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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2020 #54195

    Zerosum:. Your comment reveals the shortage of test kits in Japan that we saw with the Diamond Princess.

    This just seems hard to believe that nobody was doing anything! But government will save us!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2020 #54183

    Zerosum:. We know Japan was only able to test about 100 per day on the Diamond Princess.

    So test kits are in short supply everywhere!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2020 #54181

    Judge Jackson’s behavior in sentancing Stone before reviewing his request for a new trial shows just how corrupt justice can be in Washington D.C.

    She is the one who selected the politically tainted jury foreperson to lead the jury in Stone’s trial. She is the one who gagged Stone. She was the judge selected by insiders to try Manford and Stone. Out of 25 judges, what are the odds Jackson would get both? Next to zero! thanks o

    As for rushing to sentence Stone, Jackson wanted to ensure Stone lost 3 basic legal rights, making it more difficult for Stone’s lawyers to defend him going forward.

    Jackson, like Judge Sullivan for Flynn, ruled to minimize Stone’s legal rights.

    Hardly the actions of a judge wanting to conduct a fair trial!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 21 2020 #54178

    Raul:. These are the joker’s clearing the way for Hillary!

    After a year of these crazy folks, Hillary looks positively sane!

    But will crazy communist Bernie spoil the wicked witch’s evil plans?

    Stay tuned for to next week’s episode as the DNC’s undemocratic world turns!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2020 #54116

    Dr. D.:. Assuming anyone would ever let you serve on a jury, would you convict anyone charged with a crime backed up by FBI agents?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2020 #54114

    Dave Note:. I have arranged for mini Mike to stand tall in the debates! I sent him a box to stand on! What else could I give a billionaire who has everything!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2020 #54115

    Dave Note:. I have arranged for mini Mike to stand tall in the debates! I sent him a box to stand on! What else could I give a billionaire who has everything!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2020 #54113

    I hope everybody has noticed that we are no longer hearing as much about the coronavirus as we were just a few days ago?

    That is because China sent their top security person to Wuhan! Now we are no longer being annoyed by stories about people dying in Wuhan!

    By next week we will have completely forgotten about the virus!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2020 #54112

    Zerosum:. Just to add to your list of coronavirus opportunities if I may.

    CFOs will be using this quarter to “throw in the kitchen sink” into their financial results to cover for all their previous skullduggery!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 18 2020 #54082

    Bosco:. Well now you have gone and done it! I am not exactly sure what you have done, but whatever you have done, you need to stop it! Carry on as usual!

    As near as I can figure mini Mike Bloomberg is running so he can do an end run around Democrat party rules on campaign financing. By running he can spend as much of his own money as he likes!

    Now speaking of being liked, I can’t think of any voters mini Mike likes! He seems to dispise all the little people equally! And this from a little guy too!

    Somehow I think mini Mike is just running interference for Hillary! He isn’t running the same way as all the other candidates are running! He is walking!

    I think the DNC club has everything under control! I like how the DNC are running Nevada’s causcus over 3 days so they can count the votes more slowly while screwing Bernie again! Bernie doesn’t seem to mind!

    After reading a bit more on the so called quarantine of the Diamond Princess, I can see many reasons why this quarantine helped spread the coronavirus instead of containing it! None of the ship’s crew were quarantined! They continued to share quarters and work together! Passengers in on balcony rooms continued to walk the decks everyday! Then there is the common air conditioning system! All of this ensured that the virus continued to spread! Oh well, live and learn the hard way!

    The only way to stop the virus spread on this ship is to remove passengers and quarantine them in smaller groups spread out so that they are truly quarantined!

    Yesterday, I finally learned the real reason why the Allies used over 1000 bombers to totally bomb and fire bomb the city of Dresden, which is located directly south of Berlin in south eastern Germany.

    First, I had not realized that Dresden was so far east in Germany, thinking it was more in western Germany.

    Once I had Dresden properly located, I then suddenly understood for the first time that the Allies were really sending a very strong message to Stalin and his advancing Red army! And the message wasn’t, keep up the good work boys!

    It had nothing to do with what the people of Dresden had done in the war to deserve this! They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! I am sure the Russian army was quite shocked at the total destruction they saw when they first entered Dresden!

    I also discovered a second reason the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Again it had nothing to do with what those poor Japanese in those two hapless cities did!

