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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54699

    Anticlimactic:. The DNC will kill off Bernie Sanders! That is a given from the start! It is part of the plot!

    Hillary in is the DNC’s theatre director.

    This is the DNC’s theatre production and Bernie is just one of the 20 or so political actors hired to perform in staging this public spectacle!

    First, notice Bernie isn’t complaining! He never complains!

    Each actor is paid by allowing them legally divert 15% of all campaign contributions to themselves. That is why they can afford to have such a big cast!

    Notice the DNC is now starting to kill off more members of the cast! Just like TV actors getting voted off the island!

    Now we wait to see who the DNC director’s real nominee will be!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54696

    Zerosum:. Regarding your #1 to #7 list. Shakespeare almost had it right! “First we kill all the lawyers!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54695

    Raul:. Well, you have finally done it! Julian is being tried in a Kangaroo court!

    The deep state will never let Julian talk or their hoax Russian narrative goes up in smoke!

    Speaking of kangaroos, in 1981/2, I was driving around in NSW and Queensland, an Australian made Holden car, adorned in the front with “good for one roo” plastic kangaroo bars! Thankfully I never hit a big red!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54694

    My parents said know:. In a prior life, I used to work for a company that made the machines and molds used to make many of these plastic water bottles worldwide.

    Supposedly, after making the plastic bottles, the bottles are supposed to be left to sit for a week to let the remaining gases escape.

    It used to amuse me to no end, when I would over hear other company service reps say they would never drink water out of a plastic bottle, if they could help it! They thought tap water was likely safer!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54693

    Up here in Canada, woke Trudope refuses to cancel direct flights with Iran even though most of Canada’s recent coronavirus cases stem from Iran. We are doomed!

    Trump may have to jerk Trudope’s chain by threatening to close US/Canada border!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54692

    When the House decided $8 billion, not $2.5 billion, was just the right amount required to fight the coronavirus, the first thing that popped into my mind was graft!

    With only $2.5 billion, the House critters would be hard pressed to create enough kickback paths to keep them properly lubricated for their trouble and effort! $2.5 billion divided by 525 House members is a tad less than $5 million each with a 10% kickback amounts to only about $500K each. Not going to get rich doing small potatoes!

    Now with $8 billion, the House critters will get about $20 million each to play with! With the usual 10% kickback fee, they will now get $2 million each! Now were talking some serious change!

    What’s that you said? It’s supposed to be about helping the people? You got to be kidding!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 1 2020 #54642

    Dave Note:. From what I have read about the coronavirus about 18% require serious medical intervention to survive. Without serious medical intervention about half or 9% will die (re-Wuhan). With good medical care the death rate can be greatly reduced to between 2% to 3%.

    Wuhan and Iran death rates look to be toward the 9% rate.

    So far in other places inthe world it looks more like 3% or less.

    The big problem I see with calculating the death rate is we do not know the total number of people actually infected and likely never will, simply because most people in this world don’t have easy access to medical care. They get sick, if lucky recover, then carry on as before.

    Somewhere, I saw a Chinese report saying up to 14% of recovered people are testing positive again. The doctors were not sure whether these people were able to spread the virus or not.

    Raul has also mentioned about people catching the virus a second time too.

    It seems there is still much we don’t know about this virus.

    One other thing I have learned is that the coronavirus sits up in the throat area, besides the lungs, another reason why it is so much more contagious!

    For sure this virus is one tough hombre!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54607

    Dave Note:. Thanks for that little bit of Polish history I didn’t know about!

    I been lucky to have had 2 Polish neighbors.

    One, we share a back fence. He was a boy during WW2. When Germany invaded Poland, one of the first things they did was go around and tag all livestock as property of the German Army. (Yeah, you never read about that in the history books!) The Polish had to look after the livestock or lose their lives. One animal they didn’t tag were rabbits! So he ate a lot of rabbits!

    My daughter has a pet drawf Dutch rabbit about 2 lbs. My neighbor told me rabbits can take the cold much better than the summer heat. Our rabbit lives outside all year round thanks to his advice. She always has a place to escape from the evening misquitoes.

