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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80722

    Thanks Raul, Dr. D, Doc Robinson, the other Dr. D, mr house, madamski, TAE summary, upstateNYer and many others who make this site what it is. There isn’t anywhere else like it. The wealth of info that comes through here is staggering.

    I’ve not had much time to write any comments recently as I have been too busy. As the old saying goes; if you haven’t anything good to say, don’t say anything. Sadly, it just keeps getting worse although there have been one or two moments of respite which briefly raise hopes that this might turn out better than we suspect. Usually the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    There is now plenty of evidence that, at the very least, collusion and racketeering is a part of the way in which this vax scam is being run. Most of my family and collegues are now in the camp which goes along with the authoritarianism in order to have an easy life. Is this how it happened all those years ago under the Nazi’s? Certainly seems that way and as Dimitri has posted with segregation/exclusion rules under that infamous regime, looks similar to it too.

    I guess as governments become more authoritarian and enforce vax passports and segregation we will have to be part of history in the making. It all seems too surreal.

    I remember reading Huxley’s Brave New World when I was a teenager. I never thought I would play the role of the main character, born naturally in the abandoned forests while the crispr genetically modified city dwellers are not born but designed in order to have the very best genes money can buy. Rather interestingly, Huxley broke ranks with his heritage which was membership to the Fabian Society. H.G. Wells along with Huxley Snr and george bernard shaw were founding members and they had more than a passing interest in eugenics alongside socialist tendencies towards collective consent. We need new t-shirts: “1984 wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual” and I guess we can add Huxley’s Brave New World to that descriptor as well.

    Mr House I meant to thank you for the chuckle when you posted a john belushi clip from animal house following a brief rant I had a few weeks ago. It did make me smile. Belushi was something else.

    Stay well everyone. As before, keep yourselves busy and involved in anything meaningful to get through this. Those kinds of activities can save one’s sanity and quite possibly even more than that in the longer run.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 25 2021 #78245

    In the UK, Matt Hancock (secretary of Health) has just been found out to have promoted his lover (and intern) into the department of health and social care (DHSC) as non-executive director on an annual salary of £15,000. Boris Johnson has given a short press conference on the sunject and has stated that the matter is now “closed”.

    For TAE readers, here are two jobs available for soon-to-be unemployed members of UK govt.

    1) organiser of drinks inside brewery
    2) welk stand sales

    in reply to: The Risks to the Fully Vaccinated #78243

    What a strange world.

    I think its fair to say a lot of us who frequent TAE and have done the last decade are clued-in to what is playing out. It all seems to run in sequence.

    2001 – oil, money, corruption, war
    2003 – Iraq/WMD’s, continuation of above
    2007/08- homes, money, corruption, stawk maarket
    2010/11 – crypto started making waves, wikileaks, rebellion, arab spring, Libya (Gaddafi)
    2012/13- Syria, deep state takes down Assange
    2015 – Trump, Brexit
    2019 – Epstein, deep state takes down Trump
    2020 – cobblers

    It appears to me that we have a much clearer view of this through the timeframe of history. Cobblers was created to usurp the power of populism from the people. They have been steadly losing power for decades. Much of this has been cronicled here on TAE for almost as long. Cobblers (and the subsequent vaccines) are a last ditch attempt to control the population and to assert their will on us all. Sadly, how little they themselves study history is evident in their actions. Should they have spent any time looking back through history they might realise that such attempts to maintain control always result in their losing the support of the populace and revolution, collapse or decline are the most probable outcomes. Meanwhile, China and Russia are both positioned well regardless of what The West might try to do (save the atom bomb) as it is just their time. Try as they might, they will not stop something that is natural to occur.

    Perhaps I am being understated but I do not see the vaccines or cobblers being much more than a control strategy and will all soon be over. People have died (millions) and millions more may be killed, maimed, paralised or left infertile. I do not mean to understate the level of tragedy in this. Meanwhile, psychopaths do what they are liable to, which is attempt to maintain control no matter what. It matters not what the economic, human cost is. Control means everything to these people. For a good summary of this, check McAfee’s last few video uploads that Raul posted on the last two days debt rattle. John McAfee summed it all up rather well.

