Sep 012024

M. C. Escher Order and chaos 1950


Harris Can’t Beat The Dream Team (Flores)
Ukraine Conflict Can Lead to ‘Global-Ending’ Nuclear War – Ritter (Sp.)
‘Getting Along With Russia Is Good’ – Trump (RT)
Lavrov Warns Russia-Ukraine Talks Will Get Harder With Time (Sp.)
Lavrov Draws Parallels Between Israel And Ukraine (RT)
Nancy Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud To Bill Maher (ZH)
Switzerland Urged To Rethink Its 500-Year Neutrality (RT)
US Not Sending Contractors To Service Ukrainian F-16s – WSJ (RT)
West Knew About The “Surprise” Invasion of Kursk (Van den Ende)
US Advancing Police State Measures (SCF)
Musk Vows to Expose Top Brazilian Judge’s Crimes After Suspension of X (Sp.)
Kamala Is Going To Drive Gold To $10,000 (Hickman)
End the US Dollar Chokehold on the World (Nomi Prins)
“France Unbowed” Party Moves to Impeach Macron (Sp.)





Finish the story











Trump Elon














“We may arrive at the equation that cringe (C) is equal to the value of vacuity (vac) multiplied by the insincerity (i), squared. Or C = vac(i)2..”

Harris Can’t Beat The Dream Team (Flores)

Vice President Kamala Harris has become the subject of an ongoing joke in political circles because her speech writers insist on burdening her with trite aphorisms aimed at highlighting her inspirational wisdom, but instead miss the mark so severely that the word ‘backfire’ is more appropriate. In part one, we established that the coup against Biden did not establish the overthrow of his regime of war and dementia, because he was not the central character or mover of the plot which his administration had been (and still is) executing. But in the wake of the failed assassination of Trump – which the FBI has still been silent about (or not; the mach speed cremation of Thomas Crooks’ body speaks quite loudly) – provided the true predicate that led to Biden’s decision to step down.

Had the assassination succeeded, it’s far more likely that Biden would have remained the candidate, and any transfer of nominal authority to Harris would have concluded sometime in 2025 after the presumed victory. But the notion that Harris provides a solution or even a bearable trade-off in the deep-state’s electoral ambitions is furthermore questionable. This attempt has backfired, and it is hard not to connect the near-miracle which was Trump somehow turning his head at just the right time, to the panic which swept across the DNC in the aftermath. Initial MSM headlines sought to question whether an attempt was even made. The subsequent endorsements by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have turned the panic into a hysteria.

Harris has a knack for mixing metaphors and results in some incomprehensible word salad which had been intended to inspire us. Unlike Trump, Bill Clinton, or Obama, all who could effortlessly speak in a conversational tone, Harris seems unable to communicate plainly. We should also add that even if these failed attempts at profundity had succeeded in the sense of basic syntax and normal human speech, they would still evoke a high degree of relative cosmological cringe equivalent to their vacuity.

We may arrive at the equation that cringe (C) is equal to the value of vacuity (vac) multiplied by the insincerity (i), squared. Or C = vac(i)2. And who said political science was a soft one? But jokes aside, (or not) this has put her handlers in a difficult position. They must choose between two unappealing options: allowing her to struggle with reading the teleprompter or attempting to memorize lines with little success, or letting her ad-lib and risk a complete flop. The coming debate between Harris and Trump – should there still be one coming – will no doubt highlight Harris’ inability across multiple vectors.

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“Russia has made it clear that as a nuclear power, it not only will not, but cannot be defeated strategically..”

So why go to war? Start a forever war. While betting that Russia won’t nuke the US.

Don’t be surprised if they start this before the elections.

Ukraine Conflict Can Lead to ‘Global-Ending’ Nuclear War – Ritter (Sp.)