    Again, it was to send an even stronger message to Stalin and his armies then sweeping through Manchuria and Korea. Hence South Korea and the 38th parallel north! This time Stalin was shocked.

    Would the victims of these 3 cities feel any better knowing the real reason why they had to die? Sadly, I suspect the opposite.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2020 #54053

    Dave:. Guess I had better stock up on allergy pills! thanks

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2020 #54052

    Dr. D:. To the best of my knowledge, in the 30 or so countries I have been in, nobody I ever met trusted their government!!!! That seems to be a universal truth!

    I think one could safely extend that mistrust to world government organizations like the UN and WHO, and to the media too!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54021

    Zerosum:. Yes, Basically one needs to avoid places with crowds especially tourist hot spots!

    After seeing Hawaii’s response, all confidence is lost!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54020

    Vietnam Vet:. I am afraid you are right! The virus can only be stopped by cancelling airline flights out of China. Next flights out of infected countries will have to be stopped. We are on an escalator up!

    What really worries me are the lack of testing kits available and the need to test people repeatedly not once!

    The so called airport screening efforts are a joke! They only catch the already sick not any of the carriers!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54010

    The reason AG Barr is letting all the deep state actors go Scot free is he is more concerned about protecting the corrupt DoJ and the FBI!

    And the reason Barr has appointed an outside prosecutor for Flynn is deny Flynn his legal rights! This move severely restricts the legal room Flynn lawyer Sidney Powel has to defend Flynn. LThis move follows up upon what Judge Sullivan’s last ruling did to strip Flynn of more of his rights.

    Flynn is now in a very bad position which is likely to get even worst!

    Likely Flynn will now be charged with additional crimes to offset letting McCabe go Scot free. People are basically saying they were both charged with lying! By charging Flynn with some differently crimes then they can justify jailing Flynn.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54009

    I see you finally noticed that Japan hasn’t been able to test even a third of the people on the Diamond Princess!

    It is only a matter of days before 355 climbs over 500!

    Canada is finally removing passengers from the ship after the US shamed Trudope into action!

    Trudope has been more concerned about winning a seat on the UN and travelling to Africa shelling out millions of Canadian taxpayer’s dollars than staying home dealing with domestic issues! A true communist!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54008

    Raul:. Notice how the DNC has cleverly positioned Bloomberg as the chosen one by simply floating a story about Bloomberg thinking about choosing Hillary as VP!

    Bloomberg hasn’t even entered a single primary yet!

    And Iowa has suddenly gone silent as if it never happened! Nice 100% media control!

    Also notice that good old Bernie isn’t protesting at all! Trump is the only one pointing out that Bernie is being screwed again!

    The DNC club is up to it’s usual non-democratic tricks!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2020 #54007

    Raul:. You really need to show a graph of the Diamond Princess’s coronavirus spread!

    That will show what is really happening in Wuhan!

    Going from 1 to 355 is some steep exponential!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53994

    I stand corrected! There are now 355 people with the virus on ship not 278!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53992

    North Korea is facing a major crisis due to the coronavirus!

    The problem is their porus border with China!

    Smuggling is rampant between the two countries!

    Then there is North Korea’s weak population due to the constant lack of food.

    Then there is North Korea’s inadequate medical system.

    What a recipe for disaster!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53991

    It is going to be very interesting to see what Japan and South Korea do about their guest Chinese workers.

    Much of their agriculture produce depends heavily on imported Chinese labor much in the same way California depends upon Mexican labor.

    Right now many of these Chinese laborers went back to China for the new year holiday but now are stranded in China by China’s no travel quarantine. Even if they can get back, will Japan or South Korea let them in?

    I didn’t realize this but there are large numbers of Korean speaking Chinese along the North Korean border! These are the ones South Korea imports from China!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53990

    Zerosum:. Yup, biological warfare! But I think the natives loss the battle but are winning the war by introducing tobacco to white men! Last count, tobacco is still killing tens of millions each year!

    Score:. White men 1 million. Indians 1 billion and still counting!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53989

    Raul:. Nice Gettysburg picture! Reminds me of all the decendents of civil war veterns I have met while visiting the many civil war battle sites. The stories that they told help bring these sites alive!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53988

    Before the coronavirus was far away. Now the old farts in the CCP are worried that they will catch the virus! Since most are old it might help China a lot if these old farts got cleaned out!