    ‘No matter what’ includes infecting us with a virus, innoculating us with the same, shutting down the world and bumping off their long-term enemies. Who could keep up/prove anything considering the state of international travel or the surveillance state they control? All the media institutions are undoubtedly theirs from reuters on through to john hopkins, harvard, the military industrial complex, the courts, the banks, the stock market, big pharma and the entertainment industry. Check-mate.

    While we get whipped up into a frenzy about our loss of rights, electoral fraud, mask mandates, vaccine safety, covid lab theories, they are busy preparing the next stage of the plan. I suppose this might look like the loss of our ability to self-publish (internet control) cultural revolution (wokeness, blm, critical race theory) monetary control (great reset, cashless societies) and finally political dictatorships. Last I looked, Trump’s wall was renamed Peloci’s wall and was conveniently relocated to washington DC completely surrounding Capitol Hill. Britain is also being heavily surrounded (politically, economically) for daring to go against the EU and banking is being bribed to move to Frankfurt. Assange still sits imprisoned while the courts procrastinate in grey areas of civil and international juristiction. They can afford to wait ten more years while rolling out the next several stages of matrix-like reality for the rest of us serf cattle to become accustomed to. Irrespective of how high taxes or inflation goes. We only (historically) revolt right near the end.

    At least knowing somewhat about what we are heading into gives us the knowledge that we are not missing much as reality dictates that there really are no alternatives! As the good Dr. Day has stated, getting vegetables growing (with no Glycophosphates), or as Raul reminds us daily, painting a beautiful picture, or alternatively writing some poety or a song, learning an instrument, brewing some wine, making fine furniture, wiring a circuit board, programming a computer, building a house are all fine things to be doing in the meantime. Anything but obsess over what we cannot control or do anything about.

    Of course, we continue to stand up against tyranny in whatever way we can but we shouldn’t become deluded that we were ever any more than pawns in this game. Thus we should play our hands slowly, deliberately and without any illusions as to what we could hope to achieve.

    Best wishes to all you good people – have a good day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2021 #78175

    Germ – No worries, thanks for replying and letting me know.

    Thanks for that upstateNYer, I had a look on webmd and drugbank and both showed no interactions

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2021 #78149


    Thanks for all your work in sharing what you have been discovering in the field of medicine. The info is very useful and I have forwarded much of it on.

    I wondered if either you, Dr. John Day and anyone else in the comment section might be able to assist with some ‘unoffical’ advice concerning Ivermectin?

    Someone close to the family suffers from Essential Thrombocythemia and is taking hydroxycarbamide to lower their blood platelets. Do you see any dangerous interactions between Ivermectin and Hydroxycabamide?

    Obviously this is unofficial. Nothing in my comment and any subsequent response from persons at this website equates to official medical advice and cannot be misconstrued as such. You know, asking for a friend and all that 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2021 #78145

    A well sourced collation of current events with today’s Debt Rattle as usual.

    Denninger now bringing up Antibody Developed Enhancement alongside safety profiles for those under 30 (or even 50)

    Even family members of mine that were true believers before have recently changed their minds and have started listening to me again. Does that mean I’m not some sort of wack-job conspiracy theorist? Yay. Sadly, this also implies (as Karl indicates in his recent posts and as most commentators at this site reveal) a real-life conspiracy. A difficult one for members of the public to wrap their heads around especially if they have placed their trust in public institutions most of their lives.

    Then we see the whip-saw news day-after-day. Yes it is, no it isn’t (channelling Dr. D…) You have to love the disorientation. The whole thing reminds me of Adam Curtis’ documentaries. I haven’t yet watched ‘can’t get you out of my head’ but so far, the playbook seems to be following ‘hypernormalisation’ rather closely. Game theory on steroids. Given the increasing deterioration of the debt-based economy alongside their cover being blown with OrangeMan’s moment in the spotlight, it isn’t difficult to see the possibility that this is all connected somehow.

    Craig murray reminding us about Assange is on point, as is your comment on McAfee. We can hardly expect to have any freedom without defending the whistleblowers who watch TPTB. A catch 22 that unwinds the entire fabric of civilisation if not carefully monitored. And fought for.

    John McAfee was being hunted for tax evasion from 10 states in the US and was due to be extradited from Spain back to the US. Allegedly this was due to the sale of Crypto. Having said that, he was the guy that cracked that terrorists iphone, right? McAfee was much smarter than he appeared (and much richer than us all) Why then did he end his life in a Spanish jail cell?

