Édouard Vuillard In bed 1891

It’s just
It’s just….coercive control.#EnoughIsEnough #NoVaccinePassports pic.twitter.com/vdufl441Ve
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 20, 2021

He since “corrected” it to 40%.
My notes yesterday when I was reading this:
• UK: official numbers: 68% of adults are double jabbed (87% single jabbed)
• 60% of new hospitalizations are double jabbed (or 40%, if you will)
• winter high was 60K infections daily, now 50K
• but the vaccines are very very effective. in fact, they are over 90% effective.
• this does not make sense.
• 60% Of People Admitted To Hospital With Covid Have Been Double-Jabbed (Sky)
Sixty percent of people being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 have had two doses of a coronavirus vaccine, according to the government’s chief scientific adviser. Speaking at a Downing Street news briefing, Sir Patrick Vallance said: “In terms of the number of people in hospital who’ve been double-vaccinated, we know it’s around 60% of the people being admitted to hospital with COVID. “We do expect there to be over 1,000 people per day being hospitalised with coronavirus because of the increase in infections. “But the rates should be lower than they have been previously because of the protective effects of vaccination.” He said this was not surprising “because the vaccines are not 100% effective”.
“They’re very, very effective, but not 100%, and as a higher proportion of the population is double-vaccinated, it’s inevitable that those 10% of that very large number remain at risk, and therefore will be amongst the people who both catch the infection and end up in hospital.” Meanwhile, most regions of England now have more coronavirus patients in hospital than at any point since mid-March. Two regions – south-west England and the combined area of north-east England and Yorkshire – are back to levels last seen more than four months ago. For England as a whole, there are now 3,813 patients in hospital with COVID-19 – the highest number since 24 March. Sir Patrick also warned said there were “high levels of COVID and they are increasing”.
He said the UK was quite close to the previous “winter wave” of infections. “In the winter wave, we were up to around 60,000 people testing positive per day,” he said. “We are now somewhere on towards 50,000. So we’re quite close to the size of the winter wave of infections and this is going to increase.” He said the timing of the next peak of the virus would be “uncertain”. He said: “But most of the models are suggesting that there should be a peak and start seeing some sort of either plateau or decrease over August.
“And at that point, if things continue to increase at the rate they are – and as I said at the outset, there is something like 50,000 or near 50,000 cases per day, or positives per day, at the moment being detected – with a doubling time of 11 days, you can see that that gets to pretty high numbers very quickly. “And another doubling time will take you to even higher numbers, of course – that would be really quite, quite worrying. So we would like to see some flattening of this, some decrease in the trajectory, and ideally, as you rightly say, you’d like to see this coming down by September, as return of schools would add another pressure on top of that.”

This is an analysis that goes with the article above.
• Hospitalisation Data Not A Reason To Doubt The Vaccine (Moore)
The majority of people in hospital with COVID right now have been fully vaccinated. That will be a surprise to many people, despite the reassurance of the chief scientist Sir Patrick Vallance that it’s to be expected. But he’s right. Firstly, two doses of the Pfizer jab are 96% effective at preventing hospitalisation. For the AstraZeneca shot the figure is 92%. So while the protection is high, it’s not 100%. Secondly, the older you are the more likely it is that you will end up seriously ill if you get COVID. So if the virus does break through the protective barrier of the vaccine you are still more likely to end up in hospital if you are over 50.
It’s not a reason to doubt the vaccine. But it is a reason for everyone to get the jab and reduce levels of the virus spreading through the community. That would mean there’s less risk to double-vaccinated, older people. The good news is that the death rate is still much lower than in previous waves – about one in 1000 infections leads to death now, compared to around one in 50 in January. That’s partly down to the vaccine, but also better drug treatment for those in hospital. So even if double-vaccinated people are still ending up in hospital, they stand a much better chance of survival.

And so will most vaccinated. But he doesn’t add that.
• Gottlieb Predicts ‘Most’ Unvaccinated Americans Will Get Delta Variant (HuPo)
The former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration predicted Sunday that “most” unvaccinated Americans who haven’t already had COVID-19 will contract the delta variant — and it will be the “most serious” virus of their lives. “This virus is so contagious, this variant is so contagious … that most people will either get vaccinated or have been previously infected or they will get this delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned in an interview on “Face the Nation” on CBS. “And for most people who get this delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” he added.
Gottlieb, who served under former President Donald Trump before the pandemic, spoke as cases of the disease were climbing across America, with the seven-day average of reported coronavirus cases soaring nearly 70% last week. All 50 states are experiencing a higher number of new cases. Among the hardest hit are states with low vaccination rates, such as Arkansas, Missouri and Florida. The Sunshine state last week accounted for 20% of all new cases in the country. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky called the new surge a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
Gottlieb said he believes actual cases of the more-easily transmissible delta variant are underreported. He estimated that health officials know about only one out of 10 or 20 cases because some of those infected have mild cases and testing is not widespread. “We’re not doing a lot of routine screening right now,” said Gottlieb, who currently serves on the board of vaccine-maker Pfizer. “Unless you work for the New York Yankees, you’re not getting tested on a regular basis. So I think that this delta wave could be far more advanced than what we’re detecting right now.”