Ukraine attacking Russia using long-range weapons provided by the US “might be interpreted by Russia as a direct attack by the US, by NATO, on Russian territory,” former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter tells Sputnik. Such an attack, Ritter explains, might be regarded as a prelude to a “larger military incursion” meant to accomplish the US’ ultimate goal, “the strategic defeat of Russia.” “Russia has made it clear that as a nuclear power, it not only will not, but cannot be defeated strategically – because if such a possibility manifested itself, Russia would be required to use its nuclear arsenal to ensure that outcome would never, never occur. This means general nuclear war,” he says. Ritter also recalls the warnings made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who questioned the US’ apparent belief that a Russia-NATO conflict would be limited to Europe and who said that a Russian retaliatory strike against the United States is possible if such a conflict were to break out.

“This is a very dangerous escalation, one that could rapidly create the conditions conducive for not limited nuclear conflict, but a general nuclear war, a global-ending global disaster, the destruction of the US, the destruction of Russia, the destruction of Europe, the destruction of the world. Why? Because the US and NATO will not be honest about the state of affairs in Ukraine today,” laments Ritter. Ukraine has already “lost the war,” he adds, and nothing that Kiev might do to try and “tip the scales” in its favor is going to change that. “All it will do is provoke Russia into enlarging this conflict so that it’s not just Ukraine that pays the price, but Europe, the US, and the rest of the world,” Ritter says. “Hopefully, the Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrei Yermak will be received by the US, and have their recommendations regarding using long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russia rejected. Because there’s only one outcome if the US greenlights this escalation, and that is total nuclear war.”

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“Getting along with Russia is good, not bad. Remember, getting along with these people is smart.”

‘Getting Along With Russia Is Good’ – Trump (RT)

Engaging and “getting along” with Russia and North Korea would be a “good thing,” former US President Donald Trump has argued. Speaking at an election rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, the Republican nominee touted his diplomatic efforts to fix Washington’s ties with Pyongyang, referring to his 2019 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas. “I got along with Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Remember I walked over… the first person to ever walk over from this country,” Trump claimed. “We also looked at his nuclear capability. It’s very substantial,” he added. “You know, getting along is a good thing. It’s not a bad thing.”

“Getting along” with Moscow is also not “a bad thing,” Trump said. He went on to harshly criticize the incumbent administration, claiming President Joe Biden has a very low IQ “and maybe now it’s nonexistent,” as he has “completely lost his mind.” The Republican nominee repeated his claim that “what is happening now in relations with Russia would not have happened” if he were still in office. Trump’s remarks came in response to accusations from his election rival, Vice President Kamala Harris. In her Democratic nomination acceptance speech in Chicago last week, she criticized the former president for his relations with the North Korean leader – claiming she would not “cozy up to tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong-un who are rooting for Trump.”

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“It was easy to agree in Istanbul, less than a month after the start of our special military operation. But Ukraine did not want it..”

Lavrov Warns Russia-Ukraine Talks Will Get Harder With Time (Sp.)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned those who are trying to hinder peace talks between Russia and Ukraine that negotiations would become tougher as time passed. “Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned potential negotiations a year and a half ago. He said we had nothing against them… Opponents must understand that the longer they take, the harder it will be to agree on anything. It was easy to agree in Istanbul, less than a month after the start of our special military operation. But Ukraine did not want it,” Lavrov said in an interview to the RT broadcaster for the documentary Bridges to the East.

The top Russian diplomat stressed that Ukraine’s joining NATO was non-negotiable. Turkiye hosted several rounds of Russian-Ukrainian peace talks in Istanbul in March 2022, which ultimately failed. It also helped mediate the UN-backed Black Sea Grain Initiative in July 2022, which provided for safe maritime exports of Ukrainian food until it expired the following summer. Russian President Putin said in June that Russia would cease fire and start talks with Ukraine as soon as Kiev withdrew troops from regions that Russia saw as its own and abandoned plans to join NATO.

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Both want to create a huge war.