    Everybody returning or travelling to the capital of China needs to be quarantined for 14 days.

    Obviously the dam old CCP fools still haven’t learned that over 24 days is required plus repeated testing!

    I just love their newest response to Wuhan! Send in the CCP’s most ruthless security person!

    What Wuhan really needs is more medical supplies and medical personnel, not more security people!

    But more security it is!

    Sooner or later the world is going to have to quarantine China!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53986

    Raul:. The Diamond Princess virus toll is now 278 not 219! Not too long ago it was just 5!

    The real problem for screening are all the false negatives. People have to be tested repeatedly every few days!

    This ship is showing the 2nd and now 3rd waves of infections. The 4th and 5th waves are just around the corner!

    This ship isn’t going anywhere for months!

    Note that the Japanese still don’t have enough test kits to test everyone on the ship! They are still only testing the sick!

    Meanwhile the CCP is still encouraging it’s people to continue to travel all over the world!

    It will not belong before we will stop hearing about the virus in China because China will be displaced by stories of the virus spreading in our own countries!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 15 2020 #53985

    Raul:. I have lived and worked in the Congo. I can tell you there were no medical facilities there!

    Since I was last there the Congo has continued to have more civil wars. Don’t worry the civil wars were happening while I was there too.

    The one thing I do know is the Congo is in worst shape today than in the past as all existing infrastructure has crumbled!

    What is very unique about the Congo is there are no police! Only military soldiers and bandits! I can’t honestly tell you who are the worst! The all want your money! They all point AK-47s at you!

    It is a pretty lawless place! My company from the goodness of their hearts gave me 5% in danger pay! That hardly compensated for the several close calls I had!

    If there are any doctors in the country they are only in the two biggest cities.

    Basically if you get sick, you are in really big trouble!

    So if the coronavirus hits the Congo it will spread like wildfire!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2020 #53947

    Dr. D. Rich:. I don’t avoid my Canadian Chinese friends either! But then they haven’t recently travelled to Wuhan! Nor are they willing to travel to China anymore than I would! They know the CCP!

    Notice also how many coming back to North America are self quarantining themselves out of an abundance of caution! So they do care!

    Spain had to cancel their World Mobility convention because over 5000 Chinese were expected to travel to the convention! The problem is China doesn’t have the virus under control yet they have no problems letting their people travel the world spreading the virus!

    I saw a world travel map of 60,000 Chinese out of 5 million who left from Wuhan in the last few weeks. There is no country they did not travel to!

    Having lived and worked a few years in Africa (4 countries), I can tell you there is next to no existing medical services! The Chinese from Wuhan blanketed Africa! Very few African countries have any test kits! Their health authorities publically admit this! If even one case hits them they are in big trouble and they know it!

    We all know China doesn’t have sufficient test kits to test more than a few thousand a day! What is scarier is we here don’t have very many test kits either! We have less than the Chinese do! Also we now know repeated tests are often required! This is a tricky virus to deal with!

    My brother in Detroit has many coworkers/friends in China and he says they are being hit very hard by this virus, example kids schools cancelled, etc.

    I also think the way the Chinese government has been dealing with this is self defeating! They are handling it as a security problem not a health issue! That seems to have only made matters worst!

    And no I am not going to stop eating Chinese food!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2020 #53942

    Raul:. Concerning Trump and Iran. You shouldn’t be giving away the Donald’s secrets to the deep state!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2020 #53941

    Dr. D. Rich:. You are right the focus remains China!

    If there are going to be plenty of Chinese where you plan to go, you simply won’t go!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 14 2020 #53940

    You have to admire the Irish! Especially ones in green t-shirts! They have such colorful words too!

    Stormy Daniels are you going to get you money back? Seems like he just fell down an opened manhole!

    Mr. Palmiero being 100 seems to have run a fowl of Britain’s Home Office’s antiquated computer system! It seems like they miss the y2k event! Even the laser scanner didn’t work either! Imagine facal scanners!

    Reminds me when I gave my Russian interpretor a small box of Sunkist raisins back in 1983. She ate the raisins happily but then spoiled it by asking me what the black and white bar codes on the bottom of the box were for!