“The data from Israel says natural infection is 6-7x as effective in preventing a future infection as the jab.”
“these vaccines are not sterilizing, which means every vaccinated person is a viral mutation factory”
• The Flag Is In Tatters (Denninger)
Let’s not kid ourselves. If the media and “public health” people are telling the truth about Delta being as transmissible as claimed there is no way to reach a vaccination level that will suppress it. There are actually people claiming it has an R0 equal or even greater than measles. This is probably a lie, but the problem with lies such as this is that they preclude solutions you then put forward as you’ll never get there. In short we have what I pointed out originally: You either had Covid now or will get it, like it or not. It is as certain as winter. Further, if Delta arose it won’t be the last one. Worse, we now know, conclusively that these vaccines are not sterilizing, which means every vaccinated person is a viral mutation factory and won’t know they have it in many cases. We also know it does not block transmission, as was just demonstrated on the HMS Queen Elizabeth and in the Texas Delegation.
You cannot out-vaccinate a mutating virus; the reason is quite simple as the virus passes through people and mutates faster than you can modify vaccination formulas. I warned early on that the use of non-sterilizing vaccines was known dangerous back when IPV came out for Polio and is why Sabin’s OPV formula, which is sterilizing, was universally used in conjunction with IPV in the US until polio was no longer circulating here. In fact we kept using OPV in the United States for another 20 years after the nation was declared polio-free. Why? Because not doing so — using non-sterilizing IPV alone when polio was still circulating in the population — was damned dangerous as it placed evolutionary pressure on the virus that could cause more disease rather than less and we knew it.
There are no sterilizing Covid-19 vaccines and no evidence we can develop one. The manufacturers admitted their trials were not intended to prove that originally but now we have the data and zero of the shots produce sterilizing immunity. That’s scientific fact at this point. In short we have no choice but to drop the bull**** and accept that we have to live with Covid-19. It will never go away. It has become an endemic virus like the cold or flu viruses and will be with us forever. In addition eradication was always doomed to fail because it has animal reservoirs, specifically at least cats and ferrets. We have no choice in this matter.
Within a very short period of time if Delta is what they claim in terms of infectivity you’re going to see a dramatic shift here as we have in Britain and Israel. The data from Israel says natural infection is 6-7x as effective in preventing a future infection as the jab. The virus will shortly run out of non-jabbed people to infect and the vax-vs-nonvax numbers showing up in the ER will shift dramatically. The bad news is that those who got a “hidden” adverse effect, especially thrombosis of any sort, are at a very high risk of getting monkey-hammered if and when their immunity fails and they get infected anyway because that pre-existing damage will be synergistic with the virus effects.
Lockdowns, masks and mass-jabs will not solve the problem and in fact will make it worse due to the adverse effects. For the healthy 18 year old who is screwed by cardiomylitis what do you tell him or her? They were at an effective zero risk of death in the first place; the number harmed by the shots in that cohort exceeds the number saved. Jabbing such people is an unconscionable evil, and this presumes the risks are confined to what we know which is almost certainly not the case, and that evasion by the virus never occurs, which is ridiculously improbable. Good luck folks.

180º lie: “..immunity from infection [..] is typically weaker than that provided by vaccination.”
Why would anyone want to spin such lies? What’s to gain?
• Antibodies From Covid Infection Last At Least Nine Months (F.)
Almost all people who have recovered from Covid-19 have detectable levels of antibodies nine months later, according to a new study of almost the entire population of an Italian town, bolstering earlier research that suggests a prior infection conveys some protection against the coronavirus. Over a span of nine months, researchers from Italy’s University of Padua and Imperial College London tested more than 85% of the 3,000 residents of Vo, Italy, for Covid-19 antibodies. The researchers, writing in Nature Communications, found that 98.8% of people infected in the first wave—around February/March 2020—still showed detectable levels of antibodies nine months on when tested in November.
There was no difference between people who had symptomatic and asymptomatic illness, the study found. Lead author Dr. Ilaria Dorigatti said this suggests that “the strength of the immune response does not depend on the symptoms and the severity of the infection.” For some people, antibody levels actually increased between testing, indicating a boost to the immune system from another infection with the virus. The possibility of further infection could mean that people with antibodies—whether by infection or vaccination—are capable of transmitting the virus even if they are protected from disease, the researchers warned.
Understanding how long immunity to Covid-19 lasts is crucial to public health officials trying to manage the pandemic. While antibodies indicate an immune response, they do not provide a complete picture of the immune system and cannot tell us how robust immunity is. Though some evidence suggests immunity from infection might be long lasting, it may not be strong enough to protect against disease and is typically weaker than that provided by vaccination.