Lavrov Draws Parallels Between Israel And Ukraine (RT)

Both Ukraine and Israel are trying to spark major regional wars to solve their own problems at the expense of others, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. The country’s senior diplomat made the remarks in an exclusive interview with RT’s Anna Knishenko, aired on Saturday. Asked about the prospects of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East devolving into a major regional war, Lavrov suggested Israel was effectively the only party seeking such conflict. “It seems that the only one who wants such a development is Israel. Probably the Israeli government, which is rather hard politics-wise, and they do not even hide that,” Lavrov stated. “Probably, they want to take advantage of this situation to once and for all try to solve all their problems with Hamas and with Hezbollah, and with pro-Iranian groups in Syria and Iraq,” the minister suggested, adding that Tehran seems to be avoiding such a conflict and “does not want to get involved in any large-scale military actions.”

Israel’s behavior shares striking similarities to Ukraine’s, with Kiev apparently seeking to drag its Western backers into a direct conflict with Moscow, Lavrov pointed out. “I’m seeing an interesting parallel there, [Vladimir] Zelensky too, who is fully controlled by the US as well, he wants roughly the same thing, only around Ukraine – to unleash a major war here, and to step aside himself, so that the Americans and other NATO members would start fighting for him,” the minister added. These are very similar situations when they want to provoke a big war in the Middle East and on the territory that is directly adjacent to us, and now part of [Russia’s] Kursk Region is under the control of Zelensky’s Nazi regime, with weapons supplied to him by NATO.

The ongoing Ukrainian incursion into Kursk Region, launched by Kiev early this month, was likely approved by its Western handlers, Lavrov suggested. A “large number of Nazi units” as well as foreign mercenaries – who might actually be “regular troops” – are taking part in the hostilities, he noted. “It is difficult for me to tell what the idea was behind this situation, because our Western colleagues have very convoluted minds, they sometimes bend everything in their own way, and then nothing comes of it,” Lavrov stated, invoking questionable results the collective West has achieved in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.

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They are dead set on changing the country beyond recognition. Maybe that should be Trump’s no. 1 focus: They want to take your country away. How many democrat voters want that?

Nancy Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud To Bill Maher (ZH)

The southern border invasion, fueled by the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous open border policies, has been a devastating blow to this nation. Our borders have been flooded with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated illegal aliens (remember, ‘trust the science’ Democrats wanted to jail people for not being Covid vaccinated just a few years ago…), including ISIS terrorists. Iranian assassins are roaming freely, hunting ex-Trump admin officials, while cartel criminals and the Chinese Communist Party wage ‘reverse opium wars’ with fentanyl that has sent the drug death overdose catastrophe just north of 100,000 Americans per year.

In Colorado, armed Venezuelan prison gangs have seized control of entire apartment complexes, and the overwhelming number of illegal aliens across the country has pushed some local governments to the brink of chaos. What’s evident is that Democrats have abandoned the American people (hence why former Democrats, such as Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., jumped ship and now support Trump). Their top priority is to give amnesty to more than ten million illegal aliens. This amnesty program allows illegal aliens to get citizenship and vote in future elections. It potentially ensures Democrats can fulfill their Marxist agenda of pushing forward with a socialist reconstruction of America.

Not happy with the first-world conditions, Democrats have imported the third world to neighborhoods across America – much of which was done against the wishes of their political constituents. Don’t believe the misinformation VP Kamala Harris spews about securing the border. She had 3.5 years to do so (or at least care) under the Biden admin. On the contrary, Democrats want more illegal aliens and offer mass amnesty. On Friday, elderly Nancy Pelosi said the quiet part out loud on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” openly stating her desire to turn all ‘undocumented’ migrants into ‘documented’ ones. She also supported the idea of providing subsidized housing for illegal aliens.

Let’s travel back about 16 years to 2008, when she said, “We certainly don’t want any more coming in.”

So what changed in the last 16 years with some folks in the Democratic Party that support communist price controls, nation-killing open borders, anti-American rhetoric, and mass censorship? Well, the number of high-profile Democrats jumping ship to support Trump is evident that this party is no longer the Democratic Party your parents voted for.

