Re: “All guitars must be electric by 2030″…
All a**holes must be equipped with methane recovery systems by 2030.
Anthony Fauci…the Ancel Keys for the 21st century.
This establishment is frequented by UNVACCINATED persons, who may be carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Vaccinated persons may also be carriers.)
“Dreams are a continuation of our waking reality.”
And…? So…? Therefore…?
Does this mean that if I dream I find a million dollars I will wake up to find that I have a million dollars? Or does it mean I will never dream that I find a million dollars?
“…afraid of the dark.”
Is it not racist to make fun of ‘anti-racism’ ???
“Magazine and cannonballs at Battery Rodgers, Alexandria, defending Washington during the Civil War 1863”
Those are not cannonballs, those are mortar rounds.
Why is “Greenhouse gas concentrations again break records” news? When ANYTHING is rising on an exponential curve, “records” will be broken…not just every year, but every month, week, and day. The stupidity of such headlines leaves me in awe of the human capacity for burying its head in the sand.
“Greta Thunberg’s highly emotional approach to climate change activism threatens level-headed debate on the subject…”
And just where has “level-headed debate” gotten us so far?