Wasn’t sure what to make of the video I posted yesterday, but it’s a real lawsuit of 67 pages which alleges that VAERS undercounts vaccine deaths by a factor of 5.
• 45K Death Count From Covid Shot Lawsuit (Renz Law)

“..mass vaccination when it hits >25% of the population, begins to promote latent variants to become predominant ..”
• Viral Diversity and the Pandemic Response (McCullough)
There are multiple reports that fully vaccinated groups in the hubris of their newly gained freedoms are coming down with COVID-19, this time with the Delta variant. This mutant strain was born in India in response to evolutionary pressure that promoted a base pair changes from the original alpha variant out of the UK. The HMS Queen Elizabeth reported an outbreak of 100 COVID-19 cases among 3700 fully vaccinated, socially distanced, and masked sailers. Many were detected by unnecessary asymptomatic testing which is not approved by regulatory authorities and not sanctioned by the WHO. The lessons prove that the military should reserve testing for only sick sailors and not put any stock on the vaccines as they clearly have failed.
Fortunately, Delta is mild and very manageable if treated early at home in high-risk individuals or those presenting with severe symptoms. Why did the vaccines fail so quickly? >. First, the genetic vaccines are all coded to the original Wuhan wild-type spike protein. That strain has been extinct for months now. >. Second, mass vaccination when it hits >25% of the population, begins to promote latent variants to become predominant and the overall flora of mutant strains to become less diverse. For example, about six months ago in the US, we had about 14 strains according to the CDC. Now we have only about six strains, with the rising Delta expected to become super dominant. Since Pfizer, Moderna, and JNJ provide no coverage for Delta, we can surely expect more cases but the public may be blinded to reality.
This spring after the CDC was overloaded with >10,000 vaccine failure cases with full-blown COVID-19 after being completely vaccinated, the CDC notified Americans it was only going to track and report COVID-19 in the unvaccinated. This was a giant blunder since there is a great need to study why the vaccines are failing in order to plan for boosters or better technological vaccines.

He wants his cake and eat it and order seconds.
• On ‘Freedom Day’, Boris Johnson Announces Mandatory Vaccine Passports (SN)
On the occasion labeled ‘freedom day’, the UK government announced that vaccine passports would be mandatory to enter “crowded venues” from the end of September. Gee, I feel so free! After initially denying that domestic, vaccine passports would ever be introduced, Boris Johnson’s government feverishly set about creating the framework for them. Now on the very day that all coronavirus restrictions were supposed to be lifted, the UK’s vaccines minister has announced what basically amounts to medical apartheid. “By the end of September everyone aged 18 and over will have the chance to receive full vaccination and the additional two weeks for that protection to really take hold,” said Nadhim Zahawi. “So at that point we plan to make full vaccination a condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather.”
From the end of September, people will also have the option of providing a negative test result to enter such venues removed, making the vaccine de facto mandatory. Boris Jonhson also refused to rule out future vaccine passports for pubs and bars, saying the government the government “reserved the right to do what’s necessary to protect the public.” “I would remind everybody that some of life’s most important pleasures and opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination,” said Johnson, openly threatening those who don’t get jabbed that their lifestyle will be severely stunted. The measures are being introduced to bully the 35% of 18 to 30-year-olds who haven’t taken the jab into getting it.
Once domestic vaccine passports have become commonplace for travel and to enter crowded venues, expect them to be extended to every other area of life. This will create a two tier society where those who for whatever reason refuse to have the vaccine will remain under de facto lockdown indefinitely.

“Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice.”
• The Counter-truths Unspin (Kunstler)
Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice. Today, though, all you have to do is wake up somewhere between Montauk and the Farallon Islands and your senses are overwhelmed with hallucinations. The public used to depend on newspapers and TV networks to suss out reality, but that filter is long gone, replaced by a relentless “narrative” machine, and all it does is spin out one technicolor whopper after another. The trouble is: narrative is not the truth. Generally, it’s the opposite of the truth. It’s manufactured counter-truth. The more narrative you spin, the faster you must spin off new supporting narrative to conceal the untruth of your previous narrative — until the national hive mind is lit up in unreality where nothing makes sense and the very language that separates humanity from the rough beasts becomes a social poison.
And is “Joe Biden” not the perfect gibbering epitome of this mess, a ghost in the narrative machine, beckoning us into chaos? America is on a bad trip. The country has lost its way psychologically. Two things will be required to bring it out of the fugue state it tripped into five years ago: some significant shocks to the system and the passage of time. Those shocks are in the offing and the “Joe Biden” regime — meaning Barack Obama and his wing-people who run things — are looking more and more desperate as auguries manifest.
Their current tactical hustle is to amp up paranoia over the receding Covid-19 episode. It looks like an attempt to smokescreen the emerging evidence of massive and widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and the growing eagerness of a few other states besides Arizona to mount audits of what went on last November 3rd. The supposed surge in new Covid cases is really just a tiny blip, considering it comes off a baseline of close to zero cases in many places. 11,140 so far have died from Covid vaccinations, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Last week 2,092 deaths from vaccinations were added versus 1,918 deaths from the virus. Countries with the highest vaccination rates are showing the most new Covid cases.

“There are going to be new parties: anti-vax, anti-establishment, anti-tax and anti-immigration. The parties that unite under that will be the winning parties.”
• Vax Wars are Global – Gerald Celente (USAW)
Celente says the pressure will continue to be pushed and coerced upon the so-called “unvaccinated” even though it is, in fact, an experimental human drug trial. No one will mention the fact that half the country already has natural immunity, according to Dr. Marty Makary at Johns Hopkins University. With death and injuries from fully vaccinated people going higher by the thousands every week, there are no facts that will sway the pro-vax crowd. Celente says, “The facts don’t count. If you show the facts, it’s misinformation if you put out facts. It’s a conspiracy theory when you put out facts, and in the United Soviet States of America, you are not allowed to put facts on any social media because they will ban you. You are not allowed to say anything to disagree with the government or the (so-called) ‘health experts.’”
Celente sees a huge trend in politics emerging and explains, “There are going to be new parties: anti-vax, anti-establishment, anti-tax and anti-immigration. The parties that unite under that will be the winning parties. They have to unite under that.” Celente says, “The whole damn system is corrupt.” Celente does not have high hopes for the election fraud being uncovered to actually do anything because the system is so corrupt. Celente also talks about the U.S. economy and that it should have tanked long ago, and the powers keep propping it up. He also comments on gold, silver, Bitcoin and why New York City and many other cities are not coming back. Celente says people will have to “unite to protect liberty and freedom,” and predicts it’s going to be a long fight.

Too late to dispel the myth now.
• UK Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” (SN)
Dr Colin Axon, a SAGE advisor for the government told the London Telegraph that medics have given people a “cartoonish” view of how how microscopic viruses travel through the air, and the masks have gaps in them that are up to 5000 times bigger than Covid particles. “The small sizes are not easily understood but an imperfect analogy would be to imagine marbles fired at builders’ scaffolding, some might hit a pole and rebound, but obviously most will fly through,” Axon said. “Once a particle is not on a biological surface it is no longer a biomedical issue, it is simply about physics. The public has only a partial view of the story if information only comes from one type of source,” Axon continued, adding “Medics have some of the answers but not a whole view.”
Noting that the “mask debate is about the particle journey,” Axon explained that “Masks can catch droplets and sputum from a cough but what is important is that SARS CoV-2 is predominantly distributed by tiny aerosols.” “A Covid viral particle is around 100 nanometres, material gaps in blue surgical masks are up to 1,000 times that size, cloth mask gaps can be 500,000 times the size,” Axon urged. The professor noted that “those aerosols escape masks and will render the mask ineffective,” adding “The public were demanding something must be done, they got masks, it is just a comfort blanket. But now it is entrenched, and we are entrenching bad behaviour.”
“All around the world you can look at mask mandates and superimpose on infection rates, you cannot see that mask mandates made any effect whatsoever,” Axon further noted, adding that “The best thing you can say about any mask is that any positive effect they do have is too small to be measured.” Axon’s comments echo those of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who wrote in February 2020 that a typical store-bought face mask “is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.” Fauci later reversed his position after the CDC began recommending that Americans wear face coverings. Similar recommendations were then made worldwide, with World Health Organisation officials even recommending that masks remain INDEFINTELY.