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“It is an open secret that… Amherd wants to destroy Swiss neutrality and throw herself into the arms of NATO and the EU..”

Switzerland Urged To Rethink Its 500-Year Neutrality (RT)

It is time for Switzerland, which has been neutral since 1515, to redefine its non-alignment status, a group of Swiss experts have said, in a report ordered by the defense ministry in Bern. Critics, in response, have accused the panel behind the paper of bias and insist that neutrality is forever enshrined in the country’s constitution. The study committee, which was set up a year ago, presented a paper on Thursday with 100 recommendations on how to boost the Alpine nation’s security. “The neutrality policy needs to be revised, more focused on its security function and applied more flexibly,” the members of the panel, which is said to include politicians, economists and scientists representing different age groups and regions, suggest in the report. Another key recommendation in it is that Switzerland’s “cooperation with NATO and the EU must continue to be deepened with a view to achieving a common defense capability and becoming a genuine defense cooperation.”

Among other things, the commission urged that the country’s defense budget be increased from 0.75% of GDP to 1% by 2030. It also said that the majority of the members of the panel spoke in favor of lifting the 1998 ban on the re-export of arms to countries that are at war. This legislation previously caused complications for EU states looking to supply Kiev in its conflict with Moscow with weapons that had Swiss-made parts in them. The changes to Swiss neutrality policy are needed due to a “sharp deterioration in the situation in Europe, marked by power politics, increasingly destabilized crisis regions and, above all, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine,” the paper claims.

The recommendations by the commission are going to be taken into account during work on Switzerland’s new security policy, to be unveiled in 2025. The expert group’s paper had caused controversy even before it came out, with critics claiming that the head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), Viola Amherd, had deliberately formed the panel using experts who are against neutrality. On Thursday, the opposition Swiss People’s Party (SVP) again slammed the report, saying that the “politically one-sided” commission behind it has shown “disregard of the constitutionally guaranteed perpetual… neutrality of our country.” “It is an open secret that… Amherd wants to destroy Swiss neutrality and throw herself into the arms of NATO and the EU,” the statement by the SVP read.

Despite not being a member of the EU or NATO, Switzerland has joined nearly all of the Western sanctions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine conflict and has frozen billions of dollars worth of Moscow’s assets. In early 2024, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that, because of this, Moscow does not consider Switzerland to be a neutral country anymore. In June, the Swiss authorities hosted the so-called Ukraine peace conference, to which Russia was not invited. Moscow described the summit, which focused solely on Kiev’s proposals to settle the conflict, as a “parody of negotiations” and insisted that it would not have attended the event if Bern had asked for a Russian delegation to come.

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“The Biden administration has not ruled out sending US contractors to Ukraine completely, but it is not going to happen any time soon, the report read.”

US Not Sending Contractors To Service Ukrainian F-16s – WSJ (RT)

The administration of US President Joe Biden has rejected a Pentagon plan to send American contractors to Ukraine to maintain Western hardware, including F-16 fighter jets, the Wall Street journal has reported, citing officials in Washington. The longstanding debate about deploying US civilians to Ukraine to service the hardware supplied to Kiev by its foreign backers has intensified since the delivery of the first batch of six F-16s to Ukraine in late July, the outlet said in an article on Friday. The White House National Security Council looked into the proposal coming from the military, but deemed it to be too risky, officials familiar with the discussion told the WSJ. “The intelligence community raised concerns over the prospect of Russia targeting American contractors in Ukraine,” one of the sources told the outlet. The Biden administration has not ruled out sending US contractors to Ukraine completely, but it is not going to happen any time soon, the report read.

