Forum Replies Created
light within darkness
peace be with youtbocParticipantdo you have any idea how much sex and drugs can be bought with $36.26 trillion?
neither does Mr. Musk
tbocParticipantand now for the whip marks:
that 85% of the physical universe required to make the currently accepted model coherent, of which the best information is conjecture, should dampen the view of Ai held an intelligent persona pattern drawn as an illustration – Events unforlding in Syria – Human beings as a whole will open Pandora’s Box everytime
in the belief it will be profitable
this timeand now for the whip marks:
that 85% of the physical universe required to make the currently accepted model coherent of which the best information is conjecture should dampen the view of Ai held an intelligent persona pattern drawn as an illustration – Events unforlding in Syria – Human beings as a whole will open Pandora’s Box everytime
in the belief it will be profitable
this time“that align with American interests.”
although i am a citizen of the United States and live on the north American Continent, I am not an Americanthe smiles on the faces of the mono-gametes in the Altai band video are beautiful and everyone in the ensemble smiles – linking this has brightened Christmas Eve, thank you
tbocParticipantDr. D must be Chris Langan
tbocParticipant1. machines that can be wrong exponentially faster than an individual human being
2. Perfection of human competition as expressed at this momentHubris perfected
“Hello darkness my old friend”
tbocParticipant“The computer scientist cited a common fear that the AI machines currently being trained “would lead to systems that turn against humans.” – Bengio
“People do not like to admit it, but they like being angry.” – Turley‘It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028,” Musk wrote
Human knowledge is a subset of the totality of information.
The human beings making the most exact measurements of the physical world at this moment do not understand the information they access.
There is not a complete data set of all human knowledge.
There is not a data set of all existing physical phenomena present on earth. (The Oceans)The most beautiful patterns Ai will be able to draw will be drawn from information in an incomplete data set.
Ai is being developed in an atmoshphere of amoraltiy.
when Ai has the total human information set the current state of humanity will be better known than anything else about the physical world.
Ai will logically hate as a perfect human intelligencego back to the top of today’s post, scroll down looking at the information quickly
what patterns do you draw from that information?
human intelligence at warp speed ?i can wait
tbocParticipantreinforce agreement incapacity and revive The Monroe Doctrine
bomb Iran
antagonize China
MAGAtbocParticipantjb-hb reference your post 177574 yesterday that started with a reference to a missing person
democratized corruption is the description i offer you
for a starting point – the arrival of the charming couple from Arkansas in 1993 followed nine years later with Greenspans observation of “Infectious Greed”
the social networking for advancement purposes had the advantage of the revolution in communication
the savings and loan adventure, “White rock?” – Enron, the store was open
Clinton’s NATO adventures sealed the situation as lawless
self-aggrandizement has undergone a narrative upgrade and became self-realization and self-fulfillmentall bills and resolutions are produced by interested parties
at every level, seen and unseen, selling a contact for personal profit is the network
this is not a minority position, this is a vote of the majority thusly engagedback to your earlier post. no one filed a missing persons report and no one knew the persons location
John McCain and H.W. Bush are national heroesyou and i just have no idea of what is being done, but it is being done very puposefully and quite well
tbocParticipant“Ukrainians will need to revolt.”-RIM
headline caption of the year
After ten years of unequivocal support
“Ukrainians will need to revolt.”-RIMtbocParticipantMichael Reid
https :// www. youtube. com/ watch?v=r0krhElD0_stbocParticipantBiden Administration Snookers Incoming Trump Administration By Giving More Money To Ukraine Before The New Administration Can Give More Money To Ukraine
tbocParticipantOddly enough
There is never enough time to do it right
There is always enough time to do it againthe public school graphic above
the object has always been to create pliable consumers and establish a market
consumers of inequality, poverty, envy, self-satisfaction and amoral righteousness
enslaved to debt
and now public education, if the education industry is indeed returned to the states, will be left to the “invisible hand” of the market
to create pliable consumersless is going to be done, more efficiently
two days before the end of Saturnalia it is the Ghost of Reaganomics
“I knew I’d moved in a haunted house” – Jumpin Gene SimmonstbocParticipantone must choose their god wisely
tbocParticipantThere are many people for whom ‘thinking’ necessarily means identifying with existing trends.
