I live half-way between Nicole’s talk of last night and the Channon tonight and am/was unable to attend either!! to say I am disappointed at not hearing/meeting both Nicole and Ilargi is an understatement.
I’ve downloaded to interview to listen to later, however, even without hearing it I can tell you that the scepticism of the interviewer mentioned is a typically widespread attitude here in Australia. We are just to fantastic, we are all middle class, doncha know, and whatever happens in the rest of the world won’t affect us. There were some intersting comments on the ABC website, with many giving details of upcoming talks and providing links to TAE facebook etc.
I await the unfolding events with trepidation, focusing on building community, my chickens and giving great consideration to the lifeboat.
Congratulations on the new site. I am missing many of the regular commentators and hope to hear from you soon.
so much TAE – so little time….
congrats all, can’t wait to get to grips with it all