    Perhaps the answer is similar to these final moments with Jeffrey Epstein?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77245

    Regarding football association loyalties. Well, recalling the whole sepp blatter scandal not-too-long ago, I’m not inclined take any offical statements very far on face value. It seems common sense to have players vaccinated in-line with national and international games requirements.

    The responses on reddit are hardly surprising. There are tons of censors and sjw’s of a much younger age than more established blogs and independent sites. It is still interesting from a psychology stand point to note the responses. I found this talk on the disgust sensitivity response in totalitarian regimes by jordan peterson: slightly relevent. Perhaps there is something in this, perhaps not. Though it worth mentioning anyway due to the number of comments made referencing a “disgusting” or “sick” mind making a comment that was just inquiring about public health and the vaccine.

    It is the sworn duty of journalists to ask such questions – even those that may seem to be ‘distasteful’ in the persuit of truth – not to cater to ‘popular’ opinion (whatever that means these days). Sadly, too few venues appear to be doing so.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77235


    I read the news story this morning about Danish footballer Christian Eriksen who suffered a cardiac arrest on the pitch. Doctors say he will not be able to compete in professional sports again and is lucky to be alive.

    My first thought also was: was he vaccinated? After all, we are hearing reports of cardiological side effects in younger people who take the vaccine.

    It is common practice to have participants in sports vaccinated in order to travel, compete, be insured etc.

    I did a check and found a thread asking this question publicly on reddit. Nothing else came up. On the thread the overwhelming majority of the comments were offensive to the original poster of the question being asked.

    This appears to be a state of public and private denial that we are being initiated into. Any suggestion that this is real (not a conspiracy theory) that jepordises the public’s health through a hastily-thrown together vaccination plan that either, through ill-intent or incompetence, results in vaccine recipients being harmed is met vehemently through anger and disgust.

    Psychologists call this ‘projection’.

    Whether or not the media uber liberals are monopolising the comment sections of mainstream websites to launch this type of denial remains to be proven. We know this is possible and has been done before. An ultimate gaslighting technique! (Or Chilling Effect, through ‘public’ sentiment )

    Some of the comments in response are written below:

    -Sure, and one person collapsing confirms an absurd conspiracy

    -You’re a piece of human garbage

    -You people need to get mental help.

    -Lmao how do you feel now it is confirmed he didnt have a vaccine? The only sheep are the people who blindly believe anything on facebook and Twitter.

    What a fucking vile and fucking dumb comment.

    -Hundreds of millions of vaccine doses administered with little to no side effects but sure, 1 dude collapses and it’s probably due to the vaccine.

    -You heartless bastard. People like you make me sick!

    -This is absolutely disgusting.

    -My man this is not the first instance of a player collapsing, multiple cases throughout the years… you have a sick mind, disgusting

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 4 2021 #76575

    Thanks for the education as usual Raul. I didn’t know of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (or the folklore surrounding Dulle Griet) I could have sworn it was hieronymus bosch at first glance.

    How apt, with our own virago sweeping in to lead the way forward. The road being paved, one step at a time, with our good intentions.

    Great news from the EU and Gates which came through the wire this morning via armstrong:

    European Green Deal – Gates

    Note the heavy use of corporate/political buzz words, company names and initiatives. Also note the date target is now 2050. It was 2030 for the last decade. Now they have some business planned of course they need more time. They ALWAYS need more time. ‘Saving the world’ is much harder than it looks. Last I checked, a carbon neutral would presume a world population of 0.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 2 2021 #76480

    Raul, I have been well informed by you for many years now (over a decade) and I wanted to send my heartfelt thanks for your continued work. I was reading you when Nicole was contributing localised economic topics and prior to that, the oil drum. I also want to thank your contributers Dr. D and Dr. John Day. Dr. John Day’s advice on treating covid has been very helpful. Thanks to his article ‘treat your own covid’ that you hosted I got in touch with kachhela and can similarly share a positive experience with them.

    Not much to add aside from this. I notice other sources that I also read get picked up regularly here and the story seems to unfold in strange synchronicity. Quite how this ends is anyone’s guess but I’m glad I’m not completely alone, in a loony bin or some sort of computer simulation of reality yet, even if it feels that way.

    A quote from Kipling about keeping your head while everyone is losing theres seems most apropos.

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