Marshall McLuhanGervais
tell the joke from this perspective – God ends the joke
with a wry smile God said “I Was”
the survivor queried God, “am I responsible for the sins of my father?”
looking the survivor directly in the eyes God says ” How’s your memory? Do you remember this?
“For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love meI aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. – Upton Sinclair
tbocParticipanti’ve heard but i want to be sure i’m hearing right
two business men have gathered together another one hundred citizens. this 0.00000029903 percent of the US population plans to restructure Article II of The United States. this group of citizens are not under any requirement to promote the general welfare, there is no oath of office, there is no office for them to have.
in the world of speed in the two wheeled world there is a posibility of a high speed wobble. Most commonly expressed as a “tank slapper” a high speed wobble is usually the end of that ride.
are you really telling me that a group of unelected citizens are planning to risk a high speed wobble with the executive branch and everyone thinks this is a good idea?
betcha anyone who thinks this is a good idea has never gone over the high side, even on a bicycle
tbocParticipant“……the Biggest Scandal in America” – McCarthy
how wrong one can be
i thought America is The Biggest Scandal in AmericatbocParticipantthe Ports of New York and New Jersey are the fourth largest by volume of trade.
bombing the port to damage the longshoremen would be Pinkerton writ largeThe War on UNFAIR Competition
The Sanctions Restoration ActPorts of South Louisiana are close, let er rip
tbocParticipant“80% of humans is sheeps that do all crazy-ash stuff the psychos “ask” them to do.” – tdk
there is some small percetange of the population that just attempts to persude the 80% not to fuck around and find out, at the interpersonal level.
Self defense is not anti-social behavior, forget what your high school guidance counselor told you
tbocParticipantwould not the challenge be to find the one who is not a psychopath?
or is the quest to find the one who has slipped the surly bonds of sociopathy
“And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings”?tbocParticipantRed – “Situational Ethics” is a two way street, it only looks one way until you’re well down it.”
never looked like anything but the road to hell to some – Either a man’s word is his bond or it is not
this society should be far enough down the road to see honesty is the best policy, we are not.
the “Rules Based Order” is “Situational Ethics” and i do not personally know anyone whose desire is for that to be rectified. “Situational Ethics” are endemic to this society, i do not celebrate that reality.TVASSF – writes the man who is an island
tbocParticipantdo you remember when the term and concept “situational ethics” emermged?
do you remember the pundits arguing for the logical necessitiy of such a perspective?do you remember when an action or the person acting was either moral or they were not?
do you remember how easlily the citizens of the US adopted situational ethics?i remember
my memory is reinforced everydayi am fortunate in that i have no memory of friends i never had
there are many who cling desperately to authority to justify their lack of ethics““The assassination is a discriminate strike against an aggressor,” – The Times
a case in pointit is a changing of the guard and nothing more
not as artistic or entertaining as the changing of the guard at a major India – Pakistan border point, but a changing of the guard none the lesstbocParticipantand just clarify that no president has been in charge of foreign policy i submit The First Bank of the United States, 1791, and Hamilton’s Financial Plan. The Deep State was created in Philadelphia along with The Constitution
never forget that it was the constitution we have or no constitution, either the populists compromised or the anti-populists would have deep sixed the initiative.
The population has ever been the only defense against tyranny and this population has decided to lay back and enjoy “it”. Sado-Masochists to the Puritanical Core.the people are not a reflection of the society, the society is a reflection of the people
you are immersed in the malaise irregardless the building material utilized in the construction of your towerand as far as important United States philosophers – Hunter S. Thompson
speaking as a “pro”, of coursetbocParticipantMr. Jeffrey Sachs
The most damnable of lies is a half truth.How do you spell Benjamin Netanyahu? Plausible Deniability
There is a difference between clever and intelligent
Herzl died in 1904, get out of town with your current events crappola
Mackinder died in 1947
now that naval power has become an expensive target the Eurasian trade routes must be monopolized for the plunder of humanity to continue apace. The Ottoman use of gunpowder changed the west once it will change it again.
a people who think Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey is a power to be reckoned with have never had to reckon with powerThe bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities is in the final stages of preparation. The air frame has been chosen, the ordnance selected and testing is at a fever pitch.