For now, Washington expects its NATO allies in Europe to take responsibility for servicing the US-designed jets, it added. The Netherlands, which together with Norway, Denmark and Belgium promised to supply Kiev with more than 80 F-16s, has already announced that it will fund a private contract between a civilian maintenance company and the Ukrainian Air Force. “We support the Ukrainian government financially to make those contracts with private partners to see if they can hold the aircraft up and running in the future,” General Onno Eichelsheim, the Dutch chief of defense, said on Wednesday. The WSJ noted that Ukraine had previously struggled to maintain other US-supplied weapons, such as the Abrams M1 tank, which had to be shipped outside the country for repairs. The outlet pointed out that an F-16 requires “hours of service for every hour of flight time,” with dozens of support personnel usually working on each plane.

Earlier this week, Kiev confirmed the loss of its first F-16, which reportedly crashed on Monday, killing its pilot. The Ukrainian media said the investigators were looking into technical problems and pilot error as the possible reasons for the accident. However, MP Mariana Bezuglaya claimed that the jet was shot down as a result of “friendly fire” from one of Ukraine’s US-donated Patriot air defense systems. Russian reports said that the F-16 could have been destroyed on the ground by an Iskander missile during a strike on an airfield in western Ukraine. In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the use of F-16s in the conflict will make them “a legitimate target” for Russian forces, warning that the planes will be struck even at airfields inside NATO countries if they operate from there.

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“ has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

West Knew About The “Surprise” Invasion of Kursk (Van den Ende)

In late June 2024, U.S. media reported that American military contractors would be sent to Ukraine, just weeks before the Kursk attack on August 6, 2024. After the attack on the Kursk region of the pre-war Russian Federation, the U.S. and its NATO proxies claimed that the incursion was a surprise offensive by Ukraine alone. The Forward Observation Group, the private U.S. paramilitary company that posted photos of its fighters involved in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive against the Kursk region, refused to comment on its involvement in the attack on August 6. “The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine,” four U.S. officials familiar with the matter told CNN, “to help the country’s military maintain and repair U.S.-provided weapons systems.”

According to CNN, “The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as the U.S. looks for ways to give Ukraine’s military an upper hand against Russia.” CNN and other U.S. and European news outlets reported in late June about the possible deployment of this private military group. The U.S. has a long history of using mercenaries as cover for official American military troops. Think of Blackwater and the mercenaries in Syria and Iraq, the White Helmets (trained in Jordan), and I even go so far as to say that ISIS (Daesh in Arabic) is a private mercenary army, trained by the CIA and Mossad in Camp Bucca, Iraq. The Foreign Observation Group (ironically, the acronym is FOG) is said to be a private group that claims to have traveled to Ukraine, Iraq and Syria to contact local fighters (jihadists) and take photos and videos of what they and the West call the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Syrian “civil war”.

All those conflicts are in reality proxy wars incited by the West, which is now resulting in a “hot war” between Russia and the U.S. and its criminal NATO partners. Even before Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) began in February 2022, Western media published photos sourced from the likes of FOG from the Donbass region of then-eastern Ukraine. The images attracted limited criticism for interviewing (extolling) members of the NeoNazi Azov Battalion. The Nazi insignia of the Azov troops were blatantly displayed and their Nazi affiliation was irrefutable. Western media association with the NeoNazi paramilitaries raised questions at the time about whether they were so-called documentary journalists or a party to the conflict. After the start of the SMO, the Western media whitewashed the NeoNazi image of the Azov Battalion and labeled them as the “good guys” fighting for the liberation of Ukraine.

The FOG group and other NATO private contractors are also active in obtaining medical supplies, equipment and money for Ukrainian fighters and foreign volunteers who have joined the International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine. To be sure, we heard from the Kremlin that many red lines have been crossed. Think of the recent attack with American ATACMS missiles on the beach in Crimea. The day that the U.S. announced that it would give private contractors a free hand, there was the attack on Crimea. Coincidence? No, I don’t think so! Since the attack on Kursk, the battlefield has an extra dimension and we can accurately talk about a tangible confrontation or war between America, its NATO proxies and Russia. One could even argue that the proxy war is over and there is a new phase of direct confrontation going on.