    I explained how the cashier at the grocery store would scan the box over the laser scanner at the checkout counter to ring up the price on the cash register!

    As soon as I had finished, I quickly realized that my explanation to this university educated Russian had gone completely over her head!

    She could not fathom a word of what I had said! She had nothing in her world remotely similar to what I had just described! At that time in 1983 the Russians were still using beaded abacas in all of their stores! Sadly that ended our conversation!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2020 #53911

    When it comes to Boeing, moving their headquarters to Chicago, sealed their fate.

    This move indicated that the accountants had successfully sieged control of Boeing away from the engineers who had built Boeing into a successful aircraft maker.

    No engineer would have agreed to shifting the 737 Max’s center of gravity forward the way an accountant would! Engineers would have insisted upon a new wing design with longer landing gears!

    Notice Boeing after a year, is still trying to fix this by fixing software! By now engineers would have designed, tested, and built new wings!

    Sometimes stupid can’t be fixed!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2020 #53909

    Now that Brexit has come and gone, I see that nothing has changed!

    The sun wasn’t shinning before Brexit and still isn’t shinning!

    Good old sunny England!

    Once in 1983 when I was slaving away in a Siberian coal mine, I got 10 days parole, so I choose to escape to sunny England! Incredibly I encountered no rain! After returning to Siberia, an expat asked about my trip. I told him no rain, mostly sunny! He exclaimed to me! “You are lying! There is no way in hell you were in England!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2020 #53908

    Since China is doing nothing to contain the covid-19 virus, it is now up to the rest of the world to try and contain it.

    Example:. Spain’s world mobility conference in Barcelona was recently cancelled because people noticed that thousands of Chinese were expected to attend.

    One by one, companies cancelled their attendance! No doubt this was triggered by the companies’ own employees not wanting to catch the virus!

    Basically if where ever you want to go is going to have any Chinese there, then you don’t want to go there!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2020 #53907

    John Day:. Your speculation a few weeks ago on how the covid-19 virus escaped into Wuhan market via lab assistants selling lab bats is still the best story I have read!

    Yes poor Cecelia Payne not getting mention ranks up there with Keynes not getting credit for negotiating the conditions at the end of WW1 that created WW2.

    It might take a few more years but eventually Syria will regain control of it’s borders. They simply have to make staying in Syria increasingly more expensive for their unwanted guests!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2020 #53872

    Democrats after confining President Trump in an illegal strait jacket from before becoming President up unitl just recently, a period of over 3 years, shouldn’t be surprised if the recently escaped President is suddenly hitting them back! Just seems to be a normal human trait!

    I wonder what Obama would have done? Likely would have hit back Chicago style!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2020 #53871

    Any numbers being reported by China can not be believed. Same for China’s pariot, the WHO of guess who bought us lock, stock, and barrel!

    Correcting these figures requires adding a zero at the end and then multiplying by your favorite fudge factor number between 1 and 9!

    So deaths to date 1300 x 10 = 13,000 x 5 = 65,000! Seems more believe able!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2020 #53745

    Dave Note:. This is just more growing circumstancial evidence that the CCP is lying about the impact of the coronavirus!

    This supports the 25,000 to 50,000 numbers of actual deaths.

    By lying the CCP is ensuring this spreads gobally!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2020 #53744

    My Parents Said Know / Dr. D. Rich :.

    I suspect one probably should wear proper eye protection around UV C lights?

    I wear google’s for my UV B light treatments for 305 – 315 nm wavelengths which supposedly burn the least in the UV B wavelength 280 – 315 nm range.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2020 #53741

    I see the quarantined ship in Japan as the only realistic window we have on the coronavirus. This situation provides the only creditable numbers we have.

    My guess is we will see secondary waves of infections soon.

    As for Africa count on the Chinese there to hide any outbreaks.

    Having lived and worked in Africa (4 countries) I can assure you there very few medical services available!

    The best medical personnel are non-African! And I don’t mean non-existant Europeans! Some of the best doctors are from India!

    I can tell you most native Africans do not trust their own native Africans doctors!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2020 #53702

    If the CCP can no longer hide the coronavirus then obviously renaming it as benign NCP is just the ticket!

    This should solve the problem very nicely! The WHO will second the motion!

    Now they can truthfully say everyone is just dying of pneumonia!

    Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of this?

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