    Another interesting thing about European rabbits is they love to dig tunnels in the ground, unlike north American rabbits that don’t dig tunnels! That is where she sleeps at night in a tunnel under the solarium!

    During the day she sits on a heating pad in the solarium in a spot where she can keep an eye on everything coming and going! Unlike most rabbits, she has a rather large cage, about 12 feet by 25 feet (by 8 feet high so we can walk in!) completely enclosed in wire mesh (plus the 8 x 12 glass solarium and underneath area) so the cats, raccoons, owls, hawks, foxes, etc. can’t get at her.

    During the day I let her run the whole backyard when I am outside watching/working! There is a special hole in the solarium floor so she can come and go as she pleases! Yes, one very spoiled rabbit! I serve her a fresh salad plate plus fruits every day. She eats a better balanced diet than the family does!

    Then in the summer we take her to the cottage which is 100% sand, again with her own 12 foot by 24 foot by 8 foot high cage plus rabbit house where she spends the whole summer digging new tunnels everywhere except to escape! She has actually dug holes to the outside world only to backfill them! We guess it is because she feels safe inside her cage and is a cautious rabbit. When people see her cages they always say that big a cage for such a tiny rabbit!

    My other Polish neighbor passed away about ten years ago. He was in the Polish army in WW2 but maybe I will write about him separately.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54604

    Dave Note:. One other rather interesting item about Arabs is they tend to stand closer to each other than we do when talking. This will help the spread of the coronavirus!

    We tend to stand at about an arm’s length away from each other when talking.

    For those of us not familiar with Arab culture, we would tend to feel that they are sort of invading our personal space.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54603

    Kimyo99:. That shouldn’t surprise you! It is the new math!

    Thank God my Father taught me old math in the evenings at home!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54601

    Boilingfrog:. I think the only reason we have not seen an outbreak on campuses is there are no test kits available. The number of people tested so far in the US is just a few hundred!

    The Premier of B.C. claimed today that they have tested more people than all of the US!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54593

    To keep their Russian hoax alive, the deep state needs to ensure Julian never talks.

    Trump has no say in the matter. It is Congress.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54591

    Dr. D. You and I know the DNC club will steal the nomination from Bernie.

    That is a given!

    Exactly how they do it is only theatre!

    In the Lincoln Theatre?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54590

    It will be interesting to see if the coronavirus pandemic slows down once warmer spring weather arrives in the northern hemisphere. Some people are hoping this is the case.

    For normal flues, they tend to start ramping up in the fall in October and November, peaking in the winter months from December thru February, then ramping down in the spring months of March and April.

    The thinking for why flues die down in the spring is that the rising sun angles, shower the northern hemisphere with more intense UVL radiation. This UVL radiation helps to kill viruses and also increases people’s vitamin D as they tend to be outside more in warmer weather. In addition, warmer weather brings higher levels of humidity in the air which helps the mucus in our noses work better, the opposite of dry winter air which adversely reduces the effectiveness of the mucus in our noses.

    One question I do have though is, what affect might the coronavirus’s HIV mutation have to resist the effects of warmer weather?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54589

    Zerosum:. Having lived and worked in 4 African countries, if the coronavirus gets a foothold, there is nothing to stop it.

    The reasons I suspect the coronavirus has already established itself, are two-fold.

    First, Etheopia has continued to maintain unrestricted air flights to China providing a gateway for the million plus Chinese in Africa to evade direct travel restrictions of other African countries to China.

    Second, Chinese communities in Africa have been instructed by China to hide any Chinese who come down with the coronavirus from local officials. Bribing local officials is standard procedure in Africa.

    The only hope southern Africa has is it is summer right now. Whether hot weather slows the coronavirus down remains to be seen. The wild card with coronavirus is it’s HIV mutation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54561

    Sunnycool:. That is pretty much what Canadian Federal health officials said! They have already waved the white flag so now they can go back to doing nothing!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54556

    Zerosum:. Something tells me she will soon be proven to be on the wrong side of history!

    In the wrong place, with the wrong beliefs, and the wrong priorities!