• AG Garland Bars Prosecutors From Seizing Reporters’ Records (AP)
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday formally prohibited federal prosecutors from seizing the records of journalists in leak investigations, with limited exceptions, reversing years of department policy. The new policy largely codifies the commitment Garland made in June, when he said the Justice Department would abandon the practice of seizing reporters’ records in leak investigations. It aims to resolve a politically thorny issue that has long vexed Justice Department prosecutors trying to weigh the media’s First Amendment rights against government’s desire to protect classified information. But the memo makes clear that federal prosecutors can, in some cases, seize journalists’ records, including if the reporters are suspected of working for agents of a foreign power or terrorist organizations. There is also an exception for situations with imminent risks, like kidnappings or crimes against children.
Garland was moved to act following an outcry over revelations that the department during the Trump administration had obtained records belonging to journalists at The Washington Post, CNN and The New York Times as part of investigations into who had disclosed government secrets related to the Russia investigation and other national security matters. Others whose records were obtained were members of Congress and their staffers and former White House counsel Don McGahn. Garland’s announcement came after President Joe Biden said he would not allow the Justice Department to seize journalists’ phone records and emails, calling the practice “wrong.” Since then, Garland and other senior Justice Department staffers have met with representatives of news media organizations, with both sides agreeing on the need for new department policies. Garland has also said he would support federal legislation to add additional protections for journalists.

It’s not just Big Tech.
• The Shadow State: Corporations As Surrogates For Government Action (Turley)
This use of corporations is born out of political and legal convenience. Despite the rising call for mandatory vaccinations, the Biden administration clearly is not willing to face the political costs of a government mandate. As of July 11, 159,266,536 Americans were fully vaccinated — 48 percent of the country’s population. When you consider the extremely high rate of vaccination for those over 65 (an estimated 85 percent), the percentage of adults under 65 is even smaller. That is a lot of voters who would not take well to a government mandate before the 2022 election.
[..] The political convenience of relying on corporate controls is most evident in the support for a massive system of corporate-based speech controls now implanted in the United States. The government cannot implement a censorship system under the Constitution — but it can outsource censorship functions to private companies like Facebook and Twitter. Just this week, the White House admitted it has been flagging “misinformation” for Facebook to censor. At the same time, Democrats like Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) have demanded that Big Tech companies commit to even more “robust content modification” — an Orwellian term for censorship. Liberal writers and media figures have called for corporate censorship despite the danger of an effective state media run through private corporations.
[..] Social media companies are not just any businesses, however. They were created as neutral platforms for communication between people when they were given special immunity from lawsuits. Yet these corporations now control an enormous amount of public discourse and have become a rising threat to the democratic process, expanding their authority to frame the debate on issues ranging from climate change to gender identity, from election fraud to public health. You must espouse the “truth” as established by these companies on certain questions or risk being banned as “misinformation spreaders.” Indeed, Psaki this week insisted that once people are banned by one company, they should be banned from all social media companies.
If these trends continue, citizens could find themselves effectively exiled by order of corporate governors — unable to travel or go to school while also barred from espousing dissenting views on social media. They would, effectively, be “disappeared” within a shadow state that lacks any electoral or appellate process — a dystopian brave new world that could become all too real if we allow elected officials to use corporate surrogates to control the essential aspects of our lives.

I know, I know, Rockefeller Foundation.
• The True Cost of Food (Rockefeller)
Although Americans have some of the most affordable food in the world, our food comes with hidden costs—to our health, to our climate, and to the farmers, fishers, ranchers, and food workers who ensure goods make their way to store shelves. As the pandemic made explicit, those workers bear the brunt of the unequal and unsustainable food system we live with today. In fact, our food system costs all of us far more than what’s written on our receipt as we exit the check-out line. Our food system is failing us, and too few people understand the true cost of the food we consume, and lack clear incentives to change a system that is costing us dearly. That’s why accounting for the true cost of the food we eat is the first, necessary step towards remaking the incentive structure that drives our food system today.
Consider this: In 2019, American consumers spent an estimated $1.1 trillion on food. That price tag includes the cost of producing, processing, retailing, and wholesaling the food we buy and eat. It does not include the cost of healthcare for the millions who fall ill with diet-related diseases. Nor does $1.1 trillion include the present and future costs of the food system’s contributions to water and air pollution, reduced biodiversity, or greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change. Take those costs into account and it becomes clear the true cost of the U.S. food system is at least three times as big—$3.2 trillion per year. The true cost of food disproportionately burdens people of color, who are more likely to suffer from dietrelated diseases, have less access to water and sanitation, and often work in food production jobs for less than a living wage.
Americans pay that high cost even if consumers don’t see it in the check-out line. And, if we don’t change our food system, future generations will pay those high costs, too.

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