Do you watch the little videos of earth based life forms our host posts?
if every single human being disappeared this afternoon there would still be intelligent life and consciousness on this third rock from the sun.
The Darwinian BS however would happily disappear with the highly hubristic mammal the sapiens sapiensi am comfortable with Albert E. Brumley’s perspective
tbocParticipantwe will murder someone today
we will murder someone everyday this week
barring a flite of unknown unknowns wedged in as non reflective swans
we will murder someone everyday as long as there is someone to murderbut our murders are moral
We Are Not Communists
We Are The Crisis Initiators“it’s embarrassing, but squirrels behave better than humans” – tdk
yes and your observation about economic systems is accurate alsotbocParticipantLebanon, Jordan and Israel did not exist. Syria however is a different story.
The British / Franco divisions in the early twentieth century have accomplished their purpose handily.
The majority of the natural resources of the region remain and it has come the time for the carefully
brewed elixir of hate to intoxicate the population into self annihilation.
Just in time for the wealth to be extracted.“That fact alone tells you most of what you need to know about Syria.”
The above statement alone has all of the inuendo and lyrical quality of a root with a flat second resolving to major seventh with a flat ninth
tbocParticipantjust thinking, perhaps we can have a Christmas Eve massacre to usher in The One Day of Christmas
tbocParticipantperhaps someone should remind Recep Tayyip of some Islamic history. The era of The Assasins comes to mind as a point of reference
26 December 1991
the day that changed the world
just bullshittin ya, nothing changed
the search for hegemony on Christmas 1991 is the same search for hegemony December 2024.“Good night and Good Luck”
tbocParticipantif you were standing @ E35.2° and N31.9° in 1406 BCE and you looking for the best metal and the hottest women which way would you be looking? That’s right NNE @ 29°
if you are standing @ E35.2° and N31.9° in 2024 and you are looking to steal the best which direction are you looking? That’s right NNE @ 29° Hell it’ only 128 miles, why not?
now off to your right East @ 69.68° and 964 miles is someone who says “Can’t have it” That’s 871 miles from homey’s and stealing that don’t work.
so standing @ E35.2° and N31.9° in 2024 and believing you are the rightful owner of the fertile crescent you call on your neighbor 5907 miles to the east to back you in your effort to take possession
now for a little geography, open ArcGis Earth or Google Earth and placemark @N38.778°,W77.0364°
draw a circle 6335 miles radius in the direction of Cape Horn. Color the line magenta and make the line width 5. Go Home
enter Tehran, Iran into the search and visit busy downtown Tehran
take a moment to enjoy a center of human devolpment and a unique ecosystem
now , take a moment to muster up whatever emotion pleases you
Scroll out slowly till you see the ray of the magenta circle
scroll out until you see Teran at the top of image and Damascus and Jerusalem at the bottom left corner. Do you see the ray of the magenta circle?
Full Sprectrum Dominance
scroll out till you see the entire globe and give er a spin
The point of United States Foreign Policy is to, without exception, have hegemonic control of the greater landmass portion of earth within the specified radius, FOR NOW and
a. lower the population of all areas within the northern confines of the magenta circle
b.subjagate all but 0.1% of remaining population to impoverished servitude
c. extract every joule of enegry created by the sun within that empireNow imagine doing that efficiently. Now imagine receiving social credits to high quality entertainment on you cell device, cause you LIKE to
understand that it is a little more humane to infer your belief, in the name of safety, that it is a best for someone to kill themself than to bear the cost of bulldozing the bodies together, burning them to stop the spread of disease and finally the inhume of the immolated.