    I expect the crazy central bank money supporting her delusional misadventure will soon dry up!

    My wife has not said much about her of late!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54554

    Zerosum:. That is what she is trying to prevent! If the local villagers get hungry enough, they might eat her dogs!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54553

    I find it sad that the full extent of human stupidity continues unabated despite of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Europe, let us keep our borders fully open!

    Iran, Shia clercs, let us keep the holy sites open and encourage more people to come to be cured!

    Scientists, let us keep promising a vaccine so we can get increased funding, even though no vaccine is possible!

    CDC, let us only test those who meet our strict criteria! If you have the coronavirus, we will only test you if you have been to Wuhan in the last 2 weeks!

    Canadian Federal health officials have already waved the white surrender flag! Since we can’t contain the virus, there is no need to cancel air flights from any infected countries! There is no need to test people! If you have the virus just self quarantine yourself! No need to inform us!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54550

    About the dogs! My wife has been following an American women who is trying to save the dogs in Hubei province somewhere outside of Wuhan. Naturally the travel ban has made getting dog food very hard.

    Well it should come as no surprise that the Chinese authorities have been seizing pet dogs and killing them! They know the dogs are spreading the coronavirus!

    So far the authorities have only drop by to inspect the American women’s dog shelter, but seems only a matter of time before her dogs die, either after or before starvation. Sooner would be kinder.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54548

    Dr. D on quite a roll today! Hadn’t heard of the prior vaccinations of Chinese before! That might explain the sudden need for 40 mobile cremators in Wuhan with another 100 more on back order!

    Would also explain why the CCP most ruthless security person was put in charge of Wuhan to clamp down on security leaks of which we have had few of recently.

    Read that CDC employees have been complaining how poorly prepared they were for the return of Diamond Princess passengers to US military bases. They had no equipment! They mingled openly with passengers in aircraft hanger as if it was a reception! Naturally CDC bosses told them to shut up!

    Just goes to show you how much preparation the CDC staff ever did while waiting for the call. None! Just like the rest of the government employees. Proves that you have always been 100% on your own!

    And still no one is asking the question of why there are no test kits?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54547

    Mean while in the great white North, it is global cooling! A foot of the white stuff and still snowing!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54455

    Dave Note:. Creating zombies is exactly what printing money is supposed to do (besides creating non-existant inflation) !

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54454

    Raul:. Holland a major tomato exporter?!

    In sunny England they can only grow tomatoes in a green house! Not enough sun!

    Maybe England gets all the rain and Holland only sunshine?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54452

    Dave Note:. With the WHO it is all about corruption!

    I am just waiting until the WHO come up with a new word to describe pandemic!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54449

    A pet peeves of mine.

    Why can’t the makers of bagels pay their employees a few cents an hour more to 100% cut the bagels in half instead of only 80%?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54448

    My parents said know:. Do you realize how hard it is to play solitaire with real cards after one has become addicted to playing cards using a mouse!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54447

    When it comes to Julian, Trump has no control over the DoJ and FBI.

    Barr was confirmed by the Gang of 8 in Congress. Barr works for the Deep State, not Trump.

    Sadly, Julian must never talk so the Deep State can keep up the fake narrative that the Russian did it!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2020 #54446

    Dave Note:. That the Dems have no evidence is all the evidence required to prove the Russians did it!

    in reply to: It’s The Virus, Stupid #54403

    Vietnam Vet:. Your reference to the Phoney War Period is very app. This was a period of time when the Allies failed to take advantage of the time, to prepare properly. Especially the French! For the French Army, what the French socialists did to weaken the avrmy’s regular and the reserve troops in the inter war years, simply could not be fixed during the Phoney War Period. The rest is history!

    I find the Finish experience in the Winter War a complete contrast to France! They literally had nothing but put up one hell of a stiff fight against Russia!

    The difference was the ordinary Finnish soldier’s unwavering faith and in their commander!

    Living in Canada, I have noticed that Federal Canadian health officials have already declared the battle lost!

