V. Arnold
Forum Replies Created
V. Arnold
ParticipantI love Hoppers’ art; It is as a snapshot of the real world without being an actual snapshot…yet faithfully
rendering our reality…V. Arnold
ParticipantIndeed: Merry Christmas everyone! And may the coming year bring joy and contentment…
V. Arnold
Participant…re. olive oil; evoo can indeed be used to saute/brown onions and other veggies…
I often see posts to the contrary…utter rubish in my experience.
An experienced cook can do so without smoking/burning the evoo; which is the only oil I use…V. Arnold
ParticipantIIRC extra virgin is the oil from the first pressing…
V. Arnold
ParticipantHappy Winter Solstice…
The first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by the winter solstice, which occurs on Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 10:27 P.M. EST.V. Arnold
ParticipantPablo Picasso Portrait of the artist’s mother 1896 (he was 15)
Sometimes it hurts to gaze on portraits by 15 yo’s……..
V. Arnold
ParticipantThe Hopper’s (art) are splendid; keep them comming…
At my age, 78, I’m fast retreating from the daily grind of the world each day….
We humans can be a terrible lot when our governments go on killing rampages in our names…
In reality “we” have no power to stop this grave crime against our fellow humans; withdrawing from society is our only option as far as I can see…….V. Arnold
ParticipantThe world is a wonderous place; may the gods bless us and protect us if we ever lose the wonder that is the world around us…………
V. Arnold
ParticipantEdward Hopper Nighthawks 1942
What a wonderful painting; captures everything; especially the mood…….
…as to the rest? Hell if I know… but I do think we’re in deep, deep shit…with no, as in zero, answers for/to anything…
V. Arnold
ParticipantIt is time to terminate the Israel project. Ut is past time to exterminate zionism and zionists. YMMD
Hear, hear: time for the tail to be cut off to quit wagging the dog…
V. Arnold
ParticipantVincent van Gogh Self-Portrait with Straw Hat 1887 : December 7 2023
I liked the December 7 much more than the “bloody” Dec. 8 van GoghV. Arnold
ParticipantThe art is great as usual;
But, I wonder if we have a clue about what’s comming, as we circle the drain…V. Arnold
ParticipantThe 2 largest purveyors of violence on the planet are the U.S. and it’s lacky Israel; to hell with them both and as quickly as possible…
V. Arnold
ParticipantD Benton Smith #147654
Nicely said; agree by half… 😉
V. Arnold
Participant@ Dr. D
Homefield. Always works. Who won in Vietnam, V Arnold? “They’re still there, he’s all gone” — Bruce Springsteen.
Rhetorical question of course; certainly the Vietnamese did.
But I think more importantly, the U.S. lost humongously, and has yet to recover…if ever…V. Arnold
ParticipantVP says;
That is one of the dumbest projections I’ve ever read on TAEThanks, made my day…
V. Arnold
ParticipantIf one has no debt, as in zero debt; then the bankers have no hold on that one…
V. Arnold
ParticipantHow many Thai agricultural workers were killed by Israeli helicopters?
Thanks for the find, Zerosum.V.Arnold, can you get some Thai street buzz on this?
The numbers I’ve heard were 39 killed in the attack.
There are many (thousands+) of Thai workers in Israel; mostly agricultural workers AFAIK…V. Arnold
ParticipantMaxwell Quest
Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? Definitely!Here here!!!
V. Arnold
ParticipantThat’s why they aim to corral people into an Orwellian system that monitors and controls every penny you earn, save, and spend.
Thus the importance of cash; and why cash is a target of the galoots…
Dump your debit/credit cards as well…V. Arnold
ParticipantDr D Rich
The murder of Nawar al-Awlaki will always be A Holocaust.
The murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki will always be A Holocaust.Here, here!!!!!
Enough of the bullshit!!!!!!!!V. Arnold
ParticipantDr. John Day: You did a good thing, V.Arnold.
Thanks Dr. John; I hope you are correct…
V. Arnold
ParticipantTelling people to stand up and “DO” something is disingenuous at best and hypocritical at least…
I seem to recall tens of millions of people across the world demonstrating against the U.S. invading Iraq in 2003.
Fat lot of good that did…the only thing it did do was to cement the fact that governments (western) will do as they damn well please and citizens be damned…8 weeks later I packed up and left…
What did I accomplish? Not much, except for my own sense self esteem and values…V. Arnold
ParticipantThe more I learn the more I realize I know very little and most things that were taught were lies
Ahmen to that…
School taught me that real learning was gotten elsewhere; and self directed was best….V. Arnold
ParticipantPablo Picasso Garcon à la Pipe 1905
A gorgeous painting, IMO…
On another note: From afar I watch the U.S. continue on its road to perdition…
I am pleased to not be in any way a contributer to that endevor…
The collapse of a once great civilisation brings no pleasure to this one; but a relief never the less…V. Arnold
Participant@ T-Bear
Not truth but what is true will historically emerge; the glory of the British Empire lays tarnished for the world to see now, their North American (the wasteland north of Mexico) inheritors are soon to follow, lead by immature, ignorant children playing at adulthood. What has been sown will reap a mighty whirlwind, pity the children who inherit.Excellent!
Your closing paragraph encapsulates perfectly the U.S. at present…
An infantalized populace cannot survive in these times…V. Arnold
ParticipantJMW Turner Vignette Study of a Ship in a Storm c.1830
Awesome painting…
A storm at sea makes one appreciate just how small us humans are…V. Arnold
ParticipantOh mercy, give me a break!
I drink coffee and I like it BLACK…V. Arnold
ParticipantThanks for that Fred Rogers and Koko bit; some sanity in an insane world…….
V. Arnold
to Tucker. America is still the best country in the world FOR AMERICANS.Not all of us; I left in 2003 and couldn’t be more content since…
V. Arnold
ParticipantSnow leopard mom pretending to be scared when her cub sneaks up on her to encourage them to keep practicing their stalking skills..
Very much enjoyed watching that; something real for a change….
V. Arnold
ParticipantFormerly T-Bear
In short order thew public must be hearing from any sitting on a courtroom bench whether that judge supports the turkey sitting in judgment on the Trump case agrees with the propriety of what is occurring or finds a definite abuse of the legal process.
Terminate Zionist occupied Palestine, NOW!Damned straight!!!!!!!!!!!!
V. Arnold
ParticipantThis is the world we live in.
We’re unable/unwilling to change it…
Real change takes courage and action/violence (in a sense, most action is violence of one sort or another…)
Fear is a thief; don’t let it steal from you…V. Arnold
ParticipantWhat (((entity))) controls another nation and its military through time and space?
That’s a very good question: and the answer is??????
V. Arnold
ParticipantI second SeaBirds & Dr. John; excellent essay Ilargi and spot on…
Israel is presently a rogue state that needs to be put on a leash…V. Arnold
ParticipantAllegedly Israel has nukes; at what point will they use them?
The Yahoo is unhinged; and out of control…
Pray to whatever god you follow this gets resolved without war…V. Arnold
ParticipantThe Israelis treat the Palestinians the way the Germans treated the Jews in WWII; they have become the enemy they were fighting……karma’s a bitch…
V. Arnold
ParticipantPablo Picasso Self portrait with palette 1906
I often wonder just how much of our daily reality is actually considered?
V. Arnold
ParticipantDragon fly’s, flitting about in the evening’s coolness and high humidity…….
V. Arnold
ParticipantLeonardo da Vinci A Copse of Trees 1508
Pretty amazing painting; all things considered or even nothing considered…
I like it a lot…… -