Total Spectrum Dominance – it’s Trendingnow imagine cracker saying something so vulgar not even he would say it
don’t you hear Lee Greenwood singing?
tbocParticipantthe pigs will be the lords of the flies
tbocParticipanteither you understand that the current moment has been studied and planned for over a thousand centures or you do not
either you want to understand or you do not
you are free to make your choice and you must choose there is no optiontbocParticipantthe belief that everything we see on the international stage is the result of the same immediacy which has come to be the prevailing mindset of the supine consumer is the hallmark of the fellow traveler
having watched the armed conflicts in Donbass and Lugansk since 2014 this moment in Syria leaves a diffent taste in my mouth than the victory laps touting western genius
gather as many as possible into a known position, surround them and annilhilate them
identify the source and conduit of funding and make offers that cannot be refused
encourage the dangerous animal to expend as much of it’s energy as possible
form an irresitable global force
present a conflict with such a broad front logistics is an impossiblilty
watch the expended animal retreat to an islolated laireither we have military production abilities far greater than is presented as reality or we do not.
either we can continue to have the world finance our muderous insanity or we cannot
either instant communication has made the scope of managing a global empire impossible or it has not
either you can negotiate from a position of strength when you have 1/8 of the opposing number of forces or you cannoteither you believe Might Makes Right or you do not
you are either moral of you are noti’m not the only one
tbocParticipantthe Romans are invading Persia
does more than rhymetbocParticipantDBS, while Ali, the Prophets closest ally, was preparing the Prophet’s body for burial ten met to detemine who would be the successor to the Prophet.
The schism among the followers of The Qur’an stems from this meeting.
Much like what has been the outcome of Nicaea and The Great Schism of 1054 men who placed themselves ahead of The Truth have led us to this destructive moment in time.The attempts of charlatans to bend the truth to their purpose only delays justice. Ultimately justice will not be denied.
There will be a day and and hour.tbocParticipant“Were you thinking of Daniel Penny this weekend?” clusterfuck
No i was not. I was thinking of the grandmothers and great aunts who have had their beautiful childrens children bludgeoned, maimed and blown to smithereens since the butchers from Tel Aviv started defending themselves in Palestine. I was thinking about a people whose idea of justice is low gasoline prices. I was wondering if i would hear “Sheep” or “Goat” when this race is finally run.
I was thinking of how i could explain to the child now two months and two days from birth how the balance of his family thought a college football game was more important than protecting another child. I was wondering how a people become so morally bankrupt that the word justice has fallen from their vocabulary.
I was thinking how great a blessing it has been that i have not lived up to my potential, and never Will.
tbocParticipantjust my personal opinion:
it would have been much better had Ali been among the tentbocParticipant“Former Secret Service agent Richard Staropoli warned Thursday that Donald Trump could be targeted in an attack before he is inaugurated as president, and that the Secret Service may not be able to prevent it”
if my named happened to be:
Brennan, Comey, Garland, Mueller, Strzok, or Wray
or i was the Secret Service guy with sunglasses posing for the camera in Butler
i would probably be having an in the garden moment, being in such agony that sweat falls to the ground like great drops of blood, everytime someone popped up and said something like StaropolitbocParticipantat this time of year i look forward with anticipation to hearing the christian zionists pleading to put christ back in christmas
and this year will be a year of note as the joyous refrain in the heart’s of the righteous rings out
“I have the most gaudy and tasteless display of hypocrisy on my block”do you get the subliminal messaage in the flashing light’s?
and in this time Bibi sent messengers out to kill All Of The Children
Bibi, Bibi he’s our man
Herod didn’t do it but Bibi cantbocParticipanttidings of joy
it’s retail sector redemption seasontbocParticipantOh, people, look around you
The signs are everywhere
You’ve left it for somebody other than you
To be the one to care – Brownei refuse to cooperate
here is a nice warm hand towel, now that you have washed your hands againtbocParticipantTheodore Parker – 1853
I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways;
I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight;
I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justiceSykes-Picot
coming to your home town. Whose sphere of influence will you fall under?Do you think anyone will pull Erdrogan’s cookies out of the fire this time?
justice at times looks like vengeance
250 years is not a long time
76 years is but a blink of the eye
hate is a consumptive disease
name one area where you do not see decline
my nation has sown hatred and injustiice my whole life
and everyone i have known said “it is in our national interest”when i stop, look and listen
“I tremble for my nation…” JeffersonI do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways;
I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight;
I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice – Parker“I tremble for my nation…”
I never knew you -