2020 #58374

    Huskynut, I think you make fair and well thought-out points. The world has changed just so quickly and past frames of reference are less accurate than they were. I guess I am strangely positioned on how I feel about the economy/health arguments. I must admit to a long hoped for desire to see globalisation wound back to levels that had lower impact on environmental systems. I also strangely like the idea of Dr D’s racist slant at Jacinda. I find Soros to be the evil of 2 lessers and would sooner see slow food movement waft it’s vibe over to all manner of international trade. I also love the idea of cells, neighbourhoods, coastlines etc with firmer and more sturdy borders and boundaries than what we have had with international travel meaning there is barely a membrane to penetrate anywhere.

    Having said all that I also appreciate the need to keep people working and fed and this is far from a transition and more like a slammed door.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2020 #58278

    I’m with you Boogaloo but when Australia recently requested in independent and international inquiry to get to the origins of the virus to be better prepared next time the Chinese ambassador said we were just America’s bitches. Like should just be ‘cool’ to have the economy ground to a halt and none of allowed or able to take our kids to the park or school or go out to eat or play music with other people or any normal act of social living! Oh yeah – of course it was the American’s who gave us – no told us the idea of finding out what the actual hell is going on. China going full-tilt bully on us now. Chief Editor of state-run newspaper says Australia is the gum on the sole of China’s foot and needs to be scraped off. Shit is getting ugly now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 3 2020 #58229

    Great feed today Raul. Really interesting articles. Yeah the lockdown is strict and crazy but there are just so many complicating factors. I personally think societies can take more of a hit yet. Food is the main issue. We have to stay on top of that but there are so many products and services in modern society that are unnecessary – from too many flight attendants to 3 d animators to app developers. The fat needed to be trimmed and now well it is getting trimmed. People’s jobs need to work within the limits of what the limited planet can handle and endless tourist holidays and sneakers are surplus to the needs. Parts of the economy can just die as far as I am concerned just like how parts of the biosphere can just die as far as sneaker manufacturers are concerned. But hey I must be an eco-fascist deep down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 25 2020 #57920

    Watch what they do – ignore what they say.

    Now I know why I am slow at picking up the threads of truth – I still hope that what bubbles out the mouth means something….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 25 2020 #57911

    Again I am with DBS. I think it really is time to muster the will to action. Analysis is good but you can always judge what is going on not by what someone says but by what they do. If you aren’t doing anything then you are just talking. Put plans to work!
    I have, for a long time thought to myself – don’t take life too seriously and pay attention to what Jesus and Buddha are saying regarding illusion and peace of mind – but act as if no one will save your wretched body and life but yourself. Like Dr D is always bangin’ on about – war lords and rich bastards are always looking at a dynamic model of accumulation – and what we have and are is what they are trying always, and with insane determination, to accumulate. Fuck em. I don’t want everything but I want time to laugh, healthy children, clean water and food and the right to access land.
    This is why the crossroads of Permaculture and TAE have been where I stop and take stock. Also why the chinese art of war strategy works best for me (I don’t have Assange’s courage or brain) “Stoop to Conquer”. Keep a low profile my good friends – don’t ruffle too many feathers but don’t give anymore away than you have to in work, time, assets and labour.
    They want your money and stuff – so earn as little as you can. They are not yet costing to come in with bulldozers to rip out your nut trees or soil. They want you to always need them too. Turds. So build your house with mud and straw or sticks or rocks. What ever is on site. I’m preaching to the converted so maybe I sound like a talker but this week I planted about 70 trees for customers and then came home to dig trenches by hand through rocky hard soil with a mattock to install irrigation main line for our 22,500 litre water tank. Infrastructure I own. No fluctuating prices. Pay as you go where ever possible and regard debt as last resort very carefully managed.
    Rambling but pumped. For this 48 year old to have had to good fortune to read and interpret the combined intelligence and analysis of this crowd is humbling. Also V Arnold and DBS – kiss and make up (please). They are just opinions/thoughts and none of us are that special.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 24 2020 #57862

    D Benton Smith, if I ever even remotely come across as snarky let me know but don’t be offended because I mean no offence to you. I feel that this comments group (probably like others) is getting more emotional the more we get to know each other. Emotions are good. It means people give a shit (unless they are just desperate troll types – the like of which I have not encountered on this forum).

    I take your sentiments and position to heart and agree it is time to focus and put ones intentions into action. It is time to stay alert, garden, build resilience and reduce wherever any sort of dependency. Shit is getting weird with govt’s and corporations.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 20 2020 #57559

    MMT hey, Holmgren is calling it a command/control economy but we are not quite there yet. We will have to wait and see. I am heartened by how much the government actually gives a shit about people during this crisis. Whether the lockdowns are erroneous or not, they are deliberate in their efforts to ameliorate the horrible side effects to peoples livelihoods. It is nice to see people at least trying.

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