The U.S. government has so far gradually increased its military support to Ukraine. The purpose of this approach is to test the Russian red lines, to see how Moscow reacts to the deployment of each new weapons system or each new Western sanction and, most recently, of course, the donation of frozen Russian assets, mainly in Europe, to Ukraine. The situation has come to a head, in my humble opinion. Regarding Kursk, there has actually been an attack on Russia; Russian people have been killed, and slaughtered whereby civilians have been taken from their homes in trucks and executed. There is even footage of Ukrainian soldiers with SS helmets and with the detachment of Adolf Hitler’s Leibstandarte Regiment on their sleeves, harassing an old man, who was later killed.

The West is trying to push Russia to the limit, knowing that the Second World War is an extremely sensitive subject for Russian society where every family is related to a victim, a fallen soldier, a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, or aunt who was killed during the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany, in which more than 26 million people died. The recent action in the Kursk region, where most Russians perceive that the U.S. and its NATO accomplices are involved, is a brazen provocation. Indeed, more than a provocation, it has violated the Russian soul and there we have landed in a totally different dimension. Perhaps one might say, the “road of no return.”

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“Ritter’s case is a clear example that there is no democracy on American soil, as Washington is very close to revealing an open fascist face – similar to that of its Ukrainian proxy.”

US Advancing Police State Measures (SCF)

According to recent rumors spread by Western media, the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing a series of investigations and legal measures against American citizens who have cooperation ties with Russian TV channels. Like Ritter, several other American analysts have a dissenting opinion on the conflict in Ukraine and other world events, and are constantly invited by the Russian press to speak to the public and present arguments that would be easily censored in mainstream newspapers. Apparently, from now on, all these analysts will be targeted by the American “Justice”. The Justice Department’s decision to initiate criminal proceedings against American collaborators of Russian media outlets is yet another authoritarian move amid a recent wave of dictatorial actions in the U.S. and several Western countries.

The myth of Western democracy, which would be based on liberal principles and individual freedoms, is crumbling, with the authoritarian nature of the American regime becoming clear to the entire global public. Censorship has always been a common practice in Western countries. However, this reality was constantly disguised through the irresponsible actions of big propaganda newspapers. In the era of social networks, alternative media and citizen journalism, it is no longer possible to disguise the criminal actions of the authorities, as various critics emerge willing to show the reality and contradict the semi-state propaganda services provided by the hegemonic media.

However, it is precisely this reality of multiple sources of information that makes Western actions even more aggressive – especially in the American case. The U.S. is extremely reactive to all forms of dissenting opinion, toughening persecutory measures whenever opposing individuals and groups begin to gain ground in public opinion. Social platforms have made the work of people like Scott Ritter even more relevant, reaching an audience that would have been impossible until years ago – when the mainstream media held a monopoly on information (and thus on “truth”). This broad space for informational dissent is causing despair among American authorities, who are reacting with censorship and persecution.

The role of the Russian media in this scenario is extremely important. After being censored in the West, the Russian press began to attract even more attention from the Western public – who understood the censorship as what it really is: a failed attempt to hide the truth. More than that, the Western public began to understand that Russians, unlike the American and European authorities, do not use their media to unilaterally express opinions previously authorized by the state. On the contrary, the Russian press gives space to American and European citizens to express opinions that are censored in the liberal “democracies” of the West. All of this further increased the desperation of the anti-Russian authorities, leading to the current scenario of persecution.

Amid the currently tense domestic political scene, Washington is using the rhetorical excuse of preventing alleged “Russian influence” on the election result. As expected, U.S. officials are claiming that American analysts cooperating with Russian TV could have a negative impact on the elections – favoring Russian interests in the U.S. (as if such interests actually existed). Unfortunately, the persecution is only expected to increase. No American citizen who holds critical views on U.S. foreign policy is truly safe in his or her own homeland. Ritter’s case is a clear example that there is no democracy on American soil, as Washington is very close to revealing an open fascist face – similar to that of its Ukrainian proxy.