    Clearly China is letting Wuhan/Hubei simply burn itself out as you mention. They are simply completely over whelmed, and are just leaving everyone to their own devices. The death toll must be absolutely staggering as in the tens of thousands assuming a 9% death rate.

    By electing to return to work the CCP is accepting that the coronavirus will run it’s course. Japan seems to have come to the same conclusion. Throw in Canada too!

    I see nothing here that contradicts your DC area shopping experience!

    in reply to: It’s The Virus, Stupid #54401

    TonyPrep:. From what I have read, face masks need to be changed every 4 hours or so because moisture build up can turn the filter into an incubator.

    One commentor here said you need to use N100 type masks which I believe can filter out the tiny virus sized particles.

    These are the ones the US has few of stockpiled. Like Raul said nobody is prepared!

    I know Canada sure as hell isn’t prepared, as they have already publically given up! Canadians are to self quarantine themselves.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54376

    A scan of Canadian news this morning, shows that Trudope still can’t get a handle on natives blockading railways!

    Not a word about the virus!

    Trudope still worried about bribing 3rd world dictators to get a UN security seat!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54375

    Zerosum:. Yes, clearly the US government is not prepared! But at least they are finally talking about it as Rome burns! Nothing for the short term. Hog wash delusional crap years from now after everyone is dead!

    Looks like Congress has finally found a way to rid themselves of Trump! Never let a good crisis go to waste – former Obama official & major of Chicago!

    In Canada, the government is not not even talking about it yet! That means they are even less prepared! Canadian health officials threw in the towel yesterday! They have already given up! Everybody to self quarantine themselves!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54374

    Dave Note:. I see you have also noted the shift in attitudes of public health officials saying the containment battle has been lost!

    In Canada, Ottawa health officials have clearly given up! They don’t want to admit they are not prepared nor have any test kits available. They are recommending people just self quarantine themselves!

    I see California has over 8,000 people supposedly self quarantining themselves! Again nobody is being tested! Again no stoppage of international airline flights just like Canada!

    I saw that Iran’s deputy health minister has the virus! Iran traced their out break to an Iranian merchant evading direct travel restrictions by travelling via 3rd countries to China and back. He died, so they can’t shoot him!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54372

    Dr. D.:. Last night I read an interview by Canadian Federal health officials.

    Clearly they have thrown in the towel on containing the coronavirus in Canada! That battle is already lost!

    Clearly they are encouraging people to self quarantine so they don’t have to admit they have no test kits!

    Clearly they have no intention of shutting down air travel either!

    The virus is coming from all over the world now, so what is the point of even trying to screen?

    I think the CDC is saying exactly the same thing!

    Someone should tell President Trump that the US government is deliberately trying to let the virus reach and spread in the US! They are openingly going behind his back to accomplish this! They plan on blaming him for the coming virus out break!

    His opponents see this as a golden opportunity to finally rid themselves of him! They don’t care if a few 10s of millions of Americans need to die!

    It is all about restoring their corrupt $5.8 million per year kickbacks from the US Chamber of Commerce that they are no longer getting since Trump was elected!

    One of the reasons I am so suspicious of Trudope and Canadian health officials is that Trudope coordinates and co-operates very closely with members of Congress, especially the house speaker, Nancy! Canada still has not ratified the trade agreement yet, waiting on instructions from Nancy! Trudope would very dearly like Trump gone!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54351

    Dave Note:. Somehow I get the impression nobody on this site is following the party line! thanks

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54350

    Dr. D. Rich:. I see you are very jaded! I suspect if you ever served in a jury where the evidence was provided by the FBI, you would probably vote “Not Guilty”!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54339

    The coronavirus hitting Iran is really bad news.

    Iran has a far weaker medical system than say China does.

    The coronavirus will run its course in Iran.

    The world will have to isolate itself from Iran.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54338

    Last two:. Hate to disappoint you but Canadian native culture was totally destroyed when the socialist introduced the natives to welfare!

    Sadly, their culture is now one of dependency.

    Yeah, we might be headed that way too, except can the natives support us?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54337

    Bosco:. Are those the Fed’s new digital face masks?

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