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“..he does not need to abide by US law, but he does need to abide by his own country’s laws..”

Musk Vows to Expose Top Brazilian Judge’s Crimes After Suspension of X (Sp.)

US billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk said on Saturday he would expose the alleged crimes of Brazilian Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes, who had ordered the nationwide suspension of the X social media network. “We will begin publishing the long list of [de Moraes’] crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow. Obviously, he does not need to abide by US law, but he does need to abide by his own country’s laws,” Musk wrote on X. Judge Alexandre de Moraes told internet providers in the nation of 200 million to block access to X, saying the platform lacked a “necessary legal representative” in Brazil — a key requirement tied to the suspension of accounts, which X had refused to comply with. In mid-August, X published a letter from de Moraes with demands for censorship and user account information that it said could affect users not only in Brazil, but also in the United States and Argentina.

X is the #1 news app on the AppStore in Brazil, leading both the free and grossing categories. Despite this, the Supreme Court has ordered the AppStore to remove X within 5 days.

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Make inflation go through the roof…on purpose. It’ll make people poor and docile.

Kamala Is Going To Drive Gold To $10,000 (Hickman)

Gold recently hit $2,500 marking an all time record high. The reality is, there’s a very good case to be made that gold is still quite cheap compared to its trajectory. It’s possible that in a few years, $2,500 gold could look remarkably inexpensive. Not to be overly dramatic, but Kamala Harris is a big reason why. I’m not a D or R kind of guy, but it’s impossible to ignore the impact of the upcoming election on the future of the US. At a press conference a few weeks ago, reporters asked Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, about the upcoming Presidential election and whether or not the Fed was modeling any potential policy changes depending on the outcome. But the Fed Chairman was almost proud of the fact that the election outcome didn’t factor into their planning at all.

The Fed considers itself apolitical. Powell seemed to think it was somehow wholesome and responsible to completely ignore perhaps the single most important factor that could drive the economy in the coming years—the outcome of the Presidential election. Two people with diametrically opposed views will clearly make a massive difference on the economy. I saw a report yesterday that, since she stole the nomination exactly one month ago, Kamala has raised $500 million. That brings her total campaign war chest to a massive $1 billion. It’s funny because I seem to remember Rep. AOC saying that, “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.” In this case, I’m inclined to agree with AOC.

Kamala took a half billion from Biden— the legitimate nominee— and raised another half billion by making the most outrageous claims and lying her ass off, without even bothering to sit for basic interviews or take legitimate questions. She’s been coronated without scrutiny, and only now are we starting to see how she views the economy. She seems to understand that a lot of people are suffering, and she at least partially diagnoses it accurately as the result of inflation. But she has no understanding of where the inflation comes from. There’s no discussion of the government’s role in running multi-trillion dollar deficits, the unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, and continuing to rack up trillions of dollars in debt every year, even though there’s no longer a national emergency.

Her plans will undoubtedly cause higher deficits and more inflation. For example, subsidizing housing is obviously only going to make everything cost more. Giving new home buyers a free $25,000 just means houses will become $25,000 more expensive. It’s exactly what happened during the pandemic when they started handing out stimmy checks— there was no increase in goods and services, just more money floating around, so prices went up. The same thing will happen with housing and everything else the government pours “free money” into. But they have no understanding of this. None of that factors into her thinking. To her, inflation is always and everywhere the result of corporate greed. And her solutions to inflation involve essentially criminalizing “greed” and throwing the full force and weight of the federal government into attacking the private business sector.

Now she’s talking about using the government and the legal system to go after private businesses. She’s attacking grocery store chains, accusing them of being greedy when their profit margins are a measly 2-3%. Apparently, that’s greedy. The Biden Administration has gone out of its way to destroy competition, even though competition is one of the most important factors in keeping prices low. They attack oil companies and prevent the expansion of US energy production. Of course that makes energy prices higher, which in turn makes the price of everything else higher. This is why it’s ultimately very difficult to see the dollar surviving as the global reserve currency through a single term of a Kamala administration. Her policies will create higher deficits, balloon the national debt, and drive up inflation.

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Part of an interview Nomi had with Robert Scheer. Train of thought.

End the US Dollar Chokehold on the World (Nomi Prins)

[..] central banks outside of the US centric system, China, India, Brazil, to an extent, Turkey etc, are trying to effectively grow their gold reserves again. Why are they trying to grow their gold reserves again? Because they’re looking at any way possible to diversify against the supremacy of the dollar in order to have that autonomy within the global system. It used to be the US, yes, and now China’s saying, Look, we’re developing more quickly the United States, we’re have more technological patents in the United States. We have more nuclear energy and advanced power plants and other forms of energy, and they’ve got negatives on cleanliness, but also are developing, and we’re just moving more quickly in terms of just the general move forward, and we’re going to do that with partners.

And what’s happened is the alliance of nations that needed the US and needed the dollar to trade don’t need it anymore. Saudi Arabia doesn’t need to value petroleum in dollars anymore. They can value it in a block that is continuing to strengthen. I was in Brazil in April, and I’ve done a lot of I did my page down the triangle between Brazil being in the middle of China in the US, and how that’s moving more towards China with, of course, diplomacy with the US still intact, but still from the standpoint of production, of workers, of partnerships. And I was in the capital actually talking about the g20 which is going to be happening in Rio in November. And what was going to be discussed at the g20 it’s going to be big on energy. It’s going to be big on digital platform, currency.

Why? Because it wants to create a digital way of of de dollarization and of creating more, whether it’s a world currency or what’s the currency amongst BRICS and other nations, as simply a method of payment, of securing flows of funds for products and services and trade across these nations. And what was interesting to me, just on a real sort of like basis, is, you know, you take Ubers, we do everywhere, and in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, the only car that that Uber drivers were driving was a BYD and an EV BYD. It’s called Build. You build your dream. It’s a Chinese company. They’re manufacturing now in the center of or trying to build a plant in the center of Brazil, and Teslas are nowhere to be found. And while I was there, Elon Musk was having a pretty strident argument with Lula, the president of Brazil, about the fact that he was favoring, in his opinion, a Chinese car company. And then you sort of flash back out of that. And the reality is these cars are not just going into Brazil, they’re going into Italy, they’re going into France, they’re going into Germany.

They’re outpacing in trade. Some of what’s happening with with a key new development, key new product that the United States is also competing on through Tesla, and it doesn’t need to have the United States market in order to be successful, and that has been a significant development in de dollarization as well, is that trade and movement and currency has all been shifting, but also there isn’t as much of a need, because the economies are growing so quickly, the alliances are growing so quickly for the United States, and that just diminishes the United States power from from a trade and currency perspective, perhaps not a military perspective, but it, but just it just eat away at that power base.

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The entire New Popular Front alliance (NFP) is joining in.

“France Unbowed” Party Moves to Impeach Macron (Sp.)

The left-wing France Unbowed party moved on Saturday to initiate the the impeachment of French President Emmanuel Macron after he rejected the candidacy of the New Popular Front’s Lucie Castets for prime minister. “The draft resolution to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the Republic, in accordance with Article 68 of the Constitution, was sent to the members of Parliament today for joint signature,” Mathilde Panot, the leader of the France Unbowed group in the parliament, said on X. The party lashed back at Macron for turning down its pick for prime minister despite the leftist coalition winning the most seats in the parliamentary runoff in July.

Under Article 68, the president can only be removed from office over a breach of duties that is clearly incompatible with the exercise of the presidential mandate. France Unbowed has enough seats to initiate the procedure, but it needs the approval of a two-thirds majority in both chambers of parliament. Macron met with parliamentary factions and party leaders in August in a bid to negotiate a new government after the election resulted in a hung parliament. He excluded the New Popular Front, which secured 182 out of 577 seats, from the talks citing concerns about “institutional stability.”

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